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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6488954 No.6488954 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who is trying to make it big with Crypto in order to pay off my parents debts?
Currently at 10k... hoping to flip it by being lucky as I was with Tron..

I am holding 3k COSS and I hope to god it reaches 10-20$ so I can pay off my mom's credit line.

>> No.6489133

only bump and I let thread die

>> No.6489174
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i'm trying to make 8 grand or so to have for my elderly mothers funeral when she passes away

>> No.6489289

Now is a great time to buy into COSS. It's in a bit of a dip, only going up from here

>> No.6489380

My parents have no retirement savings and social security isn't enough to live on so yea I'm under a bit of pressure too. Feeling OK tho I'm at 60k rn and I think I can get to 300k and at least pay off the house.

>> No.6489561


Buy INTchain anon. DYOR. hold for 10x.

>tfw I bought antshares for 2$

>> No.6489742

Damn I feel you.

>> No.6489953

It's not too bad. Worse case scenario I can wageslave. Working on a CS degree and the avg starting at my Uni is 90k for CS. Really hoping the bubble will last until 2020 tho

>> No.6490138

My dads worked 72 hours a week for almost 20 years. I just want to make it so he can retire early and enjoy life.

>> No.6490485

Trying to pay for them to fix up the house to have them downsize and sell.

They are having some health issues. I have my own debts but really want to give back to them.

>> No.6490497

I worked $650 to $2700 in a month and a half. Hope to get to $10k within next month. We'll make it with patience and good timing.

>> No.6490799

8 grand for a funeral? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6490819

also trying to pay off parents' debt here. We're gonna make it, bro.

im just sitting in eth and icx rn

>> No.6490910

Paid off Mom's debts with drug money. Now I just have to maintain her.

>> No.6491007

fuck... same here but i'm feeling sick and depressed because of this dip, I thought I could make it but it doesn't seem so

>> No.6491033
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Why does it seem like a lot of us are just trying to make money to help our parents?

I'm also in the same boat.

It's like young adults these days have lost purpose in this shitty modern civilization.

>> No.6491061

fuck you pajeet US citizens can't buy it.

>> No.6491166

they raised us in the recession, didnt have enough money to care about their own futures while focusing on ours. it's our job to pull through for them, bro.

i know my parents have massive debt and no house. gona be tough but we gotta make it for them.

>> No.6491223
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Yeah that's true.

This is our chance, boys. Hold tight and stay healthy so that you can make good decisions.

>> No.6491317

All in link faggot

>> No.6491348

I dream of being able to afford to pay their way on a nice trip. A camper van with my whole family in New Zealand sounds better than a Lambo

>> No.6491360

My parents lost everything in 2008. I shilled my dad on Ether in 2016 and he bought in at $7, now we're millionaires.

>> No.6491487
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Everyone ITT wants to pay off debts and save lives etc. While I just wanna buy a house, lambo and hookers & drugs.

We'll all make it 2018.

>> No.6491641

I didn’t know so many people wanted to help their folks, it sounds naive but I thought everyone else’s parents had good pensions, savings etc..

>> No.6491665

Being drive by emotional purpose isn't really good when making decisions I guess. When FOMO and FUD kick in, you must trust your hands.

>> No.6491848

Thank you I appreciate it

>> No.6491982

Serious advice: if they got into debt by themselves, you can trust them to do it again. Don't give money to losers.

>> No.6492056


me too anon. free my family from wagecuckery

>> No.6492058

literally me except the hookers, got a gf

>> No.6492134

I want to buy my parents a house and give them enough money to retire comfortably. I don't just want to throw them in a miserable retirement house. That's my #1 goal right now.

I'm surprised less people care about this on /biz/, I think it's probably my different culture

>> No.6492159

No I only want enough money to stop wagecucking. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.6492225

She needs one of those really pricy plus size coffins