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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1516815102572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6978803 No.6978803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Started using other boards besides /biz/
>Start noticing all these communist threads
>Remember how unequal the wealth distribution
>Start remembering how high the college loan debt is

Guys does anyone else get scared of an unironic communist revolution as soon as we get rich? I made this thread yesterday, yes but im still scared.

I know this might be a shitpost to some of you but I literally cant stop thinking about how all my hardwork might be in vain. I'm not rich of course but working steadily towards it. I buy index funds and ethereum with my paychecks mostly.

>> No.6979026
File: 53 KB, 200x200, Whatnow?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't steal my money if it's all virtual and they don't have the key

>> No.6979056

i am an unironic communist tho

t. Cuban

>> No.6979101
File: 164 KB, 940x900, 18556315_823726984444220_3223094494624437169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone else get scared of an unironic communist revolution?

Scared? SCARED?! Motherfucker myself, most of my friends, /k/, /pol/, and like half of /biz/ are eagerly awaiting it. Remove Commie.

>> No.6979132
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Here's a gift for you comrade, and of course it's free.

>> No.6979146

hahahahah ok cletus

Pinochet was a documented pedophile enabler. Great choice of an idol

>> No.6979162

biz is the ultimate board

everything else is childs play

>> No.6979168
File: 59 KB, 500x500, moonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think the police are the enemy
>they don't realize the police are the ones protecting them
I love the left, I hope they "win"

>> No.6979205

First of all you shouldn't even be remotely scared of commie antifa snowflakes. Second, even if you were scared, >>6979026 is right.

>> No.6979208

In event of a revolution, bitcoin won’t have value because the revolutionaries will just take all the stuff that you would like to buy with bitcoin

>> No.6979211

It’s gonna feel so good to butcher scum like you. I honestly can’t wait.

>> No.6979229

>dont tread on me
>but also support the police

Make up your mind or don't I genuinely wont mind watching a few uppity rednecks get droned

>> No.6979254

Don't worry. Military drones will firmly put power in the hands of capitalists once and for all! For the first time in history, the rich minority will not have to appease the masses, or feel threatened by a popular uprising.

>> No.6979265

You are larping way to hard cletus.

You will literally never do anything other than whine on the internet.

Hold a rally or something if you want, its not like normies + commies dont already just chase you nerds off the premises already.

>> No.6979301

These people never go very far in life. Their only hope at success is to become the next Al Sharpton or (insert professional victim here)

>> No.6979346

Anyway while i all have your attention buy turtle coin

>> No.6979360
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>> No.6979403

Go away cancer.

>> No.6979408

When you read words do you bother to comprehend them, or do you just call the person a Nazi/redneck/inbred as quickly as you can? Perhaps you should try actually reading what you're replying to - in this case you'll notice it contains neither of the sentiments you've attributed to it.

>> No.6979443

You forgot incel, I like to use that one the most since it really encompasses most of /pol/

>> No.6979458

>expecting either legit commie or a baiting shill pajeet to read and reply in good faith

>> No.6979497

Communism isn't the answer but we need some kind of wealth redistribution. Purchasing power has been getting worse and worse every year and as automation is just around the corner we need some shit like universal basic income in order to combat loss of jobs. for example, I fucking go to the mall so rarely now, and when I do they're almost completely empty or its just stores closing down/getting liquidated. Everybody buys shit online.

>> No.6979496

when you've been on this site for over a decade long before there was even a /pol/ you stop caring about the quality of your posts.

Chin up buckaroo, we all get here one day.

>> No.6979539

unlike the real bolsheviks todays commies are neither truly oppressed or have the skills to start a revolution. they are simply the pawns of politicians and corporations who want either easy votes or to have them buy specific brands of "activist" merch

>> No.6979558
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The Only way Communism would ever work would be in a friendly robot paradise where humans perform minimal jobs

>> No.6979578

>Actually spending that much time on 4chan
How the hell did you not grow out of it.

>> No.6979584

yeah man everything is a conspiracy

stay woke

>> No.6979598
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Nice strawman, unfortunately for your delusions I've actually lived in blue states my entire life. I currently reside in one of the larger cities in this country and it's a liberal hellhole.

