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File: 280 KB, 646x595, sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6796130 No.6796130 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw live in SA (i'm white so inb4)
>poor as fuck all of my life
>parents poor as fuck all of their life
>cant leave even though SA is dangerous for us now
>save 100 usd to put in crypto
>which is a lot for me canbuy food for more than 2-3 months here
>hopefully i can use it to make more to eventually leave this country
>now have 600 usd
>saving until at least 5k usd to get my family out of here
>violence only increases by the day
>market crashes
>praying for recovery with my family every day

Please tell me we will recover soon guys?
This is my only hope of escaping this land and getting my family to safety
But I still want to thank all of you bros who convinced me to get into crypto in the first place, I am happy to be a part of it and at least be able to try.

>> No.6796294

Saudi Arabia? South America? San Antonio? San Andreas? Plz be clear next time idiot, we have no idea what you mean

>> No.6796387

i live in south america too, but unless you are in some shithole like venezuela or completely retarded, it shouldn't be so hard to make money

>> No.6796482
File: 167 KB, 666x476, 1516387507941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mestizo and living comfy in Merica

>> No.6796489

A friend recently went over to sa with his parents because they were looking for a house to buy
Apparently they all had panic rooms. Is this common for saffas to have in their houses?

>> No.6796503

South Africa


>> No.6796542

Only the wealthier families

>> No.6796592

Coming as a South African who moved away, dude, don't be such a pussy. I know it's a shithole but you should be figuring out HOW you'll actually leave the country and where you're going to go. Where will you work? You know damn well your skin colour isn't accepted for refugee status. They'll just send you back.
Anyway good luck tho.

>> No.6796617

Yeah but I don't know if y'all have enough time. Aren't y'all on genocide watch there?

>> No.6796668

Where did you move to? Any advice? I can't handle it I am anxious everyday now

I know. I hope not

>> No.6796693

Please explain why u live in the heart of darkness? Honest question whyd u guys end up living there?

>> No.6796773

My family moved here generations ago
I was just born here I didn't choose

>> No.6796836

Whyd they move there generations ago?

>> No.6796869

A bunch of places but in Poland now. What I'm saying is, you sound like you're getting eaten up by anxiety which, unless you're a farmer, is not a healthy or productive outlook. Lots of people still manage to get by in S.A, though there's always a chance something will go down.
My advice is don't make stupid mistakes out of desperation. Figure out how you're actually going to live after you fly over somewhere else, otherwise you're just using all the money you have on a temporary fix and may have to return.
It's safer outside of S.A, but it's not easier. The competition is fierce and S.A workplace standards are pathetic in comparison.

>> No.6796906

Just google it. This is pretty commonly known history, do you live under a rock or something?

>> No.6796941


i hope you can get the fuck out OP its despicable what these niggers are doing to white farmers in SA and nobody gives a shit because, hey, its only white people getting slaughtered

>> No.6796959

Many reasons but in my familys case it was work, miners were stationed here and such and my great granddad moved here
One day i hope to mine too, but mine crypto instead

Ok thank you for the advice I am more worried about not being able to get out before things really hit the fan
I don't care where as long as it is a first world nation hopefully

>> No.6796995

Everyday i live in fear now
The news doesnt report anything i only know from experience and the internet
Thank god for the internet

>> No.6797023

Do you have a hot sister one of us could marry?

>> No.6797037

You should marry a EU citizen
Pretty girl from eastern europe, so you'll get EU passport
Pretend that you are rich, they think that every englush-speaking is.

>> No.6797038

Honestly wondering. This very useful discord run by ex-walstreet trader. He does free live streams with technical analysis every night. Have learned
a ton about trading from it. U can purchase premium too but i havent. its very useful without

>> No.6797104


d i s co r d

. g g / g Z e v 9 m

>> No.6797107

Which city do you live in?

