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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6536388 No.6536388 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a short pump and dump or actual organic growth?

>> No.6536425

Yeah its a pump and dump, except its never gonna dump. Just pump.

>> No.6536456
File: 87 KB, 640x633, Pepe Laughter - Suppressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Organic growth
The whole project is built on a foundation of hype

>> No.6536476

It has done that for the past few days. Goes up then dumps.

>> No.6536492

How's Tron and Ripple doin for ya buddy?

>> No.6536502

Learn to ride the wave, not hodl like a retard

>> No.6536505

Tron is built on a foundation of hype, Ven is not you schmuck

>> No.6536543

One does not simply pump ven. The whales saw to that. And guess what? With all the weaknhanded faggots this morning they just refueled for months to come. It’ll go up, but very slowly. Thank the weak willed small minded retards in euro and china

>> No.6536552

>Didn't invest in Ven for the reason it's built on hype
>Thinks I invested in two other hype coins

>> No.6536599

Yeah, that's what I'm trying but I sold much too early on the current pump cause I wouldn't have imagined it going on for so long.
There's a lot of price manipulation but it's not built on hype.

>> No.6536733

>VeChain is 7th on 24 hour change
>Barely anyone is selling
>Thinking I need to cope

Also, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. VeChain has actually had customers and a private blockchain for their customers for a while. We are seeing a transition into the public space now.

>> No.6536745


"Hype" He says...Kek

Poor fag

>> No.6536809

muh 1hr candles
Yes sirs if u do not buy you will be very poor sirs very poor !!

>> No.6536848

Enjoy your wtc. How’s that one announcement working out?

>> No.6536890

$100 EOY

>> No.6536943

Right now VEN = $5.36

Screencap this and look at it in a month, then KYS.

>> No.6536953
File: 34 KB, 400x400, pepe happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le epic cope

>> No.6537041

I see your coping mechanism is spraying your bleeding asshole all over 4chan. It gives me great joy to see waltcucks crying

>> No.6537098

>"If I say Walton enough times it'll mean he holds Walton"
Just pathetic.

>> No.6537177

Is this fake news? What other coin has that kind of partnership going for it? Not to speak of the Chinese governmental support. Please explain how that is hype.

>> No.6537210

Investing in the coin that will allow me to pursue my dreams of building an asteroid mining slave colony and become a member of the future aristocracy. I don't have any doubt in my veins. I will use VEN to ensure that my first slave purchase is a member of any WTC holders family when they solve the human proof of origin problem.

>> No.6537232

>*shits in China*

>> No.6537249

Join the P&D group where everyone profits! Even during dips...
Discord >>UXBnfm2

BTC Giveaway next week btw

>> No.6537262

discord gg/PEKQFDX

5000+ member pump group, binance pump today! last time 500%+

>> No.6537263
File: 164 KB, 577x1259, 4593C11E-EF89-48E5-9D3B-38C1D3804947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pajeets, unite!
Pooping on the street! Now!

>> No.6537283

What? Sorry, I don't understand.

>> No.6537301

What coins do you own then? Please do tell

>> No.6537318

He's trying to justify his investment in Walton coin. Just don't make direct eye contact and you'll be safe.

>> No.6537326

Holy shit you guys are so insecure it's hilarious. I have never owned a fraction of a Walton token in my life. I stated the obvious and your best rebuttal is "muh shill". Maybe I should invest in Walton if all you retards hate it so much.

>> No.6537414

VEN holders are like circus monkeys. Little yellow Chinaman uploads national anthem to Twitter and you all do your little dance, then spray a torrent of diarrhea out of your mouths when someone criticizes the act.
>"Pwease tell me your coins so I can create a strawman, PWWWEEEASE REEEEEEEEE"

>> No.6537415

No, I posted an article and you didn't really explain why that is hype. I honestly want to know why you think that.

>> No.6537447
File: 25 KB, 495x297, 168C1250-D043-4EEF-A6AC-535D6EC88BD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1Month: up 472.91%
3Months: up 2042.39%

Walton Pajeet coin:
1Month: up 162.70%
3Month: up 280.86%

Can you Indians shut the f up now?

>> No.6537537

Waltcuck as I suspected. Enjoy your bags! Hey ven is down a little maybe you can switch over before it’s too late

>> No.6537582

I bet you mutter Waltcuck over and over again in bed at night to help you sleep.

>> No.6537639

You’re discussing with a nigger or an Indian pajeet who’s being paid to talk about wtc 24/7.
On both cases you’re losing your time.

>> No.6537683

I have nightmares where I accidentally bought wtc instead of ven months ago

>> No.6537700

It's all in good fun. You probably own a ven node so keep on spreading that fud.

