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File: 26 KB, 400x400, trevon james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7004194 No.7004194 [Reply] [Original]

This guy JUST deleted his videos on YT regarding the Bitconnect scandal, possibly to avoid a class action lawsuit. Is he fucked?

>> No.7004216

His lips look like sausages.

>> No.7004235

His sausage looks like lips

>> No.7004237


if people saved those videos (which im sure they did)

yeah hes fucked. Nigger took forever to cover his tracks

>> No.7004267


>> No.7004271

he's a multimillionaire that will likely walk away from all of this with no consequences. thats how life goes.

>> No.7004277

who cares

>> No.7004377

Idk about how specific law works here, but wouldn't you have to prove that he knew it was a scam which would be almost impossible? Even if he sold at the top it doesn't prove anything, he could have just been taking a profit.

>> No.7004381

he just admitted to his crime by destroying evidence

>> No.7004427

That's not how it works, white boi

>> No.7004433

this nigger has the stupidest hair and he always makes that retarded face
I hope he gets his clothes sued off him.

>> No.7004475

you think?
im sure 1 bullet to the head still kill him
and im sure theres a lot of people that want him dead

>> No.7004499

I'm so sick of that ponzinigger's gaping face, same fucking expression on every vid

>> No.7004500
File: 84 KB, 694x694, le bitonnect frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AYO officer, I din make no videos about bitconnects, what are you talkin' about?

>> No.7004575

Why the fuck would any take this niggers advice?

I'd rather take advice from a board of NEET neckbeards.

>> No.7004616

It's because he's getting legal threats from other niggers.

>> No.7004929
File: 168 KB, 500x500, AYYWETRUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listening to a nigger

IMO these people deserved to lose their money. Around blacks never relax, how hard is it people?

>> No.7005007

Watching this nigger and the idiots who took advice from a nigger crash and burn is quality entertainment.

>> No.7005015

he's literally f#k...his only hope is to make it to federal prison, anything less he's toast.

>> No.7005103

>nigger is a thief and scammer


>> No.7005186

Kek if it is that easy literally every single politician would've died.

>> No.7005233

I fell for it, I lost 17k in BitConnect cause of this dickhead

>> No.7005479

You can only blame yourself...

>> No.7005671

It's gonna go back up, Imma steak my bitconnect

>> No.7005849

Translation: I will gamble my meme currency and lose it all again

>> No.7005894

Doesn't """destroying""" evidence just make things worse?

>> No.7005912
File: 177 KB, 1591x771, cantgetaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted my ass.

>> No.7005992


>> No.7006024


>> No.7006132

If they don't get him in the class action they sure as hell will be getting him with a tax audit. This dumb nigger sure isn't gonna file his taxes right.

>> No.7006135

Imma steak my BCC coyns

>> No.7006166

>class action lawsuit a nigger

What are they hoping to split up? A bucket of fried chicken and some Asian porn collections?

>> No.7006171

I'm involved in the lawsuit and I downloaded all of the vids

>> No.7006209

Do you honestly think you are going to get something from this?

>> No.7006254

I'm not a plaintiff

>> No.7006275
File: 252 KB, 1066x600, 1516152060083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck

btw posting that you invested in this on 4chan is probably not the best thing since everybody here thinks ur an idiot that fell for scam.

>> No.7006276

Anyone who claims to be an innocent victim of bitconnect and shillers is lying.
Every single last one of those greedy niggers knew it was a ponzi, and they just hoped to get out first and dump their bags on the next wave.
I hope that they will never ever see a single cent out of these lawsuits and end up paying the lawyers too.

>> No.7006279

Hi CryptoNick a.k.a John Doe

>> No.7006294
File: 23 KB, 600x484, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't invest in it and I didn't say I did.

>> No.7006301

kek he’s gonna be dead a lot of people want him dead better change your name get plastic surgery and move to mexico

>> No.7006327

Not a defendant either. I'm just helping out. I suggest everyone else does the same with future scams because it helps the crypto ecosystem in general.

>> No.7006413
File: 88 KB, 625x374, 7858EF42-4C4A-4435-8A78-9CAAE000ABE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are one of the shiester attorneys trying to profit off the misery of others? Please explain!

>> No.7006454

>sir please pull over your vehicle*
>treven looks at the camera
>no problem officer
*struggles to put on steabelt for 5 minutes*
>sir we wont ask you again
*officer open fires*

>> No.7006464

I'm just a bystander that hates scammers

>> No.7006465

There IS a class action lawsuit in progress afaik, isn't getting rid of evidence another crime on top of the ponzi biscuit?

>> No.7006488


>> No.7006514

Shit lawsuits bring shit regulations. People got scammed they should learn their lessons and move on. Fuck Normies not able to see an obvious ponsi scheme.

>> No.7006524

>Dear Police, I went on youtube for investment advice and listened to the guy in this picture, how could this have happened to me?

>> No.7006530

You're doing the lords work anon. keep it up!

>> No.7006533
File: 147 KB, 1024x831, 1505539141891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7006557

Scammers will be less inclined to scam if they see other scammers getting fucked up the ass by the long dick of the law.

>> No.7006572
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>> No.7006589
File: 1.04 MB, 512x512, 1516482529254.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7006606

>Is he fucked?
I hope so, lynch 'em.

>> No.7006620


>> No.7006626

will be wearing a dress an calling himself Shirley to get kept in the big house His time will be so hard he'll be incontinent at 40

>> No.7006652

kek no, he's going to jail

>> No.7006669

Thay will supoena his emails, transactions over state borders, wire fraud, RICO-case with biconné.

>> No.7006670


you should have seen the comment being upvoted by blacks on one of the vids after BCC crashed. it was a white dude explaining to blacks they need to stop taking financial advice from other blacks because blacks scammers dont give a fuck about their own. blacks put tribalism above everything, even if it hurts them.

>> No.7006681

listening to crypto advice from a nigger

fucking everybody deserved to get scammed

>> No.7006698

That is one ugly ass good for nothing nigger. Whys his mouth always open like he's waiting to receive a load? every god dam pic, stupid nigger

>> No.7006716

Bullshit. Yea, stupid people exist but that doesn't make it right to take advantage of them. They should be protected.

>> No.7006718


>> No.7006727
File: 71 KB, 1024x640, 1515108798833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Georg "Cant flim flam the zim zam" Zimmermann when you need him?

>> No.7006852

Madoff was a literal multi-billionaire. He didn't walk away with no consequences. ALL his assets were seized and he is still in prison right now and will probably die in prison.

>> No.7006856

>They should be protected.

Get ready for complete governmental regulations of crypto faggot

>> No.7006943

Hate to break it to you, but I'm not against governments trying to regulate it.

>> No.7006952

No, they should be culled like the sheep they are.

>> No.7007178
File: 29 KB, 502x442, 1514946543995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger thinks he can cover his tracks