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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6745973 No.6745973 [Reply] [Original]

>had to cash out 15% of my portfolio because of a very expensive emergency
How do normies have “emergency funds” when some unexpected expenses can lead to almost 30k?

>> No.6746021

they dont, they sell their crypto just like you did

>> No.6746084

They don't. Over 50% of Americans have less than $500 in savings.

>muh debt

This is the world we live in

>> No.6746090

normies also cash out to pay for shit
the difference is that when you have a career, usually you are prepared with insurance and an emergency fund, so no need to cash out unless we're talking some 100,000$ medical surgery

>> No.6746191

1. The Bank
2. The Debt

>> No.6746232

wtf cost you $30k? house burn down?

>> No.6746791

Pipes froze while I was on a little vacation. Flooded the first floor

>> No.6746847

Did you turn off the heat like a dumbass?

>> No.6746851

>How do normies have “emergency funds”
Pro-tip: 95% of them don't.

>> No.6746901

Im pretty rich so I have always have ~$6500 in a low interest bank account that I never spend unless its an emergency

>> No.6746931

I thought I was saving money. I didn’t realize heating a home had other purposes other than keeping me warm. A very expensive mistake

>> No.6746932

Doesn't insurance cover that?

>> No.6746976

I bought this house in October after I “made it”. I didn’t know about house insurance

>> No.6747083


>> No.6747155

i typically keep around $75k uninvested in case i want to buy a new car or something

>> No.6747244

lmao you dumbass

>> No.6747252

Good for you fellow scandbro but why do you namefag in threads where it serves no purpose? Shame on you.

>> No.6747294

I know

>> No.6747321

Im poor as fuck and I have that much savings.
t.Eastern Euro.

>> No.6747586

I need attention

The difference is that its not 30% of my net worth

>> No.6747592

most people just file bankruptcy and never fully pay the emergency expense, silly.

>> No.6747642

>I didn’t know about house insurance

I love seeing stuff like this happen to you guys. You all love talking about how smart you are and then reality hits. lol.

>> No.6747674

wtf muricans

>> No.6747681

I'm surprised OP even got a mortgage without proof of insurance. When I bought my place 10 years ago, pretty sure I needed it.

>> No.6748043

In america millions of mortgages are generated by big banks out of thin air just to stay solvent. The second collapse should be interesting.

>> No.6748070

>be NEET for over a decade
>is surprised when I don’t know shit about real life

>> No.6748083

thanks zerohedge

>> No.6748105 [DELETED] 

>How do normies have “emergency funds” when some unexpected expenses can lead to almost 30k?

>I bought this house in October after I “made it”. I didn’t know about house insurance

Congrats on having a lower IQ than normies.

>> No.6748166

>How do normies have “emergency funds” when some unexpected expenses can lead to almost 30k?

>I bought this house in October after I “made it”. I didn’t know about house insurance

Congrats on having a lower IQ than normies.

>> No.6748179

If it's medical, you don't pay then negotiate a different repayment amount. Hospitals increase billings specifically to what insurance companies will pay out and are happy to get something back from you rather than get nothing.

>> No.6748219

hahahha holy fuck anon
house insurance is like $15/month and covers basically anything for a $700-$1000 fee

>> No.6748273

See >>6748070

>> No.6748274

Even if it was 1% of your net worth...

Its still not considered to be "pretty rich"

>> No.6748499

>6500 in savings
>pretty rich

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH and hes a fucking tripfag ahahhaah oh my fucking lord