As for Pinochet, he's also the reason Chile has the third highest standard of living in the Americas behind the U.S. and Canada. As opposed to say, your crumbling Socialist utopias in Venezuela and Cuba, where they subsist off of rats and rotting fruit. If you still think Socialism/Communism can work after a century of constant failure, you deserve a short drop and a sudden stop.

They're truly oblivious.

>Implying you can't have police to keep the peace and an armed citizenry
>Implying most cops aren't pro second amendment
>Implying it's armed whites who the police regularly have to contain and not drugged up blacks

As I recall everytime antifa actually encounters a right wing group in the street, they get their asses soundly kicked unless they outnumber the right wingers by like ten to one, and even then it's a toss up. Good luck starting a revolution when it's the right wing that staffs the military and owns 90% of the firearms you fucking cuck. This isn't Russia or China where the citizenry were disarmed in advance.

>> No.6979601

I agree, when self-repairing machines replace low-skilled labor and most citizens have some form of BUI I think our society and species as a whole are going to experience a sort of existential crisis like none other. Communism isn’t the answer though, we need to find a reliable method to bring others up, not force everyone down to the same level. Communism only works if it’s voluntary, which is fundamentally impossible on a larger scale.

>> No.6979631

You are here forever man. I dont spend as much time as I did when I was a lad, but I came back after this election mostly to trigger /pol/ every once in a while

Chicago? Sweet me too lets meet up and touch dicks?

>> No.6979632

Again you give no indication that you have the ability to read, comprehend or respond meaningfully.

>> No.6979664

Ah, the "I've rationalized my stupidity" excuse. Pretty unoriginal move but whatever floats your boat.
I like how you guys pretend to be oldfags and yet exhibit no sign of chan culture and lingo. Pretty convincing.

>> No.6979668

>implying the righties werent picked up in droves by ambulances everytime.

Hence why triggered righties always feel the need to point out how violent antifascists are lmao

Easy incel you sound very smart TM

>> No.6979700

dont mess with football
pools closed
lol u tk him to da bar

reciting memes like a sperg is lame my man.

>> No.6979716

>Want to murder people who earned money to give to the people who didn't.

Communists are only a step below terrorists in the "shitty person" category.

>> No.6979719

Communism will fail.
It failed after trying countless time during the 20th century, and it will fail again.
Specially because the material conditions of the proletariat are better now than they were before.
They are fucked.
And if they start feeling a little bad because of muh inequality, you just give them some "free things" college, healthcare and bs, but without compromising the majority of the existing private property.

The welfare state is the best way to maintain private property and capitalism.

And it's why communism will not succeed.

And if they "succeed" you just kill them. It's that easy.

>> No.6979724
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The problem with Communism is it requires a consensus of opinion which necessitates the destruction of personal liberties. And seeing as humans are inherently different from each other, there will never be voluntary uniform consensus. This is why Communist States always become totalitarian in nature.

You got it, we can have a "sword fight" in front of the art institute as an art project. We'll call it chad claymore versus cucked butterknife.

>> No.6979763

>reciting memes I read in kym will prove my point.
It's actually a good thing that you don't get it. It makes so easy to spot you guys.

>> No.6979804

>want to exploit natural resources and vulnerable cultures for cheap labor

Capitalists are only one step below terrorists in the "shitty person" category

Look is anyone here going to buy turtles or not? I cant open my communal gulag if you dont buy my bags

>> No.6979848

>im an oldfag
>no yur not im an oldfag

k, like i said pointless conversation my man.

>> No.6979860
File: 155 KB, 1079x1064, 1506630818457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're that same faggot we keep destroying every fucking thread you show up in?

Why are you even on this board you bootlicking waste of life?

>> No.6979862

>everyone falling for the obvious b8
First day on 4chan, eh kids?

>> No.6979881

>hard work

>> No.6979890

Lmao communists are massive pussies and constantly get killed every time they try to take over shit

Lol I can't wait for you all to die

>> No.6979908

If you are trying to increase your self worth through arguing on an anonymous image board thats your deal my man.

Better yourself. Get a degree, a career, find someone to love, buy my turtles. Anything man

>> No.6979909

can't kill an idea

>> No.6979916

Your ideology wants to ban crypto yet you are here using it.

>> No.6979941

>the exact 100 same "bait" threads every day
>it's just trolls lol
Such simple trolls that get their kicks doing the same thing all day every day. It's almost like a job for them, huh.

