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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6813287 No.6813287 [Reply] [Original]

Trump supporters and the alt-right are ruining the reputation of crypto. I don't give a fuck what your political opinions are, I only care about my money. Your garbage opinions are going to scare normies away. In that case, you can kiss mainstream adoption goodbye and hold heavy alt-right money bags. Kindly fuck off, thanks.

>> No.6813375

i dont think /pol/tards realize how absolutely despised they are by society

>> No.6813531

We started crypto, retard. We mined it and we bough drugs on Tor using it before you even heard about it.
That's what crypto really is - a currency for right-wing drug users.
Deal with it, leftie scum.

>> No.6813537

Some of us do.

It's kind of funny that you're so worked up about political opinions though.

Ron Paul 2020.

>> No.6813554

shut the fuck up soyboy

>> No.6813559


>right wing
>drug users

pick one

>> No.6813577

Communists and shills are ruining the reputation of crypto, I don't give a fuck what your political opinions are, I only care about my money. Your garbage opinions are going to scare normies away. In that case, you can kiss mainstream adoption goodbye and hold heavy red communist money bags. Kindly fuck off, thanks.

>> No.6813598

We just elected a president, faggot, and we just started. When we are finished we will kill you and take your shit. Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.6813614

We ARE Crypto

Fuck you faggot
In not even a trump supporter but you are a faggot

>> No.6813631

I'm White Nationalist and NatSoc, and I learned about BTC in 2011 when I was buying heroin off of silk road and then getting addicted to it like a retard.

>> No.6813638


>implying the GOP and the southern states (average IQ: 20) wouldn't get utterly slaughtered in civil war II

lmao this guy

>> No.6813655

no you didn't, rightwing cockroach
the vast majority of new tech is designed and implemented by left wingers/centrists
the only thing rightwingers are into is banking and law == parasitic filth

>> No.6813670

Lel. With what guns?

>> No.6813677

Crypto is making a bunch of right wingers millionaires while leftist scum are being drained of their wealth and its fucking amazing

>> No.6813700
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Oh my god like i totally agree like oh my god i cant like wait to vote for hillary again like totally

>> No.6813704

>the vast majority of new tech
implying new tech will save you from a bullet in the head.

>> No.6813710

Nah is libertarians doing that

Leftists are just basement dwelling pieces of shit that need a bullet in the head

>> No.6813736

Go back to r/crypto you precious little snowflake

>> No.6813763


Yet the retarded president you elected is taxing you for crypto to crypto trades now :)))

>> No.6813795

It's typically leftist code monkeys working for Libertarians. They're kind of like lemmings that way.

>> No.6813821

Yeah Hillary would have been so much more lenient on crypto, #Drumfgret

>> No.6813834

careful, you might cut yourself on those edgy teenaged violence fantasies

>> No.6813835

/pol/ack here. You're welcome that we got crypto started

>> No.6813847

>being this retarded

>> No.6813854


No you didn't. You think Satoshi Nakamoto is a right wing nut? lol

Most of the teams are fucking Asians and left wing whities, they hate your racist asses.

>> No.6813857

People actually believe that click bait bullshit?

Dude anyone can get on cryptos and anyone has.

>> No.6813886

Hahaha MAGA boi

>> No.6813916

Almost every single early adopter and designer of bitcoin were outspoken libertarians.

>> No.6813919

>needing approval from the soyim

Go home plebbit

>> No.6813921

>idc about politics
>Wahhhh! Mommy trumpers like what I like!
Once again leftists proving their low testosterone and iqs

You guys were literally born to lose and suck bbc

>> No.6813925

wow /pol/ is at full force here, they are even laying claim to """""starting crypto""""" LOL

>> No.6813972

why not just call it what it is, young white males

>> No.6813974

Look at how retarded Trump supporters are LOL


>> No.6814021

Implying leftists would ever stray away from fiat...
They love being able to fucking print their own money

>> No.6814038


>> No.6814039

I'd like to know your race

>> No.6814059

You and your president are sub-human waste

>> No.6814064

Probably soy

>> No.6814077

Fuck off alt-right faggots. All coders and people employed in technology are left wing because “NatSoc” people have a lower iq than my fucking nut

>> No.6814086

Wow thanks for the compliment

Better than being a grubby low iq shitakin

>> No.6814091

>he doesn't let politics get in the way of making money!
>t-that must mean h-he's n-not white
stay deluded /pol/

your faggot brand of right wing SJWism is turning me towards ancap and away from your "muh huwhite race" fag bullshit

>> No.6814156

I thought you faggots got ptsd from gun culture tho

>> No.6814171

I'm just letting you know, that's what liberal people see when they see young white men, evil racists. Its not so much the racism/sexism they have a problem with, its the whiteness and maleness.

>> No.6814174

>tax cuts, jobs, and uptick in GDP
You're welcome.

>> No.6814175

Listen cucks, you will either be scared back to plebbit where scary facts that go against your conditioning are censored, or the soy will eventually be cleansed from veins, and you start producing enough testosterone to start taking your own side.

>> No.6814180

The fuck? You forget your Prozac? I'm curious of his race, thats all

>> No.6814192

>T. The greatest cuck ever

>> No.6814195


Hope the nazi pussies try some shit again. I was born too late to scalp and rape Germans maybe I'll get my chance in a few years.

I won't even be able to rape your women actually, you don't have any, because they all Fuck good looking athletic foreign men instead of you shut in retards. I really, really hope I get the chance this lifetime to peel the skin off of a nazi. You got slaughtered in every war it'll happen again.

>> No.6814199

>hurr normie opinions matter!!!!

>> No.6814201

trying to imagine one of you faggot trannys holding a rifle makes me raff

>> No.6814208
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>Trump supporters and the alt-right are ruining the reputation of crypto

Let me guess. You only read news written by autistic jews.

No, the crypto market isn't doomed because sam hyde and weev were smart enough to accumulate crypto before you.

>> No.6814236

t. poorfag natsoc

>> No.6814248

Just admit you hate white people, you don't even have to, we all know it. That's why this multicultural shit is finished.

>> No.6814267

>sam hyde and weev
I love them both. I wish weev would put out more episodes of Race Ghost though.

>> No.6814272
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>> No.6814285

t. insane Jew.

>> No.6814293

Can't wait for forced diversity to ruin crypto the same way it ruins everything else.

>> No.6814302

Are you actually a rapist?

>> No.6814307
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>> No.6814308

just because autistic an-caps frequently flirt with far-right retardation doesn't mean libertarians do. actual libertarians are appalled by nationalist ideology, which is antithetical of their whole project

>> No.6814310

You think I'm natsoc based off of a few posts,
Since you're a politically retarded larper I should be too right?
Nice anti racist post I upboated it you poor ass monkey man

>> No.6814333

Real cutting edge shit, boomer

>> No.6814344


>god I want to rape and scalp whites so bad

>> No.6814363

I actually can't wait. Internet money is one of the few areas based in pure meritocracy.

>> No.6814372


You didn't elect Hillary now did you? :)

>> No.6814415


you didnt elect a president, the democrats did.

if they had ran literally any other candidate besides the raging dumpster fire that is hillary, trump would be producing his next horrible reality tv show right now.

you are hated. you are weak. you think you're so tough because a bunch of you faggots leave mommies basement and wave tiki torches around but when society has finally had enough of your shit (and it will soon)...lets just say enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.6814421

you must Be seriously retarded. 90 percent of the military is conservative you fucking moron.

>> No.6814445


> Fought in the meme war (Brexit and Trump campaign)
> Have now become a crypto soldier of fortune on /biz/
> Used my skills and resources (meme generation, twitter bot network, discord influence) to become wealthy (either directly for myself or on contract)
> Doing it to stay on my toes and use my wealth for 2020 when Meme War 2: The Hag Strikes Back begins.

>> No.6814446

CYRPTO IS LIBERTARIAN YOU FUCKING RETARDED FUCK. It's not big government leftist idiots.