>> No.6797170

How are you White in Africa but still poorer than my cousins in Nigeria.
>inb4 419

>> No.6797178

Hey man I feel you, I have a friend in South Africa who's dropped out of college and moving to Canada because it's so fucked up, I'll be seeing him this summer.

Hope you and your family make it out of there.

>> No.6797233

My bad I zoned out and thought you said SF as in San Francisco, which is basically a bunch of rich people wading through crowds of homeless heroin addicts.

>> No.6797266

on what visa? would like to permanently relocate to canada too.

how hard is it to find a canadian qt for marriage?

>> No.6797304

Fucking kys

>> No.6797319

It WILL recover dude. It ALWAYS does. Just relax and don't worry too much - cheers

>> No.6797353

Thanks for the kind words
Don't know
I hope so anon

>> No.6797397

Fucking retard. Use your brain next time instead of asking to be spoonfed like a baby.

>> No.6797401

Honestly I haven't been in touch with him and don't know the details, we've both got a friend that has a place in Canada and he will arrive sometime next week.

I'm sure Canada will be your best bet getting a long term visa, but don't fly via the US(because visas and shit). Try fly VIA London thats what my Canadian pal said.

>> No.6797453

Ah shit man for a second I thought you were larping in this thread but Durban fucking sucks. Plus you got the highest Zulu concentration, which is pretty scary. Maybe before you move to another country try relocate to Joburg or CPT. It's not exactly Europe, but it's still better than Durban.

>> No.6797459


Fuck off you said Mozambique earlier. Give this Pajeet nothing.

>> No.6797472

musk's grandparents also moved there.
luckily for him, canada granted citizenship to people like him through his mother for a very brief period which he used and escaped, the rest is history lel

>> No.6797582

So many ignorant people here.
SA = South Africa
Which was founded by the Dutch at a time when nobody else lived there (it was a good trade post on the way to Asia). Then "natives" moved in, took control of the government using terrorist tactics, and are now slaughtering the descendants of the original inhabitants. Its quite infuriating.

>> No.6797630

to sum it up: NIGGERS happened

>> No.6797643


OP is Indian. He posted this same thread earlier but with Mozambique instead.

Do NOT give this fucking pajeet ANYTHING
He is here to beg

>> No.6797692

nice catch, really-really elaborate scam desu

>> No.6797694

White privilege strikes again.

>> No.6797703

If you're arrogant like most white South Africans don't move to australia, you'll have a bad time. If you're not a terrible human we dont mind white immigrants though.

>> No.6797735


>> No.6797751

You're paranoid I'm in mozam right now posting this but I live in Durban

>> No.6797771

There was an anon like you on /pol/ who ended up getting accepted to immigrate to Canada, did you give it a try? I'd love to see some white people filling up our quotas.

>> No.6797801

>South America?
Don't be a retard, the only way he could be in South America an buy 3 months of food with 100 dolalaridoos is if he lives in Venezuela and even then he can't buy shit either because there's nothing there.

>> No.6797806

Ah there we go. Props to him for doing some basic research at least. I should have known better than to bite this bait, but whatever. Thanks for posting anon.
Fucking Pajeets.

>> No.6797809

You must go back.

>> No.6797845

I'm not pajeet

>> No.6797879

man, i wish i can own a condo or something here in canada so i can sponsor you poor vanilla faces from shithole countries like SA where genocide is actually a thing. long fucking way to go tho

>> No.6797890

fuck white people

cant wait to see canada have no majority


>> No.6797980

but your a white guy larping. why tho.

>> No.6797987

You will get the rope shitskin.

>> No.6798092

Do you have ripple OP?

>> No.6798099

In PNG we had a panic room even though we lived on a walled and guarded compound. Around blacks never relax.

I want to call you a retard but it looks like a lot of people here needed the answer too.

Man when my portfolio does a 10x if you could show a real plan where 5k makes the difference in your family getting out I'd send it to you.

>> No.6798116

Lmao I'm going nowhere anon.

