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6950531 No.6950531 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't use a hardware wallet in 2018
>he unironically trusts the exchanges which are run by money greedy chinks and poor pajeets

>> No.6950571

Not using an airgapped computer with multiple devices encrypted with keys wrapped in tinfoil along with 5 different cryptosteel wallets come on man get with the times

>> No.6950621
File: 254 KB, 1400x1047, paperwalletbtm-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't use a paper wallet in 2018
>he unironically trusts proprietary hardware which may contain a backdoor implemented by money greedy chinks and poor pajeets

>> No.6950638

>he doesn't day trade everything in 2018 to stay green

Do you hate money?

>> No.6950640

I keep about 20% in a paper wallet.

>> No.6950652



>> No.6950670

Call me when they support more than 10 coins.

>> No.6950673

>has 73 XRP and 0.074 LTC
>spent hundreds on hardware wallets

>> No.6950707

> puts all of his money in a piece of paper that will burn down with your house/gets stolen from a bank safe deposit box by a kike clerk
> doesn't also have access to his funds via the most trusted, open source airgapped hardware wallet that is provably secure and auditable by anybody

>> No.6950764


>> No.6950769


>> No.6950792
File: 29 KB, 350x286, 1477482177062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of the market are erc20 tokens. only coin i'm really missing on ledger is monero.

>> No.6950804

I bought 3 ledgers because I thought they could only hold 4 coins each help

>> No.6950838

You cant lock in your prices with AirGap though.

>> No.6950849

ADA, XVG and BAT aren't ERC20 token.
There is a lot of promising stuff than can't be stored on ledger nano S.

>> No.6950855

Giveaway time

>> No.6950863

>doesn't realize that you can memorize the private key in a multiple ways

>> No.6950887

>BAT isn't an ERC20 token
>literally called "Basic Attention TOKEN"

>> No.6950921


ADA isn't a coin or a token. Ledger doesn't store PHILOSOPHICAL and SCIENTIFIC dreams

>> No.6950929

>he doesn't withdraw the millions he made in 2016 and 2017 and put it first into bank and then into index funds and ETFs

>> No.6950940

>not building a faraday cage
>not setting up several monitors to foil van eck phreaks
>not setting up white noise generators and a small fire for max entropy
>not using a mint raspi on a battery pack to generate a private key and then melting it down with thermite

fucking hardware casuals

>> No.6950969

Whoever is running a hw ledger didn't get the concept of key pairs and signing.

>> No.6950980

You are right.
Still, I can't store most of the shit I own on an hardware wallet.

>> No.6951002

i have 3 ledger wallets all stored in several locations along with the seeds being split up into 3 locations with each location having 8 out of the 24 words in a fireproof safe. i use a throwaway lenovo thinkpad laptop running on tailsOSX with a 16gb usb stick running on private hotspot whenever i access my ledger

>> No.6951025

t. Edward Snowden.

>> No.6951064
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>we're in

>> No.6951068

the government knows all your information. don't let them take away your precious digital tokens. they can seize your asset at any given time if they have probable cause that you are committing a crime. *tinfoil hat on*

>> No.6951079

>he thinks those devices are wallets
Oh boy.

>> No.6951090

that includes not paying your taxes on EVERY altcoin trade, which by law is now a taxable event. which means everytime you convert ETH -> BTC you must pay taxes. but fuck that

>> No.6951107

when all you had to do was storing that key on a cheap usb stick thats encrypted. Good choice on tails tho.

>> No.6951128

so after you burn your last raspberry pi with thermite and USD eventually has to hit your bank account are you going to tell the IRS you just found it

>> No.6951159

I've been told they are selling Lambos in Russia too, just to give you an idea.

>> No.6951173

no most of us are planning to move to puerto rico to become residents, where crypto gains are not taxed :) read it up. totally legal as of right now. so if you made 10 million dollars, you dont have to pay 3 million in taxes. that 3 million can fund your playboy mansion

>> No.6951175

typical ledger casual.

Dumpster dive for food until all federal governments have been toppled and BCH and silver coins are the only means of exchange.

>> No.6951178

id rather have 60% of a lambo than live in a third world hell hole thanks

>> No.6951211

burger detected - you should go to moscow once, you would maybe learn something

>> No.6951212

Read up puerto rico no need for shitty russia where its cold and dirty.

Source: https://coinskim.com/investors-are-exempt-from-capital-gains-taxes-in-puerto-rico/

Act 22 (“The Individual Investors Act”)- Investors that move to the island receive the benefit of not paying any tax on their capital gains (includes cryptocurrencies and stocks). Current Puerto Rico residents do not pay federal income tax. Any cryptocurrencies acquired from the point you become a resident, you will be exempt from paying any short-term or long-term capital gains tax on your profits. All gains need to be realized prior to January 1, 2036 to receive full benefit. The basic requirements entail that you shall be physically present in the island for 183 days of the tax year. You must demonstrate you have a local drivers license, banking account and property. The law allows you a window of 2 years to purchase a residential property on the island. There are many great homes available around the island at below market price. Other requirements include: The investor cannot have a tax home outside of Puerto Rico, cannot have been residents in PR 6 years prior to the date in which Act became effective on January 12, 2012, cannot have a closer connection to United States or any other foreign country than to Puerto Rico, and must file an Annual report with the Office of Industrial Tax Exemption due April 15th including evidence of compliance of conditions and requirements of the grant for taxable year immediately before the filing date of report. In addition, a $5,000 fee is due upon the approval of any grant under Law 22 in addition to fee due with filing of grant application.

>> No.6951219

when all you had to do was
>follow the damn train CJ

>> No.6951225

>not using blockchain.info in incognito browser mode

>> No.6951276

You know just using tailsOS puts you on a 'list' with most governments? They monitor for searches for it too.