>> No.6814447


I'm a white that actually had a good upbringing, unlike the incels here that were raised by racist forums on the internet.

>> No.6814471

>when society has finally had enough of your shit (and it will soon)

Oh no, the soyboys will be unleashed

>> No.6814478

Real libertarians want to repeal the Civil Rights Act so people can freely associate with whoever they want. They also want to abolish the welfare state and income taxes. Nulibertarians want to keep everything I've mentioned and just open the borders.

>> No.6814490

I don't understand how you think that not taxing a market that operates on the same principals as every other taxed market is retarded.

>> No.6814512

Kek, I doubt a white person would call whites "whities" as you did.

Seriously what race are you

>> No.6814514

you guys are so hyper focused on black people that it is concerning. why not work on improving your own life instead?

wow anon its kind of crazy the way you worded it. mind blowing really, the same way black people created a reputation for themselves, these young white males are doing the same thing

>> No.6814515

You are still crying wolf.


>> No.6814518

>discord influence

Bet you're worth less than $20k kid, I dump on faggots like you

>> No.6814562

Black people are true to their nature, unlike pathetic white liberals who lie to themselves about reality 500 times a day. White people will always have a reputation, you can be ashamed of it or be proud of your ancestors.

>> No.6814563
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/pol/ clearly has superior genetics

>> No.6814564


they're conservative, not racist you retard. Everyone please look at the board iq's, pol is quite literally one of the dumbest fucking boards. I hate collectivists of any kind so much, you are just as bad as an sjw, other side of the same coin.

As an asian (the proven most intelligent race, which by the way invented crypto, you're welcome) I'm not too thrilled that a lot of you advocate killing other races. So if the time comes I will be happy to help dismember a nazi.

Remember, the south lost, the germans lost twice, and currently no business, government, or educational institution would support a racist nazi point of view. You are utterly alone and will always lose, don't ever forget that.

>> No.6814575

Kill yourself shitskin

>> No.6814581

the people buying drugs on dark net were fucking hippes lmao. a 60 year old heroin junkie communist was shilling me monero when it was in the cents.

>> No.6814586

>i'm a wealthy white that has never had to deal with actual diversity and the only non-whites i've met were college students/graduates.

>> No.6814600

A primary issue in the US is currently the low IQ influx of people from typically brown countries.

It's destabilizing our country and robbing our children of what is our responsibility to preserve for them.

>> No.6814608
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Most crypto investors are right wing, the emerging crypto aristocracy is going through all of you out of helicopters.

>> No.6814618

Brainlet detected

>> No.6814626

You're living in a bubble and it will pop harder than crypto.

>> No.6814629


>> No.6814632

Time to kill yourself baizuo

>> No.6814636

>narcissistic projection and low-T induced rage

It must really trigger you that whenever you step out of your sheltered ecosystem of censorship and basic bitch (((narratives))) you find yourself knee deep in right wing internet culture.

>> No.6814662


you can stop using an asian invention to get measly gains anytime jizzskin. You should be grateful, without us the jews would be even tighter around your throat than they already are.

>> No.6814677

The Silk Road was the single reason Bitcoin didn't fail and it was started by a super libertarian.

>> No.6814693
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>look at the board iq's
Pre-exodus or post? Provide the scores along with the methodology and we'll take a look... nigger.

>> No.6814701

>complain about racism
>invoke race realism when talking about asian IQ

>> No.6814708

>All coders and people employed in technology are left wing because “NatSoc” people have a lower iq than my fucking nut
I bet you've never even written hello world you nigger lover.

>> No.6814713

Stop larping, baizuo

>> No.6814725
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>When we are finished we will kill you and take your shit
ahah ok my dude

>> No.6814728
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i think these shitskins are up to something

>> No.6814729

You guys are second place to Ashkenazi Jews, but that's not so bad.

You may need to study more though, The Civil War, WWI, and WWII were all fought for very different reasons and ideologies.

>> No.6814730

If you don't like it you can always leave this board.

>> No.6814743

Oh I thought you weren't a /pol/tard and we were on the same page. You're just another retarded white person riding the coattails of the British Empire. Because if we're gonna do that, if you have no British blood then you can't even call yourself white.

>> No.6814754

lmao, you think hippies knew how to use the internet properly to roam Tor with BTC?

Get a grip you god damn dirty hippie.

>> No.6814761

More drug cartels and terrorist organizations own buttcoins than MAGA peeds or Alt Right folks.

>> No.6814764

>As an asian (the proven most intelligent race, which by the way invented crypto, you're welcome)
If you were really intelligent you'd know that there is no evidence that asians had anything to do with the creation of crypto, moron.

>> No.6814766
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Nobody here supports Trump.
We're all racial realist libertarians here.

Fuck off with your shit baiting redddit, we all know it's you. I see your shit on /tv/ all the time.

>> No.6814770
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OP go attempt to suck your own penis. Finance always attracts more conservative people by it's very nature. How many Marxists work on wall street? How many leftists are CEOs? Outside of cuckifornia, not that fucking many. Leftists view the accumulation of wealth as immoral in and of itself, and thus they do not pursue careers in which they can get rich.

Right wing people understand that money is power and thus try to amass as much money and power as they can. That's what's so goddamn funny about reading articles about how Cryptocurrency is the domain of white males.

Any woman can invest in crypto. Any nigger, pajeet, spic, what have you, can also invest in crypto. There are no racial or gender requirements. Literally anyone can make money doing this. But for some reason it's really only white dudes and asian dudes doing it. There's no conspiracy to keep non whites and non asians out of crypto, they are literally just too stupid to have seen the potential early on whereas we did.

I don't even care about politics anymore because I am so confident that we will win. All I am focused on is making money and accumulating wealth so that I and my family can survive for generations. Ideally I could use my newfound wealth for politics as well, but I think we're going to win so hard that won't even be necessary. MAGA

>> No.6814787


So you're saying buy Trumpcoin?

>> No.6814812

Americans defined white in 1790 when we declared the US an ethnostate - it included the Italians and Irish - don't believe the FUD.

>> No.6814824

Funny how Finance is full of logical left-wing while Pol is full of the alt-right and their alternative emotions.

>> No.6814825

I don't give a shit about your political views as long as you're not an obnoxious faggot but

>pol started crypto
No, /g/ started crypto to the point this place was made as a containment board, because /g/ was literally nothing but crypto.

>> No.6814836

>Oh I thought you weren't a /pol/tard
It makes me glad you call white people who aren't ashamed and guilty poltards, its helping get us all on the same page so much faster.

>> No.6814838
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>> No.6814865

i don't give a shit about drumpf and i would murder you with no remorse if i could get away with it
definitely not alone in feeling that
that ivory tower is going to come crashing down whether you want it or not, and you're not going to like it

>> No.6814874


satoshi, a man of japanese descent created crypto. inb4 "hurr it was actually a white guy" any of you who believe this are no worse than black "WE WUZ KANGS" revisionists


not too fun when it's used against you, is it? Some of you are saying you're going to "kill us and take our shit" I'd like to see you alt righters try.

You realize that an alt righter is the guy in high school who was bad at sports, bad with women, bad at school (couldn't get into college), and bad at socializing. You are really telling me an unathletic, ugly, and stupid population of white boys is a threat to the rest of the world? We will kill you. you are pretenders, wannabes, nothing more. You will always lose

>> No.6814888
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>satoshi, a man of japanese descent created crypto.

>> No.6814906

This is a scrawny white guy btw

>> No.6814941

Finance is full of selfish greedy people, don't kid yourself, they only care about money , they couldn't give a fuck about politics. Look at Fascist countries, business flocks to right as soon as there are strong leftist factions threatening them.

>> No.6814953

All these fucking polcucks here what the shit. I bet none of you newfaggots know who !amDOGE is and you're trying to claim /biz/ is a /pol/ colony because you've been here since late 2017. Fucking seriously...
You cunts are no different to fucking mudslimes invading white countries and shitting them up. Get back inside your containment board.

