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File: 439 KB, 1692x1382, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 3.11.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6701369 No.6701369 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like ethercraft.io is doing another round of items in about 2 hours. Anyone else got their ETH ready? I went in with 0.25 ETH the first time and I'm planning on reinvesting it all for this round. Easiest money I've ever made in my life. Allegedly the items are all .01 eth now so this might be yuge unlike last time which was more under the radar.
>tfw loot crate dividends still coming in

>> No.6701496

Really you got a sauce?

>> No.6701521

twitter, discord, telegram...

>> No.6701577


>> No.6702033

Alright strapped and set to go, from what I'm reading the cheap stuff will remain cheap right?

>> No.6702353

nah it will start cheap @ 0.01 to 0.05 but will double every once in a while to still be able to pay all item holders (magic number is 175 sales I think)

>> No.6702483

Shit, what should I do? Buy bread?

>> No.6702513

Can you or someone tell me how this works?

>> No.6702540
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>> No.6702574

stop with this ponzi shit, lose your money fuckups

>> No.6702583

you're all faggots

>> No.6702672
File: 138 KB, 532x540, fads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy Items with metamask and you can get a .01 eth per item sold bonus if you do so with certain items. Stop being a feg and hop in.

>> No.6702715

lose = tripled mine

>> No.6702796

Yea but buy a coin from a limited ICO that will 5x in 2 weeks is just an investment right?

>> No.6702874

when a text game comes out in three months and all your shit isnt worth 10% what you bought in at.. have fun with it you stupid fucking goofball

>> No.6703088

If it was a ponzi scheme it wouldn't be time boxed (the special items leave shop feb 14.) . There are also plenty of free and cheap items that aren't 'ponzi' in nature. They are just straight purchases of in game items. The ponzi element was just a fun early access thing to reward early adopters as I see it, but everyone can interpret it how they want. Not sure what criticism you will have post Feb 14th when there is no more 'ponzi scheme' to point at though.

>> No.6703242

>Not sure what criticism you will have post Feb 14th when there is no more 'ponzi scheme' to point at though.
Then it will just be a way for idiots to burn their money.

>> No.6703314

Has anyone else broken even yet?

>> No.6703347

I don't think my purchase will break even by the 14th of feb. Are they going to start marketing more or something? I was under the impression that this was an eternal money maker.

>> No.6703388

Over time the return decreases too and the devs are so far open about everything. And yea, you play with money. So what? Makes stuff exciting and with cheap gear you can do plenty too.

>> No.6703417

Ya, how could that ever be successful. The gaming/casino industry is "just a way for idiots to burn their money."

And the gambling aspect isn't the buying of items and speculating, I'm talking about the dungeon crawls. You will have to make calculated decisions on whether to pursue and risk dieing and losing your items for the possible rewards or folding (losing the pot, consumable items that took you as far as you've gone) much like in poker.

You obviously don't know anything about the concept, you should probably look into something more before you believe everything /biz/ hive mind tells you.

>> No.6703449

I was referring to the new items that will come out today, and in general that applies only to the enchanted(red background) items, the other one will stay at their price and don't have that 'ponzi' element

>> No.6703551

It’s a form of an ICO. I know what you mean though, I was burned by ethertanks badly.

The ethercraft platform plans to be truly unique, RPG permadeath, looting dungeons and dead bodies for eth. Dude this is really going to be legit. Get in while you can. Have a good one

>> No.6703552

I invested 0,5 and cashed out 0,5 again but I also reinvested some money and currently have 7 enchanted items that generate some income

>> No.6703604

Honestly whoever posted this did you guys a favor, he literally let you in on a gold mine. If you get in early enough you’re doing 2x today and maybe even 3x. If you don’t believe me then just watch.

The items will start at .01 eth, that’s like $10.

If you can’t afford to play with $10 then you shouldn’t be in crypto.

>> No.6703616

It clearly isn't. The ponzi elements are designed to be sustainable, so prices go up enough to pay all previous purchasers. At some point the price becomes too high for it to be worth it to people to buy any more, and dividends cease.

The idea is that once this is a real game the value of your item itself will be higher, but who knows. If you really want to unload your bags you can see if anyone is willing to buy your item on a decentralized exchange right now; you still keep earning dividends on it either way.

>> No.6703803
File: 389 KB, 1108x1022, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 3.37.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought for .25eth

>> No.6703824

Eta for new item launch?
I bet I have the best inventory in this board.