>> No.6798288

No I don't

>> No.6798303

You have my sympathy brudi. In less degenerate times your nation would have found support amongst the other civilized countries (though tbf, no excuse for your treatment of Rhodesia) and at very least you guys would unequivocally be offered asylum by Netherlands and most European descended countries.

If no LARP then just join British military and fuck some Brit slut and get citizenship via her/marriage.

>> No.6798318

Thanks but focus on making it for yourself
I hopefully will be fine and make it too

>> No.6798336
File: 39 KB, 679x602, 25398741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me we will recover soon guys?
>This is my only hope of escaping this land and getting my family to safety
>But I still want to thank all of you bros who convinced me to get into crypto in the first place, I am happy to be a part of it and at least be able to try.

What ever you do, there are always only two options: Hold or sell. The latter probably will leave you with a loss, the first takes time. You should have exited after you made 6x, take 400 as profit and reinvest 100 and diverse the other 100. This would have improved your portfolio and you'd have made 400 out of 100.

So panic selling is the worst you can do. Market will recover. Maybe in a week, maybe in a month maybe in a year, who knows. The only thing that's for sure is that you lose money when you sell lower than you bought.

What matters is not how much you make but if you exit a trade with profit or with a loss.

Anyother way of investment would be to daytrade. Put 10% limit above buy price and 5% below. You will lose a few times 5%, but since your profit stop limit is always 10% and thus greater than your loss limit, you on the long run you increase your money.

>> No.6798348

Jesus Christ could you be any more of a blatant newfag? Obviously South Africa you fucking pleb.

>> No.6798398

Don't worry the shithole will come to you once the Dems are in power again and they open the flood gates.

>> No.6798474

Enjoy these final moments of peace. Soon you'll be dead or amongst your fellow Mestizos once again (neither option requires you moving from where you are).

>> No.6798486

Yes I have noticed that whenever I just HODL the coin becomes more stagnant menawhile if I had got into another coin it would hav emooned again

I havent sold at loss yet

>> No.6798525
File: 107 KB, 651x963, rhodesiaposter-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out.

I was just LARPing in my head the other day about how sweet it would be to be able to volunteer to join a white resistance movement over there and give my guns the glory they deserve. May you one day be aided in liberation by dinghy boats full of Amerifags with loads of ammo they hoarded under Obama and musty milsurp gear.

>> No.6798561

Post a pic of proof you are white and in SA and I will send you some xrp, if you want it that is.

>> No.6798574

We can hope >>6798561

>> No.6798637

>South Africa

Buy a gun/make weapons.

>> No.6798684

Picture of you, no face needed. Something that shows you are in SA. You have a camera right?

>> No.6798741

Yeah of course but I don't want to dox myself so don't worry anyway. Thanks for the offer though anon very kind. I would but would worry too much so nvm

>> No.6798794
File: 43 KB, 563x584, DLHdZuTX0AA3pL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I have noticed that whenever I just HODL the coin becomes more stagnant menawhile if I had got into another coin it would hav emooned again

That disease you suffer from is called FOMO. It already wrecked plenty of souls. Don't fall for it. A coin will go horizontal (which is a good thing in a bearish market), another coin will go vertical. You can't predict that in cryptos. The longest time I did hodl a coin was 4 years. It didn't move at all over that time. My wallet was worth nothing. Suddenly it got pumped out of nowhere (pump&dumb groups like to pick on low cap coins and pump them trying to attract FOMO and profit from it). My wallet suddenly was worth 40k USD. I didn't expect that, but it happened. It can happen all the time.

Again, it doesnt matter if you made 50 bucks profit or 500 or 5000. It's a psychological thing. Train yourself on success and don't mourn "I could have made more". Yes you could, but you could also have lost more. A profit is a positive thing, you want to aim for that, not for could and had and nadanada.

>> No.6798802

Up to you.

