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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6908348 No.6908348 [Reply] [Original]

I have been here for a while now, (about 6 weeks) and I would like to start a petition to add a voting system to posts.

There should be a way to downvote posts that are just shilling and trying to make us buy coins that are in fact worthless.

So lets get together to show the mods that we stand behind this idea.

Press S for your suppor.

>> No.6908357


>> No.6908374

Where were you Reddit? Ok go back.

>> No.6908386


>> No.6908393

3/10 you might get replies. Saged.

>> No.6908410

A upvote and downvote system will never work for a investment board. People will just spout the same idea over and over again like reddit.

>> No.6908414

kill yourself for this post. you're not even slightly subtle

>> No.6908419


Good idea friend. Have some gold. :)

>> No.6908423

I would had downvoted your post... perfect example.

>>6908393 Saged? WTF is that, speak english Pajet.

>> No.6908442

No one cares faggot. You're obviously a 13 year old retard. Get the fuck out.

>> No.6908455

and you kill yourself as well for a serious reply, fucking brainlet

>> No.6908456

What do you mean?

>> No.6908473


>> No.6908515

We need to change this aggresvie culture we have in our board. I am just trying to help.

Lets make a positive change so we all can have more money.

>> No.6908530

what is sage alex!

>> No.6908541
File: 7 KB, 268x188, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking normue scum

GET the fuck out of my board you fucking kike nigger lover



>> No.6908554

>Saged? WTF is that
Newfag detected

>> No.6908590

No. Flags please. So we can see which posts are pajeet scams

>> No.6908638

you been here for a month and think you can change the board?
gtfo newfag and never come back

>> No.6908700

Finally able to get in touch with the mod/owner.

Do you have an email where I could contact you to discuss this idea further.

>> No.6908838

Please leave this forum newfriend.

>> No.6908877

Why are you guys so aggressive? Please explain, I don't get it.. I want this blog site to be successful.

>> No.6908917

Kill yourself

>> No.6908945

2/10 saged

>> No.6909028

holy shit this is funny.

yea yea, upvotes, flags, make the board better, let's talk about this like adults, your language offends (((me))), etc. we all know the jokes.

Its anonymous for a reason. The best ideas rise to the top without dumb women and beta faggots downvoting the best ideas, among other positive characteristics. But you knew that kike, r-right?


fuck back off to plebbit.

Although I do like the flag idea. I do enjoy pajeet shilling tho. Tough call.

>> No.6909031

I am starting to think all the aggressive people are actually pajeets fearing us who want to stop them on their tracks.

I am waiting to hear from mod who posted earlier to get his email and try to implement the voting system in platform/blog.

>> No.6909042

Every coin was worthless at some point. Also fuck off back to rebit nigger

>> No.6909169


>> No.6909171

write shit, read shit
get rich
kys pajeet
>muh entitlement

>> No.6909219

Updooted kind sir
Edit: WOW! Thanks for the gold kind stranger
Edit2: WOW! My most upvoted comment is about an updoot
Edit3: RIP my inbox LOL

>> No.6909355

I think it is a great initiative. Lets hope it takes.

>> No.6909455
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1515863955389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but this is 4chan. You have to respect it. GTFO with this positive shit.

>> No.6909560

report and hide reddit faggots

>> No.6909595

How would that be any different from reddit kek?

>> No.6909615

Buy LINK, redditcuck

>> No.6909669

Can't we just post more hitler-threads to get rid of the plebbits?
And perhaps some threads about cow butchering for all the pajeets

>> No.6909706

Petition to remove every reddit-fag from this board.
Reply with "fag" to support this petition.

>> No.6909759

Holy shit, we need to stop this flood of newfags before it's too late

>> No.6909831

What make you think I use r/crypto?

You guys jump to conclusions too fast.

>> No.6909856
File: 81 KB, 624x628, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6909858

Hey guysies how can I get in touch with the person incharge of this blog?

>> No.6909872
File: 37 KB, 625x350, bdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6909959


>> No.6909973

I would also like a petintion, for flags, 8 chan biz has flags, 4chan, no flags

Wheres /our/ flags
>wheres /our/ flags
Wheres our flags


OP kys

>> No.6910029

>Vote system
>Reddit spacing
0/10 b8 m8. Saged.

>> No.6910065

if you want this then go to Reddit. \biz is not for you.