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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 1199x402, 1200px-Iota_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6910132 No.6910132 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this coin

>> No.6910145

She's dead, jim

>> No.6910182

Why, though? Seems like a good time to buy in now. They just got some volkswagen fag on board. If I'm retarded please tell me why

>> No.6910340


>> No.6910960


Not a bad long term hold if you're looking to hold 2+ years. If you're patient and believe in its future then go ahead and get some and completely forget about it.

>> No.6911055

two days ago, multicoin capital released a 12-page scathing review of IOTA

the article ends with "given the current state of the IOTA network, the substantial technical risk, and the overwhelming evidence of serious flaws in the protocol, we believe that IOTA is sharply overvalued at current prices."

>> No.6911088

I bought at 0.39 and still believe in this shit. Q is coming soon, as well as the trinity wallet.
The biggest problem with IOTA right now is that normies are too fucking retarded to use the wallet, trinity will hopefully solve that.

>> No.6911121

shitcoin. one look at the devs twitter should give you an idea where this project is headed.

>> No.6911151

>hurr durrr if we make a transaction reference two other transactions in a DAG we can replace blockchain and have instant feeless transactions

This is what iota fags actually believe

>> No.6911154

trinity wallet has been lagging for a long time.
they are only releasing the Mobile version soon, not the desktop. Desktop users are still plagued with the AWFUL existing wallet.

>> No.6911181

shitcoin with flawed concept
will never work as intended

>> No.6911215

IOTA is overhyped hipster bullshit from Berlin. Every real german knows that by now, nothing good comes from Berlin. It's where all the scam artists go in order to create their "startups" mostly funded with goverment money (actually it's my taxes). It's so many of them, the city has got a founder community full of hipsters busy founding $WHATEVER. None of this $WHATEVER has been heard of doing well in the long run.

>> No.6911228

Long hold as evidenced by the 'problems' which really do not affect IOTA, they only affect morons who lack media competence and think generating a wallet seed in the first google search result is a good idea. Short term prices might tank a bit more.

>> No.6911248

Shit developers
Fake partnerships
Dishonest, over the top marketing
No fees = lie, users must do PoW which costs money
Infinitely scalable = lie, not possible
Censorship in every fb group
David Sonstebo is a psychopathic leftist asshole who spends his time arguing with anybody on social media
Dominik Schiener is a former cheater and scammer
Come.-from-beyong is a former scammer
Their user base is the biggest agglomeration of normies
"We will make Blockchain obsolete" lol
IOTA is a mess
Created their own Hash function, which was shit and erroneous
Devs stole money from user wallets in the past
Hackers stole millions because of online seed generators, David Sonstebo insultetd his own user base as stupid as a result
IOTA wants to be something for IoT, but can't execute any Smart Contracs and will never do so
Sonstebo ignores any questions about Smart Contracs, Schiener says they will need a Oracle connection to Blockchains in order to be able to do Smart Contracs, which in turn intensifies the Oracle Problem and makes absolutely no sense to do, because it makes everything less efficient and more error-prone
MIT and John Hopkins University call IOTA shit

anything more to add to this absolute shitcoin?

>> No.6911253

You know what's even more moronic? The IOTA devs removing the seed generator they originally had in the wallet.

>> No.6911305

> they will need a Oracle connection to Blockchains in order to be able to do Smart Contracs
LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.6911314

stfu you pepsibottel

>> No.6911329


Let me rephrase that, because I intend to post this everyday now until this coin dies.

