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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6944862 No.6944862 [Reply] [Original]

There's still time to get in on the coin that will make /biz/ rich

>> No.6944912

wont happen sory

>> No.6944929

Turns out, I was misleading you when I told you to buy VEN high and sell XRB low. I actually dumped my VEN on you (that I bought low) and stocked up on some cheap XRB. So I'm sorry about that, but that's just how these things go I guess :\\

>> No.6944986
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This won't catch on other than the cult following on reddit. There are countless fast cryptos with cheap transactions out there.

>> No.6944999

Tempted to dump my Ethereum into XRB. I expect great things from this coin, I don't think it will drop below 10k sats ever again. Only time will tell though. To the moon.

>> No.6945039



>> No.6945116

Sell your XRB

>> No.6945142


>> No.6945181

It's not a cult following it's literally the official coin of plebbit. Read thru the sub and you will see it's the only one filled with people who aren't brainlets.

>> No.6945192

Can we not call it nono?

>> No.6945293


>> No.6945349


>> No.6945370

Not gonna lie, I like the coin, but it's a failure.
Also I'm out of ETH.
If it moons may your bags be light.

>> No.6945406

did you sell your xrb low yet

>> No.6945431

i sucked ur moms dick so no

>> No.6945469

wait ok so you're still holding your xrb

>> No.6945470
File: 45 KB, 720x649, vuygyuhui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that logo isn't a rocket ship containing a stellar snek. I think you've got the wrong coin OP.

>> No.6945618

kill your self

>> No.6945641

Shut up. Every coin is tanking right now and every coin will moon next time the market goes up. Doesn't matter what you're in, so stop acting like only your coin will go up ffs.

>> No.6945648

kill your self

>> No.6945673

Every coin has a cult following on reddit. It's fucking reddit.

>> No.6945688

kill your self

>> No.6945741

if it goes lower than 13 i'm buying a SHITton more. this is the ONLY crypto that will be used as an actual currency because it's instant and feeLESS. no one's gonna fucking buy a pizza with litecoin for a 7$ transfer fee that takes >2 hours.

>> No.6945765

I actually have >3000. At this point I might as well hold until the end.

It's in my best interest that the coin goes up so I don't post FUD where new people will see it. But everyone here already made up their mind, so I'm not influencing anyone. I think it will most likely slowly decline both in price and popularity, maybe to between $3 and $4. I'm hoping for one last pump so I can unload on Binance.

>> No.6945784

kys urself

>> No.6945785

shoo shoo stinky poo loo

>> No.6945860

If you hold on Kucoin can you send it to Binance before it starts trading to put sell orders once it starts? I'm hoping to set some sell orders real high and hope that some retards accidentally market buys them.

>> No.6945881
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I love watching you bleed OP

>> No.6945942
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I bought at $2.30 thanks tho bud

>> No.6945966

With literal instant and feeless transactions it's gonna be so easy to do this. That's why raiblocks/nano is the ULTIMATE arbitrage coin

>> No.6946085

I got in sub $0.25, haven't sold any yet. I highly doubt we'll ever see under $10 again, unless some serious issue comes up

Or the whole market crashes

>> No.6946267

Not sure but that sounds like a good strategy, if they don't allow deposits in advance of trading. I remember when Bitcoin cash went on GDAX and some people ended up buying over $6000 because liquidity hadn't built up.

>> No.6946321

A serious issue like how it's broken on exchanges?

>> No.6946394

fuck off pajoot

>> No.6946467

Tell that to people that have xrb stuck on mercatox for almost 2 months and now bitgrail cucked everyone too

>> No.6946493

mercatox opened withdrawls. bitgrail is shit idk why people used it after kucoin

>> No.6946527
File: 13 KB, 220x229, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiblocks can definitely go below $10 if BTC dips. XRB was trading at .0012 BTC recently. If BTC falls to $8300, then XRB would be at $9.95. Maybe that's what you meant by crash?

>> No.6946601

>cheap transactions out there
>cheaper than zero dollars
is there a crypto that pays you for using it

>> No.6946655

I mean an issue that CAN'T be fixed within a short amount of time. Yeah the exchange issues are a shit show, definitely drove the price down. But they'll be fixed so I'm not too concern

But to be safe you should probably sell your XRB

>> No.6946702


I fucking goofed not dumping this at 35. Can't even be used on mobile and it ain't free.

>> No.6946713
File: 745 KB, 640x927, nyetblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nodes have never been able to sync
>Have to buy on Spaghetti Grailhouse
>Lead dev in Mexico doing peyote for 2+ weeks
>Binance cancelled
>No incentive whatsoever to run nodes
>Have to do captchas to send transactions
>Have to mail physical passport to guy named "Bomber" to withdraw

Have fun with your bags, brainlets.

>> No.6946822

I don't think it is impossible it will fall under $10, just that I doubt it will. BTC hitting that low definitely would have an impact. But this correction with XRB is not that shocking, especially with all the obstacles it's hit recently. Even so, bigger coins have gone through worse pricing in the past, so I'm sticking to my guns on this one.

>> No.6946842

binance cancelled? proof?

>> No.6946871

since when do you have to do fucking capachas to send transactions. its almost as if youve never done any transactions on the network

>> No.6946881

I mean XLM is like $ .000002 for a transaction, and it has other things to offer. It's also not going through the growing pains that XRB is right now with node problems and still untested scaling.

>> No.6946915

who gives a shit m8, i'm in it for the gains exclusively

>> No.6947005

Oh, I agree that the correction isn't shocking. The run up was so fast it was unsustainable.

I just think that the correction could go much further, like all the way to $3 or $4. It's kind of hard to estimate the real value when it trades on shitty exchanges and since XRB has such unique tech.

>> No.6947035

Exactly. It would make sense if this shitbag erc20 token was worth $100, that way if I wanted to send 50 I could do half the captcha, and you could do the other half. But I'm not doing 4 captchas just to send you 50 bucks.

>> No.6947116

You asshole I lost like 3 ltc to this shit on COSS ;[

>> No.6947172

u wot m8

>> No.6947187

POS in comparison to XLM

>> No.6947191


stellar's fees and speed get worse as more transactions happen on the network. it's not absolute trash like bitcoin but you can't compare it to xrb for digital cash usecase.

>> No.6947272

FUDders are not even trying at this point.

>> No.6947406

If you want to loose your money, that's your business. I don't really care.
Even Vitamix said it was a scam.

>> No.6947532

>Even Vitamix said it was a scam.
source me nigga

>> No.6947607

I'm pretty sure it's not a scam, in the sense that it's an intentional money grab and bye. It might be unwise to invest, as the developer seem to be engineers trying to follow their intuition without formal scaling analysis.

Compared with stellar it has the advantage of being truly distributed. The voting is only needed for double spends, so as long as you are not misusing the system, your payments cannot be blocked. It is far more easy to persuade the few Stellar nodes not to accept transaction from/to an address.