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6971519 No.6971519 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Decentralized (fuck you autists)
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI+KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (https://medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c))
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
- XLM is still not yet on bitfinex or bithumb

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (https://soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge))
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Recent News:

- https://www.stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/
- https://twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/955531298902228992
- Ternio newest ICO on Stellar (https://www.ternio.io/))
- (((Weiss))) Crypto Ratings
- https://stripe.com/blog/ending-bitcoin-support
- Roadmap (https://www.stellar.org/blog/2018-Stellar-Roadmap/))
- https://twitter.com/fairxio/status/956754333260853248
- https://twitter.com/tempo_eu/status/956859658706268160

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 01-15 February FairX beta news (alleged)

Still not bought in, nigger?

>> No.6971531
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>> No.6971607
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>> No.6971746
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CNBC Pushes Stellar as possible best coin of 2018

>Who is Stellar?

Stellar.org operates as a non-stock nonprofit organization. Our mission is to connect people to low-cost financial services to fight poverty and maximize individual potential. To that end, we don’t charge people or institutions for use of the Stellar network. Stellar.org covers operational costs in several ways: 5% of the initial lumens are set aside for operational costs, Stellar.org accepts tax-deductible donations from the public.

A transaction on the network consists of one or more operations. Payments, offers, and fees are all examples of operations that could make up a single transaction. Depending on hardware and network configurations, a conservative estimate of Stellar’s processing rate is 1000 operations per second.

There’s a nominal fee, referred to as a base fee, associated with each operation in a transaction. The base fee functions as a deterrent: Though nominal, it discourages users with malicious intentions from flooding the network with transactions (otherwise known as a DoS attack). The base fee is currently set to .00001 XLM—a fraction of a fraction of a penny. The sender of the transaction incurs the fee. No one profits from the base fee. The ledger collects the fees and redistributes them in the process of inflation.

Stellar has also partnered with IBM, a supporter of companies all over the globe.

>> No.6971841
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5 Things You Need To Know About Stellar Lumens According To IBM
IBM’s Michael Dowling, Group CTO and Chief Architect for Blockchain Financial Services, referred to in his Reddit post a month ago about their partnership with Stellar.

IBM and Stellar have a common purpose to fix a genuine problem and they are determined to stick together to make this happen
>The IBM/Stellar Universal Payment Solution represents a shift in the way traditional – and now non-traditional – financial institutions can send value around the world with as little fraction as legally possible….The folks at Stellar, like us, want to see the world move past the 40 + year old fragmented system that we all suffer in today, but move towards a system that is more fair and equitable for all. This partnership is not just long term – it’s tight. Stellar joined the Hyperledger Foundation in addition to partnering on this project. There are many upcoming projects coming up this year about to be announced.

Stellar Lumens (XLM / STR) is already active and being used in very practical ways. Volume will only increase as more partnerships are announced. Results will be seen very soon – Q1 2018.

>XLM, while relatively small today, is growing fast. More and more people are using Lumens and trading them actively. We have a strong desire (and requirement) to open the market for fiat to XLM at the institutional level. We have 1 major market maker right now, and 14 major institutions involved in direct or indirect capacity on the network. Starting in Q1 2018, you should see more of those institutions redirecting payment traffic on the network.
This major market maker is rumored to be Bank of America based on one of their websites mentioning XLM in the code before the page was promptly taken down.

It is steps ahead of Bitcoin as it is already compliant with regulations

It has a proven model unlike Ethereum as it already has the unique technology to issue any asset directly

>> No.6971870


>> No.6971885
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>Stellar jobs
>Singapore is Asia FX top exchange

>> No.6971898

>A very unique capability with Stellar is the ability to issue an asset directly on the network, and specify how that asset is managed on the network and what nodes validate and confirm transactions. That means we can work with other parties – such as traditional fiat currency issuers (stay tuned) …Together with the technology developed at IBM, the ability to clear transactions with very fast settlement using Lumens was a no-brainer and a perfect match. Together, traditional and non-traditional financial institutions can settle using a cryptocurrency with those transactions directly tied to counter-terrorism financing, AML and KYC processes required by regulators around the world. Basically, it’s the missing piece those institutions need to move forward transacting with cryptocurrencies.

XLM allows for any financial instrument to be transferred as a type of ‘money’ to anyone in the world, for free, instantly, and in any currency. This is not just automation, it is revolutionary.

