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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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694245 No.694245 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.694246

If it was easy, everyone would do it (and then no one would be rich).

>> No.694252

Law of big numbers. If you start with small numbers, you can accumulate wealth very slowly, unless you hit it big in software where start up costs are insignificant.

>> No.694292


Rich is a relative term. If everyone got $1m today, then tomorrow only the people with $10m would be considered rich.

>therefore you are already "rich" compared to about 2 billion africans/asians

>> No.694295

It's not necessarily hard, just takes time and discipline.

>> No.694385


>> No.694395

Which is insanely difficult, from reading "early retirement extreme" it occurred to me that my time would be better spent learning about what empirical science of willpower before investing, if you cant save and act the tard with what you have youll never build wealth.

>> No.694419

Does this mean that money is zero-sum? If so then what's the point of charities?

>> No.694421

>$10m would be considered rich
$10m isn't really rich. I bet there are people on /biz/ with that much or more.

>> No.694430

Nobody asked the question you answered

>> No.694432

Does it make you feel better about yourself to claim certain amounts aren't "rich"?

>> No.694450

There's actually only one real definition of "rich", IMHO.

If your job disappeared tomorrow with no hope of any future employment and you wouldn't have to change your lifestyle, you are rich.

I realize this only applies for those who work, but I think it's still a useful definition.

>> No.694451

That's more like independently wealthy.

>> No.694469

that's financial independence, but that is subjective as not everyone has the same lifestyle (or even the same economic environment)

>> No.694470

this is my definition too

>> No.694485

Why do opinions bother you so much? Truth is $10 million isn't helicopter/yacht/gold statue rich. Anyone who thinks it is either has a deluded sense of money, or lives in a complete shithole country.

>> No.694487

I see. How much money makes someone rich?

>> No.694499

The honest answer is that there is no answer. Wealth is relative. You can't be "rich." You can only be richer than someone else.

>> No.694503

I agree completely. Next time be careful when you say "$10m isn't rich".

>> No.694504

$10m isn't rich.

>> No.694506

I'm "rich" compared to you. :^)

>> No.694519

> helicopter/yacht/gold statue rich
People uses terms like super-rich to describe that level of wealth. There are many categories of rich, but the bare minimum of rich implies that you have enough wealth that you could comfortably live off the income of your assets. You can certainly do that if you have 10 million.

>> No.694522

Because of the huge entry gate. If you have 10k, you have to multiply it to 100 to get a million. But if you have 1 million, it's only multiplied by 10 to get 10 million, which is 1000x of your original 10k

So, it's easier to get richer when you're already rich.

>> No.694528

uh 100 times 10 is 1000.

when will /biz/ see quality threads???

>> No.694546
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This has to be bait

>> No.694547

Reread his post then reread your post then slap yourself.

>> No.694572

yea i get ur point, ur parallel reaosning is just a poor example. u shoulve talked about the difference in gained sums rather than multiples

>> No.694760


That has nothing to do with the law of large numbers.

>> No.694768

I think more or less what he meant to say was that if you're easily able to accure riches that everyone would use up those methods and then the point of which everyone used to reach that degree of "rich"ness no longer really counts as being rich.

tl;dr if everyone was "Rich" no one would be "Rich"

>> No.694830
File: 423 KB, 300x199, okay then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't be "rich."
>"rich" only exists in theory
>Nobody in the world is rich
>Everything is subjective
Dat fedora tho

>> No.694842

>$10m isn't rich
Only on 4chan.

Oh, did I forget that 6'2'' isn't tall and 7 inches is not a big dick anymore?

Internet standards here are palpable.

None of you even have one million. None of you even drive a Bentley or Lambo.

You will never see that much money, same as 99.99% of the world.

Yet it isn't RICH enough for you.

Here is the reality, buddy.

1 million dollars to spend is RICH in pretty much everywhere except Dubai and New York.

Over 6 feet is pretty much tall in everywhere except Netherlands and Dinaric Alps.

7 inches is big enough except used up, fat 40+ white women size queens who want 10 inch mandigo dicks.

Get it through your thick skull.

>> No.694845

>>Everything is subjective
I said one thing (wealth) is subjective. From that you infer that I assert that everything is subjective?

You, sir, are the only one sporting a fedora in this thread. Come back when you're capable of discussing adult topics without spluging memes. Thanks.

I'm sorry you live where you live (Eastern Europe? Spain?) but $1 million dollars is most certainly not rich in any civilized country. $10 million is comfortable, but still not rich.

>And your penis obsession is creepy and gross. Grow up.

>> No.694849

>I'm sorry you live where you live (Eastern Europe? Spain?) but $1 million dollars is most certainly not rich in any civilized country. $10 million is comfortable, but still not rich.
It's rich everywhere except except Dubai and NY.

End of story.

You don't hold even a million dollars and never will.

Are you a complete bum then?

Look at the stats, think with your brain.

Internet statters and subtlebraggers are scum.

Nobody cares that 10m isn't rich to some biz plebeian. It's fucking rich to normal people.

And the funniest thing is - you won't ever have even 1 million dollars.

>> No.694863

you shouldn't aim for being rich, but for being successful

>> No.694866

So how many millions do you have?

