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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 640x640, when-u-work-in-a-corporate-office-but-you-low-key-be-listenin-to-tracks-about-pimpin-hoes-eatin-ass-while-u-updatin-spreadsheets-BP2eR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6943175 No.6943175 [Reply] [Original]

Sup little pajeets,

The wageslave that I am wants to know what can I learn while I work. I can listen to everything I want 8 hours a day and I want to know what skills could I learn that could make me money in the long run (finance, language, coding, something else etc.) ? My job is brean dead so I can concentrate on what I'm listening

>> No.6943213

hehehehe when u listen 2 nigger music but u at a white ppl place xD

>> No.6943235
File: 97 KB, 1360x924, 1475281546651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw on my feet for 8 hours a day and get yelled at if i sit down for a minute or look at my phone

>> No.6943236

Learn a bit of Spanish on Duolingo

>> No.6943297

Grant Cardone

>> No.6943330

Check out the audiobooks at Mises Institute and the podcasts on Freedomain Radio

>> No.6943338

Damn quit that job and do what I do. I just update data in a bank database. I see my boss once a month, the pay is not that bad and I can listen to podcasts all day. I will be replaced by robot in 5 years, but for now it's good.

>> No.6943343

Turner Diaries on audio. Thank me later

>> No.6943368

Do you have any suggestions? What type of skills could I learn with their audiobooks?

>> No.6943437

Agree with this ×100

>> No.6943688

As it should be. Try working in an industrial setting, softie. Twelve hour days, mostly walking, sometimes running, always standing.

>> No.6943789

Can I learn something that I could add on my resume?

>> No.6943881

thats what i do work in rofl

its fuckin shit, dont know why people enjoy it t b h. waking up at 4 am is the worst

>> No.6944062

It was nice to work with my hands and work as an effective part of a team.

Learn to take pride in what you do no matter how shitty or minuscule the job is. Then get the fuck out of there before you get your hands sucked into a press or something.

>> No.6944298

>Turner Diaries