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File: 17 KB, 545x545, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6472074 No.6472074 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to this thing when it hits Binance?

Help me out.

>> No.6472208
File: 273 KB, 1513x1071, 1515626041109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont have to make an account in an alt exchange just to get it. more people will buy it. there's some fud that people will dump, but you can already dump.

>> No.6472240

It will be up from its initial price a week after it lists on Binance.

What happens between listing and then... God only knows.

>> No.6472283

Good coin for 2018.

>> No.6472490

If you're going to gamble on one coin this is it.. it's either going to blow the fuck up (not considering it's run from sub 1 dollar to 30) or tank hard. My bet is on the former.

>> No.6472533

Colin is a genius, but stubborn, he is the only one who will code, making it that much more boom or bust.

>> No.6473096

It dumps hard? What do you think fucking newfag. Fuck off beta nigger.

>> No.6473670

Already dumped hard as fuck on kucoin when its ath was at $37 or so. Could potentially see another dump since people are buying the dip now when people FOMO at 30+ , but the price will be higher than it is now.

>> No.6473718

Dump, bitcoin but better coins are shitcoins, also it has vulnerabilities

>> No.6473742

who cares
just buy any fucking dips and hold forever
its the next bitcoin

>> No.6473839

it will pump
>waaaaaah no incentive to run node!!!
read this nigger https://fynestuff.com/raiblocks-will-succeed-despite-zero-fees/

>> No.6474026

Probably dump when it hits because some people want to drop bags then go to 40-50 in a week or so