>XLM is one of the assets on Stellar. It’s also used to ‘pay’ for transactions on the network. So XLM has 1) value and 2) utility. There will be other assets. So, for example, let’s say that a fictional island nation called Stellarisle has a central bank, and that central bank wants to issue currency assets on Stellar. In that case, Stellar is used, and XLM is used to power those transactions for those assets, even though XLM isn’t directly used as the settlement mechanism. It doesn’t matter if XLM is the settlement mechanism. Rather what really matters is 1) the safest settlement mechanism is used for two transacting parties, and 2) XLM is still used even as a utility.

>> No.6971930
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Latest Fiat XLM

>> No.6971934

Roadmap is live, the only people fud'ing it are 'le reddit' retards and people who bought in at ATH


Goal #1: SDEX – the Stellar Decentralized Exchange
This is our main product focus for 2018, and we’ll reveal further details on SDEX’s specific roadmap, brand, and leadership in the near future. SDEX will be the world-class front-end that our underlying technology has long deserved. It will enable on-chain, protocol-level trades for any Stellar token, and we will create liquidity to minimize spreads and maximize choice of assets. Specific niceties the SDEX implies: Day One trading for any Stellar ICO token, atomic pathfinding to discover the cheapest rates between any two assets, very low trading fees, end-user control of secret keys

For SDEX to compete with other major exchanges we will need to increase the quality and number of anchors and market-makers on our network. We continue to offer grants of up to $2M for partners in these areas. The Exchange also promotes our vision of moving more real-world assets on the blockchain. ICOs are already coming to Stellar because we’re cheap, scalable, and fast. See Mobius’s We Did It! announcement, posted just a few days ago, for their impression of our platform. In 2018, we will put significant energy into bringing a wider variety of financial instruments on to the network. SDEX will be the exchange of first resort for all Stellar tokens, and we foresee a future where, say, carbon credits, oil futures, and the latest digital asset are all traded together—cheaply and quickly.

>> No.6971952
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70 cents by morning

>> No.6972369
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>> No.6972378

All of that shit would have mattered, if there was actual adoption

>> No.6972509

>if there was actual adoption
XLM has among the most

>> No.6972510

Secondary Product Objective: Better Ecosystem Support
We recognize that our platform is only as useful as the tools built on top of it. As noted, we’re seeing more interest in Stellar than ever before, from randos and !randos alike, and we want to make sure it’s easy for anyone to begin building on our network. We need a robust and informed community of developers and entrepreneurs alongside us to become a global financial protocol.

In 2018, we plan:better overall brand communication, more implementation walk-throughs to help people get going, better technical documentation, including release notes, continued improvement to our Horizon API and the surrounding SDKs. We will also continue to award lumens, via the Stellar Build Challenge, to people and businesses who contribute to our ecosystem.

Goal #2: Lightning Network on Stellar
Technology has always been the strongest part of the Stellar story, and we will make it even stronger in 2018. We’ve noted the market demand for more private channel transactions on Stellar, and we will integrate the Lightning Network in 2018. For those of you unfamiliar with Lightning, this Vice piece is a decent introduction: WTF is the Lightning Network and Will It Save Bitcoin? Of course, unlike Bitcoin, Stellar doesn’t need “saving” . . . we’re just going from a good place to an even better one.

Lightning will have a huge positive effect on Stellar’s long-term scalability and security. We’ve been aware of Lightning’s potential for Stellar for a while, and we’ve recently collaborated with Stellar advisor and Bitcoin Core developer Jeremy Rubin to optimize our implementation.

>> No.6972590

Secondary Tech Objectives
Hardening: as we make performance improvements, the network must remain resilient and secure. We will reduce the attack surface at the protocol layer by adding invariant support (with checks performed constantly by the validator). Those checks will reduce the impact of bugs on the ledger state.

Decentralization: we want to make it easier to run a full validator. In order for the network to be as decentralized as possible, the overhead of running nodes should be minimal. By making nodes more reliable and self sufficient, node operators can spend time doing other things. We’ll also be making improvements to how we monitor the network’s health, and the way nodes exchange data, by revisiting some characteristics of the peer-to-peer code.

We closed 37 partners last year and highlighted a few, including IBM and Tempo, in our Stellar and the State of Cryptocurrency post from last week. Corporate development work will continue: we’ve planned major partnership events around the world this Spring.