>> No.6703857

ethertanks is a scam whereas this is legitimate.

>> No.6703904

>I don't think my purchase will break even by the 14th of feb. Are they going to start marketing more or something? I was under the impression that this was an eternal money maker.
Buy the cheap items that are coming out in an hour

>> No.6703909

>There are also plenty of free and cheap items that aren't 'ponzi' in nature. They are just straight purchases of in game items.

There's nothing free in this game. I cannot even play before i deposit eth to this metamask wallet. This is beyond bullshit.
>mfw when a bunch of pixels in a generic DIY run of the mill RPG cost ~1000+ usd
>b-but it's just like an ICO! S-surely you'll find a retard who will buy this for $2000 after a few weeks!

Nice scam.

>> No.6703933

well fuck off then sir and leave the profits to the rest of us

>> No.6703950

forgot the punctuation

fuck off then , sir .

>> No.6704028

Lol yea there is like .25$ transaction fee, guess you really got scammed hard.

>> No.6704041

>7 posts by this ID

Yes, take your (((profits))) and run before retards who have "invested" in your pixelated scam will find you.

>> No.6704087

>it's a posts by ID faggot

>> No.6704110

Who buys all the bread ?

>> No.6704148

some fgt bought 4000+ at once

>> No.6704160


How nice of you to finally come out of closet, faggot.

>> No.6704170

>3 posts by this ID

>> No.6704201

Lmao ok don’t get in and stay poor faggot. Literally ground floor.

You hate money

>> No.6704214

the items are too expensive to be an actual game

>> No.6704225


Got another 0.7 already to dump

>> No.6704259

>b-but this is a scam because you m-make money on it. I-I don’t like m-money

Little does the brainlet know there’s free items in ethercraft and other items starting around $5-10

If that is really overnight your budget then I feel bad for you soon, I got 99 problems having a peps token ain’t one.

>> No.6704332

did you read the posts or no
answer honestly

>> No.6704382

Well we're the nicest scammers of all time inviting other people to scam along for profits.

>> No.6704386


Lmfao, gl finding actual retards who will pay you thousands of USD for pixels in an underdeveloped generic RPG
>b-but it's an investment! Y-you just hate money!

Sure, an investment.
just like ethertanks, amirite?

>> No.6704395

How many Ragnarok's did you get?

>> No.6704420

you get dividends though
why dont you go to another thread if you are so disinterested in this?
because you're rationalizing your poor choices

>> No.6704442

>Well we're the nicest scammers of all time inviting other people to scam along for profits.


>> No.6704462

Feed the ponzi

>> No.6704474


>> No.6704536

Except the ponzi is actually kind of short lived.
It's there to bring big short lived rewards for early investors, got to motivate people.

>> No.6704549
File: 138 KB, 750x712, E592B903-2F7E-4EAF-92C4-26AF23974F78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s launching in an hour, get in or stay poor faggot.

>> No.6704584

i browsed over the posts
and i don't care enough to fucking decipher the nerdspeak with a fine toothed comb

why would anyone play a game where the items cost at least one to two hundred dollars a pop, and thats before ponzi inflation causes the prices to rise.

think about it. imagine playing legend of zelda on snes but having to pay two hundred real dollars to get the master sword, 100 for the ocarina, 150 for the wooden shield, 250 for the hylian shield, 100 for a bottle, etc. you wouldn't play.

Take away the ponzi element and no game is worth the prices ethereum network requires you to pay for items.

>> No.6704586

even my dog started barking ponzi

>> No.6704596

>the items cost at least one to two hundred dollars a pop

>> No.6704647

Why would anyone play 1/2 or 5/10 NL holdem, stay poor retard.

>> No.6704755

Items are free and some start around $5-10

I understand your weariness, at least do some research into it so you have an idea of the whole scope. These devs are literally working their asses off to survive and there’s people creating fud which is pretty baseless. I think it’s fucked up, but if you hate money then I wouldn’t want to buy in either. OP was doing everyone a favor by even letting the word out.

>> No.6704758

welll you would speak that gibberish
you're desperate to get more people in on your ponzi.

everyone expects you to be dishonest. so either use rational argument or shut up. being a dick and calling people retards for not buying just makes this sound like a scam, you fucking autist, you couldn't sell hot cakes and they sell themselves. "buy my pancakes retards or stay hungry"

>> No.6704785

I don't know why you think you need all the best items for every single run, one of the posts straight up says its perfectly fine to do a leather armor run for a tiny cost

>> No.6704806

nobody trusts you
the fud comes from pajeets using scamspeak to try and get me to buy. triggers an instant "fuckyou" reaction.