>> No.6814957

I can sense the fear

>> No.6814958

look at this shit. poltards desperatly trying to meme crypto into their hands. you faggots were latecomers to this game and now your bitcoin bags are not big enough. 3/10 you guys tried.

>> No.6814989


>> No.6814994

>not too fun when it's used against you, is it? Some of you are saying you're going to "kill us and take our shit" I'd like to see you alt righters try.

For an "individualist" you sure do like generalizing all race realists as some sort of genocidal maniacs. Why don't you just admit you hate white people?

Do my feelings change the fact that Asians are on average smarter than whites? No. Do my feelings change the fact that Blacks are on average dumber than whites? No.
Somehow you believe that it's evil to acknowledge facts and think that we somehow are hurt by being told facts we already acknowledge.

>> No.6815026
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man soyboy, can you sure larp up a storm

>> No.6815032


not scared of you or any of your weak friends at all, pussy.

There is one good thing about having poltards here, they're just so gullible. If you promise them something they just believe it, it's amazing, must be that cuck collectivist mindset. I mean, imagine being so much of a cuck you allow hitler to rule your entire people with an iron fist. enjoy holding my bags, kevin.

>> No.6815046
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>OP go attempt to suck your own penis. Finance always attracts more conservative people by it's very nature. How many Marxists work on wall street? How many leftists are CEOs? Outside of cuckifornia, not that fucking many. Leftists view the accumulation of wealth as immoral in and of itself, and thus they do not pursue careers in which they can get rich.

Leftists are faggots and hate crypto.

>> No.6815057

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.6815058

Opposite of this

>> No.6815069
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When you realize that all /pol/tards single accomplishment is being born white and larping on a forum with other people like them. Go to your containment board and stay. No one wants you ruining the board with your retarded shit

>> No.6815072

I dont think we care.
OP, Bitcoin was created as a libertarian tool for revolution. We don’t give a shit about your gains. Just get the money out of the banks and stop paying taxes until the system crashes and we can start again. Your gains are worthless anyway. Better start getting used to crypto as an asset.

>> No.6815080

cucked by jews left and right

>jews are our enemies
>jews let us be white

pick one faggot

>> No.6815094

I agree, even though I slightly support trump, we need to keep political motivations out of this. Crypto is for everyone.

>> No.6815102

quite literally this, /pol/tards literally can't fucking keep their mouth shut and feel the need to bring up politics on every fucking board.

>> No.6815126

Wrong, crypto is only for people of color

>> No.6815149

>feel the need to bring up politics on every fucking board.

It brings assblasted replies like in the OP, so it will always happen

>> No.6815152

>You cunts are no different to fucking mudslimes invading white countries and shitting them up.
No John, you are the /pol/.

>> No.6815179
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asian ''men'' trying to act hard. top jej

>> No.6815180

Fuck off kuffar scum
The bitcoin Muslim community disagrees

>> No.6815185

Or... whenever you have a board that doesn't censor wrongrhink it tends to trend right wing. Run back to plebbit if you can't deal, soy.

>> No.6815195

Got to love Soyboys who buy the top of the market. If it wasn't for those on the right of the political spectrum Crypto wouldn't be where it is. Crypto was born out of free market economic ideals. Main stream adoption is coming. It cares not if lefties march in the streets how crypto is racist, led by racists, is inherently white supremcist and chauvanist. Thats like saying the wheel or fire wasn't going to make it because it hurt feelings.

Get on board now or leave it to the first ones who adopted it to profit off it and create a larger disparity of wealth. Can't stand leftist retards.

>> No.6815199

How do you not realize white nationalism is a completely normal thing and it's on the rise?

Some people are white nationalists and since /biz/ is a conservative board there are bound to be some.

Relax faggot.

>> No.6815205

Its actually pathetic how badly they fail in this market. When these faggots first hit /biz/ they got baited into fudding iota nonstop with the "muh genocide bullshit". Literally played straight into a jewish tactic, make the retards do the dirty work. It wasnt long before iota went 10x from there lmao.

>> No.6815207

>implying Jews had any influence in America in 1790
They were still making a killing by indebting the aristocracies of Europe.

>> No.6815216

>leftists hate crypto
Crypto was originally shilled on /g/, which is full of progressives who want the world to advance through technology, something the average country hick doesn't understand - and no, I'm not using correlation = causation. Not all right wings are country hicks, but all country hicks are right wing.
This place was the designated containment board after /g/ became literally nothing but crypto. Back when people were arguing about whether Drumf or Killary would get in, /g/ had been discussing exactly what Bitcoin meant for the future of the world, one where literally everything was automated and the banks didn't have control (an anarchistic view, which is what right-wings like to use nowadays for the reason why Bitcoin is bad and Ripple is good) for the past four years.

Go ahead and hate everyone but whites, or go ahead and change your gender if you want. I don't give a shit about which side you're on. But stop forcing your views into everything and trying to claim everything you perceive as good for yourself. /g/ got this board into crypto and nothing else, and /g/ was originally, and generally still is, primarily centre-left at minimum.

>> No.6815251

Except they went in on XRB which mooned even more

>> No.6815257

I am pretty sure 80% of the military is right-wing. I am not just talking about the guard, I am talking navy seals and marines man. They will fucking kill you soyboy liberal cuckholds with their bare hands. Most of the left are afraid of guns because they are "loud and traumatizing". lol do you think if there ever was a conflict you would last 2 weeks? The right would devour the left and it would be 100x easier than the last time we did it :)

>> No.6815270

Le god emperor trump and his wall st puppet masters dont approve of crypto, mr right wing
Or are you of the side to abolish the current system? if yes, then youd be a leftist.
>dont get confused with actual leftist and modern day college leftist

>> No.6815277

Wh*tes fuck off, Bitcoin was created by and for People of Color.

>> No.6815282


by society you mean all the non whites who are trying to conquer our lands and succeeding?

>> No.6815287

This. 9% of the country identifies as White Nationalist.
>hurr that's nothing you're just a tiny minority!
Faggots and trannies are like 2% so are you liberals gonna tell me that they don't matter?

>> No.6815295


> france and the US attempt to beat a bunch of vietnamese, untrained rice farmers, dropping more bombs in vietnam then in all of ww2
> still lose

> the US and all of it's euro dogs on a leash try to defeat a bunch of durkas in the desert
> get btfo again

imagine if you tried to invade a big asian country, you would get fucked up, you couldn't even handle the weakest and most disorganized countries of asia. also the birthplace of jiu jitsu, judo, karate, and more.

If anyone has to prove themselves it's non asians

>> No.6815318

Its all the same people you fucking retard, most people here visit 3+ boards unless you're a fresh normie who just got here. Politics has become impossible to escape from with the rise of identity politics, that's why people won't shut up about it on every board.

>> No.6815322
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>complaining about having more time to accumulate

>> No.6815330

>Crypto was originally shilled on /g/, which is full of [young White and Asian men aka the only demographic interested in scientific progress]

>> No.6815346

>(an anarchistic view, which is what right-wings like to use nowadays for the reason why Bitcoin is bad and Ripple is good) for the past four years.
You have to be quite deluded to think right-wingers support Ripple.
Most progressives are totalitarians that hate crypto because it could potentially be used to evade the eyes of the government. Already progressives are raising the alarms because the alt-right uses crypto donations instead of the payment systems like Paypal. Left-wingers hate cryptocurrency with a passion because it means they cannot control what people do with their money.

>> No.6815356

That's why everyone learns mandarin in school right?

>> No.6815360

Satoshi is a minority (he’s Japanese)
We minorities don’t need you cumskins in our crypto community

>> No.6815381

Communism advocates for a central bank you retard. Leftists hate crypto.

>> No.6815389

The Naturalization Act of 1790 had nothing to do with Jews.

That's California, the state trying to secede from itself.

>> No.6815393



>> No.6815394
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1515390005762m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a fuck what your political opinions are
Why make a thread about it? Stop infecting this place with your odious presence and fuck off back to R*ddit.