>> No.6798813

saffa here, this has to be a pajeet, no true afrikaner will ever ask for handouts. ffs our ancestors fought british in wars and concentration camps, went into unknown nigger territory (kaffraria) outnumbered probably 1000:1 and built this fucking place. seriously fuck this guy

>> No.6798820

Larper trying to get some 1488 bucks

>> No.6798827

Oh you're going no where all right, we'll put you six feet under.

Stupid spic

>> No.6798839

Well I consider I've just about made it desu. I can spare 1xmr. At the point 1xmr gets you what you need it's yours.

Getting whites from SA to safety seems to be a pretty good investment in the world. Besides the ones I know personally there's people like Musk and SerpentZA on YouTube.

>> No.6798850

Too bad you aren't a dindu. You could tell the Australian government that being black is a disadvantage and they would bring you over on a plane and give you and your 12 baby dindus welfare for the rest of your shit lives

>> No.6798912

fuck off with your disscord

>> No.6798954

I want to but probably not wise to do
I havent asked for anything. In fact i just turned down an offer if you look above

Congrats on that then hope all i make it too in the future

>> No.6798968
File: 461 KB, 350x232, back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6796482 lol just kidding...pay your taxes and you and your curvalicious sister can stay

>> No.6798984

Just don't be a larping pajeet scamming donations.

If real then we are all rooting for ya. SA is super dangerous seeing how the government is secretly arming the niggers to butcher the white landowners, they're pushing you guys out by fear and by force.

What a shit people, like spics and pooloos, dark skin people are sub humans. History proofs it.

>> No.6799053

No I made the thread because biz has shown me i can maybe get out of here
and good feels but worried about this dip

>> No.6799195

There is no reason why BTC should not recover.
There is no reason why BTC shouldnt get to 50k, ETH to 10k and so on.

It's just a matter of time.

>> No.6799233

God bless, anon. Sorry you're dealing with this. Hoping you make much gains? Brudda

>> No.6799272

I hope you get raped to death my niggers

>> No.6799293

Oh and btw. Move your coins to your local PC.
And backup your wallet.dat.
No matter what you plan to do.
Backup your wallet.dat and don't leave any coins that you are not actively trading somewhere online. Never ever.

>> No.6799380

Thanks for this I will listen to it and avoid fomo.
Thanks for the advice my friend I hope you have good gains in future

>> No.6799457

All in short BTC now

>> No.6799493

Who will pay for your gibs then without all the productive white people, nigger?

>> No.6799611

>Thanks for the advice my friend I hope you have good gains in future
Dito. You deserve it

>> No.6799774

Are you Dutch or Anglo descent?

Brit here. How come you can't just come here and then overstay visa or fugg a Polish slag and claim EU family member residence rights?

There is shitloads of South Africans here already.

Fuck mate if I make it this year I would literally pay for your plane ticket.

>> No.6799922

Hit up fluffypony for a gig at Globee if you can teach yourself Laravel.



>> No.6799980

Actually they're based in Johannesburg. Probably not convenient if you're in Durban.

>> No.6800082

Maybe it would be a good move anyway like this anon said >>6797453

>> No.6800249

Thanks for the replies anyway i will find a way i am sure of it

>> No.6800797

Lmao nigger scum

>> No.6800964
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x835, 1493337019958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, post proof that you are white and live in south africa + an eth address and I will send you 1ETH

>> No.6801098

All the Whites from SA that i know love Australia lol

>> No.6801142

Lol welcomw to niggers

>> No.6801273

Make me faggot.

>> No.6801303

Can you sell anything to put more capital into crypto? Sell part of your land maybe?

Don't think of it as a dip, it's a buying opportunity. Won't stay low for long

>> No.6801447

go back

>> No.6801456
File: 147 KB, 576x1024, 1503351771703m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha I'm going to live a long peacwful life full of happiness and surrounded by my loved ones. You will take nothing from me. Your race will die out soon though.

