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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6976725 No.6976725 [Reply] [Original]

Most Turtlecoin is owned by a few whales.

* The circulating supply is over 4 billion right now
* Most NEWCOMERS can only earn about 10k a day
* In order to make a 100k at a 40m market cap, you'd need to own 1,000,000 today (that's assuming the circulating supply doesn't keep increasing, which it is every day)

In plain words: newbies are fucked. This has been premined over Dec and Jan, and most of the hundreds of millions of Turtle are in the hands of about 20 people, including me.

>> No.6976789

Dude I'd be happy with trtl being 20 sats. Everybody is making money of this coin.

>> No.6976853

You know it's a scam when same thread is started as soon as previous one is archived.

>> No.6976878
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everything is fun and giggles until someone decides to dump on the retards who bought at 5+ sats

>> No.6976887
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>Most NEWCOMERS can only earn about 10k a day
My 1060 is putting out ~750hs giving me only ~2100TRTL/day. I'm not going to bother anymore. I have just over 10k TRTL atm.

>> No.6976910
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kek said TRTL fud. TRTL was not premined and it's about to be listed and explode in value

>> No.6976913

if youre in the top 1% prove it

by giving me 100k


>> No.6976941
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it's going to 10 cents a coin by next month. we are all gonna make it. plus you are safe from red wojacks in the shell

>> No.6977096

Yeah I know the mining difficulty recently exploded. Just buy it instead, it's the only coin safe from the bear market right now.

>> No.6977124
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I think it's time I invested real money into it. Not sure how much I trust tradeogre though.

>> No.6977123

This is one of the very few coins that has not been premined you idiot.

>> No.6977180
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i have been using it for a month. I admbit it was pretty shady but it works fine with low fees. Try a small amount at first if ur scared

>> No.6977324

I pointed my vegas to it a couple of hours ago. How much turtle do 5 vegas do? (10.000h)

Am I wasting my moms electricity?

>> No.6977396
File: 2.43 MB, 3840x2160, coin_bg2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a faggot and just buy on tradeorge

>> No.6977439


buy nicehash orders... or don't whatever.

>> No.6977440

>just buy a literal 10 sat coin with 80,000 cumulative volume
>this is a safe investment according to you

a good way to lose 90% of your investment

>> No.6977453

Yeah no, devs mining it for weeks before anybody even knows about it is totally not pre-mining

>> No.6977510

w/e anon. Just remember this shit coin went from 3-15 sats in a week. You could have 5x'd your BTC in a week.

>> No.6977574

>mining it
>is totally not pre-mining
you're starting to understand

>> No.6977576

Why buy if I can mine at a disccount?

>> No.6977580

2MM here

I should have never stopped accumulating and I was one of the first like 15-20 people in the discord. Lesson in accumulating learned

>> No.6977610

It's done over 100k in volume in this past day alone and it's only on a tiny exchange. Once it gets to trade satoshi it will be the second most traded coin there if it keeps its same volume.
And if you want safe investments, don't venture outside of the top 20 MC coins. This is for making money. And I've already x17'd. And it's marketcap is still like only 5 Million. This is gonna go way up, keep being a bitter noTRTLer

>> No.6977619

This is actually true. Even now, when you look at the pools, there are only like 1,000 people across the entire planet mining this shit.

Nothing but bags to dump.

>> No.6977653

It went from 1 - 16. You could have 16xd your money.
It was advertised on /biz/ since the beginning. Don't blame the devs because faggots like you don't feel safe jumping on until it's already at a 100M marketcap.

>> No.6977660

It's too early to sell isn't it?

>> No.6977879

Holy fuck this thread is nostalgic. Its like 2016 when you mined new coins instead of bought into ICOs. Didn't know people still bought into premined forked shitcoins. What a fucking joke, lmao, this will be dead in a month. RIP newfags.

>> No.6978389


>fudder gets a pink wojack ID

it's like pottery

>> No.6978492

Good question. I'm wondering the same thing. What is a good sell price for this coin? $.01? $.05?

>> No.6978532

the amount of mined bagholders who will dump the second this goes anywhere is astronomical

you will NEVER go anywhere near 40m mcap

>> No.6978580

>hey guys we made a single thread during our premine that we didn’t even bother to pump, so not a premine
Airtight logic, retard

>> No.6979049


>> No.6979352

I'm sure you would have totally jumped on TurtleCoin if you heard about it early on. Yep you definatly WOULDN'T call it a scam run by pajeets then went off to loose all your money in all of your shitcoins. Nope i bet that that's exactly what didn't happen.
stay mad no TRTL fag

>> No.6979407
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>> No.6979479

One can dream