>> No.6815395
File: 64 KB, 1024x683, 059b2bcf5643d5c573da169f244b39f7c3d531839797470a50d059ab99f77634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am pretty sure 80% of the military is right-wing. I am not just talking about the guard, I am talking navy seals and marines man
I'm pretty sure 98% of you loser polcucks wouldnt pass the physical fitness test and thus never be able to join the military :^)

>> No.6815432

>forgetting how the biggest and strongest Asian nation, China, was conquered by a nation of tea-drinking limeys 1/100th the size and forced to take in heroin not once, but TWICE

>> No.6815434

Right-wing is the banks and wall st :^)

and right=wall st and the federal reserve

>> No.6815449

Wall Street is neoliberal leftism

>> No.6815456

How come all countries run by wh*tes are slowly getting destroyed (Sweden, France, Germany) while countries run by minorities (Japan, India, China) are getting stronger and stronger?

>> No.6815475
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Wow you sure showed him with your baseless accusation.

>> No.6815487

Cuckboy, military is overwhelmingly right leaning. Trump had unanimous support among special forces.

>> No.6815506
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An excellent question. I wonder (((who))) could be responsible.

>> No.6815547

Identity politics didn't come out until well after Bitcoin, so until well after Bitcoins were already discussed and before the new polshit invasions began where they tried to claim everything they like as theirs. /pol/, or /soc/ at the time, literally wasn't a thing when Bitcoin existed for three years prior.

Young white men who didn't give a shit about politics because it doesn't matter how you are behind a computer unless you're a pajeet, yes. Stop associating white with right. If you're into the NSA theory, which didn't become apparent until 2014 at the earliest, then yes, you might associate crypto with white people. But /g/ didn't give a shit about who invented it, because Satoshi was, for all intents and purposes, tinfoil hats aside, Asian, and yet the concept of an Asian pioneering the future of technology and the digital era didn't phase /g/.

In this very thread, people are associating right-wing with being CEOs, being in finance, being in control. I have all manner of left or right wing phrases I could add to that, but for the sake of keeping it unbiased to the best of my abilities, I'll just say that the very people advocating for crypto being /their thing/ also claim that the people with the biggest grip on the world are their types of people. Ripple is literally the bank coin. Normie right wings, not alt-rights, associate Bitcoin with anarchy because its intentions are to avoid being controlled by the banks and the government due to being decentralized. Ripple is shilled to the normie right-wings, and anyone who associates with them, through the thought of being the opposite of the 'anarchy' coin, and being controlled by the very same people they consider part of their political spectrum. Right wing is far more likely to support shit like Ripple solely because it's in favour of the bigwigs, whom are, apparently, right wing.

>> No.6815551


because asians have always been the most intelligent and structured. Now I must say, not all western countries are doing badly. Russia, the UK, and the US are top tier and are here to stay. However, mainland europe is a complete shitshow. I mean you have women running entire countries, socialism, rampant welfare and no jobs. Sad

>> No.6815571

>military is overwhelmingly right leaning
And military is full of blacks and hispanics, OH SNAP!

>> No.6815588

I for one absolutely hate /pol/. Why? Because they're cancer. Simple logic.
/biz/ is for discussing finance and income. The discussion here makes me mad dosh because they're sometimes about hidden gems.
/pol/ ruins every board and facet of society by injecting their political neo nazi trump crap in every discussion, hence ruining said discussion. They bring their boomer and normalfag userbase with them, outside the /pol/ containment area.
Hence, they ruin /biz/ discussion the more they multiply on /biz/. Ergo, they ruin my chances of making money. Fuck.

This fucking cancer is disgusting and they should leave. Pronto.
If there is a "kick /pol/ out" movement in this board I will gladly support them.

>> No.6815592


right leaning, not natsoc or racist

>> No.6815632
File: 39 KB, 460x276, US-marines-with-flag-rese-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I sleep well knowing my brothers in arms will fucking slaughter you without hesitation.

>> No.6815636

Speaking like a true nigger.

>> No.6815665

Right-wing YouTube intellectuals have somehow reached superior cancer levels to the already established and long mocked radical left mainstays of the site, honestly, I'd rather watch a fucking AmazingAtheist video than the latest shat out circlejerk race-bait trash you see from these brainless cunts. Completely ignoring you have ACTUAL sub 80-IQ morons with a cult following in this space like that rageunderstorm or whatever her name was.

>> No.6815669

Whyte bois are not human

>> No.6815699

Military is mostly white, especially at the top, dumbo.
I didn't mention Nazis, you brought it up because it's something in your own head. Inferiority complexes or whatever.

>> No.6815712
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>average IQ:20
>what are nogs and spics

>muh horseshoe theory
sargon pls leave

>> No.6815715

Democrats or republicans, you're all bunch of fucking commies. Off yourselves.

>> No.6815732

a crash to 5k would purge this scum, so I'd appreciate it. ofc, I'd also buy low from these weak handed faggots that never were in a bear market. poltards gtfo. I witnessed first hand your invasion of this board, and I'll witness your extermination by a market you don't understand.

>> No.6815755

that's not the fucking point you absolute shithead. I might even agree with you autists on a few points but there's a time and a place for politics and a fucking crypto board which the most libertarian thing that can come to my mind is really not the best.

>> No.6815773

>ACTUAL sub 80-IQ
Anon, blacks are much more likely to have an IQ like that than whites.

>> No.6815778

Fuck off
Crypto is intergalactic gay space communism

>> No.6815803
File: 888 KB, 782x766, CD02E03B-4696-4401-99D5-CBDB332B01C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you /pol/niggers just spout absolute bullshit and believe it. You don’t know how any country runs because you don’t fucking leave your house.

Your life is dog shit so you join with the only group that would accept someone with no social skills, collectively lick boots, and make up stats that fit your narrative

>> No.6815820


the entire thread is about how the obvious natsoc and racist views of pol are not accepted by reasonable intelligent people. I have no problem with right wing views, even extreme right wing views, but advocating slaughtering entire races and more is not gonna slide
notice how most of the alt right residences, aka the south, are dumb as shit. You can blame them on the black people in those areas but let's be real, as someone from the south, the white people here are even fucking dumber its amazing.

putting horseshoe theory in front of ">" doesn't mean its not true dumbass

>> No.6815821

m8 this thread is literally a thread about someone raging about the alt right, are you dumb?

>> No.6815837

Crypto is ancap paradise, you fucking retard.

>> No.6815861
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Said the stinking Pajeet streetshitter.

>> No.6815866

Larping cuck would tremble when faced with a person that doesn’t look like you. It’s the entire reason why you’re so angry

>> No.6815873

You’ll be the first one I send to the gulags

>> No.6815875

this tbqh

>> No.6815900

Why would the military attack and kill citizens just because they happened to tell losers on 4chan to go back to their containment board?
You have a mental illness, just sayin

>> No.6815927

Crypto is inevitable.

Therefore I welcome the altright and Nazis. The longer they can keep normies away the more time to accumulate.

Fuck off with your quick buck schemes pajeet, I’m playing the long game.

>> No.6815952
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>decentralization is left-wing
Basically, libertarians are ushering in a new era of free banking but arrogant leftists like you claim that somehow they are in fact leftist because
>muh right-wingers love banks amirite
Right-wingers love liberty not the big banks.
The big banks have rigged the system in favor of themselves by getting useful idiot neoliberals to enact legislation that kills all the small bank competitors. Furthermore, progressives created the federal reserve and then claim the federal reserve is supported by right wingers.

Look at image attached for an example.
This is a regulation created by progressives that essentially bars poor and middle class people from making risky investments. This is leftism at it's core, a nanny state that tells people what they can and cannot do.

>> No.6815960

All your grandchildren are going to be brown trans queer latinx lmao

>> No.6815978

All of those states are 30-40% black, dummy. Educate yourself.

