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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 300x300, req.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6705976 No.6705976 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6705995


This team needs to make more substantive updates.

>> No.6706057

Just sold my ICO stack

Thanks for saving me OP

>> No.6706099

Wassa wassa wassa wassa.......

>> No.6706120

This coin is RIP. They just openly admitted they need 3rd party help in order to get anything done.

>> No.6706175

Im not so sure its a bad thing, I mean I'll take it over missing deadlines for the next 6 months. I'm still holding til April.

>> No.6706197


>> No.6706211

sold at 1.10 by far the best timed sell of my life

>> No.6706220

Why don't they just hire more devs? Lazy frogs

>> No.6706242

my prediction is that they will miss the Q1 mark for the mainnet launch, but release it sometime in May-July instead

>> No.6706253

>hire more devs
whats the difference between this and what they announced in the update?

>> No.6706304

So without outsourcing to pajeets the project was doomed from the start? Why did they need to 50m for then?

They should be able to meet the deadlines. If the deadlines are not met there is a problem. Now, outsourcing is a solution. But its not ideal and doesnt deflects the fact that they couldnt meet the deadline.

The FUCKING MAIN FEATURE, the invoice payments are getting outsourced. I understand some other apps, but the main feature lmao.

I bet the third parties put another type of cryptotokens on top of this one on top of eth.

Its a blunder. And I have 40k

>> No.6706308

Hiring pajeet devs on the internet for chump change is equivialent to hiring first world engineers to you?

>> No.6706323

The difference is that can hire good developers instead of pajeets for 50 cents

>> No.6706338

>So without outsourcing to pajeets the project was doomed from the start? Why did they need to 50m for then?
This. And they're only allocating 10% of the funds to this outsourcing shit. What are they doing with the rest of the money?

>> No.6706352

>outsourcing pajeets
This is a strawman, Im sure you guys can do better than this

>> No.6706367
File: 89 KB, 1080x356, Screenshot_20180119-120127__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders BTFO

>> No.6706393

They are also hireing new people

>> No.6706410

It's not a strawman, they said 20-100k per project.

>> No.6706454

>2019 will be the year of the linux desktop!

>> No.6706456

They're doing that too, if you'd have bothered to read the update. Faggot.

>> No.6706506

It is a straw man because 1. You are arguing that "pajeets" are the ones getting grants when they run a application process and will always choose the best code, then add on it themselves with the real devs they are already hiring and going to hire. Attack a real flaw in the project and maybe someone will take you seriously.

>> No.6706537
File: 627 KB, 640x1136, 88371BF0-0434-4D6C-A434-9C8CC50796FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 Dollars on Friday’s news!!!!

>> No.6706546
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Maybe buy back in Q2

>> No.6707438

Is this trolling/ intentional FUD.
Or are people this stupid.
>Hey if you create stuff that adds to our program we will pay you through grants. Like many large software companies do.

>> No.6707710

>So without outsourcing to pajeets the project was doomed from the start? Why did they need to 50m for then?
They are not outsourcing. They are giving grants.
Outsourcing is hiring someone or a firm to do a specific task or project. Grants are letting people develop whatever and giving them financial incentives if it benefits your business.
>They should be able to meet the deadlines.
They have done so, so far. But it is common in project management to fuck this up. Even the best od the best.
>If the deadlines are not met there is a problem.
see above.
>Now, outsourcing is a solution.
no one is outsourcing.
>The FUCKING MAIN FEATURE, the invoice payments are getting outsourced.
nice fake FUD faggot...
>Its a blunder. And I have 40k
Okay, so why are you FUDing? to accumulate even more?

>> No.6707819

Thanks everyone keep up the FUD, I sold when the news hit just so I could buy back in later at a profit Off idiots who don't understand the posotivitely of this news Jb the long term. Sometimes this is too easy.

>> No.6708067

>nice fake FUD faggot...
read the blog post you idiot

>> No.6708131

sorry to be ignorant, but didnt i read they ere launching their main net today? i mean if that didnt cause it to moon, then nothing will lol. probably should consider dumping it.

>> No.6708245

how about you read before u make uneducated posts on a Cambodian dry cleaning forum

>> No.6708324

Are you really trying to argue with a fudder? Good luck with that.

Apparently a group of anons that missed out on this project are now desperately trying to get people to sell, to buy at a lower price themselves.

Pretty pathetic. But it's biz, so what did I expect?

>> No.6708343
File: 219 KB, 1439x740, Screenshot_20180119-151919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading is hard.
Furthermore it looks like they are looking for more apps rather than just one killer app in most these areas.

>> No.6708720

Delusional. People are fudding because its a shit token. Not because we want it lol. We don't want your shit bags fag.

>> No.6708753

> create an incentive for developers to flock to the platform which in turn will cause user adoption to skyrocket when mainnet is released

leave it to biz to put a negative spin on that

>> No.6708874

>People are fudding because its a shit token
Lmao, How new you are you? Are you seriously implying that you spend your free time trying to save other anons from financial ruin?

Oh hey, now I too am responding to a fudder.