>> No.6704823

Never came across a soul more retarded than you. Good luck, anon.

>> No.6704874

The items you see now for 500-1k are the ones that will be selling for 100k when this game hits the normies.
There are 175 gungnirs nigger, It's going to be the rarest weapon in the game

>> No.6704924

It's a ponzi anon, people invested a bunch and are nervous to get their money back, so they try their best to shill but they are bad shills.

Has no bearing on the legitimacy of the project. Do your own research.

>> No.6704927

i'm not wrong
everyone in this thread sounds like a hungry pajeet and it's a turn off. i was interested before i saw this thread and then i lost interest real quick. call me a retard one more time then i'm sure to buy your overpriced ponzi items

>> No.6704948

I already outlined how the game is a gambling RPG, if you can't see the connection I'm sorry but you're an idiot. Dismissing it saying nobody would want to play a game because it requires them to risk money misses the entire point. The entire game is built around risking money to make money. There are plenty of games like this in the gambling industry, poker being the best analogy because you have control over how much more resources/bets you want to contribute to the pot/crawl to weight your odds on whether to call or fold. It's pretty straight forward... This is the idea behind the game. I'm not frustrated about someone joining my 'ponzi scheme' I'm frustrated someone is incapable of reading a statement.

>> No.6704955

What scamspeak? By explaining how you can play without spending a lot? Or by explaining you'll get your money back if you buy or at least get part of it discounted? Amd tjat you'll be rewarded hugely if this game sets off? Or is the concept that early investors who are taking a risk are getting a reward?

>> No.6704962

how many gwei to withdraw my eth?

>> No.6705008

i could literally afford to drop 10k on this game, you fucking pajeets should literally be wiping my own ass for me. i was a millionaire before ethercraft and i don't have to take these insults

>> No.6705009


You are literally making baseless claims when you don’t know anything about the core concepts of the game

>b-but the core concept is ponzi

No it’s fuckin not, it’s an early adopter incentive to promote growth. Right now we are all early adopters.

These ponzi claims should start happening after the release, not before.

Go to ethercraft.io and get in

All you need is a metamask

Items are free and some start at .01 eth ($10.30)

>> No.6705033
File: 135 KB, 1000x541, 1060713268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy an item for 0.267 ETH into Ethercraft
>can make 0.001 ETH for each future sale of the item
>item needs to be purchased 267 times for me to just break even
>all this depends on whether the developers keep the project going and implementing new features

How much you want to bet that this project becomes vaporware in a month and we don't make our money back?

>> No.6705114

>It's a ponzi anon, people invested a bunch and are nervous to get their money back, so they try their best to shill but they are bad shills.

at least this guy has a reasonable argument

if you're socially poor in real life and don't know how to talk to people. then just shut the fuck up and don't even try shilling things, you're only damaging the reputation of your ponzi scheme everytime youre greasy curry stained fingers hit the keyboard

>> No.6705232

Calm down I think this is a good project and I invested in it.

Ponzi is slightly inaccurate because it implies fraudulence, and this is pretty legit with its smart contracts, but the basic premise is the same. Pay old investors with money from new investors. I never said it was the core concept, my point was that because it works this way, people are incentivized to shill.

>> No.6705330

it's been almost two hour now. any word?

>> No.6705343


>> No.6705358

how much do you wanna bet that they'll sell more than 267 within the first 3 hours?

I'll seriously bet you
we can write a smart contract for it. no joke

>> No.6705446

the "20 sold" on screen will be like "150 sold" by the time your order goes through. you'll get half your money back then the item price will be too high for anyone else to buy

>> No.6705588

>we can write a smart contract for it. no joke

No. I already bought the loot box.

>> No.6705657

Anyone who bought after the 5th hour of release, at best, never made their money back.
Same goes for any new ponzi shit they release now. That's how it's worked with this game, and this game is no different - except it had less initial buyers than the rest because people are more savvy towards this shit now.
The only reason anyone even remotely comes close to paying themselves off at any point past that is because they make 20 threads a day and haven't closed their ponzi scheme, unlike the other games before now.

>> No.6705698

Not true at all, the day after you could still have broken even by now.