>> No.6815998

no it's just regular posters have gravitated more towards the right. Cucks still refer to them as "poltards" because they don't want to believe that their normal peers have become right wingers

>> No.6816004

"Larping cuck" there you go projecting again
Keep denying facts the numbers don't lie
When shit hits the fan you and your like will be wiped from the earth :)

>> No.6816009
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t. 56%er

>> No.6816016
File: 24 KB, 512x512, cYL0mp4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wife will be the first one to suck my dick once I buy you and your whole family as slaves.

>> No.6816025

Wow, are you saying whites being racist is highly correlated with actually living and interacting with blacks on a daily basis?

>> No.6816039

This is how a useful idiot looks like, ladies and gents

>> No.6816042

4chan has always been that way, its always been offensive and racist, just these sensitive faggots turned up one day from reddit and other censored websites, and assumed that made them hardcore nazis because they didn't subscribe to the groupthink

>> No.6816058
File: 98 KB, 1042x574, blpoghyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advocating slaughtering entire races and more is not gonna slide
typical gaslighting kike.

>> No.6816061

You forget, the military ARE citizens. people on here talking about the eradication of the white race in America and I am telling you that it will end poorly for you.

>> No.6816140

Were going to pump your kids so full of hormones that theylll will be sucking trans PoC cock 24/7 until They die of an overdose :)

>> No.6816148

You post a picture of yourself right now. You can even cover your face and show your body. Show me the person that will kill everyone that thinks like me

>> No.6816166

>having kids in 21st century
Not gonna make it fampai.

>> No.6816167


> thinking I want white people to die out

Why the fuck would I want that. It doesn't help me at all, I'm not going to be any richer or happier by doing that. Other races just want to be respected at a decent level, no normal nonwhite person wishes death to all white people. That's a delusion that you made up in your head to help you accept your views. If the alt right are going to constantly deride and wish for the death of us then yeah there's going to be some resistance, what the fuck do you expect.

>> No.6816178

>arrogant leftists
I'm actually a centrist, at worst leaning slightly left. I support both left and right wing ideologies. I just don't support extremists trying to throw their opinion at everything and trying to claim everything they like as their own. Especially when you people seem to think /g/, a board that existed for 6 years before the earliest incarnation of /pol/, was primarily left-wing because technology encourages left-wing ideologies.

>right wingers love liberty not the big banks
That's why you people, in this very thread, are claiming that everything in charge and in power of big companies are right-wing, right? What you're saying literally doesn't add up, but you're cherrypicking a single document from a single area as an argument against the entirety of one side of the spectrum and trying to generalize them all to that one point of view.
You're ignoring the fact that why would right-wings not be more likely to support something made by right-wings? Also, you can fuck off with the legislations and accusations, I live in Australia. 90% of your legislations are fucking retarded to me.

Places like Japan, which are very left-wing focused (with the exception of the general population avoiding women and despising feminists), aren't even using Ripple. They're developing crypto like J-Coin and MUFG as their coins for their banks, which still support the decentralization aspect. So associating left wing with Ripple because 'hurr one legislation' is retarded. It doesn't make a single iota of sense to believe anything other than right-wings being far more likely to support a coin developed by right-wings.

>> No.6816181


People on /g/ are just focused on technology. If there's a political aspect to it all you could say that these people were libertarians, which can skew left or right depending on philosophy. You call it anarchism and I call it libertarianism. The fact is that bitcoin could never have been created in a purely anarchist world. Perhaps it will help usher in a new age that is better for all humanity, I would hope so, but it won't be an anarhist future in the way most people think of the term. It will be people utilizing their own freedom to bend the world around them to their will, which is as conservative as it gets.

If cryptocurrency enthusiasts were actually leftists, they would be advocating a world in which everyone with a lot of crypto should just give it away to poor people so that we all become equal in wealth. I highly doubt that will happen

>> No.6816188

>the entire system built by the right-wing is actually communism because I'm a hardcore alt-righter and I say so!

>and I am telling you that it will end poorly for you
Oh? Am I advoacting killing white people or something? Where would you get such an idea? I'm just telling obnoxious twats who have been on this board for only a few months to shut the fuck up.
Youre just another dumb cunt polcuck who forces everyone into a peg because its the only way you know how to have a 'discussion'. Fucking joke you are.

>> No.6816193

Just when you think about crypto.
The alt-right needs money especially crypto money to fuel their army and propaganda machine

All you lefty scums are going to get F-U-C-K-E-D

>> No.6816196

the teams you are talking about are newfags who are only in the greedy bubble for the money, money is the god of lefties/communists. that's why they don't understand that the free market isn't a zero sum game. anyway, i am 100% sure satoshi nakamoto is a radical libertarian. fucking faggot

>> No.6816227

wasn't primarily*, also forgot to once again reiterate that /g/ talked about Bitcoin for years prior to /pol/ and /soc/ even being a thing

>> No.6816234


Look at this denial. It’s true, bud. The only people that like you are other people in your fragile echo chamber

>> No.6816286

literally no one on the far right is advocating slaughtering entire races. Quit strawmanning

>> No.6816308

Every board was leftwing (but still racist since at the time racist != rightwing) before news/pol.

>> No.6816326

Your grandchildren will be brown Muslim and trans

>> No.6816341
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Leftist when will they learn.

>> No.6816343

So will yours lol

>> No.6816361

> literally no one on the far right is advocating slaugtering entire races
>being this delusional

please read just some of the posts in this thread, or maybe stop by pol for a little. The natsoc and altright definitely are advocating the death of non white people. Or maybe look at nazi ideology for a bit, you realize the 3rd reich would slaughter jews and slavs en masse for being "subhuman", look it up.

>> No.6816379


the modern republican party and "NeoCons" were actually composed of former Trotskyites. Not making this up. Trump the first legitimately conservative president we have had since Hoover or Coolidge (I kind of want to throw Nixon in there, but he was neoliberal in some respects).


>From the anti-Stalinists who became conservatives -- including James Burnham, Whittaker Chambers, and Irving Kristol -- the Right gained a political education and, in some cases, an injection of passion. The ex-radicals brought with them the knowledge that ideological movements must have journals and magazines to articulate their perspectives. In 1955, for example, William F. Buckley, Jr., launched National Review at the urging of Willi Schlamm, a former German Communist. In its early years, National Review was largely written and edited by the Buckley family and a handful of former Communists, Trotskyists, and socialists, such as Burnham and Chambers.

>> No.6816382
File: 89 KB, 403x403, 1350202457457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left = federal reserve.

The right(and most people on this board) want to abolish the fed.

The left loves central banking and keynes/marx.

Countries that are nationalist(those asian countries) are going strong while countries that are multicult(those white countries) are failing miserably.

Thanks for proving our point.

>> No.6816383

I already am all of those things

>> No.6816384

And this is 100% true. /pol/ actually thinks they are the majority in this board when this board was just split from /g/. It's delusional to say the least.

>> No.6816392

>Identity politics didn't come out until well after Bitcoin
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6816416

Every board was filled with underage anime posters, those people have now grown up so it's only normal 4chan has became more right-wing.

>> No.6816418

Because the left is over run by liberals and its becoming impossible to separate the two. I've never seen a socialist politician not bend over for the liberal progressive vote.

>> No.6816422
File: 28 KB, 308x240, 1485104470983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto is intergalactic gay space communism

How is radical free market capitalism in any way communism?
Commies hate crypto, commies hate CAPITALISM.

>supporting communism
Do you hate yourself

>> No.6816423

I've been on /pol/ for years and have not seen that said seriously. I've seen people advocate for ethnostates and for segregation, but I've never seen an intelligent post that had support in which someone was advocating the slaughter of all of Africa and South America and Asia. Even the Nazis themselves didn't believe in such things. They're advocating for the continued existence of white people, but for some people wanting to shut down immigration is tantamount to "slaughter"

>> No.6816441

This was a board way before crypto fags got here you absolutely colossal retard.

>> No.6816448

>Places like Japan, which are very left-wing focused
Japan is extremely right wing you fucking idiot lmao
They're nationalist and close their borders and they have a free market economy.

