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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6727119 No.6727119 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6727154

This guy just checked my portfolio and had to get on biz to tell you guys I'm comfy as fuck we're gonna make it

>> No.6727175

cap this

>> No.6727176

I don't know how this shit isn't on major exchanges yet.

>> No.6727193

my prediction is 200$ june, ill take it!

>> No.6727203

If it reaches $500 EoY I'll suck your dick anon

>> No.6727208


>> No.6727232

What's it not on?

>> No.6727236


I only have 4000 VEN... I wanted to at least make 2 million this year.

>> No.6727241


24 Hour Volume Rankings (Exchange)
3. Binance

>> No.6727243

It's on the biggest exchange there is

>> No.6727268

Best purchase. It's even worth purchasing right the fuck now. No joke. Just buy in you stupid niggers it's happening.

>> No.6727317
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any reason its rising all of a sudden?

>> No.6727358


Must be huge news
nothing makes VEN do this

>> No.6727389

exactly. those sell walls always cucked the price

>> No.6727426
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Comfy AF w/VECHAIN & ICX. I only invest in it if it smells like kimchi or chow mein, mayne.

>> No.6727435

We've been increasing in sats every single fucking day, except for marketwide crashes. There's literally no other coin that is so immune to downswings. Unironically the ETH of 2018

>> No.6727474

$25 end of month cap this and check my trips you fucks

>> No.6727494


>> No.6727495



>> No.6727552
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im here
are we going to get 62k today

>> No.6727554

dip is forming right now
buying into it after it took some effect

>> No.6727589

Only have 1k VEN please hit $500 by eoy so that I can make it. God, I beg you please.

>> No.6727590
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>tfw only 1k
>want to have to 10k for strength node

>> No.6727605

only have 487 ven

fuck boys

>> No.6727634

college kid here with 100 VEN and thats all i can afford lololol kill me

>> No.6727656

Wagecuck here with only 30

>> No.6727665
File: 79 KB, 976x549, whalelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in here?

>> No.6727678


no venboi left behind
we're all making it

>> No.6727682

Managed to hit 850 VEN. I'm going to hold for a year now.

>> No.6727688


>> No.6727724

Baglets will make it too. You'll make enough gains from VEN that you'll only need one more moon mission to fully make it.

>> No.6727751

I sold low and fomod back in at a loss in stack. I hate myself so much right now

>> No.6727765

Any hesitant fags, now is your time, price has steadied for a short bit now...

>> No.6727768

m8 just hold onto this shit for a while, put the profits you make from now on into other promising coins like this later

>> No.6727786

I bought 90 VEN during the dip, feels good. Too bad i cant afford more. Gonna make it

>> No.6727793

Even a 100 VEN smallboi can make it off this shit. Just be smart after the inevitable moon.

>> No.6727812

free falling right now, 20ct less in 5 minutes

>> No.6727811

here's your dip lads

>> No.6727815

>bought at 0.45 cent
>sold at 0.55 cent

>> No.6727830



>> No.6727847
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me and you both bro


>> No.6727850

It literally went down by less than 5%, shut the fuck up you gimp.

>> No.6727851
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>> No.6727854

So that I can buy at the dip.

>> No.6727857

45 here fffuuuuu

>> No.6727872

I only wish i had more money reeeeee

>> No.6727877

i'd put the support around 52k. and the cycle begins anew

>> No.6727903
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>> No.6727911
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lol get fucked kiddo

>> No.6727918


>> No.6727934
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b but you said....

>> No.6727946

buy that dip you faggots

>> No.6727948

Let them take their profits, it'll go back up and way higher when VeChain makes their announcement tomorrow.

>> No.6727958
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dont worry sweetie, its coming

>> No.6727967
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Thank god. I was getting my rope ready.

>> No.6727991

It's going to dip below $7 just because of your weak ass psychology. You're going to panic sell and regret everything after the rebrand when it skyrockets past $15. Just watch.