Shit developers
Fake partnerships
Dishonest, over the top marketing
No fees = lie, users must do PoW which costs money
Infinitely scalable = lie, not possible
Censorship in every fb group, reddit, etc.
David Sonstebo is a psychopathic leftist asshole who spends his time arguing with anybody on social media
Dominik Schiener is a former cheater and scammer
Come-from-beyond is a former scammer
Their user base is the biggest agglomeration of normies within the crypto world
"We will make Blockchain obsolete" lol
IOTA is a technological mess and is constantly failing
Wallets very unprofessional
Centralized because it does not work without a 'coordinator'
Religious use base that attacs anyone who critizises or asks questions
Devs answer with "it will come soon/it will be implemented later" to any criticism, then nothing happens for months
Created their own Hash function, which was shit and erroneous
Devs stole money from user wallets in the past
Hackers stole millions because of online seed generators, David Sonstebo insultetd his own user base as stupid as a result
IOTA wants to be something for IoT, but can't execute any Smart Contracs and will never do so
Sonstebo ignores any questions about Smart Contracs, Schiener says they will need a Oracle connection to Blockchains in order to be able to do Smart Contracs, which in turn intensifies the Oracle Problem and makes absolutely no sense to do, because it makes everything less efficient and more error-prone
MIT and John Hopkins University call IOTA shit

>> No.6911335

Watch the meetup videos on youtube, they are shit.

Or better yet, attend a meetup in Chicago. I went and I'm not going to touch this coin.

>> No.6911349

ignoring personal bias of this anon, I'd say 80% of what he said is correct

>> No.6911367

Thats true for all crypto.

>> No.6911537

Don’t forget their ternary encodings are not even peer reviewed

>> No.6911542


They stole 5000 MIOTA from a friend of mine and are ignoring all requests of him.

Of course I am fucking biased against these assholes.

>> No.6911664

have you checked what "multicoin capital" is? it nothing than 2 idiots make an investment company, now they and their mums bought 5 bitcoins, and act like crypto gurus!

>> No.6911705

thats why Johann Jungwirth joined the IOTA foundation, right? idiot!

>> No.6911747

sorry, you are just mentally retarded, stop buying IOTA, because you would definitly use a seedgenerator

>> No.6911771

Implying with all his duties the membership will be more than a commitment on paper.

>> No.6911793

German automotive is so top notch in IT, they are still sending their files with BTX, lel.

>> No.6911801

They are trying to solve double spending problem for iot, that's the simplest explanation I can make.

Whether it'll fail or succeed idk, but if they do solve it, it deserves it's current marketcap, possibly even higher.

I don't think it's worth to buy right now, honestly bitconnect is a better investment than iota right now, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

>> No.6911856

Pls exblain

>> No.6911879

Dont forget some links!

>Vitalik hates IOTA


>MIT hates IOTA


>Dev's behave like children


>Claim partnerships when they are just a customer


>> No.6911893

worse transaction time than btc

>> No.6911901

>flawed Hash function
that reminds me of german telekom whos AES applicant "Magenta" got broken by Bruce Schneier over lunch time. Our engines are still top but german IT is teh lulz.

>> No.6911904

would a guy like him risking his career if iota was a scam? cmon, dont be stupid ... its your fault if you missed iota, stop your stupid FUD

>> No.6911910

It's shit. Why would you want to invest in shit? They are not serious about their project nor do they give a shit about the value of their coin. Stay the fuck away.

>> No.6911927

thx for that, as more fear i see, as more IOTA i buy! you dont get what this fear means

>> No.6911956

did you read the 12-page report?
their criticisms are spot-on, although I disagree with their harsh conclusion.

>> No.6911958

Like hes got a hand in what his employer tells him to sign up on.

Hes just the "look at this young new guy, everything is gonna change" guy at VAG presenting their new strategy after they got caught. I bet hes signed up to over 9000 projects he doesn't even know about. Just to make him look totally bleeding edge.

>> No.6912002

everyone is joining IOTA solely for earning few normie bucks fast. They're not idiots. IOTA is smelliest shit for all normie flies out there.

Surprised about BOSCH, though. I guess they fell for IOTA BS.

>> No.6912017

And that's not just IOTA. 99% percent of "partnerships" in crypto are of the "it's ok if you refer to us, Mr. .. what was your name again?" kind.

>> No.6912044

sorry, nope, its far more than that, you will see

>> No.6912059
File: 495 KB, 500x244, stupidass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah good english mate...