>> No.6705719
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not getting on the second round of items

>> No.6705830

>the day after
No, you couldn't have. Less than 100 of each individual item have sold since the first 6 hours - free shit doesn't count.
This game is no different to other ponzis, there's no reason it would magically break the chain literally every other one has gone through, no matter how much it shills.

>reading comprehension
'Same goes for any new ponzi shit they release now'. Implies you can make money in the exact same time period. Which I do, because all of these games work. It doesn't change that after the first few hours it won't break even.

>> No.6705845

leave the pretending this is going to be a real game for plebbit shilling.

bros, this is a ponzi, but if you get in early, it does payout. New items will be cheaper and less risk. I only bought a pair of jew boots for .05 eth but I doubled up (as in actually have the ETH back in my wallet). If I had more faith in the stupidity of people, I'd have made a killing.

What's really amazing is the plebbits are buying into it and some of this biz crowd has actually convinced them it will be a real game. It's hilarious seeing them discuss the 'mechanics' and what items will be good in the game of vaporware. Watching some of you fuckers larp and people buying in on their plebbit has had me fucking dying.

Buy some fucking boots, I get like 50 cents for every pair.

The creators already made well over 100 eth it looks like. I'm shocked they're still even milking it and haven't just dipped. But I guess there's still sheep to shear.

>> No.6705847

I bought the first few hours. A rare loot crate at 175 sold. Have only made 60$ back.

>> No.6706040

>There's nothing free in this game. I cannot even play before i deposit eth to this metamask wallet.

It's called gas dude. That's how erc20 tokens work. You're going to FUD and indict something when you don't even understand how it works?

>> No.6706043
File: 1.92 MB, 255x160, wawawa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ponzi, but we are at the top

>> No.6706233


>> No.6706289

New items up!

>> No.6706376

damn they're going quick

>> No.6706439

well the webpage wont load anything for me so i guess I wont join the ponzi.

>> No.6706455

i don't see any new items

>> No.6706483

clear your cache.

>> No.6706488
File: 157 KB, 537x558, Ecio1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, King's Crown already hit the doubling point.

>> No.6706656

So which item are we pumping this time?

>> No.6706695

>Less than 100 of each individual item have sold since the first 6 hours

Not true at all, most items had barely any sales at 6 hours and now they are all at the doubling point.

>> No.6706742

Not the new set.

>> No.6706787

Yeah, no. Compare the current sales of the current items in the first 20 minutes to the end sales of the original set. It's the exact same results.

>> No.6706863

Guess we should have written up a smart contract, since I haven't seen a single goddamn sale of my loot crates.

>> No.6706873

Certain items like mage mincer and stone skin amulet were low initially and then larps in reddit and discord got them to start selling

>> No.6706912

Also pep's coin because it was so expensive had low initial sales, but the "it's going to be really good in game" got pushed and people bought for .5 eth lol

>> No.6706933

They were low until everything else were at exorbitant prices, so everyone went for the next cheapest thing. This all happened in the span of three hours.

>> No.6706979
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>> No.6707062
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holy fuck sword shards are already doubled up

>> No.6707068

that explains the amulet (started at .025 I think right?) but not the mage mincer, also doesn't explain pep coin. iirc pep coin was still not bought by many even after like 8 hours.

>> No.6707148



>> No.6707210

Everything's gonna sync up because they're all the same price. Literally any low sale item

>> No.6707222

Pep's tokens were still selling early. I know, because I brought them and made 3x my money in the first 3 - 4 hours. Past that, I've gotten pretty much nothing.

Side note, last time there was a small presale of items. This time there was a big presale of items lmao. Anyone seeing announcements isn't at the top of the pyramid. They're at the second layer.

>> No.6707326

>muh presale

>> No.6707419
File: 36 KB, 232x327, rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still want to buy some lootboxes (which will be sold even after feb) you should get this one, lowest price and highest possible return right now

>> No.6707517

>can't be true because I say it's not
In the first release of items, before anyone should have even known about the game (meaning before they could have accesses the contract early), over 30 of the frog hat, 20 of the legendary crate, and 5 of the rest were sold. This isn't a case of 'querying with the smart contract in advance', because the details of the game were only released to people in the Discords/Telegrams, etc, of other games at the time moment after the contract was launched.
This time around, there were over 100 of the king items sold and 50 of the sword items sold before the contract could even be queried lmao. You can literally add up the transactions that went through since the contract was originally updated (meaning the first instance anyone could actually send items).

