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6520435 No.6520435 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel /intense relaxation/ when the market bleeds like this? I've seen the same cycle too many times to panic.

General comfy, meditative, long-term, futuristic, atmospheric, low-key, optimism thread.

>> No.6520493

I genuinely get excited. I have no idea what it is. I love to see people lose money, even if i am one of them

>> No.6520519

this. I'm down 100k in 2 hours but I get such a rush browsing through all the subreddits and reading verbal wojacks. REQ, TRX, WTC, ethtrader, etc... it's glorious

>> No.6520537

This is only my second crash. I'm still so far in the green that I've achieved Zen hands. Real test will come when my portfolio goes negative return I suspect.

>> No.6520543

Im more at peace than when im green

>> No.6520598

honestly I'm so happy, This culling will remove the newfags, and maybe if I'm really lucky bump us all the way down to a pre 2017 phase. I've cashed out more than I've put in anyway, and it'd literally have to fall 99 percent for what I have left to ever go below what I put in anyway.

>> No.6520630

literally filled with hope as I'm gathering more fiat to invest. Less moon missions I miss this way

>> No.6520643

Truly fascinating feels. I think it reminds us why our positions have value - we are the people who hold on and have faith in the technology, in the future of this market. Emotional ""traders"" have no place in our INTJ paradise.


I think once you've been in long enough you sort of avoid the possibility of ever going truly into the red. At this point the market could drop 90% and I'd still be ahead.

Keep those Zen hands - that's how you become a multi-millionaire in this game.

>> No.6520668

Someone once said to me about trading and investing
>"Anon, you remember your failures much better than your successes."

And it goes to show that relishing this downward movement signifies a yearning for action. Whether it is up or down, I like to see stuff happen.

>> No.6520704

whenever theres a crash this song plays in my head for some reason

>> No.6520727

never. let. go.

>> No.6520863

Pink Wojacks remind me I'm trading smart.

>> No.6520869

This is good to keep in mind as well. It is a real "culling" almost like trimming the leaves of a bonzai tree. They throw their foolish money into "projects" like Tron, they lose their money, the machine grinds them up for the system, and only those who know the real value of the code stay true to it.

May we gather as much as we can, brother.

I wonder if thinking like this is what separates the winners from the losers in this game. It seems easy to us - buy good coins and wait patiently. ADHDfags btfo'd.

>> No.6520884

...please invite me to your discord. I would like to enjoy Zen amongsth The Others.

>> No.6520933

Everyone seems to forget when it dropped to $10.5k in December

>> No.6521003
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We do not find the need to communicate instantly via something like discord.

Our kind find solace in the abstract, in books and music, in ideas, in thinking about the future. We meet up in the underworld in our dreams and occasionally post here on 4chan to remind our psychic brethren to find peace in a hectic world.

I always knew that I had the patience to make it big in crypto. I watched the market for years, thinking, "if I was in on this, I would be one of the people who knows how to hold on through these rollercoasters for the bigger picture". I was right.

/greenpill general/

>> No.6521013

Shut up faggot! I know you're hurting too

>> No.6521053
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Yeah, at this point I'm totally numb to a bloody market.

Oh okay, red everywhere again? I've been waiting for this to happen so I can pick up a few more positions.

Wake me up in a month.

>> No.6521095

What are you boys holding? I went from $1k to 25k.and lost about 5k past couple days. My main holds are XLM, XRP and XMR. Feeling calm though, those who dont sell get rewarded.

>> No.6521123

Thanks fanpais. Honestly, I feel so calm its scary. seeing a 6 figure drop in net worth shouldn't feel so surreal. Godspeed

>> No.6521173


That was beautiful.

Lovely collection.

>> No.6521197

This is honestly way to much for me. I got in December 15th with WAY more money than I care to lose (will delay retirement by probably 5+ years if I lose it all).

I'm going to hold through the ICX news, hold through the VEN news, and then I'm taking whatever money I have left and getting the fuck out on March 1st. I went into it with dreams of becoming a millionaire this year, and thinking that even if I lose it all it will be worth the chance. Well, now that I am in the process of losing it all, my mind has changed completely. I am still up over $10K so I am hoping I can at least with some profits, but at my peak I was up $40k.

>> No.6521218

Do you simply hold? Or acquire more?

>> No.6521250

Thats simply because its not real money. It was the same case during the online Poker boom, where you could easily drop 5 or 6 digits on a single night, depending on your swings.

You have a good perspective on things, because its literally just playmoney. The only real money you have is the one cashed out.

>> No.6521275

I was upside down on my Teeter meditating when my alarms went off. I continued my meditation and felt absolute bliss. I shall now do some Astral Projection and discuss these events with the invisible hand. I suspe He shall tell me it is all apart of the plan.

>> No.6521375

This is the right attitude, been here and done this 5 times now. If you didn't pull out 5 figures, at least, from that massive bull stampede your doing this all wrong.

Read some books and wait three more months for the whales to get hungry.