>> No.6728005
File: 241 KB, 633x758, 1DdT0F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please come back to 39k sats. I sold all my ven at

>> No.6728014

this time sunny didnt reinforce walls at 60 and 61k

>> No.6728025

in now with 19 ven. lets start slowly (i'm a <1k fag)

>> No.6728029
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Did the same fucking thing I’m killing myself tonight boys

>> No.6728042

sitting comfy on 194, looking to sell between 10-12usd for an expected pullback and add more bags

>> No.6728054

Same here m8

>> No.6728105

Get the fuck out of here you worthless peice of shit

>> No.6728200

Same bruv, wagecuck here can't afford more gotta have money to make Money

>> No.6728223

I have a weird feeling the chinks are gonna fuck you guys hard.

>> No.6728248

Daily reminder: VEN is just another worthless shitcoin all hot air with nothing behind it.

>> No.6728254

360 ven
20 neo
Will i make it?

>> No.6728255

Short term? Yes. Long term? No.

>> No.6728265

am i going to make it with only 1400? im gunna try to top off in a dip..

>> No.6728270
File: 699 KB, 200x150, 6851392B-5C2B-4BFA-903F-34F66197BC33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethereum of 2018
Think bigger. It’s the VeChain of the 21st century

>> No.6728402

ONLY 1400

>> No.6728440
File: 91 KB, 1023x682, AE445A63-AB27-4EE8-8127-CF2F29E34FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get raped by a pack of niggers dumb faggot

>> No.6728443


10k is pretty much nothing in crypto...

>> No.6728500


>> No.6728686

so do u think ill make it with 1400?

>> No.6728744


you're an idiot, having 10k spare change to throw at monopoly money on the internet puts him in the top 1% of wealth worldwide

that 10k will make him 100k or more this year if he stays in the market, which puts him in the .5% of wealth worldwide

crypto wealth is equally unfairly distributed, and the vast majority of participants are only in a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars

massive gainers are individual outliers, despite what you think

>> No.6728769

VeChain is only chain

>> No.6728776
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>tfw only have 101 VEN
I'm never gonna make it

>> No.6728797
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>> No.6728800
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>friend asks me about crypto
>says he'd be willing to give me $500 to throw in a shitcoin for a year to see if it moons
>tells me to at least make an "educated guess"
>buy VEN at $6 and forget about it
>crash happens
>feel kinda bad his $500 is now $350 in less than a week
>end up buying some of my own VEN at $4, about $1.5k worth
>mfw it's $7.25 now


>> No.6728811


Just grind slow and steady. Slow and steady.

>> No.6728818

bought at around 2.20 when binance had the car giveaway for it. Best thing I have bought in weeks

>> No.6728834
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>tfw when you only have 10k ven

>> No.6728857

just be happy you aren't me and can only afford 147 ven. Hoping this will give me decent starting capital.

>> No.6728907

Literally have 147 ven too anon, kinda bittersweet watching it moon when I wanted way more ffs

>> No.6728931

Same. Pretty sure if I can stop myself getting bored this will be worth $1m EOY

>> No.6728941

1137 VEN
How many Lambos will I have EOY?

>> No.6728942

Did your friend sell or is he comfy too?

>> No.6728954

I have 2 VEN trapped on kucoin that i cant withdraw because the transaction fee is 2 VEN lel.

>> No.6728988
File: 201 KB, 322x395, 1516432321873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just handed me $500 cash he doesn't wanna cash out for like 6+ months

he makes like $8k/mo so he just threw a little bit in to see what happens

>> No.6729012

>Jim Breyer invested in ETH and VEN
>ETH was barely $10 this time last year
>ETH is at $1100 today
>VEN was under $4 less than a week ago
>today it’s nearing $8
>if VEN really is the ETH of China, your 101 VEN may very well grow to $101,000 by eoy
HODL and you’ll do just fine anon

>> No.6729050

wtf, that's a strength node

>> No.6729066

it fucking sucks being a poorfag. Would of been a millionaire pretty much if i went all in on ven with my portfolio.