>> No.6816458

Failing miserably how? You morons read news created by other moronic Americans on their biased websites and take it as fact. You don’t leave your house so you don’t even know what your own country is like

>> No.6816462

This, remember the 10 millions jews killed by the Nazi. How can anyone who calls himself human support that?

>> No.6816476


this is how you know that poster has no idea what they are talking about. "Identity politics" in the modern sense of the term has been a thing since the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

It tried to resurface and become a big deal in the 80s and 90s but people were making too much money to really give a shit about race and identity. It wasn't until the 2000s and 2010s that it became dominant in national discourse again (Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown etc). It's been around for a while though, just look at the careers of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, or our good buddy Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit

>> No.6816480
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>would slaughter jews and slavs
That's funny. I'm from one of those slav countries and we were great buddies with Hitler. Until '44, that is, when we stabbed him in the back.

>> No.6816481

Right wing is a white concept.
Minorities can’t be right wing

>> No.6816483

>Every board was leftwing (but still racist since at the time racist != rightwing) before news/pol.
No, we were libertarian.
I bet you don't even remember ron paul /b/

>hurrr ur dumb
Many places in europe have no go zones and racial riots all of the time and crime is dramatically increasing.
Sweden is the rape capital of europe.
You're wrong.

>> No.6816507

There will be no gulags
If you are an unironic communist, it's best you just kill yourself before we end up killing you.

>> No.6816537

No, it's not.
Nonwhites can be right wing.
Japan is right wing.
Stop making up your own bullshit definitions for things.

>> No.6816545

Right-wing, centrism, left-wing are all relative based on the times.
Once you start using the scale on an international level it ends up being meaningless. American tradition is unique in that in America the reactionary supports liberty and freedom to a radical extent. Compare this to Europe where a reactionary would want a very centralized system.

However, I will say this.
Crypto was designed as a way to send money under the radar and free from regulation. This meant people who used bitcoin were either the hobbyist /g/ or someone who was cutoff from traditional ways of sending money /pol/. Whether you wanted to buy some drugs or donate to some right-wing extremists you wanted to do this covertly.

You can't be publicly alt-right or far-right without putting your career in jeopardy. Furthermore, if you get caught donating to right-wing causes you also can get into trouble. These facts have pushed right-wingers to embrace anonymity and decentralized platforms from which they cannot be banned from.

>> No.6816548

Dude read this fucking thread

You guys are so confused... Can you all get together or something and decide and left wing and right wing actually mean? Or is it some kind of fluid thing that you can shape to suit your argument at any time? see >>6814770

>> No.6816554

god the left cant meme

>> No.6816567

Sure it was buddy. I've been here years ago, when they made /biz/. I left though since /a/ and /v/ was my main boards but thats not the point.The beginnings of /biz/ were already filled with crypto you stupid dunce.

>> No.6816573

People weren't libertarian when they were posting, unironically, V for Vendetta and Marx threads on /b/. Granted it was mostly anarchism rather than communism, but still, the whole strictly libertarian stuff came later than when I'm talking about.

>> No.6816582
File: 387 KB, 449x493, 5A1E48C0-4537-4463-9F60-F4D2111D4015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link those with stats not from a shithole right wing site that reports with their feelings. You sensitive /pol/nigger.

Imagine being an adult male that blames all their problems not on their self, but on a whole other race

>> No.6816603



Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.6816640

>You guys are so confused...
No, you are confused.
Why the fuck would a leftist be AGAINST central banking?
Being against central banking is what austrians/libertarians etc believe.
It's a right wing concept.

Leftists love and support central banks.
Look at FDR, look at marx and the communist manifesto, look at keynes.

Please stop posting.

>> No.6816660

4chan has always been edgy and racist and it always will be. As will anything that is not censored.

Threads like these just fuel more shitposting and never change anything

>> No.6816688

>People weren't libertarian when they were posting, unironically, V for Vendetta and Marx threads on /b/. Granted it was mostly anarchism rather than communism, but still, the whole strictly libertarian stuff came later than when I'm talking about.
There were no marx threads.
We all supported ron paul in 07/08 and regularly shat on communists.
You obviously werent there then.

My life is fine lol, I'm just reporting on facts.
Glad I don't live in europe.
google europe no go zones

>> No.6816699

>Imagine being an adult male that blames all their problems not on their self, but on a whole other race
You just described the average nigger, anon.

>> No.6816702

No they weren't, it was people talking about college majors, life decisions, investments, businesses, jobs etc. and the board was slow as fuck too, there must have been such a tiny amount of active users.

>> No.6816727

>Why the fuck would a leftist be AGAINST central banking?
I dont know. Why dont you go ask those occupy hippies? And is le god emprur drumpf gonna tear down the federal reserve? Or is he gonna pump more money into wall st and the big banks? Fucking retard...

>> No.6816739

You're the one who wasn't there before Ron Paul apparently.

>> No.6816742
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Luckily in the case of crypto no amount of subversion is going to transform it, if they were to release a full-on commie/white-only-socialist coin tomorrow nobody would buy it, because nobody wants to be a socialist with their own resources. No amount of shilling is going to make us ask for democratization of our crypto wallets, because we're getting wallets precisely to escape the effects of democracy.

Cryptocurrencies are libertarian, anarcho-capitalist even, direct payment for services rendered, not taxes, people voting with their wallet, not with a ballot, and communists/socialists engaging in crypto and fooling themselves into believing this will somehow help them achieve their goals should be treated as useful idiots and encouraged at every turn.

>> No.6816744

>Imagine being an adult male that blames all their problems not on their self, but on a whole other race
I see this argument a lot but it's just a weak straw man trying to reduce a whole worldview into a personal attack. Individuals are responsible for problems in their personal lives. Groups of people are responsible for problems on the national scale.

>> No.6816762
File: 582 KB, 1000x897, 1486328784990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is a free market white nationalist board.

If you don't like it, if you are a commie you can go to /helicopter/

>> No.6816770

>Leftists support central banks
Wow you could just say you don't undestand marx

TOP Damage control

>> No.6816773

You threaten to rape German women. Then you act high and moral.

>> No.6816793

Anyone made a socialist coin, a LGBT coin or a FUCK DRUMPF coin yet?

Someone will make a lot of money in this I'm sure of it.

>> No.6816801

>Free Market

Do your politics come from memes or shitposts?

>> No.6816812

/pol/ infests every other board they can because they're bag holders for a shit presidency. They try to blame everything on leftypol, whatever the fuck that is. They're the main road Redditors use to come to 4chan now, the new /b/. I see them in here already claiming credit for cryptocurrency. They try to pull the same shit on every board they can, claiming influence and history with that board's culture. They're mentally ill faggot LARPers. I'd say they might even scare some Pajeets off, but most of them are fucking browner than a butthole themselves.

Good luck getting rid of them though. Once they're here, they'll hide under any rock and in any crack they can find to try and claim another colony for their gay agenda.

>> No.6816823
File: 152 KB, 960x720, communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See #5

>> No.6816832

This is my exact ideology.

>> No.6816853

Yes they were, I visited /biz/ for months the moment it was made. Don't revision history. Eventually the started talking less about crypto, but crypto was ALWAYS there.

/biz/ was created exactly to banish bitcoin from /g/.

>> No.6816864
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That's pretty much what America was for most of it's existence

>> No.6816890

Fuck off racist, Reddit is a lot better recently since all the racists go banned
Check out /r/communism and /r/politics

>> No.6816898

Do you think open borders are a requirement to conduct trade?

>> No.6816921
File: 60 KB, 860x853, 1483915669042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow you could just say you don't undestand marx
Why do all marxists say this when they get btfo?
>hurrr you don't understand marx
No, the problem here is you're too stupid to understand him/effectively communicate his ideals effectively.
Not only did marx support central banking in the communist manifesto, almost every leftist TODAY supports this. Keynes supported it and modern leftist "progressives" are neo-keynesians.
If you don't support this you are a libertarian by DEFINITION as this would create competing currencies and free banking.
Why would leftists support FREE BANKING?
Are you honestly this fucking stupid?

