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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 603x290, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 7.22.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941385 No.6941385 [Reply] [Original]

>50 cent accidentally make 80m
>Katy Perry shills crypto with her fucking nails
>Snoop Dogg shills Robinhood's new Fiat to Crypto exchange
>hundreds of neets ask major company to let them pay with meme money and some actually respond

what fucking timeline is this guys

>> No.6941423

>mfw the market makers this time weren't the banks, but the rappers and popstars

>> No.6941427

Idk but if this means more normies hording in and more money then I'm in

>> No.6941458

>what fucking timeline is this guys
the timeline where crypto sees widespread adoption and anyone who understands the market can make massive bank?

>> No.6941480

50 cent is one of the most famous people on the planet and he has a history of making great investment choices.
As soon as people saw he made millions off btc it legitimized it to a whole lot of normies. strap in

>> No.6941483

This is great i honestly would not be near as rich if i had a way to buy goods

>> No.6941486

We're about to see a whole new generation of rappers like..

Big Whale
Young Crypto
Lil Coin


>> No.6941490

this, although I should probably put some of my stack into basic bitch coins, no one following snoop or katy perry is gonna be buying anything outside of the top 10

>> No.6941496

>I understand the market but all the bankers the traders the lawmakers dont
oh boy

>> No.6941500

We gonba have a bullrun soon

>> No.6941559

Based black men

>> No.6941593

but the bankers, traders, and lawmakers also think we're going to have the bull run of a lifetime

>> No.6941602

Pretty sure it confirms that crypto was no accident, it was created very intentionally to kill the strength of the United States and usher in globalism.

>> No.6941722

This just let's the Jews make more money desu
Jews control the pop stars and rappers and all Hollyweird, just ask Dave Chappell

>> No.6941737

>they're going to ruin crypto also
fucking shit that legit bothers me

>> No.6941799

No kidding, or now ((They)) finally figured it out and we're all fucked.
I thought if Hillary was going to win, they would have just issued a new American currency anyway, to start over.

>> No.6941846

So doe this mean we might actually be able to make #PayWithCrypto a real trend, if all these famous people are backing it and shit

>> No.6941871

Snoop is one of the primary investors in the company that made Robinhood.

>> No.6941928

The one in which you missed your only chance to get rich by doing absolutely nothing, but instead chose to wagecuck until the normies got in.

>> No.6941951

But what good is that going to do?
Honestly it's one more step toward forms of regulation.
Or, I could be wrong and this could be everyone's future job, just trading crypto for money as the robots will do everything.

>> No.6942106

>it's not a bubble
>we're still early adopters
>kikestreet isn't making any money off this

>> No.6942167
File: 156 KB, 1366x344, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 7.50.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well for one, it'll solidify crypto as a form of payment and help sway the normies who are still on the fence (which is most of them)

If anything the regulation you speak of would lower the amount of taxes paid at time of purchase because of how widespread it is

>> No.6942185


>> No.6942322

so if crypto is dead, whats the next dotcom or crypto?

>> No.6942337

Just jump in some UFR and moon it out

>> No.6942379

>Crypto keep crashing
The most fucked up of all timelines.

>> No.6942420

Can't wait for Kanye West to release his genius ICO
shit will moon hard

>> No.6942438

banker whales done accumulating

>> No.6942478

The market cap isn't even 1 trillion. There's no way we've reached peak bubble.

>> No.6942490
File: 1.12 MB, 260x173, 1510180500567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo woah hold on I thought it was 8MM did you said EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS?

>> No.6942537
File: 51 KB, 600x338, dkwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young ICO, RUN BTC, Lil' Alt and the EOS side Goys.

>> No.6942577

>celebs start shilling
>normies suddenly all want in even more than Dec
>companies are forced to start using crypto to keep up with demand
>widespread adoption happens=no more bubble

Cant wait for Eminem to release a single about Monero or something

>> No.6942621


>> No.6942646

inb4 we get Big Pump

>> No.6942700

Feat. lil dump

>> No.6942709


Current year is going to be HUGE for crypto.
Wish i had more to throw into it.

>> No.6942716

Robinhood will be completely isolated from the crypto ecosystem aside from the price. No withdrawals or deposits from wallets/exchanges. No confusing wallet transactions. It's perfect for normans.

