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6714825 No.6714825 [Reply] [Original]

Why do boomers hate crypto so much?

>> No.6714906

If someone made your yearly salary (which took you a college education and decades of ladder climbing to achieve) wouldn't you be salty? Maybe not, but boomers are narcissists.

>> No.6714909

Because they're fucking narcissists. Millennials all have fucking emotional issues because they abused us and now that we found a way to be successful they shit all over it. Fuck them.

>> No.6714912

how much prl for milkies?

>> No.6714916



>> No.6714954

Name of the girl ?

>> No.6715008

Because they still believe banks have their best interest

>> No.6715046
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kek'd. The funniest part is this is true about Ripple.

>> No.6715075

They thought they hoarded all the wealth.

>> No.6715095

>because their heart only allows them to take the physical hard evidence as evidence.
>because their brain only allows them to understand whats simple to process in the beginning
>because their instinct tells them that if its not a remodel of the old with a fresh coat of paint its fiction
>because their nature says this is the way its always been and its the way it always will be
>because their foresight lacks curiosity and their curiosity lacks passion

>> No.6715099

Because they haven't figured out how to ruin it yet.

>> No.6715124

>ywn play with those big tiddies
Why exist

>> No.6715142

boomer dad was ranting about me trading bitcoin saying how he just put 100 dollars a week in his 401k and now it's a quarter million after 30 years
stupid bastard

>> No.6715176

They've had easy jobs and easy money their whole lives and now we're taking our money back

>> No.6715186

Old white people hate seeing other people have money

>> No.6715214

They cant understand it lol

>> No.6715231

so, it didn't even make up for inflation?

>> No.6715238
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>> No.6715242

christy marks

>> No.6715278

its very risky, old people don't like risk.

>> No.6715311

they dont understand technology

once 90% of the population joins in, they'll assume there must actually be something to it without knowing what, and then they'll join.

>> No.6715331

who is this semen monster ?

>> No.6715338

I know right.
Also, sauce?

>> No.6715392

Boomers hate anything that is lucrative that they don't understand. Which I find funny, considering their generation had the easiest path to wealth of any in the entire history of the human race.

>> No.6715401

you just can't put question marks on girl faces trying to look sexy

>> No.6715418

Oh nevermind about sauce & thankyou.

>> No.6715467

How many shit coins for a thing with jugs like that?

>> No.6715526

Unless it's us that they're risking. Then it's totally fine. Exporting all jobs, loading up on debt (that we have to pay), importing incompatible cultures. All good.

>> No.6715544

You know damn well why. They hate it because the blood sucking vampires didn't figure out how exploit it like everything else they touch. And further it's upending the plantation they established for future generations to work so they could live in the lap of luxury until their deaths.

>> No.6715585
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>156k turned into 250k after 30 years
so he actually lost money to inflation, impressive

>> No.6715593

Guys I really think a lot do not hate crypto. Some loudly do of course but most are curious. They are confused as per their way but many would like to join in.

If schwab or TD ever let boomers buy crypto the MC will go to 5 trillion within six months.

>> No.6715619
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Coming from me I am a man who seeks out love peace and happiness.

The boomers I know and have talked to became very selfish, growing up in a time of prosperity, parties, and little responsibility. Often times hardship creates and builds character. When the boomers never had to feel true hardship as jobs were plentiful with good wages, when cars, houses, land was affordable, schooling was affordable and such they never had to grow as a person.

When that happens, when you reach the peak of decadent vain selfishness, you become jealous, resentful, bitter, hateful and time is a mortal wound upon your unwarranted pride and ego.

Boomers lash out at everything younger than them or anything they seem to think threatens their ego or pride.

It is sad really.

>> No.6715650

Peak boomer logic

>> No.6715702

You just accidentally 50k of tokens

>> No.6715752

Does his company even match anything lmao

>> No.6716015


Right. And this goes to the reason boomers think gen x and millenials are lazy. Boomers do not want to, will never, admit that they had it easy. So they conclude that any generation that has difficulty being successful must, therefore, be lazy. After all the only thing you need to do to be successful in boomer world view is to show up ten minutes prior and give the manager a firm handshake and tell him you're the man for the job.

>> No.6716022

>Dad who was a CCO of a fortune 500 before retiring wants to give me $ to invest
Why do your parents suck?

>> No.6716120

They hate Pyramids, Ponzis, and cons - basically the coinmarketcap.com page

>> No.6716137

>Bitcoin company

It's funny just how many Boomers believe BTC is a company. Funny, yet completely understandable from their perspective.

>> No.6716179

Get out oldfag

>> No.6716192

Parents barkin at me for not workin 90 hours a week like the successful millennials they read about on facebook. In 5-10 years, if this works out and I haven't committed suicide. Perhaps I'll be the one who helps them retire early.

>> No.6716295

I've seen ads that claim they can help you use your IRA to purchase BTC. Either a scam, or a legitimate business believes old people will be interested in BTC.

The idea of boomers buying into BTC isn't outlandish. Every generation has its jealous nocoiners, boomers have their own nocoiners that make it seem that all boomers hate crypto, which I don't think is the case. I know a few boomers who are really interested in BTC. They even know about altcoins.

>> No.6716302

>when you reach the peak of decadent vain selfishness, you become jealous, resentful, bitter, hateful and time is a mortal wound upon your unwarranted pride and ego.
Good post.

>> No.6716315

Because they only trust the government

>> No.6716338

No, it's real. But the fees fuck you so hard. I'm talking fire hydrant up your asshole fees. Absolutely no reason to use it even with Roth IRA benefits when places like Coinbase exist.

>> No.6716434


>> No.6716607
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>why boomers hate nerdy pyramid schemes

Hur dur.

>> No.6716621


>> No.6716770

Because they still think the only way to make money is by walking into a business, giving the guy in charge a firm handshake and working there for the next thirty years.

>> No.6717356

How much etn to be jerked off while sucking on her tits?

>> No.6717407

i've never met a boomer who was remotely interested. granted i only know like 2 boomers

>> No.6717705

Yeah, its particularly hilarious to me because a boomer that has been giving me shit for years over crypto actually bought into ripple at close to the ATH.

>> No.6717861


This. The REAL way to make money is to scam it from other people.