>TOP Damage control
>being mad at actual facts
lol go away redddit

>> No.6816931

Look at you. Pointing fingers and not taking responsibility. You people are some of the biggest pussies in the world. I really want you guys to start another civil war so please go into those “nigger neighborhoods” and try.

You guys hate black people so much, but never march in the place to find those niggers. Your brothers would rather shoot innocent people and burn their places of worship

>> No.6816938

Autism: The Movie


>> No.6816949

>>Free Market
>Do your politics come from memes or shitposts?
LOL How dumb are you honestly?
America when it was founded was LITERALLY a free market white nationalist country.
This is all I want, but I want the ideology more fleshed out.
Do you have any refutation to this or are you going to keep sperging?
Get the fuck off /biz/.

>> No.6816958

Im seeing a lot of things there similar to what hitler did with germany :^)

>> No.6816973

Sure why not let's go with that angle

Try again

>> No.6816984

I'm a white nationalist but I don't hate black people.
I just want our own country just for whites.
I want to break up the USA.

Is this so much to fucking ask?

You guys get your multicultural country while we get our white country?

Just leave us alone.

>> No.6817005

I'm not the mad one.

See >>6816949
Oh shit that's you :'(

>> No.6817014

America was white nationalist from it's very beginning until the 1900s.

>> No.6817026


This video should be stickied in biz.

blood, soil, and free markets.

>> No.6817039

If you're claiming I'm misrepresenting you then just come out with how you think nationalism is incompatible with free markets.

>> No.6817043
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Like nogs can get verified

>> No.6817044

>they're the bag holders of a shit presidency

I don't know, seems to be going very well in my opinion. Lowest unemployment rate, actual GDP growth, huge amount of regulations slashed, more freedom to Americans to choose where they get their healthcare, tax cuts that benefit most Americans.

Are you still following the daily indoctrination shows that are supposed to be funny but all they can achieve is sucking the dicks of their Jew masters?

>> No.6817049
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>I'm not the mad one.
Sure you are kiddo.
Notice how you don't have an argument and are responding with gay one liners now lol

>> No.6817059

Nigger what? Bitcoin was used by anonymoose is lejun fags from /b/ and bought drugs while hoping their parents didn't find out.
Jesus fucking christ. I fucking hate when /pol/ tries to group themselves with /biz/ and /fit/ whenever they have success

>> No.6817084
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Absolutely based desu.

>> No.6817086
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Republicans and the conservative mindset is a literal drain on society.

>> No.6817088

Ah Yes Dr. Youtube an accredited source for research and information!

Boy am I glad he's on the case!

Closed boarders don't make globalized trade any easier or more profitable

>> No.6817089

Gee, I wonder what the word "Nazi" comes from :^)

>> No.6817121

>What is sales
Image is extremely important retard

>> No.6817128

I mean I wish I was enthusiastic enough to emotionally invest in pixels but I'm not as cool as you anon :(

>> No.6817132


>waaah i just want a country just for whites where those disgusting shitskins won’t be allowed to enter

LOL. It isn’t going to happen. Your neurotic racist fantasies are going to stay just that.

Even if there were such a thing, you are a fucking parasite and wouldn’t be allowed in. A group of neckbeards raving about “niggers” and other “inferior” races doesn’t make a country. You dumb fuck.

On the bright side, you can have your own country: mommy’s basement is all yours. Everyone else will be more than content to move on without you faggots.

>> No.6817134

Start a group fund and go buy a fucking island. Take all your “superior” people with you and leave the people that aren’t mentally ill alone. You have done a lot for the white race so I’m sure a country filled with a million people like you would be amazing.

You honestly should work on that plan asap

>> No.6817137

lmao at these delusional paleskin niggers thinking the right made crypto

reality means nothing to them

>> No.6817158

Jesus dude. There are plenty of good black individuals. I wouldn't hurt someone because of the color of their skin. I just hate niggers as a race, because as a race they turn everything they touch to shit

>> No.6817164

There are a lot of angry pajeets in here.

>> No.6817181

silk road ruined bitcoins reputation
Then it went 2000x

>> No.6817206

More normies = more dumb money = the bubble will pop sooner.
You choose faggot

>> No.6817211

I take responsibility for my own actions - niggers do not, never have and probably never will. I wish the world were a nice place, I wish Africans could create something other than African conditions, but they cannot.

>> No.6817227


>> No.6817228

Do you need to live in a country to trade with them?

>> No.6817230

fucking kys

>> No.6817238

i bet you couldn't even vote when the election happened fag i voted for him but you don't see me calling everyone a nigger

>> No.6817265

Notice how those places are filled with blacks.

>Ah Yes Dr. Youtube an accredited source for research and information!
The youtube video is literally a bunch of quotes from the founding fathers, presidents, major figures in support of white nationalism and lists the anti-non white immigration laws that were passed. Sources are in the vid description.

America was a white nationalist country. PERIOD.

>> No.6817291
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>this nigga is actually this mad about getting destroyed in an internet debate
lmao shit get help man

>> No.6817320

>It isn’t going to happen
Yes, yes it is.

When the non-white population reaches a tipping point, it CERTAINLY will. Either that or a massive violent civil war.

Countries break off from other countries all of the time, do you really think a white nationalist country isn't possible?
lol delusional.

>Start a group fund and go buy a fucking island.
No, I'm waiting for the breakup of the united states, which is inevitable.

>> No.6817344

Crypto was made by libertarians and right wingers.
It's making a lot of right wingers incredibly fucking rich and the left is shitting their pants.

If you are a leftist you're supposed to hate crypto because it's against your precious central banks.

>> No.6817377
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>> No.6817382
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>> No.6817390

>describes Australia
Regression to the mean is a wonderful thing... if you're white.

>> No.6817414

Lol we will literally massacre you. You would be surprised how many Rangers are what would be considered alt-right. I’m sure it’s the same for police and many other branches.

>> No.6817423

Anime is for little girls, sort it out faggot

>> No.6817427

>implying we are the mentally ill ones

You let faggots and trannys run riot all over the place. Its not racism if it based on scientific study.


You underestimate us.

>> No.6817455

There was a place like this already called Europe. It was beautiful and safe, but now it's slowly filling with rapey niggers and Muslim. Pretty soon every beautiful European city will just be like any dirty, dangerous, nigger filled American urban shithole, and there won't be anywhere left for people who don't steal shit from their neighbors.

>> No.6817467

>if you want to live around people similar to you, you're mentally ill
Pretty you guys are the ones that are delusional.
If you look at racial demographics you'd notice that all the races tend to self-segregate.

>> No.6817484

It’s absolutely laughable that you can look at yourself knowing the only thing you have ever accomplished is being white and thinking anyone at the top of their race would want you to join them. You guys are honestly a treat to talk to.

>> No.6817489
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Crypto is a libertarian revolution against central banking.

Fuck leftists.

Throw them all out of helicopters.
Janet Yellen too.

>> No.6817507

Honest question, why do you guys hate white people do much?

>> No.6817511

Why do all posts relating to "niggers and muslims have invaded Europe" scream low-IQ country trash that have never left their county and live inside the alt-right echo chamber

>> No.6817547

Why do liberals that never interact with the diversity they preach for call the people who actually have to deal with the realities of diversity hicks and trash?

Have you ever considered that the people most vocal about there being too many niggers and Muslims are those who actually have to deal with them on a daily basis?

>> No.6817553

Cry more poorfag.

>> No.6817589

>It’s absolutely laughable that you can look at yourself knowing the only thing you have ever accomplished is being white
I have accomplished a lot.
Being white is not one of those accomplishments, it's just what I was born as. Also I'm a very non-violent person, you people are the violent ones.

Any other dumb non-arguments you want to throw at me lefty?

>You guys are honestly a treat to talk to.
In the next few years you are going to see a LOT more white nationalists in your everyday life.
I hope it triggers you.

>> No.6817594

Give me one example of a functioning multicultural state where the majority culture is below 60%.