>> No.6979949

The idea already died though
Dustbin of history lmao

>> No.6979956

Why do you think the majority of us welcome /pol/?

>> No.6979978

You can't even answer the question.

Why are you here?

>> No.6979990

IOTA is pretty communist man

>> No.6979991
File: 27 KB, 600x418, disgusted_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts are 25% of this thread my man. Bump it up to 30%, project a little harder and maybe you'll get that dopamine you're chasing.

>> No.6980004

i've seen people on /biz/ that live in venezuela. It's pretty easy to hide money from general public in crypto, specially if you use anonimity coins

>> No.6980019


Voting for bernie sanders is a high IQ country kind of solution.

Only dumbass countries get screwed with a commie revolution.

When the time comes just fucking vote for the candidate that is going to actually give you something

Google guaranteed minimum income

>> No.6980067

Why don't commies give away all their shit to the poor so they can be equal?

Oh yeah, because they don't actually expect their quality of life to diminish, they want to be card-carrying party members and live a life of luxury while everyone else is stripped of their rights and property

>> No.6980110

Why do you expect people that are currently living under capitalism to pretend they are living under communism.

Thats not how aid works. Providing temporary aid is completely innefective. Please do not make brainlet arguments on /biz/ this is a VERY SMART TM board

>> No.6980124

That's as retarded as saying "Communists bought something? CHECKMATE YOU'RE NOT REALLY A COMMUNIST". Not defending them but it's just dumb logic.

>> No.6980147

Amerifats are way too pussy you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.6980167

The commies are afraid of guns these days, so no. A bunch of pussies.

>> No.6980199

So he was redpilled on female biological readiness after 12?

>> No.6980224

Problem is all the actual high IQ people have good jobs and don't need $15 minimum wage or college gibs for all. We want less taxes

>> No.6980267

The only "wealth distribution" is splattering your brains on the wall.

>> No.6980350

communism is kept alive because it is the solution to the weak and insecure. biological failures realise they cant achieve success themselves so naturally the lean towards an ideology where they can simply leach off of others in order to survive.

thankfully most of these people will die poor, miserable and childless. communism de facto doesn't work so if it is realised it will be short lived. i have the money to move to as safe, free country that respects private property at a moments notice so i dont really care

>> No.6980381

It was a shitty example but that wasn't my main point. What I was trying to highlight is that these commie larpers do not expect to be the ones slaving away at farms, mines, etc. They don't expect to be the victims of hunger or famine. They don't expect to have their property confiscated and have people moved into their homes by the state. They think that they would be exempt from that because they voted for Bernie and espoused Marxism. They imagine their lives no different, but history shows they are the useful idiots that get fucked in the ass harder than anyone else.

>> No.6980394

This holy fucking shit. There was a guy on /v/ the other day LITERALLY BRAGGING about how he spends every available dollar he has. Poorfags make me seethe because it’s their own fault

>> No.6980407

You want to know an interesting phenomena? The fastest way to turn a person away from communism is for them to win the lottery or gain wealth. Now get off this board you subhuman piece of rotten carboard eating welfare grabbing shit. You literally will be a net loss for society.

>> No.6980425
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>> No.6980436

No cryptos are communist.
Communists hate cryptos.
You must be confused.

>> No.6980463

What else is new.

>> No.6980465

You seem to be strugling with the ideas of personal and private property as well as occupancy and use.

reminder t. cuban i am well aware of land confiscation.

>> No.6980476

>Purchasing power has been getting worse
Because of central banking you gigantic fucking retard.
Crypto destroys central banking and destroys communism.

Ubi is fucking retarded.

>> No.6980487

nah commies are subhuman

>> No.6980497

>personal and private property
Arbitrary definitions only communist brainlets care about.

>> No.6980498

> :The users have to maintain the network in order to be able to use it. If you want to make a transaction, you have to check two other transactions. Simple as that.

This way, no user is above any other. If you want to be a part of the network, you have to work for it. Each user contributes and receives according to her needs."

yeah sounds pretty COMMIE TM to me lads

>> No.6980499

I'm not the one struggling with that, commies are.

>> No.6980524

>Pinochet was a documented pedophile enabler.
Chilean here. Stop shittalking about Pinochet, you shithead commie. He should have killed more of your disgusting parasitic kind.

