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675488 No.675488 [Reply] [Original]

>what are some of your weaknesses?

Are there good and bad responses to this question? I've just been truthful so far and saying in interviews that I have a slight tendency to be absent minded and get lost in thought and I've since improved on this by keeping a little pocket book to remind myself of tasks on a daily basis.

>> No.675498

I'm pretty lazy. Today I wasn't able to get out of bed today until I saw other guys from work already up. I need to have someone to motivate me.

>> No.675500

A generalized good response is to highlight shortcomings while working on a project or a team at your previous role and how you either addressed the issue individually or with the team, leading to improvements across the board.

Never talk about individual weaknesses without being able to tie it to your previous professional work, if any.

>> No.675510

Employers like to ask this question while simultaneously expecting you to be a perfect human being with zero faults.

>> No.675511
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I know it's tumblr, but it doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.675512

Don't feel alone, 80% or more of the workforce is this way, it's why you're working for someone else

>> No.675516

They just described what motivation is, what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.675523

Discipline vs motivation

Motivation is fleeting, whereas discipline is reliable.

>> No.675529


90% of job candidates lie to answer this question.

If I want to be truthful I'll say, "I'm a little quiet and reserved in the morning" which is true. Basically I'm telling them I hate mornings.

>> No.675530

I read it, you just summarized it.

They are one in the same, if you aren't motivated, you aren't going to have the drive to be disciplined

>> No.675531


Yeah i see what he is trying to say, but he is splitting hairs.

>> No.675539

Talk about something your'e bad at (that wouldn't be necessary for the job), and then talk about how you're working to improve on it.

>> No.675544

Eh, I see motivation as wanting to do something, and discipline is doing something despite not wanting to do it.

I guess it is semantics at the end of the day, but do you really think those korean e-sports players are motivated to play 14 hours a day 7 days a week? They do it regardless of how whether they feel like it. I see discipline and motivation as two very different things.

>> No.675608

I've gotten out of it by saying my handwriting is terrible a couple of times. It usually gets a laugh, and then they move on. Make it light hearted, it works.

The interviewer doesn't really care what you say, they know this is a bullshit question that no one answers honestly, so making it light kind of works.

Just my experience so far, at least

>> No.675631


>> No.675636


>> No.675650

I take quadruple damage from electric type.

>> No.675945

Without directly replying to anyone regarding the discipline vs motivation discussion.

I lost 40 lbs with poor motivation because I disciplined myself to do so. I was motivated to discipline myself, but I relied on motivation to get me out of bed at 7:30AM for three months straight, then exercise for 45 minutes, fuck you.

>> No.675949

Jesus, that was coherent while I was writing it. I really gotta discipline myself to start exercising again. Also, to not eat three donuts in a day.

Case in point, if you only motivate yourself into one thing, make it discipline.

>> No.675984
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I can't stop going fast

>> No.676059

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Alright. I'll work harder on discipline