>> No.6801571


>> No.6801732

Someone else offered the same and I turned down because I dont want to get doxxed. Thanks for the offer though you are generous anon
I really am I don't know what to tell you but anyway here is my address just in case

>> No.6801757

I am trying to do that on Wednesday I am selling my car

>> No.6801832

Solid LARP. Nice detail, original content. You stuck with the LARP in the comments. LARP Score: 8/10.

>> No.6801867

No larp here but believe whatever you want to believe

>> No.6801990

This is how we know it's a larp. You're gonna what, sell it and take public transport/walk? Anyone who has actually lives there knows as a white dude you'll get murdered at the taxi rank for R20.
We were all waiting for this >>6801732 post for you to out yourself. Well done.
Also, getting doxxed from proof? You could have posted a pic of your damn hand or something, or a newspaper.

>> No.6802053

It really isn't I'm just paranoid and I would never take a taxi because I'm not an idiot
If I was here to pajeet, two others said they would send and I said no
Believe whatever you want, this is 4chan I get it

>> No.6802063

>San Andreas
fuck grove street you faggot

>> No.6802297

Are there advantages to being where you are versus elsewhere in the west? Do you have brainwashed liberals pushing your people to suicide or is it all in the open, us vs. them? Are your women out there fucking the ghouls? So if not than you can have natural marriages without feminism and shit?

Tbh it sounds a lot like fun to me, as if you've advanced 40 years into the future of UK, US, etc, fast forwarding to the actual war.
It makes me think, hey if it's inevitable than let's just go ahead and let the real shit begin.

This sounds very appealing, much better than being stuck here too old to fight when I could've gone down there to help you guys win back this wild future frontier.

>> No.6802360

If you live in SA, just do whatever you can to become a Ripio (RCN) whale.

>> No.6802391

It's over for you lad, that was a correction not a crash. Attempt seeking refugee status in EU.

>> No.6802424
File: 67 KB, 572x626, feels canadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of freedomland

>> No.6802434

Kys faggot. You actually want to compare your SJW leftist problems to actual oppression of a minority group in their own homeland? You think living behind bars and electric fences, unable to even take a walk in the street is something romantic? You think watching your family get raped, tortured, and murdered in front of your eyes will be fun? It's not a theme park, you dense fucking burger. Oh boo hoo your women got a little out of hand so you fantasize some Wild Wild West style crap. Fuck you, you make me sick.

>> No.6802473


>> No.6802483

We have a pretty big SA community in NZ (northern Auckland mostly). Apart from the slightly odd accent, you’re already pretty much kiwis.

>> No.6802626

This. Whites are being fucking genocided in SA. It's not "fun" for anyone but niggers and jews.

>> No.6802708

Disgusting greasy lil brown monkey.

>> No.6802763

Well if you noticed, brown skins like Indian spics and niggers are blood thirsty wherever they go. So stay away from those shithole.

It's too bad SA is now overrun thanks to Jews and UN mandates.

>> No.6803009

>thinks GTA is all of Canada
I got news for you nglet

>> No.6803052

None of that sounds good but if it comes then it should come quickly so it can pass quickly. You are thinking staticly, like a subject, not in terms of what could become a victory. It sounds like they need some help. Winning is very glamorous, very poetic, and very doable.

So fuck right off and rot, you soulless insect "men".

>> No.6803053

he never asked for handouts dumbass

in fact i almost feel like donating to him because he seems so sincere. i want him out of that shithole country and safely in America where he belongs

>> No.6803218

Lol no white country will let white south Africans in.

>> No.6803310
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Come home Boer

>> No.6803376
File: 756 KB, 500x375, DreamingOfAWhiteAfrica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day we shall return to rename that continent Rhodesia.

>> No.6804179

stop watching lauren southern

>> No.6804816

At what point will to the West actually recognise reality that whites are the true global minority that actually faces oppression.

>> No.6805647

Do you not know how to timestamp faggot?