>> No.6521399
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Good stuff. It goes without saying, but an easy way to feel /comfy/ is to hold /comfy/ coins.

I hold a large amount of ETH, XLM, STRAT, and XMR. All four are going up this year.

Stop investing in hype and actually do some reading and thinking about blockchain technology. Don't be scared away by the market, you knew it was "volatile" before you got in on it, right? You knew the people making money were the ones with iron hands, who held through massive "risk" seasons, and who had faith in the long-term, right?

I genuinely don't care if you sell off, I'm just inviting you to reconsider your very-short-sighted position.

>> No.6521418


>> No.6521447

>Blockfolio steadily rising each day
Anxiety, bad mood, constant refreshing
>Entire market shits itself 30% losses across the board
Calm, laughter, joyous wojakposting & angry/ sad song lyrics

What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.6521469

When your ego makes you think you achieved egodeath.

>> No.6521479

I just hope my portfolio doesn't dip below 70k. Trying to go to school and not have to work while doing it at least

>> No.6521487

I'm excited for the rebound, get ready for SUB to go absolutely parabolic

>> No.6521492


Still holding since before Gox, bought in/mined @ $29

I literally comfy because I can't lose

>> No.6521518

Same here, OP. I don't scalp. I don't panic. I've been through three crashes. Every payday, I watch the market until it dips and I put in $20-50.

Been doing this and hodling BTC & Eth alone on NormieBase since 2015 and I currently a pretty comfy profit. Don't panic, dudes. Either sell and buy low or just do what I do and hodl.

>> No.6521523

I don't take pleasure in seeing people lose money or despair, but I feel that most of the people here on 4chan are weak and feed off despair and anger too much. When things like this happen, I see threads of some people finally coming together and I feel it can be a good thing. I hope it makes some people more understanding and mentally matured.

>> No.6521562
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Read about blockchain technology and get excited. You're new so not yet accustomed to these dramatic swings.

The same volatility that got you your gains can also cause dramatic corrections but don't worry the market will get greedy again and things will start to pick up.

>> No.6521605

I will be in Zen mode if I would know an explanation. I green yet but not knowing why market is bleeding this way makes me wonder if O should had jump before.

>> No.6521630

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6521701
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Newfag here. Pumping lots of money into alts while they're cheap. I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Got in on binance two days ago and it was my first exchange. Several hundred combined in LINK and REQ was all I can afford ATM. Gonna buy more LINK and maybe REQ or XLM.

>> No.6521702
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Whoever invented the Pink Wojak deserves real praise for his contribution to the culture.

The comfiest of all positions. Enjoy the galaxies.

Chad-tier comfy.

Tell me more about what you mean by this.

This is literally just the reality of a 24/7 global financial market. Either hang on or get out.

>> No.6521709

That would be a dream come true. Like rewinding time.

>> No.6521741

Started in December. Way up since I started, don't really give a shit if I lose. I haven't lost any sleep in the crash.

>> No.6521791
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This. When you know what the technology means, as far as business adoption and further power to the individual (and by this I do not mean the potential to rise in class) you find comfort in the fact that loose hands will be shook. I hope there is a bear market through which I will accumulate currencies with major technological leaps. I want for the market to be left with only those who understand what technology means; a bear market would accomplish this. If hype rules the market technology will stagnate. Tron mooned. This shows how bad we need this.

>> No.6521807

Crash time is most chill time. I get way too excited when shit is going parabolic, can barely sleep, refreshing block folio every 5 minutes. Now I sleep like a baby, even though I'm down nearly 70%.

Those pink wojak threads provide some good keks as well.

>> No.6521893

Yes, I don't hold shitcoins and I don't plan to sell for fiat anytime soon.

So when I see a correction like this I feel glad since it's healthy.

>> No.6521902

Why would you want newhands to get chopped? That makes no sense at all...newhands bring new money to exchanges which mean more liquidity for the entirety of crypto. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

>> No.6521913


Blockchain seems very useful and I certainly feel it will become a part of everyday life within the next decade or so, but even Amazon/Microsoft crashed during the dot com burst. Bill Gates used to be worth over $100B, but has never reached that level of wealth since the crash. Now tech stocks are still basically the fastest growing sector and a great long-term investment. I figure I can take my quick gains and get out, hold some comfy stocks for what could be a few years before the big one happens, and then start investing in the survivors.

>> No.6521948

Yeah feeling comfy desu despite being all in alts that are getting rekt. I've lost 500k in a week but I'm still up 20x from my initial investment and expect moonings within the month so I'm just enjoying the show. Market crashes are metal af.

>> No.6521964

Actually, I guess if I have made enough profit I will take out my initial investment + some profit but leave the rest in there as a moonshot.

>> No.6521966

crazy hype and irrational/ludicrous behavior by pumping billions into coins with no substance isn't healthy

>> No.6521982

They say that is how you feel when you drown too

>> No.6521991


>> No.6522022


>> No.6522047


>> No.6522089

Im comfy as fuck right now. Theres no better feeling than to see everything crashing down but trying to convince yourself that it's all normal and it's all gonna be okay soon so you can sleep better at night.

