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File: 13 KB, 550x550, Bitcoin-Cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6593907 No.6593907 [Reply] [Original]

Starting in 15 minutes.
You have been warned.

>> No.6593954


>> No.6594149

Flippening for the 32nd time

>> No.6594175

is it true that kucoin is adding BCH pairs?

>> No.6594226

operation dragonslayer happening?

>> No.6594288

Yes, ETH is the new king.

>> No.6594325

its almost cute you're still holding onto this

>> No.6594414

Still hoding my BTC bags, anon?
>6 minutes

>> No.6594486

There is never going to be a flippening and even if there was, BCHtards would be the last people to know about it.

>> No.6594512
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, 1f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Thinking normies will want anything to do with something that has bitcoin in the name is delusional. It's greatest strength is now its greatest weakness.

>> No.6594608

fuck no. I just like the dungeons and dragons bullshit
had 18 though so did alright, still kind of like it.

>> No.6594676

ive been saying this all day, now is the perfect time for roger and jihan to switch the miners to bch, there never going to get a better chance this year that pumping it right now

>> No.6594818

>ive been saying this all day,
did it ever occur to you there's a reason why nobody is listening to you?

>> No.6594824

>Normies buying a coin that crashes Even harder.
>Real Bitcoin, therefore even bigger crashes.

Cashies, Normies will short you BCH as fast aus possible

>> No.6594845

Watch the death/revival of Crypto live on this website(better than cmc, ad free, live updated charts so you dont have to refresh every minute): https://www.thecryptowiki.org/Live_Chart

>> No.6595028

hope you fags bought the dip

>> No.6595242


No bullshit. This is why I sold my BCH.

When BTC finally tanks for good (and it’s slowly on its way) the term “Bitcoin” is going to be a joke. Nobody will invest in BCH because of it. It’s stupid, because BCH is superior to BTC, but that’s just the reality.

>> No.6595361

>Do you like music, anon?

>> No.6595708

Everything is mooning.
Welcome to the bear trap of BTC.

>> No.6596034

BCH will kill all other coins. just wait

>> No.6596077 [DELETED] 

7 minutes 'til we can see the charts. Get in boys, it's gonna be epic.

>> No.6596092

you realize all the bch devs are rejects who have failed other projects
i truly dont understand why people have so much confidence in them
99% of their code pushes are copy pasted from core
you can even read it on the github
updates say "used update from core"

>> No.6596150


>> No.6596600

9:37 am PST.
It begins.

>> No.6596796

Gotta wait 60 more minutes.
>be patient anon

>> No.6596939

>all the bch devs
ITYMTS "BOTH the bch devs"

well at least the one who isn't fucking chinese traps

>> No.6597298

Flippening is science fiction.
A conman, a chinaman and an explosives dealer can't beat the king.

>> No.6597343


Even if bitcoin cash were never created bitcoin would still die on its own. It's going to kill itself

>> No.6597396


>> No.6597460

I literally have no skin in the whole Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash fag war, but fuck me sideways if I hear "flippening" one more time I might just flip out

Shut the FUCK UP you motherfuck

>> No.6597502

Satoshi Nakamoto wrote notes on how to rise the block size before leaving. What does that tell you?
Storage gets cheaper with time, then why not do a simple yet perfect solution?

>> No.6597597
File: 76 KB, 639x960, 50rdpmjixda01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6597623


[Citation needed]

>> No.6597734


>> No.6598297
