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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6855308 No.6855308 [Reply] [Original]

>look up ANY successful businessman or CEO in the entire world
>is jewish or has jewish connections

Explain this /biz/.

Even the small insignificant corner store down my street is run by a pajeet who is married to a jew.

>> No.6855384

Maybe in the (((land of the free)))

>> No.6855527
File: 36 KB, 360x270, There-Are-Coincidences_photo_medium[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6855551

Henry Ford would surely approve it OP

>> No.6855611

Actually there no coincidences. The world isn't as random as you might think

>> No.6855690
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>> No.6855842

>ANY successful businessman or CEO in the entire world...

Steve jobs? Warren Buffett ? Bill Gates?

Fuck of fag You only see what you want to see. indicating you're a bad investor and a great whiner fagoot

>> No.6856664

read the protocols of zion

>> No.6856760

They give each other interest free loans while teaching us that usury is necessary. They give each other preferential treatment when hiring while convincing us that meritocracy is necessary. This is what they do, this is what they've always done, this is why they keep getting expelled from our nations (we always wise up eventually.)

>> No.6856880
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>They can't wise up if they get dumbed down to the point of no return