>> No.6951288

do you have evidence of this? that's a bold claim

>> No.6951346

NSA xkeyscore program. Logs everyone who searches for it on search engines or visits the tails website. The NSA say it's used by extremists to communicate securely.

They view tails as a huge threat to their ability to monitor you, so assume you're up to no good if you're using it. There were even some leaked NSA internal presentations on it.

>> No.6951374

>>not using a mint raspi
Unironically, this
I dont trust Ledger

My raspi 3b is my cold wallet I use to generate keys and sign txs with a script written by myself

>> No.6951400

you should check out our one city, we even stocked the grocery store - don't speak ill of glorious leader too loudly while you're there or you might get a hot load of polonium.


won't be useful for me but I encourage anyone who thinks PR will have electricity by the time they want to cash out to try it

>> No.6951407

>I dont trust Ledger
Why not? Do you think there's a "backdoor" in there? How would that even work?

>> No.6951451

In light of SPECTRE/MELTDOWN I wouldn't even be sure using tailsOS would provide defence against government snooping. We really are living in Orwellian times.

>> No.6951559

very true. however, if the government wants to steal MY hard earned money, i will not give up without a huge fight and so should you. i will make sure they have to leap boundaries if they ever want to come close to my erc20 tokens

>> No.6951655

1. Trezor has a whole list of hardware vulnerabilities that can be exploited (e.g. lokk up the freeze hack). Haven't read about any such cases for Ledger, but that doen't mean there are none
2. A ledger looks like a hw wallet. If, say, smb notices a ledger in your hands, they know you're a crypto trader. And not just a trader, but a successful one to the point I bothered transferring my wealth to a hw wallet. They might blackmail or beat me up so that I spill the beans. A dusty raspi, on the other hand, raises no such suspicion. A radio-controlled robot on raspi raises even less suspicion.
3. Backdoors are a meme, but software bugs are a real deal. You can pay a team of crypto experts to implement an algorithm, have the code audited, and still there's possibly a bug that might let a hacker access the information. It might be discovered 10 yearrs later, but still. Look up the parity disaster, that is the most recent one. Also, DAO.
I once read in a journal (Scientific American maybe?) about the early days of asymmetric cryptography, and there was an example of an imperfect implementation. Don't remember the details, but it was smt like verifying a signature took longer the more ones the private key contained. That allowed hackers to approximate the number of ones in the private key, which significantly reduced the power needed to brute force it. If it rings the bell for you, plz provide a ref. I would really like to reread that article.
4. Also, there being so many ledgers means they are likely to be a primary target for hackers. A raspi 3b+ is not smt you'd even try developing a hack for hoping to obtain crypto millions.

>> No.6951735

you don't need strict security measures to evade taxes. The NSA is not going to hack you to steal your money.
just fucking memorize your seed and get trained to resist torture by 007 you fucking pleb

>> No.6951742

ledger is cold store wallet. they won't ever come close to touching your funds. it also requires 2fa authentication and verify transaction using physical buttons on ledger. trust me its secure i own both ledger nano gen 1 and ledger nano s which is gen 2. ledger nano s is so fucking secure no one can hack it. if you think it can be hacked, show me an article of someone who got hacked. only ones who got hacked were the ones who bought on fucking ebay.

>> No.6951818

>Nano S is a thing
>therefore, there's a supply chain to attack
you could go even stupider too, lots of DIY boards (Teensy 3.5, STM32 Nucleo) these days have the power needed to do everything the Nano S does with the same level of security

>> No.6951925
File: 80 KB, 1024x717, cardano_nano_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will soon tho. ADA support is supposedly coming to Ledger.

>> No.6951972

XVG is not a token it’s a scam

>> No.6952008

if an ADA supporter can code why don't they focus on making a product instead of an app for a USB stick?

>> No.6952033

>he doesn't take a photo of his paper wallet and post it online in 2018
>widely distributed
>easy to access
>many backups
>no one point of failure

get with it grandpa

>> No.6952077


Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6952123

Dunno. Too many philosophical dilemmas to resolve first by a process of scientific circlejerking, I mean peer-reviewed articles, I guess.

>> No.6952175

Where online would you post such sensitive material?

>> No.6952720

You sound like a paid shill

The most secure computers have the most bizarre hacks.
Hace you heard of StuxNet? The thing that broke 20% of Iranian nucular centrifuges? Sure, it required 2 states to develop it, but when the world is full of crypto billionaires, I won't be surprised to hear that US somehow developed a hack for ledgers.

The fact that so many ppl place their trust into popular hw wallets is alarming in itself.

Also, those air gapped solutions are not completely secure. Hackers went to such weird solutions as heat and acoustic data transmission to jump the gap.

There's no such thing as "being unhackable". The moment you trust in your computer being uncompromised is when you are most vulnerable.
The only way out is to apply real life steganography and make your crypto vault not look like one. Sure, managing your assets becomes pain in the ass with custom made cold wallets. But it is just a price of security: you can never have something both secure and easily accessible.

Same thing applies to storing paper wallets. If you store it in a book on shelf — that is not secure. If you think a person, who knows you're crypto-rich and knows where you live won't tear off your baseboard searching for a tiny metal plate, you're wrong.
You want your paper wallet to be safe, you should hide it to, that it would take you at least 15' to reach it, when you know its exact location.

>> No.6953127

>he doesnt swing trade

Unless you have 50+ btc already and you dont give a fuck anymore, its a terrible deal to have your money locked away.

>> No.6953169

did you just post your private key?

>> No.6953366

I’m about to be trolled, but I’ll bite. If there really is anything in there I’ll refund it

>> No.6953449

Good thing it’s empty, some serious funds moved through there.