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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7013663 No.7013663 [Reply] [Original]

Here's an easy example for you newfriends and eternal brainlets.

Why is Minecraft so successful yet Infiniminer isn't? Simple answer: Marketing

>b-but muh fundamentals
Fundamentals can be copied quickly and don't matter as much as you think for public sentiment

>b-but LINK is further in development
maybe for now, but WTC is not betting on it for long term

Deluded linkies have no idea how important capitalizing on first-mover advantage is. It does not matter how good your tech is if you can't sell it. I bet some of you could build a computer and install macOS on it, but I wonder why nobody is willing to pay $1000-$2000 premium for it??

You can only blame Sergey for sitting on his hands for the past crucial months and only yourself for falling for /biz/ memes and getting too emotional about a fucking coin. You've been warned.

>> No.7013789

This is not some video game for an autistic 10 year old like yourself.

These "fundamentals" will be shaping a new course in the world's economic machine.

>> No.7013820


>> No.7013823

I want to accumulate more too anon but fuding link is pointless

>> No.7013833

I'm sorry, but did ChainLink already crash? Oh, thats right, the mainnet isn't even out yet. In fact, its only Q1. Does not being top 10 market cap before your product is finished count as crashing? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when sergey is still securing partnerships? Chainlink is still growing and they have been the best alt coin on binance for how many months now? It's falling against the worst shitcoin on /biz/ which just happens to be mooning because it is feeding off the energy of retarded normies. But you know what? It's still a fucking shitcoin. Chainlink has one of the biggest potentials in crypto, it would have hit 1 dollar EOY last year if bitcoin didn't dip. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you are going to be embarassed when chainlink moons and someone bumps this topic. Oh look that, it just broke 7k sats, just like it should have a month ago. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these LINK fud threads because you're a faggot hater who is jealous they didn't buy in. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life then maybe try to fud these fucking coins on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.7013862


They are in the process of hiring a PR anyway.

>> No.7013892

>first-mover advantage
chainlink testnet Q1
mobius testnet Q2

>assuming that a company with any business acumen would choose to market an enterprise product to normies for chump change instead of focusing directly on big banks first
>what is an NDA

how retarded are you?

>> No.7013927

Chainlink testnet is up since last year. Simpler version of mainnet is coming soon (Q1 2018).

>> No.7014020

gotta be straight up retarded comparing a videogame aimed at the general public having marketing for their audience and Link which aims for big corporations not reaching out to you from your retarded social media just to forkfeed you some "trust" in the project

>> No.7014043

I’m half in Link half in Tron so I have both spectrums of marketing covered senpai

>> No.7014162


This new pasta?

>> No.7014189

This, don't need advertising if you have first mover advantage. OP doesn't even remember that Minecraft didn't have any advertising when it came out. Like for a solid year in Alpha but it got spread because it was good and the first of its kind.

Sound familiar?

>> No.7014313
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>t. Rory

>> No.7014392

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up Chainlink cube* my name is katy but u can call me t3h CrYpT0 oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet crypto traders like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 talk about smart contracts w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite technology!!! bcuz its SOOOO complicated!!!! she has Chainlink 2 of course but i want 2 meet more traders =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

>> No.7014404


These reddit fags are obvious as fuck

Guaranteed you have been here for less than 6 months

>> No.7014444

mobius not bag stink link shoo am serious would not lie mobius win big try

>> No.7014500
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>> No.7014505

>conveniently ignoring the Apple comparison
Keep holding onto them "fundamentals" anon, I'm sure no other team can replicate them in a nicer package.

stale pasta

>process of hiring a PR anyway
Too little, way too late

Years head start for LINK and mobius is only one Q behind. Proving my point.

subtle bait anon

>it got spread because it was good
Yes I already said marketing is important, learn to read anon
>don't need advertising if you have first mover advantage
Oh, you don't even know what Infiniminer is then

>> No.7014592
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What's the point of marketing when you don't have any product?
What's the point of inflating the price of your vaporware shit when it's not even being used?
Marketing makes sense if you have something to offer.
Btw, what is better marketing? Link being used by big established financial institutions and as a way of resolving real problems, or simply hyping up your project because "muh redditor investors".

Link will win because Sergey is looking past the retarded crypto bubble.
When it pops, guess what will survive?
Working products backed by real institutions and enterprises, not retarded hype by lambo moonbois to the moon!! get your spacesuits ready boisss!

>> No.7014731

>What's the point of marketing when you don't have any product?
>Link being used by big established financial institutions
>don't have any product
>used by big established financial institutions
Eternal brainlet

>When it pops, guess what will survive?
When the crypto bubble pops, there will be a dozen projects solving the oracle problem with better fundamentals. LINK will be like LTC, where LTC only purpose is to send cheap, fast payment but it can't even do that well. Unfortunately for LINK, it won't even get that brief time in the sun.

>> No.7014812

Simple question.. Why would we want to use a decentralised oracle?
Isn't it better to refer to a centralised oracle as a source of reliable information? IE: Weather report oracle refers to www.weather.com. We do not want to get decentralised data which could come from NorthkoreaWeather.com.

>> No.7014973

UUUUuuuuuughhhhh fuck OFF!
I bet you got like a 100k and you just...AAaah!

>> No.7015742

Apples target audience is also the sheeple. Link will be adopted by businesses and developers, not the average retard that sits on the couch all day watching the TV spoon feed everything that he "needs" to buy.

Kys sad FUDder

>> No.7015776

Of course not. Centralisation means it can be easily tampered. That's the whole point of the blockchain; the information, that is decentralised, is verified by so many computers that it's almost impossible for anything in it to be fake.

>> No.7015806

Sigh always bubble talk, bubbles burst all the time, it grows bigger, it's a hyper market, we have seen nothing like this, ifs going to boom and bust until it swallows the world economy eventually and we will act like it was normal all along. We are years away from this.

>> No.7015852

Shills revealed too much trade secrets, they spammed 4chan everyday talking about trade secrets of Chainlink.

Now smart people created Mobius, a Chainlink clone, and secured partnership with Waltonchain, a blue chip coin.

Chainlink is the one who partnered with Walton if the shills keep quiet and protect trade secrets.

>> No.7015914
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Holy shit, dude. Are you here shilling Mobius again?

Mobius is not a real project. It IS going to fail.

I honestly don't care if any of you buy LINK anymore. I'm tired of trying to make the case to you people. You either get it or you don't. this same tired FUD is just that - tired. None of it has any real teeth.

Buy LINK or don't, I don't care. Just know you're being stupid if you back Mobius over ChainLink.

>> No.7015925
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>> No.7016216
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>> No.7016381
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the same thing happened when toilet trade secrets were leaked and pajeet partnered with street.

>> No.7016393

I took a shit this morning, a real belly rumbler. I jumped outta bed, ran to the shitter and held on for dear life. As the hot liquid stream of shit spewed from my anus, it let out a unique sound.


And there I sat, sweat on my brow, gasping for air. I flushed the hot steaming stew of shit down the toilet and for the most part forgot about it, until now.