>> No.6817599

Because you're brainwashed, come here faggot, we've gone from 1% to 30% nonwhite in 70 years. I've never seen such obvious projection since you're so ignorant.

>> No.6817645

You have no idea what you’re talking about. You live in a shit hole place like Idaho which is like 90% white, but want to blame your problems on people that you don’t even see.

>if that nigger wasn’t there I’d be skinny

>if that nigger wasn’t born I’d get all the girls

> I have terrible hygiene and don’t leave my house because Jews

Get a fucking grip. When are you idiots going to take responsibility for your own shit life like you want minorities to do.

>> No.6817646

Are these threads going to become commonplace on /biz/ now like what happened on /tv/?

This place is a right wing board but we usually don't even talk about politics.

Who brought all these reddditor lefties here?

>> No.6817680

I came here to get away from all the blacked threads on /pol/ in June, now they have followed me here. Where is there going to be left?

>> No.6817696

You are a TDtard or /pol/nigger. You have to go back

>> No.6817697

if mods were based they would just ban them

>> No.6817702

Also they have a sheep mentality. Whatever is in their precious mainstream media they will follow.

>> No.6817775

Please go back to redddit, holy shit you leftists are embarrassing yourselves.

>I hate crypto and capitalism but I love posting on the crypto board

>> No.6817795


speaking in hypotheticals. One post on /pol/ is not indicative of the whole board. To me anyway those posts read that killing would only happen if it came down to it and if it were necessary. Everyone would prefer a peaceful solution

>> No.6817814

>he's in the basement away from the sun 24/7
>he has superior genes
kek. /pol/ is just one big larp fest for losers.
I remember when /pol/ kept praying for crypto to crash and saying how they didn't give a fuck, now they are so many of them here. I wish they would all die. bitter virgins

>> No.6817819

Do you not see what obvious projection that is. You're not some neo Freud genius who can psychoanylise everyone, most people just have a group identity even if you don't.

>> No.6817832

this entire post isn't an argument
Science has proven race exists and you just keep denying it lmao

>> No.6817837

My life is great. I'm just telling you why I choose not to live in a town with black people. I'm assuming you don't either

>> No.6817848

this desu, if my taxes increased by 40% but it meant that the money was used to ship black people to Africa I would be all for it.

>> No.6817908

all this being said as a right winger from /pol/ I am fully in support of political threads such as this being moderated and deleted. Unless it relates to financial policy or business in some way, I don't really see the point of talking about politics on this board

>> No.6817919

Its like they have to come here to justify themselves. They have seen the evidence, but it doesn't fit their utopian mindset. Deep down they know we are right, so they have to come here to make themselves feel better by 'bashing le'nazis'.

>> No.6817958

>he's made that non whites where getting all the girls while his ugly face couldn't pull a 2/10
Deep down, that's what this is all about. I bet your parents never loved you.

>> No.6817960


>> No.6818003

I have spent a great deal of time in Afghanistan. I can assure you, many ot the people pouring into Europe are dirty, cruel, and borderline retarded.

>> No.6818006

Nothing makes you more financially aware than understanding politics and their effects on the market.

>> No.6818012

>...and robbing our children
You were never going to birth a child, anon.

>> No.6818024

>lives in basement on /Pol/ after serving w/ Rangers 1st Battalion
>In AntShares ICO & Eth kickstarter
>Never have to work again

>> No.6818033

It doesn't matter what the majority of the world wants. There is 1% of the total global population that has controlled the world for the last 2000 years. That is the White men who are capable of fighting, waging war and sustaining their dominance over everyone else. When the first rifle pops, everyone else will run away like they always have. We are currently in a phase of era where White men haven't put away their current distractions and dealt with the problems at hand. It is coming, though.

For now, I will simply sit here and smugly smirk at all the communist soyboys, antifags and whoever else. You are only tough against unarmed, innocent people.

>> No.6818044

>he thinks crypto has anything to do with capitalism

Oh no you can’t be this retarded. There’s one thing that won’t happen. YOU will never be seen as superior to anyone and that eats you up inside.

>> No.6818052

>30 posts by this ID
Holy fuck, you are basically 10% of the thread on your own. This is how desperately you need to push your autistic agenda.

>> No.6818100

Because it was designed to be that way

Why have your slaves work together when you can make them divided

Only stupid persons are racist...

>> No.6818172
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well, he's one of these fat MAGA subhumans.

they don't have a lot of other things going on in their lives so they've got the time fill 4chan with that shit

>> No.6818185

There's nothing in this thread that helps me make money. Why the fuck are you cunts even here.

>> No.6818191

I live in a great city on the west coast. If there’s anyone like you around they are few and far between. I would never voluntarily make my life shitty by moving to some shit red state that doesn’t matter.

>> No.6818201

>It was beautiful and safe
in which period throughout history has europe ever been considered a safe place? maybe after ww2 for a short while..

>> No.6818302
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>>he thinks crypto has anything to do with capitalism
How unbelievably stupid are you?
Currency itself is a part of capitalism.
90% of socialists want to abolish currency, are you fucking retarded. pic related.
Socialists hate capitalist cryoto currency so fucking much.

Crypto takes power away from central banks(which leftists LOVE) and puts it in the hands of the people. Crypto takes power away from socialists.
It IS capitalism.

If you are stupid to believe that 1+1=3 then nobody, either left or right will believe you.

Socialists and communists deserve to be killed.

>There’s one thing that won’t happen. YOU will never be seen as superior to anyone and that eats you up inside.
What does this have to do with anything we're talking about?

>> No.6818352
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>bawww stop making posts in a big thread when people are replying to you
Are you this autistic?
I literally dislike trump.
I'm a free market white nationalist.
Trump is none of these things.
How embarrassing for you.

>> No.6818433

>33 posts by this ID in a thread with 356 posts
Pot meet kettle

>> No.6818451
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>free market money has nothing to do with capitalism

You are either trolling or unbelievably retarded.
Commies are perpetually butthurt that crypto even exists lol

>> No.6818474

>Has never been to ghetto
>Has never been to 3rd world
>Knows all about race because the two black kids in his school, named Steven and William, don't seem so different from him.

>> No.6818490
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>stop being 10% of a thread
This is literally the best argument lefties can come up with.

>> No.6818502

12 year olds are actually posting on /biz/
You need to leave

>> No.6818519

>argument is 'it's facts'
>ignores the fact it's literally echo chamber drivel
I'm pointing you that you're as fucking autistic as you claim others to be. Not even /a/ can escape your pol drivel

>> No.6818529
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>being triggered that people are laughing at you

>> No.6818573

Your only argument is "you're posting too much".
Jesus christ, talk about fucking obsessed.
I know you leftists all have mental disorders, but holy shit. If you don't like /biz/ you can always go back to redddit you know.

>> No.6818575

>capitalism is built around a central bank
>"huur crypto and capitlism go hand in hand because its about taking power away from the central banks!"
lmao what am I reading

>> No.6818673

>mental disorders
>has 10x the amount of posts of the average poster
>desperate to push an autistic agenda fueled by an echo chamber of pseudo-intellectuals pumping out buzzwords as their primary method of arguments
Your board is literally a containment board for socially inept retards who would never say anything you do in real life, and yet you're projecting constantly

>> No.6818695
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>>capitalism is built around a central bank
Capitalism isn't built around central banks. Central banks are antithetical to capitalism.
Central banks are basically socialized banking, the government controls the banking industry.
That's not capitalism or free market whatsoever, it's a form of fascism, mercantilism, socialism etc.
A free market in banking means FREE BANKING like the united states used to have. It's what allowed the united states to have it's industrial revolution.

I mean call crypto whatever you want, but one this it ABSOLUTELY is not is socialist or communist in any way.
Literal FREE MARKET CURRENCY is obviously anti-socialist. Socialists hate it. Crypto is making a bunch of right wingers and libertarians millionaires.

LOL how dumb do you have to be to make this mistake anon?
Also if you don't like free markets why are you even on this board to begin with?