>> No.6522133
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Holding like a good boy :)

>> No.6522149

Most newbs coming into crypto aren't going to pick up trx and other shitcoins clogging up the space. They're buying up eth, btc, ltc, and whatever else is being talking about on their newsfeed.

>> No.6522155

I know what you guys mean. My portfolio is literally down 150k today. And it's still up from 10 days ago. I cannot help but enjoy this. It's like Idk, if theres one thing the last 2 years has helped me learn its that dumb money will always be dumb. Market go up, market go down, dumb money will always be there.

>> No.6522233

there almost an unlimited supply of dumb money, and of newfags. Maybe 1% of people who can be convinced to buy crypto bought at this last dumb stage of growth. When we dip back down now, things are gonna get a little leaner not everyone will make money buying everything, and in addition to people who see this as buy the dip, when the market starts moving again other dumb money and likely the same dumb money will just buy back in again.

>> No.6522237

I agree, don't know why. When market grows fast much tension builds up. When it crashes, I feel relaxed.

>> No.6522328
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Ha, you won’t be a good boy when you hit -70%

>> No.6522329

>his is literally just the reality of a 24/7 global financial market.
I didn't say otherwise, but I'm used to know why things bleed or pump massively and feels weird to not knowing it and see everything in the dwell.

It's time to buy, though.

>> No.6522336
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The other big thing is that it feels way more fucking justified to see HUGE big multi-x gains come through after you remained faithful during times like this.

It vindicates our whole movement so much. This is why women aren't in on crypto. This is why the mainstream aren't in on crypto. This is why whoever the fuck isn't in on crypto isn't in on crypto.

I also think it makes

>> No.6522349

im copping mad deals. feels good.

>> No.6522399

oh crypto masters, is is fine for a newlad to only hodl in one coin to start off with?

>> No.6522418


what the fuck is there to hold

>> No.6522440

Which coin?

>> No.6522466

are you me

>> No.6522467

xlm snek

>> No.6522503

We are one.

>> No.6522599

This. Men will stick to something they believe in during the hard times. And it makes the good times better, so much that you start to enjoy the bad times. woman And soyboys need not apply.

>> No.6522628


Not a bad one, but if you have any spare income I would continue putting fresh money into the market (especially during flash deals like today). One coin is great when it has its own special bull run 10x or more, but I think it makes the whole thing more interesting to have a few on the go at any given time.

That said, REAL crypto masters who have been holding btc or eth exclusively since the beginning have it /really/ comfy.

>> No.6522786

The coins themselves?

>> No.6523435

Zen mates, may I ask for what are you expecting in the next months? I'm not asking for any magical tip, is just it is my 1st big crash and I don't know what to expect.

>> No.6523521

I feel like vomiting

>> No.6523593

I bought in at 3k like 5 months ago.

How badly am I going to lose

>> No.6523598


The same thing that happens every time.

A big "crash" occurs and scares people away, and then the market comes back stronger than ever before and catches a bunch of new money trying to get in on the wild ride to the top, only for the cycle to repeat over and over again like a giant pulsing cock ramming in and out at full speed.

Blockchain technology is going nowhere - this is already the future, the /only/ way to win this game is think further ahead than emotional money ever does.

This crash could last all month but I still wouldn't bother trying to "trade" around it because I know it will be back stronger than ever within weeks.

>> No.6523811

I would suggest "Alchemist" and for more money/success focused "Think and grow rich"

>> No.6523875

This - Good old online poker boom.
Hope we get a second, smaller crypto fueled boom.

>> No.6523893


Funny recommendation, Anon. I just read The Alchemist a few weeks ago. Quite the comfy read.

>> No.6524177

>This crash could last all month but I still wouldn't bother trying to "trade" around it because I know it will be back stronger than ever within weeks.
So you don't buy in the dip? I thought it was the time.

>> No.6524301


I "buy the dip" by investing fresh fiat currency into the crypto market during times like this, but I don't sell any of my positions in the hopes of buying lower.

>> No.6524339

No, of course. I meant new fresh or old ones. Not selling at any point.

>> No.6524448

This is good for the overall long term health of the market, the moment we go up non stop for months is when the bubble pops.
I was here during China fud, this is nothing, might even be worse than China fud, I will be buying discount alts and ETH.
ETH is still higher than 2 weeks a go..

>> No.6524562

Some trees only reproduce when there is fire. Those are the smart money trees.

>> No.6524721
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>> No.6524943
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They do that so they start growing when everything else is dead, so that they get the best positions. They last thousands of years so waiting for lightning is worth it.

>> No.6525047

It’s the same reason monks live an ascetic lifestyle. Rough and uncomfortable living destroys illusions.

>> No.6525496
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I just made me some ZEN tea. Now I'm absolutely ready for the losses. :)