>> No.6707558

How'd you make 3x-4x money on pep's tokens when it's only possible to have doubled up on them if you bought them before 84th sale? larp faggot.

>> No.6707679

>literally working their asses off
sounds painful

>> No.6707851
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>> No.6708232
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>> No.6708296
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>> No.6708358

A great new group is having a pump on Binance at 7 EST. Here's a link, cheers!

discord gg/jyMUnmq

>> No.6708366

lmao are u guys trolling or did u really buy this shit

>> No.6708379

Buy in now or b sad l8r m8

>> No.6708418

lmfao i love 4chan

>> No.6708433

seems like if you didnt buy int he first 15 minutes its already too late

>> No.6708441

>seems like if you didnt buy int he first 15 minutes its already too late
But that's wrong, sales are still going

>> No.6708456

I generally buy into every single ponzi because you can always make money asap.
But this recent release of items is a giant case of everyone here just being sheep for the people really at the top. At least with the first tier of items, there was only a relatively small portion of things bought in advance. This time around it's just a giant fuck you. The massive presale of items decreased the time to make profit on some items from like 3 hours to 30 minutes at best

>> No.6708463
File: 30 KB, 450x312, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already made my money back and am just reaping in the gains. If you buy now you can still get in on the ground level.

>he still hasn't bought the moon solutions

>> No.6708486

Difference being that prices are still below $20 on a lot of things

>> No.6708541
File: 68 KB, 1134x418, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another ponzi called EtherSpace is literally at ground level. With almost all of these ships you would literally be the first person to buy it.


>> No.6708545

you can spy on the internal dev contract here https://etherscan.io/address/0x36770ff967bd05248b1c4c899ffb70caa3391b84#internaltx

looks like sales are still going nutso

>> No.6708560

nice carbon copy clone of the cars and everything else lol

>> No.6708650




>> No.6708662

lol pretty much. I laughed at
>Battle (coming soon)
it's a cliche at this point

The only difference here is you would be the first to buy into this thing.

>> No.6708665

'On a lot of things' still implies there are still items that fall prey to what I was saying, which is something no ponzi has done until now, even the incredibly sketchy ones. This was a ponzi made by people who shilled previous ponzi games, so it's pretty evident that everyone who gets shilled to are people just making money for these guys.
At this rate, the next batch of items will have 30 of even the most minor of things sold in advance.

But, yes, you can still make money on the absolutely least expensive things right now, because it's still a ponzi through and the through. Buy in 3 hours from now and you likely won't pay yourself off for the next two weeks, since this game seems to leave its ponzi scheme open for far longer than the rest, who generally shut it down once the sales have slowed to a crawl.

That shit was shilled yesterday and it pretty much hasn't moved. It doesn't even have the strong promises of this game lmao.

>> No.6708674

>With almost all of these ships you would literally be the first person to buy it.
Yeah, because nobody else wants to buy that shit. It's already been up for over a day.

>> No.6708779

battle ur shipz

>> No.6708788

I think the devs don't even know that people are buying it yet. This has almost no online presence outside of my own shilling which mostly ends up with me FUDing it anyway.

>> No.6708816

nobody cares about this

>> No.6708881
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>> No.6708943


>> No.6708990

i'm interested
send me a link i cant find it on google

>> No.6709023

found this
they got a game in demo mode

>> No.6709028


I wouldn't recommend buying any though
Fuck I'm the worst shill

>> No.6709058

>tried to withdraw eth from this fucking ponzi an hour ago, bs never arrived to my metamask acc, I couldn't buy the new ponzi-items, even when I saw them at 15 buys.

>> No.6709076

I hope they implement the "withdraw all at once" feature soon. I've got too much shit to withdraw from all of it. Getting tedious.

>> No.6709126

nah man thats perfect. you're a thousand times better then the usual "buy it now or you're a retard that hates money hahah" approach. at least you're pretending to be humble and honest. it's like the charlie lee sell, where you feel that the guy selling it to you isnt out to rob you of everything at all costs and is actually just a regular guy trying to give real advice.

and its possible you aren't even pretending. quite possible. so this is basically the only kind of shilling i respond to without instant fud and anger

>> No.6709176

to 3x your money on pep's token you would have needed a return of 1.5 ETH each which means 300 items would have needed to sell after you bought each one. that did not happen within 3-4 hours and that still hasn't fucking happened you fucking goddamn lying piece of shit

>> No.6709237


i dont see any sales on these ether spaceships. are ther zero sales? i dont get it. i need to know how many other people bought the ship obviously.

