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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6729530 No.6729530 [Reply] [Original]

if you sincerely were tricked into purchasing this coin i feel bad for you, you're a cuckold

>> No.6729547

try harder

>> No.6729582

Here's your (you)

>> No.6729588

found the first one, pro tip: if people are making the same thread over and over again for days on end and you arent in on the joke, you are the joke

>> No.6729696

Almost fell for it until I read the whitepaper and looked at the team

>> No.6729745

Good try, but this made be buy 100k more. Thanks for making me rich anon

>> No.6729778

Who cares? It's gonna moon just because it's cheap
See trx

>> No.6729812

Why? I got in early

>> No.6729897

>people already trying to fud

It’s only been on kucoin for like 20hours lmao, moon mission confirmed.

>> No.6729944

>tricked into purchasing

already made gains, this can become moon mission thread instead now.

>> No.6729984

It begs the question? How will drops affect the average return rate for us?

>> No.6730027



For the rest of you soyboy r*dditors who were curtious enough to lurk before posting your low IQ, subhuman drivel; here is your first tip. Look at what I have identified and now take the time to pick up on the nuance. Figure out why I have identified these as such.

>> No.6730069

Let's be real anon. This is going to 10c on pajeet power alone.

>> No.6730117

hop on the shuttle even if you hate the mission. easy money.

>> No.6730161

lol you don't even need to believe in the tech behind this (which is going to be a gamechanger).

The hype behind this coin is probably going to be bigger than TRX and XLM

>> No.6730181
File: 235 KB, 512x512, 1515765674490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your eth shouldn't be taking THAT long to hit kucoin.

>> No.6730226
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 5412874444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time you post I will only buy 100k more. It's not our fault you wasted your monthly allowance of 80$ in shit rather than hopping on this shuttle

>> No.6730235

I have a fucking ADD, please tell me it hits $0.02 today.

>> No.6730261

You can't even explain the tech behind this scamcoin. I read the white paper. Was unimpressed and walked away. The fact that you think it's anywhere near XLM means you're either a shill or retarded. Pick one

>> No.6730291

i dont believe in your pump and dump scam either though you pajeet fag

>> No.6730300

>doesn't understand the white paper so not impressed

lol stay dumb and poor anon

>> No.6730369

What the fuck do you poor pajeets want? Still holding DBC bags? Keep shitting in the streets, you don't deserve better

>> No.6730405


No doubt this is a shitcoin, however this market is whack af, which is why i bought some bags and will dump soon.

>> No.6730408

>Each time you post I buy 100k more
>So if I was in, you would be doing me a service to pump it the more I would post
>But here I am posting doing biz a great service warning them
Congrats on playing yourself. You either have to pump a coin I'm potentially in or you have to face the music that you just blew money on a scamcoin to spite some random over the internet. R*ddit take notes, this is why you lurk. You don't want to look stupid like this nigger here. And you don;t want to fall for scam coins that niggers like him promote.

>> No.6730739


Other than BTC I don't own shit and my BTC is worth nothing so I transferred all of it over to kucoin (at a stupid fee) and bought Tel. Did I do good biz?

>> No.6730812

it's more profitable to hold altcoins than bitcoin during a bull run

>> No.6730873

if BTC value sharply rises, in this bull market you describe, doesn't that kill altcoins? most of these exchanges only let you buy/sell in BTC so if BTC goes up then you sell for less surely, even if the alt coin goes up too it won't go as fast as the BTC, right?