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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 334 KB, 422x509, LtT8yNN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6455210 No.6455210 [Reply] [Original]

It’s deeply upsetting that “94% of Bitcoin wealth is held by men”. We need ways to get women into crypto and help them seize opportunities to become crypto rich ASAP, otherwise in the post-crypto world gender inequality may be orders of magnitude worse

>> No.6455237

So how we dumping shitcoins onto feminists?

>> No.6455268

normal correction. sjws were giving you more attention than you deserve and now you think you're worth something. get back to the kitchen and watch the kids while i put food on the table

>> No.6455354

they could try selling their vags for crypto, though you have to wonder how many people would be willing to trade, considering how one devalues over time and the other doesn't. at least with regular money, you were trading something that would also lose value

>> No.6455497

We can demand crypto exchanges provide better prices for women.

>> No.6455513

Given that women are socialized to be risk averse, its not a surprise. I mean come on, every single dude on /biz/ has the perception that women who spend their money frivolously are awful, shitty people.

>> No.6455542

Put your crypto where your mouth is. Send me free coins faggot

>> No.6455581

post bobs, sir

>> No.6455608

>that women who spend their money frivolously are awful, shitty people.

no, spending money on useless shit regardless of gender is fucking retarded

>> No.6455617

oh don't worry, we're already here

>> No.6455624


>> No.6455640

Women are genetically programmed to be risk averse. They are so physically weak that they cannot survive in the in harsh environments with large predators, that's why they rely on men.

>> No.6455671

God I will fucking CREAM MYSELF when these stupid whores get into crypto and get dumped on because they're overly emotional retards that panic sell. They'll probably run to the government and ruin the market.

>> No.6455678

0/10 effort

>> No.6455690
File: 273 KB, 999x999, slutty cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men conduct 90% of business simply because they want to and can
>there are women who are angry that women don't want to go into business as anything other than a secretary or personal accountant
gee willy

>> No.6455711
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>women are socialized to be risk averse

>> No.6456172
File: 23 KB, 202x183, FEMCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys. this just made me realize, we need to make a feminist erc20 token!


100B supply.
pink website.
market it like "womens opportunity to show men what they are capable of"

i'm talking ripple status
look at this logo I just stole for it.
too easy.

>> No.6456181

>everyone has the freedom to buy/sell crypto
>somehow it's men's fault

Are women children that need to be told what to do at every corner?

>> No.6456248
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Wew, underrated!

>> No.6456288

It's the obvious solution for women to buy the dip?

>> No.6456316

I found a whore on backpage once that only accepted crypto as payment told her fuck no.

>> No.6456345

BOY! i may have the solution, repeat with me, "TRX is the empowerment of the girls over crypto" they buy your smelly bags it keeps dropping they go we win, cool uh?

>> No.6456380

>while i put food on the table
By trading internet money on the internet?
That's not very masculine anon

>> No.6456398

we should create a shitcoin called Femcoin

"it could be used to fund feminist project and help bring awareness to female problem around the world bypassing government controlled currency to help the sisters in need "

why has none though about this before ?

>> No.6456432
File: 156 KB, 1024x576, 1515019609870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>lmao look at loser anon and his gay internet money
>wtf nbc said bitcoin was a million dollars wtf someone get me anons number
>we need more women in cryptocurrency
>cryptocurrency is offensive

>> No.6456469

Bitcoin is the coin of feminism. Strong, independent and away from male instituted and dominated banking systems.

>> No.6456492

free moneys

>> No.6456542

Bitcoin, literally the first completely sexism and patriarchy proof technology. It's anonymous, your transactions are not being rated on the basis of your gender. Anybody can produce new blocks, regardless of gender/sex.

Yet women yet again are completely left out and BTFO. Why? Because they are lazy and stupid. Like the old song says, the niggers of the world.

Crypto has proven that women are utterly useless, once again.

>> No.6456588

you forgot the part where he doesnt pick up causing her resentment for 2018 and 2019

>> No.6456590

100k on this RN

>> No.6456602


>> No.6456621

Tits or GTFO

>> No.6456635

This. Their muscles are far less dense than a mans. Even an average dude who doesn't lift can overpower a woman who has been weightlifting for a decade.

Their function is to be impregnated and to raise children, while a mans purpose is to protect them and provide sustenance from the environment. There's a reason why woman who never had kids go batty, other animals suffer "phantom pregnancies" if they aren't impregnated.

>> No.6457035

Look, anons.

I'm not a fucking mangina, but a lot of you are missing the potential gains we could have if women decided to enter the crypto market en masse.

This is actually one of the reasons why I think the crypto bubble isn't even close to popping yet: You still have a ton of normie males and all the females staying away from it.

Once girls start entering the industry, then you can sell at the peak.

>> No.6457159

> all those bitches swiping me left on tinder
oh boy oh boy are they gonna be sorry

>> No.6457205

Where does the money come from?
Right, the men in the relationship. I know personally three couples that share finances where the guy is now deep into crypto, and the wife barely tolerates it.

The women are already in crypto de facto buddy.

>> No.6457434

This guy womans

>> No.6457465

Whats preventing them from entering the crypto market? Are you saying women aren't smart enough to create a coinbase account?

>> No.6457521

I'm sorry, how many replies and no mention of LINDA?

>> No.6457655


Their risk-averse nature. 95-98% of crypto holders are males.

Women will enter the market when they think it's more stable.

>> No.6457734

I'm actually meeting one of my most outspoken SJW friends on Wednesday to give her an intro to crypto, because it looks like she's planning on framing herself as a "crypto for womyn" guru.
The more diversity we get in crypto the angrier /pol/ gets, and that can only be a good thing.

>> No.6457793


Why the fuck would they be angry.

More women in the field means more demand for all cryptos. It's going to do wonders for their crypto portfolios.

>> No.6457844
File: 59 KB, 539x444, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phantom pregnancies
Guys I just figured out how to implement casper

>> No.6458511


>> No.6458627

No matter how much SJWs, bleeding heart libs try to tip the scales for women, it will always correct. Men will always find a way to dominate in the end. Its nature

>> No.6458668


Banking was for losers in the 80s.
Tech was for losers in the 90s and 00s.

Crypto is no different. People follow money. Things aren't cool until money start pouring into it. That's just the way the world is.

>> No.6458670


Kek this. Imagine a woman PMSing so she dumps her coins at the first sight of a downtrend, only for it to reach and ATH hours later

I'm erect at the thought desu lads

>> No.6459238

This is copypasta from a recent NYT article

>> No.6459668

We can't even get them to bet a proper amount on Jeopardy, how the fuck will we get them to invest in crypto?

>> No.6460727

Very nice. There is nothing better than robbing SJW and females blind. Finally there will be a mass of subhumans dumb enough to buy my bags.