>> No.6980554

>when Pinochet mostly just killed his own former officers but edgey teens will call them communists like 30 years later

also sorry your man protected a nazi pedophile with his own secret police.

>Paul Schäfer Schneider (4 December 1921 – 24 April 2010)[1] was the founder and former leader of a sect and agricultural commune of German immigrants called Colonia Dignidad ("Dignity Colony")—later renamed Villa Baviera—located in the south of Chile, about 340 km south of Santiago, where many sexual abuses against minors took place. Investigations by Amnesty International and the Chilean National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation Report have verified that Colonia Dignidad was used by DINA, the Chilean secret police, as a torture and detention center during Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship.[2][3]

>> No.6980558

>> :The users have to maintain the network in order to be able to use it. If you want to make a transaction, you have to check two other transactions. Simple as that.

Wow lol voluntary human interaction in a market?
That seems extremely free market capitalist.

Communists hate crypto and hate you for using crypto, you are just extremely confused.

>> No.6980646

Who cares?
Chile has the highest living standards in South America today.
This makes commies extremely upset so they nitpick smaller issues to try to smear him.

>> No.6980674

>i am an unironic communist tho


>> No.6980722

The only thing stalin did wrong was not strangling every last Kulak with his bear hands.

You arent a descendant of Kulaks are you? It would be a shame if you got......collectivized.

>> No.6980784

imagine getting so upset you actually type in all caps while simultaneously not acknowledging modern day exploitation as well as historical colonialism


>> No.6980828

>when Pinochet mostly just killed his own former officers
The ones who didn't support him.
But he killed mostly communists.
>also sorry your man protected a nazi
Good, I respect him even more.

>> No.6980878

American college student here
Recently heard a student and teacher discussing how capitalism was unfair, unjust, and how socialist systems are so much better. This professor will only explain capitalism from a marxist perspective. Proletariat and all that.

>> No.6980914


WIld how Pinochet is going to have the exact same split legacy as Daddy Fidel.

Benevolent dictators for everyone!

>> No.6980963

I love how libertarians most successful "libertarian" society was also essentially a dictatorship. The only proof they have of their ideology working is essentially a society where the changes were instituted and protected through nothing more than aggression and violence by the state.

>> No.6980968

The difference between Pinochet and Fidel is that Chile actually succeeded because of his policies

The ends don’t justify the means but if we’re looking at historical examples then it’s worth talking about

>> No.6980969

I hope when most of us don't make it you'll stop being class traitors and join the workers in overthrowing the wealthy ruling class

>> No.6980972

Call me edgy but I’m eagerly waiting for lefties to revolt en mass, it’s so tiresome to try and fight em politically when most of them have no jobs and can fuck shit up on a daily basis, a mass revolt that turns into civil war/chaos would give people like me the chance to finally remove reds, I would so go to town on all the lefties I come across.

>> No.6981078

Cuba succeeded in its own rights

>still independant
>still boasts trememndous health care standards
>still has some of the longest life spans in the world despite poor conditions
>zero literacy or homelessness

Its not a paradise and has similar conditions to most other carribean nations, and the central government made many mistakes which i will glady crit.

But all and all cuba is doing fine. I have zero complaints when i go to visit relatives

>> No.6981081

>communist revolution
Most communists today probably can't do 20 pushups without taking a break

>> No.6981295

Can mods do their jobs

>> No.6981325

They can, however suck cock.

>> No.6981384

>I don't know what to say so I call him edgy to feel superior
Literally a retard. Using "edgy" is the typical normie response when they find an idea that they deem too strange or inappropriate.
It doesn't say anything, just that you don't like the idea.

>> No.6981419

The most successful libertarian society was usa pre1913.

Chile under Pinochet wasnt anything close to libertarian or free market

It was just a radical change from economic slavery to freedom that we praise it for what it was

Hell even western euro countries at the time were more free market.

Kill yourself marxist idiot

>> No.6981446

>right wing dictatorship


>> No.6981485



>> No.6981500

Yes. He killed communists. What's the problem?
They destroyed the entire country, it was totally justifiable.

>> No.6981540

Yeah i mean sure if thats how you want to interpret history incorrectly sure.