>> No.6942749

I hope the alts dont get murdered this time

>> No.6942750

Snoop has been in bitcoin since 2012 at the latest newfags

>> No.6942980
File: 61 KB, 600x741, 1287087055413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are only getting started.

>> No.6943110

I hate the cunt but can you imagine a yeezy ICO with 2M cap that you can buy yeezies with.

I hate the shoes too but i would be SO in.

>> No.6943582

Tophat. Top top top.

>> No.6943659

Holy shit why would anyone ever use an exchange that won't let you actually own your coins? Normans are disgusting creatures.

>> No.6943663

their neet asses just get in bitcoin in 2017 and act like they smarter than snoop nah nigga nah you aint

>> No.6943743


he said nothing along these lines

>> No.6943790

He's also a nigger so please kys for defending a nigger.

>> No.6943823

>normies talking about crypto

It means crypto is over. Secure gains now.

>> No.6943855

They don't care because they don't understand how to use their coins.

>> No.6943857

omg lol

>> No.6943895


This makes no sense, we WANT normies to flood in. The price will skyrocket as they FOMO and try to one up each other.

>> No.6943923

Killing the United States would actually kill most of our globalism problems. If the warmongering US were to stop functioning on a political level the world would be much better off.

>> No.6944174
File: 6 KB, 250x191, 1516159380610s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but is that a good thing?

Do we want this??? Does 4chan and reddit actually want the same thing right now...


>> No.6944181

that's a cute froggie

>> No.6944200

Almost like Cypto wasn't a Jewish invention all along! How will they ever recover?

>> No.6944209

And Moonman, of course.

>> No.6944240

Psst...now's the time to buy TEL. Before we get the influx of "brothers" looking out for each other

>> No.6944595

>50 cent accidentally make 80m

Its just a fucking publicity stunt.

>> No.6944653

pssshhhh...Yeezy is Satoshi, at least he will claim to be.

>> No.6944845
File: 29 KB, 225x400, kanye_btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate OC


>> No.6944866

Robinhood and Acorns now fuckin about with crypto as well

>> No.6945178

It means $$$$$$$$$$$$ for us. Market capital influx baby.

>> No.6945196

Got paid in 200. in BCH from a gig. Through watching youtube I flipped that into 3k within two weeks. Went horizontal for a few weeks until I decided on getting a social game going. happened upon @welambonow on twitter and turned my 3k into 20k within 3 weeks. You guys DYOR on him and find out the truth for yourself. I am not under his wing and have learned so much from him and the community he created on his discord. Get in or get a day job!

>> No.6945206


>> No.6945284

discord link? asking for a poorfag (me)

>> No.6945316

it's just celebrities trying to seem cool and hip..that's all

>> No.6945350


>> No.6945412

Are normans a separate species? Their thoughts, desires, behaviors are so....primitive.

>> No.6945551

Jesus Christ faggot shut up with the bubble talk. It’s getting old. If you’re so confident we’re in a bubble, sell and leave crypto and stop coming to 4chan talking like a gay sissy boy who likes it up the ass

>> No.6946147
File: 2.39 MB, 1800x956, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 10.51.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't reviewbrah the ultimate /biz chad/.
most of us look like or used to look like him at some point, and are at heart charming. we're gonna all make it lads


>> No.6947058

> he has a history of making great investment choices.
...This is the same dude who had to stoop to liquor stire meet-and-greets promoting a shitty bottom-shelf vodka

>> No.6947112

800btc x 11,000$/btc

7digits club for him

>> No.6947137

means money bruh

>> No.6947155


Ayo nigga I got dem gold chains,
Copped dem niggas wit ma LINK gains,
Puffin all day on dat sick Cush,
ma nigga Sergey in da back wit a toilet flush

>> No.6947257


>> No.6947317

>people with millions of dollars accidentally invested in crypto
why is this surprising again?

>> No.6947328

It might be time to stop going to /pol/ and reconsider your priorities in life mate.

>> No.6947355
File: 81 KB, 593x539, 1515955812618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6947583

>Killing the United States would actually kill most of our globalism problems. If the warmongering US were to stop functioning on a political level the world would be much better off.
If the warmongering US were to stop functioning on a political level the world would be speaking Chinese.

>> No.6947689

more people will be ok with keeping part of their savings in crypto. More money - less volatility. Slow steady gains for big coins is heaven for alts.

>> No.6948167
File: 90 KB, 1250x833, coinye-1250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean my many years of bah holding coinye coin are going to pay off?!