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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6763681 No.6763681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for all the females on /biz/, do I look like a virgin? Why or why not? Also try to guess what coins I'm holding.

>> No.6763713

yes like a neet virgin nerd that holds ripple

>> No.6763720

Yes and XRP and TRX

>> No.6763725

yes, u stinky linky

>> No.6763733

yes and your portfolio is probably sub 1k usd

>> No.6763750

you look like a school shooter. disgusting desu, fix yourself dirty ape.

>> No.6763756

u look like a fucken BITCH nigga !!! VIRGIN NIGGA....LMAO you hold LINK!!!

>> No.6763767

Get a hair cut fag you're not 12

>> No.6763768

Came here to say this

>> No.6763776

If you have to ask then....

>> No.6763783

sad chad

>> No.6763788

wtf, why are you posting my picture here??

>> No.6763790

Let me help you an advice. That haircut is absolutely not helping you.

>> No.6763792

>females on /biz/

wew lad

>> No.6763800

Nope, 70% ETH, 30% NEO. My profolio is also worth 57k currently.

>> No.6763811


>> No.6763813

You need to smile more and look more approachable and non threatening.

>> No.6763828

>do I look like a virgin?
higher probability of it but i wouldn't be certain. get a haircut and use some product, that look hasn't been acceptable for years

You look like someone who spams ref links and shills ICOs

>> No.6763830

yeah you do ya dig lmao...you had to ask the question faggot hehehe where is your fucking self esteem? jesus Christ ya dig

>> No.6763837

I don't care, my mom said it looks good and I'm too nervous to go to the barber.

>> No.6763846

there were 2 in 1 night a few days ago w timestamp

>> No.6763854

I think I remember you posting a thread about having 800k+ in crypto. are you a millionaire yet?

>> No.6763869

ok, what did this guy do to you?

>> No.6763876

You look 17.

>> No.6763882

You are looking fine, pretty handsome i would hang out with you willingly

>> No.6763894

That wasn't me, that was my older brother. And no he's not a millionaire yet, the dip hit him hard.

>> No.6763896

lol worth

>> No.6763900

Cut your got damn hair and smile a bit. You look like a fucking school shooter OP. Damn.

>> No.6763901
File: 272 KB, 2048x2048, 1516172542526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgin who brought xrp and trx at the top for sure, here you go op, you can jerk that Lil dick of yours to that if you like, you won't ever be getting the real thing

>> No.6763922

I'm 19.

Are you a female? What coins do girls on biz hold?

>> No.6763935

It'll clear up your acne and you'll stop looking like a little boy, if you don't want to improve yourself fine but don't go crying about it if you don't listen to people with actual advice.

>> No.6763939

Somebody tell me how the fuck Dylan Roof got a phone in his cell

>> No.6763941

bates motel much OP?

>> No.6763943

haahhahaha waht the rfuck is going on thi s trhead lelelkekekl

>> No.6763946

You look insecure in a way that manifests as a superiority complex. You are attractive but project disdain and this repels girls who feel as though you are judging them. I think you may have held a DAG based coin. Maybe Raiblocks. You have nice hands, anon.

>> No.6763950


>> No.6763959

You look like a future rapist, I wouldnt let my daughter running next to you

>> No.6763965

The left cheek looks like it got slapped with a baseball glove lmao

>> No.6763970

we told you to get a haircut last thread. shave on the sides m8. then you will look alpha

>> No.6763975

this nigger is a LINK bag holder

>> No.6764005

whose the girl

>> No.6764059

Nah, you look fine mate

>> No.6764087

too soon

>> No.6764114

You look like one of those average Nigger Huwhites

>> No.6764116

Adam Lanza is that you? Jesus Christ man do some push ups, smile, and clean your room already.

>> No.6764118

Fucks me, some slut. Who cares anon.

>> No.6764143

If you have to ask if you "look like a virgin" then you're a fucking virgin.

You can look like absolute chit and still get girls. Its the way you act.

>> No.6764231

Practice facial expressions in the mirror, and regularly do exercises with your jaw muscles. Also, get something for the acne. I'd recommend asking a pharmacy to mix clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide into a cream. Usually works pretty well, but give it some time and always apply regularly. And i'll only say this once: DO NOT pop the pimples and then rub the excess puss onto your face. this will only clog more pores and render the medicine almost useless when applied regularly if done often. I'm saying this from experience.

>> No.6764234

Correct, Op needs to grow some balls before we see him on the stupid box shooting up his school

>> No.6764261

you look like the next dylan roof or something mate

>> No.6764281

Spot on. Don't be like Elliot dude, relax a bit

>> No.6764326


>> No.6764340
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_8296_-_selected_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say this, kill yourself OP.

>> No.6764520
File: 738 KB, 2448x3264, 1503335000771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sure. Chill the hell out with your serious ass face, you look like a school shooter. Also get a god damn hair cut, you justin beiber looking ass motherfucker.

>> No.6764582

Dont post degenerates

>> No.6764604

With work you could look better OP
Gratz on your gains

>> No.6764631
File: 171 KB, 645x912, differentPriorities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your haircut is atrocious. Get your hair cleaned up, workout and eat better so you fix your acne.

>> No.6764644
File: 183 KB, 1200x525, 1514505310407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6764668

This guy nailed it

>> No.6764680

Southern Nigger detected

>> No.6764699

you look good enough to get laid, just be more friendly

>> No.6764702


Maybe you should fuck your mum then