>> No.6708905

I cant help myself.
whether or not it is a shitcoin or good project, does not hinge on it having community funding. To be honest I dumped half my bags at $1.10 and will dump the rest before it takes off. Not because I don't believe in it, or think its shit. But because why take the risk?That's always been my investment strategy, it works great, Yet as a neutral hodler I don't feel the need to post dumb shit like this or misinfo. Even coins I think are doomed like PRL I gently warn based on legitimate issues, I dont scream about literally nothing.

>> No.6708919

I have probably more invested in req than you, unless you are some omega whale

>> No.6708941
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>> No.6708957

this will moon hard this weekend

>> No.6708960

Why is REQ going down so much? It hasn't stopped going down.

>> No.6708996

It was propped up on fake news rumors that the mainnet was launching today. it didn't and now moonchasers are dumping.

>> No.6709021

And you are seriously implying that anons are desperate enough to get people to sell to buy in?
Keep dreaming.

>> No.6709051

Tempted to sell my stack for QASH, thoughts?

>> No.6709120

Ikr, sold everything before the news last night because I thought it'd already been priced in - but as it happens, I'd have lost a substantial amount had I not pulled the plug. Glad I did.

>> No.6709127
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1479916813625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you are seriously implying that anons are desperate enough to get people to sell to buy in?
This just proves that you haven't been here longer than a week.

>> No.6709134

It's more likely that or trolls than believing people on 4chan are looking out for people lol

>> No.6709178


>> No.6709181

lol best part is this works even with good news. Literally dipped after testnet release.

>> No.6709210

Ok buddy. That train of thought was created by ICO holders btw to help them cope with their dying investment. Seems like you got brainwashed by it too.

>> No.6709244

People know they release an update everyday friday. I wonder how the mainet announcement will affect the price

>> No.6709252

Why sell before mainnet release? Enjoy getting rekt on shitcoin pnd's. At least $3 end of march

>> No.6709267

Wow so you're telling, RIGHT NOW that people wanted to make profit on big news? WOW

>> No.6709361

What the fuck last week biz told me it was the best coin and no others could compete with it cause it burns coins to have the best tx fees. Now it's a shitcoin that can't even do the multiple currency transaction shit it was advertising.

>> No.6709368

>dying investment
>ICO holders
yeah bud it's ICO holders losing money.
yeah I dont understand the fucking logic.
moon chasers are retarded
depends how it is handled. But i wouldnt be surprised if announcement caused a moon launch caused a dip.

>> No.6709414

Just lol at the people selling. Might as well sell any NEO or ETH as well because they've outsourced development also.

>> No.6709437

My final word on this whole REQ is this. If you didn't buy in ICO drop your bags for faster moving projects.

>> No.6709477


Sell any crypto with a bounty program.

Oh wait, that's most of them!

Retards cannot be helped, unfortunately.

>> No.6709564

But anon every announcement is supposed to be the second coming of Jesus! They didnt announce a Microsoft/Amazon partnership and mainnet launch! So I have to sell all my bags into the dip like
suggests! Only people up a fucktonne must HODL.

Maybe I will buy back in next time before the announcement!

>> No.6709653

Who expects major announcements every week lmao. As long as the project moves along on schedule, Im not selling.

>> No.6709833

yeah, but more importantly did you see the fucking rick and morty reference in a job offer they posted?

>> No.6709861

it was sarcasm. tonnes if moon chasers do though

>> No.6709867

post it now. I need to know whether or not to support this project.

>> No.6710060


>> No.6710109

Very subtle performance, friends. Just just convinced me to sell my entire ICO stack.

>> No.6710192


you clearly don't work in the tech industry. Every job posting tries to show how laid back and non-corporate they are.

I applied to a fortune 500 company which had a MacGyver reference

keep it up though, pajeets

>> No.6710241

Hmm I have been read this update. Actually is very embarrassing for me to see this team is to down a path like this. I will be sell all my request token as soon can. Honest very disappointing direction for a team to be doing this, obvious that team lazy and do no work so can please others do some work for us? Sad.

>> No.6710280

I want to make a startup that only employees /pol/tard code monkeys to do licensed work as I imagine I can underpay the shit out of them and lure them in with stupid stormfront dog whistles.

>> No.6710557

I bought at below ICO price, I've already made killer gains on REQ, now I know you're retarded.

>> No.6710823

Yup and you guys are trying to sucker in more people to buy this shit to line your pockets. Fuck off people know your dumb schemes. Better sell and take profit now before that shit drops to zero.

>> No.6710995

Can confirm I dropped ETH at the first sign of community development /grants or "outsourcing" as inarticulate people call it, for $50 nice 2x. Afterwards it cratered down all the way to $1k

>> No.6711155

Reminder that the REQ FUD going around rn is pajeet tier garbage my OMG faggots.The white paper CLEARLY states that the application layer would be 3rd party applications. The core and extensions layer is still (as has always been) developing under the core REQ team. As a matter of fact... this means that the mainnet will be quickly followed by usable applications since there is actual monetary incentives to develop on the platform.

But please do drop your bags RIGHT NOW so I can accumulate more.

>> No.6711203

>That grammar
A literal pajeet FUD. Holy shit.

>> No.6711244

He FOMOed into omg at ATH

>> No.6711495

kek cringy but it's nothing new in the world of muh company culture