>> No.694868

He probably has around 10k lol

People who are actual millionaires and successful don't post on Taiwanese scripture boards

>> No.694875

>I'm sorry you live where you live (Eastern Europe? Spain?) but $1 million dollars is most certainly not rich in any civilized country.
Who cares what others classify as "rich", you fucking mongoloid? With 1 million USD, you can live comfortably in most of Europe as long as you stay out of big cities. 30-40k SWR each year. If you can't live on that, you need to reevaluate your life and realize that you'll never have enough and probably never reach 1 million, let alone 10 million.

>> No.694877

Most everything IS subjective though. Everything is an interpretation. It's the human experience. $100 is $100, but for one person it's small change while for another it's the difference between starving and groceries. Cold statistics and numbers can be facts (83% are completely made up) but the value of those numbers is different for everyone.
It's like when you were a teen and had to work hard to save up for a beat up old Dodge but the spoiled princess threw a huge sweet 16, got on MTV and got an Escalade from daddy yet hates it because it's not the right shade of pink and daddy hates me and never listens my life is so hard you guys.

The objective, monetary WORTH of the Escalade is much higher, but your subjective value interpretation of your shitty truck is so much better.

God I hate that show.

>> No.694878

Furthermore, why the fuck would you just "live off it"?

I think it would be boring to "retire" and live off interest generated by your million.

Once you have a million, just buy yourself a nice apartment in the city and a nice Lambo or something and keep earning the money.

You will be seen as rich by pretty much everyone and you will be able to fund further lavish lifestyle, because you aren't a lazy "retire at 30" faggot.

Why would you ever want to retire if you like your job?

I want to earn a lot of money, but I don't want to stop working. I find it exciting to work and see rewards of my input.

>> No.694879

I'd rather be wealthy and/or satisfied than rich any day. Won't be a billionaire anyway.

>> No.694880

If I'd have enough to retire on moderately comfortably I wouldn't sit still either. I'd get bored. Do charity work or something, venture out on your own with the knowledge you won't have to risk anything. No pressure.

>> No.695109

>you can live comfortably in most of Europe as long as you stay out of big cities
For fucks sake, kill me now.

Why not just suggest moving to Africa or Afghanistan if all you care about is cost of living? For most of us, quality of life is too important to live in a shithole.

>So how many millions do you have?
Why is my wealth relevant? We're talking about what it means to be rich, not whether I personally am rich.

You faggots need to stop this. Right fucking now. If your go-to argument in a discussion about wealth is "how much you got poorfag?" then you've just admitted that wealthy people are smarter and better than you in every way. If all it takes to be right is to have a large enough bank account, then you will always be a loser.

>People who are actual millionaires and successful don't post on Taiwanese scripture boards
kek. Enjoying your first day on /biz/, newfag?

>> No.695129

10m puts you easily in the HNW category ya dumb cunt. I don't care if your definition of rich doesn't coincide with the vast majority of people.

Yes, it's human nature to compare ourselves to one another. So what?

>> No.695132

guy, just shut up... you are trying too hard and it's showing with every post you make

>> No.695136

>HNW category
And who decided that was rich? You? Are your the judge and jury now?

You faggots keep drawing arbitrary lines and coming up with new terms because you can't grasp a simple concept: there is no rich. There is only richer than someone else.

>> No.695143
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>> No.695153

Thanks for coming out anon. You've been the thread for 18 minutes, and haven't contributed a single on-topic post. You must be the neighborhood roaming thread critic that 4chan hired to improve the quality of the boards. I look forward to more insightful commentary from someone so fundamentally retarded that the only way he can participate in threads is by fixing spelling, correcting grammar, and rating the quality of posts.

>> No.695164

actually you can thank me for getting this board started last year. Where am I fixing spelling and correcting grammar?

>> No.695169

>actually you can thank me for getting this board started last year.
Holy shit, we got us a gen-u-ine celebrity here! Its the founder and Creator of /biz/ everyone!

Can you do some more tricks please? Surely have the largest collection of cool memes and reaction faces on the planet! Many colored fedoras? Pony gear? I can hardly imagine the lifestyle that your fame and power must afford you. You're such a special little snowflake, and its a real honour to have you shitposting in the same thread.

>> No.695185

I like how you misinterpret and read too far into things.

>> No.695204


>> No.695225
File: 26 KB, 460x329, love-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y u no meme response?

I have more to say, but I'm worried you'll ban me. Someone who CREATED THE BIZ BOARD is obvious a mod, if not a full-blown admin ... if not MOOT HIMSELF. Squweeeee! I'm so excited by this mystery!

>> No.695241

ask a rich person with USD2mm in the bank anything

>> No.695252
File: 58 KB, 700x479, 1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 million

>calling himself rich.

into the trash it goes.

>> No.695263

2mm is objectively rich you NEET scum

>> No.695269

>2mm is objectively rich you NEET scum
Compared to what? You aren't even the richest guy on this shitty message board.

>> No.695272

based delusional basement dweller

>> No.695366

"independently wealthy" vs rich, it's just a difference of phrasing.

That's what makes it a good definition. It's not a hard number, it's based on your location, life choices, and general situation. The big-time US CEO who is drowning in debt is not rich compared to a landowner in a poor 3rd-world country that made good for himself.

It's the only definition that makes sense to me.