>> No.6709272

Guys, I bought one day in late with the first wave, and I still profited. Buy now, you are just 1 hour late. Seriously.

>> No.6709332

post the etherscan link tardzilla

>> No.6709344

All new items doubled, sales still going

>> No.6709353


100 of each of the King's items, are you saying? Or 50 of each? I ask because I was ~60th on the Robe and under 50th on the Crown.

>> No.6709354

Okay, it was a borderline 2x then. I got within the first 10. Forgive me for not remembering exactly I got when I've bought and cashed out at least 20 items at this point.
Fact is that the buys slowed to a crawl within the first few hours, regardless of the item. Doesn't change the rest of the points I've made just because you want to cherrypick.

>> No.6709358

they don't seem to care, they'll just stand by on the sidelines bumping these threads with retarded bullshit while everyone else makes money

>> No.6709367

yeah that guy is a larping faggot.

>> No.6709433
File: 395 KB, 851x371, KINGS_SET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad got anyone that didn't get a king set. Forever stay poor.

>> No.6709440

Over 100 of both combined. I would have said over 100 but I was too lazy to count up exactly how many transactions went through before the contract was live. Fact is that there was a huge presale.

And if you did get under 50 of either, you were part of it lmao.

>> No.6709470

It's not a larp because you want to cherrypick. Even in your post, you said 3 - 4x when I never said 4x at all, so you were clearly moronic enough that I didn't need to respond to you.

>> No.6709496

Meant to link this.

>> No.6709514


Nope. I refreshed the page at the right time, then doubled the recommended gas price to ram it through. Hit up the crown, robe, and sword fragment quick. Must have got in right as it went live.

>> No.6709577

This, but it's easier for people to tell themselves that it was a scam.

>> No.6709629

It's easier for people to tell themselves it was a scam because that's the beauty of smart contracts - you can literally see when each sale went through, especially since each item is an individual token. There is an enormous difference in time between the first batch being bought and the second.

>> No.6709846

You can view their etherscan contract and see the buys. There are a few tx's from the devs a while ago and then me and a few others from yesterday


>> No.6709938

Everyone ITT whining about 'MUH PRESALE' is forgetting about the fact that these are rare, limited edition items that will be extremely scarce in the grand scheme of things

>> No.6709945

ok thanks man
i'm seriously considering it

>> No.6710045

Yes, because EtherCraft is actually well-thought out and has active and communicative devs. A very high likelihood of actually becoming a game. The space ships on the other hand are just yet another no-effort ethertanks clone which itself was a no-effort etheremon clone.

>> No.6710054

Literally doesn't matter. Until now ponzis have never needed to have a presale of any kind. The appeal was that literally anyone could guarantee they're at the top of the pyramid no matter what, so long as they caught on in time - but this shows the devs already have a select group of people who are really at the peak.
If the game ever gets absolutely huge? Sure, everyone who buys now makes even more money, but it doesn't give a good impression.

Ponzis work best when you can't say who is actually in before you. In this one's case, you can see that people are getting in before you know matter what, so you're not the peak.

>> No.6710171

i havent seen a demo on youtube of the ethercraft game. they have only shown a single mockup image. etherspace ive seen it

>> No.6710204

You just know some faggot didn't buy king set yet

>> No.6710221

please post a screencap

>> No.6710244

From what they described it seems like its not a game you can control the character. You can only equip your character and "Send into Dungeon" and then you would either lose all your armor/money or your character would find an item and you'd probably get some flavor text.

>> No.6710254

>sayas the guy desperatly hoping people buy this thing so he makes his money back
>in b4 angry accusations about how i "want to stay poor" and that i'm "retarded" for doubting him

>> No.6710541

Tfw I made my money back 20 minutes after I bought the set.

>> No.6711031


>> No.6711160

where's the screencap? please post it. legit interested

>> No.6711303

I'm not him but this is one of the contracts, as you can see the first transactions were not that long ago https://etherscan.io/txs?a=0xb1c7a90216bcc38c6930b551a27e87976a57cee3&p=5

>> No.6711398

This is huge. You people realise the prices of these items are never going to be lower than the store value. And that goes up after someone buys

>> No.6711753

>as you can see the first transactions were not that long ago
And your point? The guy to whom i was responding was claiming that there was some huge gap when there really isn't

>> No.6711908

My point is you are right, there was no presale.