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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6401446 No.6401446 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question:
Non-linkies, what are your reasons not to hold any of this token?
Admittedly, it might not go x100 as /biz/ is praying for but unless Sergey dies in a car crash or SWIFT says they decided to terminate the cooperation...
there is literally no way this could go down.
Please explain

>> No.6401669

It's a dead project: https://github.com/smartcontractkit/

>> No.6401734


>> No.6401765

the poorest fud

>> No.6401848

Can someone who's not retarded answer this? Why haven't they written a line of code over 2 weeks?

>> No.6401905

You're new here

>> No.6401911
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why would it go x100? nobody serious give a shit about this coin, nobody except pajeets and deluded linkies,
also, if banks where about to use any blockchain, that wouldn't be a shit tier one with a 3 man team.

>> No.6401913
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because I have information you are not privileged to have opie

>> No.6402178

it's useless

clueless manager : how do we make sure this "smart contract" thing is fulfilled ?

developer : we could use this decentralized trustless oracle network called chainlink

manager : wtf did you just say

developer : or we could hook it up to bloomberg API

manager : yeah, you do that

>> No.6402240
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I just think Sergey isn't really that cute afterall.

>> No.6402290

link is a solution to a non problem. solidity and other smart contract can make Ajax & cURL requests meaning link (the middleman) is absolutely unnecessary.

>> No.6402347

Link isn't a blockchain, learn to fud better

>> No.6402421

Brainlets absolute of state

>> No.6402432
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true, forgot it was an ERC20 token.

>> No.6402840

developer: you know Bloomberg is $2000 per month and ChainLink is $500.

manager: Oh, do ChainLink then.

>> No.6402917
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>FUD'ers are attempting a round 2

>> No.6403222

it's not fud, it's someone who understands how to program looking at link and seeing how blatant of a scam it is trying to help people save money before they get their asses dumped on.

>> No.6403244
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>> No.6403328

But you can otherwise just hook up to an oracle that takes data from multiple places that could potentially connect to different exists of bloombergs API, removing points of failure, and have safeties in place to validate that you're actually getting data from bloomberg. This means instead of hardware and protocols keeping your data integrity, some of it is replaced with math. Science is harder to abuse than engineering.

I don't hold LINK but this is my problem. I'm working on a contract, it has rather simple oracle requirements, but I still don't see a reason to use chainlink. Maybe for a huge business with garbage software engineers this would be useful, but a business like that wouldn't do blockchain.
Although it allegedly decentralizes that portion as well, but is it necessary? To what extent is it necessary?
I just don't know.

You're literally retarded. If anything ChainLink will be more expensive.

>Hey bloomberg boss guy, someone is using our API subscription in a ChainLink node
>API? Chain? What?
>Someones stealing money from us
>*gasp* Cut off whatever it is!

>Bloomberg API
>internet fees
>bloomberg api fees

>eth fees
>link fees
>internet fees
>bloomberg api fees

>> No.6403369

Mobius team is legit only consisting of pajeets. I'm not kidding you, go to their website and look at their team. LOOL!

>> No.6403442

most code was copy/paste since the beggining and there is literally 1 dev on the "team"

>> No.6403505

they created mob to buy LINK with it dumbass

>> No.6403600

No, you don't know. Literally everything you said is wrong.

>> No.6403638

Thank you for the detailed explanation as to why I am wrong. I shall now leave and re think my life.

>> No.6403648

It wont beat eth in long term gains, so why the fuck would I hold it instead of eth?

>> No.6403681


>> No.6403729

Ahahaha, keep going please.

>> No.6403756

I don't understand what things like decentralized oracle or trustless blockchain mean.

>> No.6403824

meant for

>> No.6403826

wow that sucks for you maybe you should dyor

>> No.6403919

Is dyor on binance?

>> No.6403977

remember when 8000 sats was the floor?

>> No.6404040

thank you.

>> No.6404044


yeah wtf we sinking? is this the handle? how long does it go before the moon?

>> No.6404048

Linkies are so convinced they'll become millionares that they won't sell this coin, EVER. They'll hodl until the market crashes. Even if it goes back to .03 cents they will still hodl because "it's gonna hit 500 eventually". Seriously, the chainlink comunity is like a brainwashed cult

>> No.6404095


We're basically at the floor. It may dip a tiny bit more, but over the next 3 days we'll see it pulling up from the bottom of the handle, and by the 4th day the price singularity cometh.

>> No.6404098
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Stinky Links, come out to playyayyyyy

>> No.6404123

>Not even a Lambo

LMAO get that fucking Indian shit out of here, retard.

>> No.6404153
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>> No.6404162

VEN is a much better hold

>> No.6404190
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I cannot imagine scale of shitstorm we will see here when this exitscam implodes. We have too many linkies here, probably whole board will be full of red wojaks for a week.

>> No.6404220
File: 127 KB, 1000x581, C81317B1-3B3D-48B0-B645-AAB13BF00722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pump it

>> No.6404232


I would take them over some philosophy major any day.
there's a reason they are the highest earners in the United States you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.6404300

This shit was $0.10 for a brief moment. Going down ten more cents won't phase linkies I presume.

>> No.6404305


The thing is, that's kind of
Entailing is rewarded. Remember DGB? Absolute shit coin and incompetent team. But if you held it for 1 year, you got to experience sweet sweet 20x gains. DGB still blows, but it didn't matter. All I want is 10x. With this many people deep on the coin, it's going to happen eventually. Get on the moon mission brah.