>> No.6537759

>The whole project is built on a foundation of hype
>*shits in China*
>Little yellow Chinaman uploads national anthem to Twitter and you all do your little dance, then spray a torrent of diarrhea out of your mouths when someone criticizes the act.
Can you please explain what you mean by this. I still haven't understood your reasoning. Are the partnerships fake news?

>> No.6537886

Hahaha you cannot believe that a bystander is passing judgement on your coin.
Vechain are known to over-hype announcements. They posted the national anthem of China when they got a local council deal.

>> No.6537998

This thread is why I'm starting to hate ven. It has too many fanboys. Can everybody shut the fuck up about ven. Let it tank so we can accumulate more.

>> No.6538015

So, who cares? Are their partnerships real or not? And which coin has more substance to offer? I really fail to see how that's all hype.

>> No.6538102

You don't find disingenuous teams something to worry about? You don't mind your coins reputation being tarnished? Eventually it's going to backfire extraordinarily.

>> No.6538198

>no arguments

>> No.6538205

Its a good time to pull out and get cheap alts if you are in VET. Strong rumors going around that sunny was arrested.

>> No.6538253


>> No.6538396

Looks like they finally found his collection of human eyeballs

>> No.6538436

700k subscribers

>> No.6538457

>Jan 16th, 2018 (today)

O shit boys.

>> No.6538496

Can’t wait to use my THOR to buy China.

>> No.6538500

Even if they were "over-hyping" (which is just good marketing) how is it disingenuous?
The only thing I'm seeing is a company backed by Chinese whales with a ton of partnerships in the real world as opposed to other coins which only have empty promises.

>> No.6538705

fucking hell. why cant the normies come at $50

>> No.6538994

>good marketing
t.ven holder

>> No.6539071

:) i like this pepe

>> No.6539139

12 posts by this nigger

>points made: not even one

>> No.6539222

Hm yeah, I thought that was obvious. Still not an argument, though.
(Well, currently I'm in USDT because everything is tanking)

>> No.6539274

>Exaggerating business dealings is good

>> No.6539308

dont worry. the normies are the longest bag holders and fastest panic sellers. and they also dont trust china at all.

They will bag hold verge and TRX before buying VEN, and if VEN doesnt grow much in the near future they wont buy it because " its been 5-6 dollars for 2 weeks".

>> No.6539394
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>Actually has a shit ton of partners in a few months
Your either a troll or dumb

>> No.6539418

Lul they won't buy till 180 like NEO. Then it's time for them to buy.

>> No.6539420

holy shit read the comments , so many braindead normies kek , they won't buy til it's 50+

>> No.6539479

>13 Posts by this ID
>Being this obsessed with a coin you didn't buy

>> No.6539540

Why is this "local council' thing a meme, like morons think China is the goddamn United States and they signed the equivalent of a deal with Boston. No. VeChain said "national-level". Guess what? That's the name of what it is.


>"The State-level new areas of the People's Republic of China are special economic-development zones supported by the central government. The zones are parts of cities at various levels in the formal hierarchy but are known as "national-level" or "state-level" in reference to the preferential policies and privileges they are granted directly by the State Council. "

>> No.6539601

Should I buy in in now or wait for more dip?

>> No.6539647


Doesn’t it feel good to just be done with crypto and all in VEN

>> No.6539657

1000$ EOY

>> No.6539666


Kek, americans dont understand Chinese so cant verify any of it or make sense of it.

there is fuck all in Chinese. as someone who reads it, the Hubei Library deal was fuckign shit, if they know the extent of it that announcement would not have been hyped.

but yeah, crypto is not much in the news in China for obvious reasons so its not a HUGE red flag, but the hype some announcements get inst warranted if they knew the genuine scope of them.

>> No.6539797

That's good, let them FOMO in later.

>> No.6539813

Welcome to the VeChain Dynasty

>> No.6539867

Depends what you're in right now. If you're in fiat wait. If you're in a tanking coin you can't do much worse.

>> No.6540122

fuck this guy. I'm not done buying, seriously, I'm gonna fud the shit out of ven in those comments.

>> No.6540173

Ill help you, I hate all these crypto youtubers

>> No.6540237

You don't even have to. Half of them are complaining and saying its too much money because they're retarded. Let them buy my VEN at 300.

>> No.6540420

$500-1000 eoy
thank me later

>> No.6540566

>Dr Pepper Kid

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6540706

I foresee a Ven dump... Eth been hold steady for me still the past 8hrs...wish I had bought ven 12hrs ago, I'd dump it and go back to eth lol, massive profits.. now just getting along safe..

>> No.6540891

at the moment anyone who bought into ven below 4 looks safe to ride it out, those who bought in above 4.50-5+ are shaky hands

>> No.6540925
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>being this scared to even say what you're holding


>> No.6540976

The company mentioned in the interview that is sending them an entire R&D team full of experts is either Tencent or Huawei.

>> No.6541031


Chinese real estate company Fanghuwang now has VeChain listed as a partner on their website