>> No.6981547

>not fascist
>not anti free market
>not anti merit
>not fattening up leaders with the toil of slave class
>not shit

>> No.6981579

I used to be a commie before I came here

unfortunately, a true communist, or even libertarian socialist, revolution will never happen in the US in our lifetime

which is part of why im here, fuck the banks regardless

The dollar will go to shit, however, so keep your money in crypto

>> No.6981581

>interpret history incorrectly
Lol. Just read about the country during Allende's presidency. The country was literally being destroyed, socially, economically, everything. It was total chaos.

>> No.6981611

>"according to her needs"
but a user "requiring" substantially more of the network for transactions than other, would be by definition above others, no?

>> No.6981702

Hey man just recognize pinochet as a ruthless dictator who labeled any dissenters "communist"

It was an oppressive military dictatorship. Hence all the human rights violations

Daddy Fidel wasnt even that bad.

>> No.6982903

Crypto should in theory contribute to economic distribution.

The major reason there are these vast differences in wealth today is mostly due to things like central banking and fiat currency. Crypto will put a lot of power back into the hands of the primary people who create wealth - young, energetic males. A huge part of the reason parts of Africa (think of Zimbabwe) are impoverished is that central banks and government are able to terrorise the average male and steal the products of his labour to redistribute to roasties first and elites second. Same thing pretty much anywhere you have poverty.

>> No.6983069

What is the purpose of this thread other than to shit up the board with off-topic /pol/ related arguments?

>> No.6983120
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The level of triggered this comment causes

>> No.6983124

Thread is /pol/ bait. Plain and simple. It serves no other purpose.

>> No.6983135

Castro was a million times worse and condemned his entire nation to poverty

Castro's killed far more people


>> No.6983170
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1512514863850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel that guy got btfo senpai
Are you reading the thread?

>> No.6983237

He enforced free markets through state power

Of course he made the country more free
Lol idiot

>> No.6983309

>Getting btfod on an anonymous image board.

I only ask that ancaps kill themselves quickly

>> No.6983346


Hey it's me cuban friend again. It's not that bad my man and besides we got to kill a lot of capitalists so it was totally worth it.

Like definitely way more capitalists then pinoshit did to communists.

Bless daddy fidel every day

>> No.6983393

Glad you admit that capitalism can't exist without a state senpai

>> No.6983409
File: 79 KB, 580x413, fidel-con-ametralladora-pal-sitio-ale-580x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comandante fidel alejandro castro ruz, a hero who did nothing wrong. well a couple things but he self crit. Gusanos stay btfo

>> No.6983462

Always self crit.

>> No.6983606
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>> No.6983631
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I mean, look at it.

>> No.6983758
File: 146 KB, 584x810, C1chdzjWgAATcJx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christian bible says the future is a totalitarian orwellian state. Just dont be a cuck and die fighting.

Kill a commie for mommy

>> No.6983781

looks like a fucking shantytown

>> No.6983820

>being asspained that you got btfo on an anonymous image board

Ancaps actually care about their lives unlike communists.
It's incredible you haven't killed yourself yet.

Capitalism can exist with or without a state retard.
Pinochet just took the monopoly on force away from the socialists.
Socialism can't exist without a state and the times it was tried without a state were actually extremely statist.

Anime is bourgeois propaganda and it's awesome, no wonder commies want to ban it.

>> No.6983928

Why are you even on this board of you hate what we do here and want to ban or hobby?

>Hey it's me cuban friend again. It's not that bad my man and besides we got to kill a lot of capitalists so it was totally worth it.
Commies are still butthurt to this very day of how many commies based Pinochet killed.
They practically wiped the country clean of marxists lmao

>Bless daddy fidel every day
Communists infantilize themselves, having dictators that destroy their living standards and control every aspect of their lives as their daddy.
This is so hilarious.
You people want to be slaves.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.6984245


>Be me young boy raised in falling communist country
>Life is getting rough not much food going around
>One day come inside the house and tell mom i am hungry, mom gives me and my sister all the food that was left
>Ask if she already eaten (tells me she ate at work)
>She probably lied so her children can eat in peace
>Same situation happens for years to come
>See mom's face getting thiner over time
>Tear drops down cheek as i type this (i love my mom)

>2018 comes and commies larpers start to appear on the Internet thinking they will lead some commie revolution.
>They think they can force that shit on us again (not knowing there are still millions of people like me who are eagerly waiting to release all that anger that has been accumulating trough time)

Commie larpers can't even imagine the level of anger that people like me hold in their souls from the years of horrors that they been trough. I hope they are willing to be as determined as all the people who know where communism leads to because those people will unironically hunt them down like the animals they are.

