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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, heDy7mE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6913155 No.6913155 [Reply] [Original]

I assume most of you are teenager douches like this kid. Thats the only way you could all be so so fucking stupid.

>> No.6913206

I'm actually 40.Family, six figure £ salary and a 100k crypto portfolio from like $2k I threw into it.

So we not all like that pic.

>> No.6913286

i'm 3 and a half next week. getting some sick lego if I x5 my bags.
suck it gramps!

>> No.6913313

I'm 97 years old

>> No.6913451

I'm actually 113. Served in WW2 when I was 17 and retired just after because of my father's connections. I'm gay, so I never married, and cryptocurrencies até more of hobby to me.
Honestly surprised I still feel healthy in my age.

>> No.6913454 [DELETED] 

- has 6 figure income
- only puts in 2k

>> No.6913506

27 with a £400k folio, I’d guess the average age is around 18 on here tbqhwyf

>> No.6913515

30, fuck my life

>> No.6913563

Yes thought of it as gambling, so wasnt willing to put in too much. Though if I had to go back I would have put in £20k as I would have been up a lot more now.

>> No.6913600

- has 6 figure income
- only puts in 2k

>> No.6913647

Im 18... u mad? lol #generation Z #teenager #crypto XD

>> No.6913712

25 y/o college dropout NEET

>> No.6913728
File: 138 KB, 982x872, 1485407775114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


started with 2k in june. now at 10k. maaany poor decisions have been made

>> No.6913747

>113 years old
>17 for WW2
>1936 - 17 = 1919
>2018 - 1919 = 101
why lie on the internet anon

>> No.6913832

Are you me?

>> No.6913849



>> No.6913911
File: 92 KB, 658x614, 1515858848903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turned 21 today but I'm a nocoinz I just come here to laugh at all the retards and for the pink wojaks

>> No.6913985

23 old ethereum-miner, work as programmer

>> No.6914086

Damn nigga, I started in June with 250 and now I am at 11k. What the fuck have you been doing?

>> No.6914146

XD and you 18? I am 25 and i think we were the last generation to use that. You above 26-27 for sure.

>> No.6914293

I've personally witnessed kids under 18 still using xD anon, trust me it hasn't gone anywhere.

>> No.6914384

> Implying WW2 didn't start with the second Sino Japanese war

Stop being so eurocentric.

>> No.6914702

28, self employed, 16k usd portfolio

>> No.6914748

no it didn't. why don't you go back to the Versailles treaty, why not to the fucking christian roman empire distribution then?

>> No.6914844

Some of us bought more than 2 months ago.

>> No.6914902


Used to be a kneepad dropshipper, before I got into crypto

>> No.6914904


Us millenials will be like the boomers towards your generation.

Hoarding all the crypto whilst destroying the world with out new found borderless wealth.

>> No.6914981

31, 2 million net worth, most still in crypto because of taxes

>> No.6915005

26 brainlet
200 € > 2000 €

>> No.6915015

because the end of world war 2 was characterised by the end of the second sino japanese war you fucking idiot

>> No.6915066

you still are

>> No.6915126

>6 figure salary
>Only puts 2k in

You are either extremely leveraged in debt for cu.cking yourself with a family, or you are larping.

>> No.6915536

put in $4k now at $12k
I ain't a happy person knowing I'm far from retiring. I'm a NEET so it matters a lot

>> No.6916032

Like I said above, I considered it gambling so wasnt willing to invest more but looking back I would have put in £20k.

I'm an IT consultant in the finance sector and make £500 a day so no lies about the six figures.