>> No.6912074

yes, is iota finished right now, no! but it will be finished in 1-2 years

>> No.6912076

My worst purchase of all time. Got out at a loss. Just keeps dropping and news do not move this coin an inch. Also mcap is already too high so this will at best 2x in like a year.

>> No.6912088

CfB's from belarus tho.

>> No.6912099

wanna talk german? hows your german, idiot?

>> No.6912120

people said this all year 2017, then suddenly x10, will be the same soon

>> No.6912144

My favorite IOTA moment when Microsoft went all like "IO Who? They are partnering with us? Never heard of".

>> No.6912159
File: 12 KB, 500x441, 1516765839324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /biz/. Guess I'll listen to the FUD this time. Coin has a cool concept which is why I was interested

>> No.6912174
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 45433455543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

du bist (((TRIGGERED)))

>> No.6912187

just another jewcoin

>> No.6912206

no, sry, thats actually the only problem we ever really solved

>> No.6912209

partnergate's a joke
No fee: you know what a fee is,right anon.
Scalable. the protocol is, they can't change physics
Dev are lunatics :entirely true
would like evidence of scam though?
Tech issues? Like real ones? gimme?

>> No.6912223

good german, idiot! es zeigt nur was für ein zurückgebliebenes, erbärmliches individium du bist

>> No.6912237

Da fehlt ein Komma. #sagsjanur

>> No.6912271

The only tangible tech issue is that the wallet is not fool-proof. That's the most serious issue around. Should tell everyone what they need to know and where iota is headed this year.

>> No.6912277

kleinschreibung aufgefallen? streber

>> No.6912281

10 posts by this retarded german shill.

iota sucks. we wont buy ur bags.

no one in the crypto space cares about muh smart refugee cities. eat a dick Hans

>> No.6912300

i dont care what you buy, go mooncoin!

>> No.6912337

Rode a few waves with this scamcoin. It's German so expect nazi companies like Bosch to blindly partner because muh nationalism. Their security is shit.

>> No.6912341

The best thing that could happen to the project is if the clown of a founder stepped down and distanced himself as far away from it as possible. They have made a number of new hires and still have lots of money to play around with. If only someone sensible would take over the project, it might have a chance.

>> No.6912347

>Vitalik hates IOTA
Vitalik got blown the fuck out on twitter by the iota dev who invented proof of stake.

>MIT hates IOTA
No. A single guy at MIT who is involved in a project rivaling IOTA hates IOTA

>Dev's behave like children
Non issue. Find something else to cry about.

Nuff said

>> No.6912360

wallet works.
data selling works.
biz hates iota because sonstebo, understandable,
but most criticism is empty

>> No.6912391
File: 83 KB, 399x629, meincunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking a legacy language... no thanks!

>> No.6912393

How about the fact that there are no ternary processors in existence in this world?

>> No.6912444

reddit vs reddit, cool

>> No.6912498

there are, just not mainstream
definitely feasible and in the works
right now emulators

>> No.6912533

Right, so we just need to wait another 10 years. Ya, no thanks.

>> No.6912542

(reddit space)
(reddit space)

>> No.6912855

probably way less thought.
emulators do work right now.
iota probably (but not certainly) shit short term
but seems safe af middle/long

>> No.6913047

I know for a fact that the IOTA subreddit had website seed generators linked in the subreddit info. Back in the day it was the common way to generate seeds. The only reason more didn’t get stolen is because 99% of normies keep shit on the exchanges mostly because of the shit wallets. Beyond that it’s a straight up scam. The network regularly gets taken offline for 5+ days while they update their closed source coordinator and prune the tangle. It’s fucking grade A shit.

>> No.6914102

it doesn't work. trust me I tried, and use to believe in it

>> No.6914149

pretty well summed up desu

>> No.6914188

classic /r/iota hivemind with a superiority concept response - I love how they delete posts arbitrarily and removed the 'controversial' sorting link; then ironically complain about r/cryptocurrency censorship
>inb4 you have to go back

>> No.6914216

sorry I have the flu :(