>> No.6984275

What country did you live in?

>> No.6984334

I dont want to be rich I just want to not have to work against my will just to survive. As long as the commies give me a UBI or something I'm fine with it, they can have my excess lambos.

>> No.6984367



>> No.6984463

No because with any small fortune I hope to make from crypto I would move away from the JEW.S.A. seriously hate it here. The slave mentality combined with the “hustle” groupthink forced upon you has become unbearable for me

>> No.6984489
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>Implying they can know i have crypto or take it away from me


>> No.6984575

There are plenty of retarded righties (the kekestani types) but if you think leftists can even muster up enough testosterone to accomplish anything, you're delusional.

>> No.6984607
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>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.6984640

As if a bunch of limp wristed trannies and troglodykes are going to be able to start a revolution. At best, they'll piss and shit on a courthouse's steps and get arrested for being a public nuisance.

>> No.6985327

>Amerifats wake up
>four threads about /pol/ shit immediately
Can you just fuck off? This board is for crypto, if they come to 'take my money xd' you can just say you lost it in a boating accident - you retards know 100% that. Stop making threads that just encourage shitting up the board and you political garbage

>> No.6985362
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>> No.6985427
File: 206 KB, 1024x789, 1503081401019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely feel threatened by those young uni commies. They will be soon in high political and executive positions. In any case I will practice the better dead than red policy.

>> No.6985523
File: 691 KB, 720x820, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies are the scum of the world with their belief that being rich makes you owe something to people who are lazier or stupider or whose parents were.

>> No.6985588

Mate I can't wait for the "revolution". Ex-armyfag here so I will take absolute pleasure in shooting antifa faggots in the face.

>> No.6985800

Jesus you're edgy. I don't want communism either, I just want UBI to be mainstay, but you do realize that by the time there's any 'revolution' and you'll be rising up against people who want communism, your civilian weaponry will get dicked on by the current standing army, which still works for the government, regardless of who is in power, right?
Revolution was only something that worked when the army didn't have proper preventative measures to fight against civilian militia. When guns could just as easily take down the government as the government could take down the public.
Now they'll just drone strike you and your entire revolution will die. It's the reason revolution until now won't let communists rebel against the government, and it's the reason you won't be able to rebel against the communists when the older generations die off and the younger generations take their place.
Ex-army is irrelevant when, by the time you're rebelling, the current army has technology, equipment and the skills that future generations are taught, all better than what you have and what you learned.

>> No.6985856

I think you've got it backwards, the commies are the ones who want the revolution not me. That asides, have you ever heard of insurgencies? They're pretty effective when done properly.

>> No.6986098

Vitalik and his team seem to be pretty fucking commie, but yea, there’s not much they can really do about it.

>> No.6986155

>As long as the commies give me a UBI or something I'm fine with it
UBI doesn't work.
The solution to your poverty is ending central banking and allowing you to keep what you earn.

game was made by "progressives" that worshiped FDR

The military in USA is strongly anti-commie.
I mean they all voted Ron Paul TWICE.

>> No.6986181
File: 164 KB, 890x531, 1515153310198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only solution to the commie problem is a violent free market hoppean revolution.

We need someone like Pinochet to rise up and kill all of the marxists and implement free markets.

Anything else is tyranny.

>> No.6986246

/pol/ here. Right-wing communists are pretty red-pilled and bro-tier. Stalin was a based man who got rid of all the Jewish clique. Lots of communists are basically fascists under red flags. Please stop shit-talking them.

>> No.6986250

>the absolute state of mankind

>> No.6986320

I'm not communist, but I think a middleground between capitalism and socialism, like in EU countries, is possible.

>> No.6986330

Yeah but most of them don't really qualify as legit communists, they just want power for themselves.

>> No.6986359


>> No.6986382

soyboys don't buy guns

>> No.6986412

>UBI doesn't work
It's literally proven to work in every single first world country, based on current budgets, if you redistribute current welfare funds + excessive spending - and what's considered excessive spending is outlined as well. There are a lot of renowned economists that have proven it would work and support the idea.

