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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 483 KB, 2102x1182, 20180123_150742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6855826 No.6855826 [Reply] [Original]


Ok, Brian Kelly is for sure a /biz/raeli.

Show yourself, BK.

>> No.6855911


>> No.6856058

Ok, everybody out of the pool. Crypto is officially over.

>> No.6856142

its this real? i want to kill myself... i didnt enter crypto to see this

>> No.6856215

AHahahahahaha it feels fucking beautiful being a young NEET and making more money than these fat fucking larpers who've spent 100,000s on college, are crippled in debt and brag about making what I make in a month. Get fucked you stupid stock cucks.

>> No.6856231
File: 130 KB, 618x564, toadtribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been coming to this gay fucking website for 13 years now and normies taking our shit is the only thing that still gets to me every time

>> No.6856253
File: 121 KB, 667x1136, IMG_5481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. That's me. AMA!

>> No.6856271

lol you're not making more money than Brian Kelly, you naive child.

>> No.6856297

I've been on 4chan since 2004 and in my experience it's only the newfags and kids who say normie

>> No.6856326

In every case I would agree but this is just priceless, they're going to give us all their money.

>> No.6856369

Based BK shilling ETH and working the marks


>> No.6856375

baka desu senpai

>> No.6856376


I kekd

>> No.6856395

ok grandpa

>> No.6856434

I'm talking about the normie people he's preaching to, pinhead.

>> No.6856489

>why is Ethereum so hot
I can't fucking believe it, it's Trump 2016 all over again.
I'm sold. ETH 50k by the end of the year.
I made 8k off Trump and I'm going to get filthy rich off Ethereum.

>> No.6856522

Most of them also earn more money than you, loser.

>> No.6856568
File: 54 KB, 450x531, 1515821848338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's people like you that I hope crypto crashes for. You just sit on your ass and expect life to hand you money for contributing nothing to society because you got lucky finding a cool logo on an imageboard. At least those studying and reaching for a certain goal have drive. You are here because of luck.

>> No.6856573

>Don't sell too soon!
t. DBC bagholder

>> No.6856583

>only risk 1-5%

never gonna make it

>> No.6856597

I've been on 4chan since 1994 and in my experience it's only the newfags and kids who say I've been on 4chan since

>> No.6856601

We are going to make Ethereum great again

>> No.6856603

Isn't this a good thing? I can't wait for when these normal faggots pump my bags and I get to dump them on them for 100x profit

>> No.6856627

Nice strawman. How are those student loans treating you?

>> No.6856632

These guys are complete retards

Unironcially always do the opposite

>> No.6856675

the kikes are trying to pump shit on national television nothing is going to pump

>> No.6856680
File: 121 KB, 1031x1031, 1515811451869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims strawman
>uses a strawman directly after

lol retard

>> No.6856691
File: 80 KB, 645x729, wojakbrainlet4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fat bumers hu watch tv al dai mak mor muny dan u"
Another financially insecure dweeb. Did my debt comment upset you or something?

>> No.6856713

>uses an autistically big strawman
>calls someone a retard for asking a question
lol retard

>> No.6856811
File: 435 KB, 500x500, edvgfrweqvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who /outlaw/ here?

>> No.6856847

>only risk 5% of assets

how am I going to make money investing like $75

>> No.6857385

Go all in on each rocket ship and don't get dumped on

>> No.6857509

I've been on 4chan since 1978 and in my experience it's only newfags and kids who say I've been on 4chan since