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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6671456 No.6671456 [Reply] [Original]

So the last thread was pretty good. I'm not the same anon but I live in Venezuela so I guess we could keep talking about this shithole in this thread.

>> No.6671554
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This is a prostitute you can get in Venezuela, she charges $10 an hour.

>> No.6671568
File: 29 KB, 400x400, P9T8zaeb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that commie faggot got royally BTFO in the last thread.

>> No.6671591

Are you the guy who had nothing in his freezer and the other guy only had charcoal in his freezer to clear out the stench of rotten food? I gave one of you guys some dogecoin or bitcoin cash. Was a few weeks ago

>> No.6671607
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wtf I love hyperinflation now

>> No.6671673

Not me anon. Thankfully I'm not that fucked about food but my portfolio is only 13 BAT that I bought at $.90 top kek

>> No.6671737

So when Maduro dies by 'accident' who takes over?

>> No.6671754

Right now, I don’t think he will

>> No.6671816

It really is irrelevant, Maduro doesn't control shit, he's just a puppet, there are thousands of psychopats behind him. He's is actually going to seek election and he's gonna win by a landslide, screencap this post.

Most people say that the one that is really behind of all of it is Diosdado Cabello.

>> No.6672062

Why does your shit country put up with crappy government? Y'all ever heard of regime change?

>> No.6672104

they fell for the civil disarmament meme

>> No.6672189

Most of the population supported Chavez at the beginning because they really believed he would be good for the country, but he quickly went commie dictator mode and his supporters only grow more radicals and those who opposed them didn't really want to do anything. Now they have total and absolute control so people are just fleeing. There was a bunch of people who protested against the goverment but they were mostly kids from ages 14-25 and a lot of them got killed so young people are the ones that are fleeing the country the most.

Also this

>> No.6672591

im a white guy. if i come to your country will i get kidnapped, robbed, and murdered?

>> No.6672627

Yeah, probably, if they hear you talking English in public you will surely be targeted.

>> No.6672669

is there like some safe tourist city?

>> No.6672685

i would pay that if she had a face

>> No.6672773

No. Some years ago they killed a German guy getting out of his plane in Margarita (it used to the the most touritst driven place here)

>> No.6672799

I bet you can hire your own gang of Venezuelan bodyguards for $100.

>> No.6672802

lel you fags never seen a 3rd worlder before?

go on /int/ sometime, there's a fucking sudanese autist who shitposts there

>> No.6672865

ok let me guess you wants some ETH too?

>> No.6672930

Stop feeding them, after you feed one a pack will appear.

>> No.6672998

No anon, I just wanted to BTFO commies because I can't stand them. Nothing wrong with helping that guy but I want to do things for myself, I'm not a fucking begging Pajeet.

>> No.6673010

I love Latino men and I have a thing for straight guys/desperation. I'm more interested in Venezuela than I should be. (I would get body guards.)

>> No.6673013

You can, but I'm pretty sure they will turn on you and take all your money at the first chance they get. I was in puerto la cruz this summer for a business thing, we had some local connections and they were very firm about not letting us go anywhere without a guide/protection.

Fucked one resembling this, but charged 50$. But I am fairly positive that was because I was an outsider

>> No.6673032

Is there a good possibility I can fly out a venezuelan cutie over here for cheap?

>> No.6673081

A lot of roasties have fleed because of white man taking them out of this shithole, actually. I guess you could, yeah.

>> No.6673907

please bump my thread