>> No.6729082

There is 10x more ven out there tho. Not to mention the reserved amount.

>> No.6729089

a money machine you will never own if you are just asking this question. you have a strength node you are made. you are obviously not fucken made, lick this mans boots you scum.

>> No.6729099

Alright boys i got 350$ LTC and 850$ VEN, im ready to roll. Too bad i cant exchange LTC for VEN but i dont want to be 100% on VEN

>> No.6729119

you just mentioned it. go on tell us how it will be distributed.

>> No.6729136


In crypto it's nothing, in the real world that is a lot of money. Crypto doesn't work quite the same since there are early adopter whales who spent almost nothing and are rich. Many of these people didn't even start out all that rich. Otherwise how would pajeets be scamming thousands out of you idiots when you FOMO buy your shitcoins?

>> No.6729140

He said THATS a strength node. Not what's. Fucking reading comprehension in brainlets.

>> No.6729151

Wondering how much Thor will be worth desu

>> No.6729152

I’m with you on this one.

>> No.6729210

That’s my goal. I have 1.2k if it hits over $100 by EOY, I’m going all in on a 10x+ in 2019. Hopefully I can find that coin in 2019z I got lucky by selling my 2.9k golem at 1.00 and putting it into VEN.

>> No.6729254

sorry just flexing more money than you will ever have. that feeling of so comfy YJDGAF. thats me right now. so much ven so comfy .

now go get your fucken shinebox.

>> No.6729406

Kys weak handed frail faggot

>> No.6729432

You effectively done the equivalent of selling eth at 10$

>> No.6729449

god, you’re a faggot

>> No.6729492

exactly, now lick my ass you poor cunt

>> No.6729538

The discord pump group that is unstoppable,,,

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6729590


>> No.6729664
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Mfw I can pay of student debt EOY with only ven, but will not because why would I

>> No.6729675

fuck outta here faggot

>> No.6729698
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I'm at 102 VEN, anon. Neither one of us are going to make it.

>> No.6729701
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Getting this vibe, I have a few VEN but every time /biz/ is hype about something it's a red flag for me.

>> No.6729710
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>just lost 100 ven due to day trading FUCKKKK MEEE

>> No.6729829

I’m at 20.

>> No.6729871
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Only. 97 here, tfw have to continue working

>> No.6729909
File: 103 KB, 1080x1127, Screenshot_2018-01-20-11-57-44-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that ven would be big but i was too poor to make it. life is suffering

>> No.6729965

Biz shills everything. Eventually they have to get it right. They called ven months ago. Deal with it or stay poor. I’ve already 7x my investment so I’m comfy as fuck

>> No.6730076


>> No.6730153

Hi, i was the secret 42nd dev on the 40 man dev team. Now that its already started being leaked im gonna reval all.

Since the word is out, I'm spilling the beans about everything. As former anon laid out recently, Sunny sustained himself by impregnating his mother from the inside and eating his fetus siblings. However, when Sunny was feasting on the legs and arms of his 3rd fetus, Sunny noticed an anomaly. The fetus could speak. This was not you're average day inbred fetus. No, it had an IQ of 300. Sunny learned it to read and write, using fecal matter as ink, they outlined the Vechain whitepaper inside their mothers womb, where it still resides to this day.

During Q1 an attempt was made to enter the womb of Sunnys mother once more and recover the white paper. This was originally planned for mid jan but something went wrong during the procedure. Now you know why rebranding got delayed.

Think guys, do really want to give your money to this baby eating, incestuous psychopath?
Now that the NDA is lifted and this anon can finally speak out it will all go down the drain.

>> No.6730305

Psychopaths are good at making money so yes. Also, rope. Buy some. You know the rest

>> No.6730569
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>day trading
they never learn

>> No.6730590

Similar plan to you, I won't be going all in though. I'm thinking leave 50% in VEN and put the rest on a moon mission, we can't underestimate how far VEN could go one day. Selling VEN at $100 May be like selling ETH at $100