What the military wants is irrelevant when a new government is instated. They work for the government, that's the reason they even get paid, and most militaries require enlistment for a large period of time. Even if a new government with communist views is instated, people will still enlist in the military and they'll still continue to develop it.

>> No.6986438
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I'd rather be rich and have to defend myself from communists (and thus have the resources) than be poor and have to either do nothing or go along with communists. It is the duty of the rich and the elite to maintain the social order. When you get rich you may have to lay down the law and secure the means to defend yourself, even if that means financing a small army. They can only take your money if you let them

>> No.6986465

This guy gets it, the edgelords of both left and right will only throw us back two decades.

>> No.6986511

It wont happen cause they are limp wristed faggots and a very small vocal minority. Also a communist revolution is great for BTC value so we would all make it.

>> No.6986523

UBI supports both sides of the argument and is proven to pretty much be the direction we'll have to take in the future - and if not what we have to take, what we will take, when automation invalidates too many workers.

>> No.6986567

Too bad you're going to be unironically swinging from a tree soon

>> No.6986609

Commies are people who have failed at the sexual and social marketplace of value, and therefore attempt to strongarm others into giving them free gibbies. Physical removal is the only solution.

>> No.6986644

>literally proven to work
It's never been implemented by any country or rigorously tested on a population of more than a few hundred people.

>> No.6986667

The bourgeois are going down. I'm here to become one of them to take them down.

>> No.6986693

Never been implemented doesn't mean it can't be mathematically proven. This isn't like communism where it will change the entire country, invalidate the need for working, won't reward those who do want to work, etc. It's literally just a welfare system that every single person gets, even the people who are already rich, and keeps everyone above the poverty line. You can prove that it works purely through statistics, and it's been proven as such.

>> No.6986695

So why don't you stay there?

>> No.6986706

You mean physical removal of YOU.
The only thing Stalin did wrong was not strangle each capitalist with his hands.
Inequality must end.

>> No.6986725

>he thinks communism ends inequality
anon, i...

>> No.6986757

Communism is about ending inequality.
Whatever you're pointing out of a strawman argument. The communist agenda is on paper says that everyone is equal

>> No.6986770

I agree with you, but the corporations would have to make a huge change of direction to make it happen. Instead of finding tax havens they would have to distribute the wealth they create by cutting peoples jobs. The question would be if we can we make that transition happen peacefully on a global scale? The EU seems to be on the edge of collapse with bongs leaving and division between left and right. But I thought that the SHTF scenario is just around the corner for the last 8 years so idk

>> No.6986795

>Guys does anyone else get scared of an unironic communist revolution
well im in the military so no...looting is a great way to diversify my investment portfolio

>> No.6986822

communist revolution will never happen again, they dont need to do that. new age communism is a slow progression using thing like gender pay gaps, minority pay gaps, the glass ceiling, welfare, taxs and universal basic income. its already happening, one thing at a time

replace bougeiour z with white male and proletarian with minority and you have the communist manifesto for the 2000s

>> No.6986903

UBI can be funded solely through redistributing current welfare systems' budgets and excessive spending. It doesn't require corporations to change anything. It just requires disestablishing the multitude of current welfare systems that don't and establishing a new one that gives income to everyone. It has been proven to work in every country currently. So long as a country doesn't go the way of Greece and completely invalidate their money, it'll work. If a country's currency just goes down in price significantly, commerce will have to decrease accordingly, and UBI just matches it.
This video does its best to remain unbiased and explain everything objectively. I'm basically just regurgitating what economists have said.

>> No.6986917

communism makes corruption so fucking easy.

Just have a bunch of brown envelopes ready for the commandant and his men when they show up in your little village to drink up all your lager and hide your daughters.

>> No.6986924

>on paper
well, Im sure all the gays in Cuba just showed the government that!
Leaf here. I like your country, good weather, no Americans, cheap as fuck, Safer than Mexico, cheap rum, and its cool to see a country that just stopped developing 50 years ago. But could you guys please step up the food and beer? never have I had such absolute terrible food or beer. Day in and day out, like fuck. Also if you guys could stop being poor and uninformed around me thatd be great. Its really unnerving. At least Meixco has a decent sized nonpoor population and isn't as brainwashed.

>> No.6986960

holy fuck you're really cognitively challenged
>probably /pol/
>def an incel
>confirmed retard