>> No.6404323

t. Praveen

>> No.6404393


>> No.6404396

Why are we so worked up about working projects here ? Don’t we realize that it only has to be marketed to normies for it to moon! Like seriously bitcoin is still pushing 20k because of normies. What makes you think grandpa knows what an oracle is ? Does link have a marketing strategy ?

>> No.6404431
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>Grishka here, short it to the ground.

>> No.6404486


>> No.6404991

isn't the point of the psd2 initiative to force banks to make their api available for projects like link?

>> No.6405077

working projects have this nice quality, they may actually recover and moon after tanking for a while

>> No.6405314

the reason is that if the top 0.001% of all students, in a country with a billion people, moves to the US - then they will fair marginally better, than the average American.
It doesn't remove the fact that Indians have a terrible track record in cryptos, and only appear to excel when they are involved in a project that are supervised or otherwise work in a western-culture atmosphere.
I don't think it would be reasonable to expect great results from an all Indian task force..

>> No.6405732

>a coin whos success relies on the livelihood of just one person

How is this not a centralized coin?

>> No.6406050
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>> No.6406407

Cheap imitation. I can guarantee you this image was made by one of their team.
I can also guarantee they made mobius based off of chainlink. The max supply is the same. The ICO funding is exactly the same. The faggot is trying to patent sergey's proof of stake architecture.
The white paper looks exactly as if they read chainlink's whitepaper and copied as much of it as they could and reworded it so they don't get sued for plagiarism.

They're 6 months behind and are promising high speeds on a network that doesn't exist yet. The creator is a harvard law faggot. he reeks of zuckerberg oppurtunism

>> No.6406482

>Non-linkies, what are your reasons not to hold any of this token?
Other tokens will go up more before LINK explodes. If LINK is really that great, it would make sense to invest in other coins short term, then go back into LINK long term so you can buy more then instead of just sitting on something going sideways for months.

>> No.6406529

They don't even know what link does going by this chart. Links price and transaction fee is virtually irrelevant to the product since its an erc-20 token and transfers are handled by the ethereum network. They just look at what coin is popular and say their new coin is better than it.

>> No.6406597

>Non-linkies, what are your reasons not to hold any of this token?
Because there are so many other coins and Ive made so much more money from everything else than you chainlink bag holders have.

Question to delusional linkies, dont you get upset being all in a single thing and not being able to catch other moons?

>> No.6406642

i caught several other moons and used those to invest more in chainlink

>> No.6406767

The basic network code (in Ruby) is done, and they're currently translating into Golang in a private repo, with some adjustments.
The biggest developments will be between initial Golang release (in a few weeks) and the actual main net release.

>> No.6406800

Chainlink has a price ceiling. It can't go over a certain maximum price. Decentralized oracle is not rocket science, a lot of IT experts can develop decentralized oracle. If Chainlink get greedy and pump the overprice to irrational height, competitors will appear and win all the decentralized oracle business for offering far cheaper price.

Also Chainlink will accept money payment for decentralize oracle service in the future after all the LINK tokens are burnt. They won't just shut down all the nodes, they will take payment in fiat money.

>> No.6406819

Every bank in the world could start using a proprietary blockchain, and Link would work with all of them.

>> No.6406933

Eth will go 10x. Link will go, at worst, 50x EOY.

>> No.6406946


The problem is link solves problems in finance not problems in software development. I actually have a cousin who worked at Google and when I showed him ETH and asked his opinion in 2016 he just shrugged and said it doesn’t really have a purpose. Because you software engineers can’t see the bigger picture, you only think with tunnel vision.

>> No.6407037

>or we could hook it up to bloomberg API

Let's see how long that Bloomberg API stays relevant now that PSD2 is forcing banks to open up their internal APIs to the masses of prospective CL nodes who are about to compete among each other in price and quality.

>> No.6407185

>caring about tx speed

>> No.6407228

see >>6407037

>> No.6407239

>unga buna
>muh business solution
>software engineer dumb
you sound like DSP

>> No.6407277

>Chainlink has a price ceiling. It can't go over a certain maximum price.
Link goes to 18 decimals. There is no ceiling.

>> No.6407332


The type of data SWIFT used for the PoC didn't even come from a service like Bloomberg, it came from Clearinghouses like DTCC. The decentralized network is a way for them to cut costs with an even more secure solution not even taking into account the cost savings that will come from the usage of smart contracts, which the extra security of the chainlink network will make possible for the first time.

>> No.6407563

Exactly, that's why investing in facebook was such a retarded move 10 years ago. Fucking opportunist!

>> No.6407615

the price ceiling stuff is just a meme

>> No.6407713

the difference being chainlink's value is 100% dependent on partnerships, while facebook's value had nothing to do with it.
LINKs and entrenched first mover with rock solid partnerships.

mobius is a shill campaign that doesn't have a testnet scheduled for 6 months, and advertises things it doesn't have

>> No.6407909

>chainlink's value is 100% dependent on partnership
They're focusing on industry partnerships, but that's not even where the biggest potential lies.

CL is set to be the key to mainstream smart contracts, which cut out middlemen.
This makes it by nature a peer-to-peer contract system that ultimately could render banks, notaries, insurance companies, commercial courts, ... partly obsolete.
This is where the true horizon lies.
The raw potential simply cannot be imagined at this point.

>> No.6408562

What's a smart contract, anon?

>> No.6408656

>Theres literally noway it could go down

Tell that to all the sibios bagholders who had to hold for 2 months of watching btc pump like crazy and lose all of their gains and satoshi's disappear.

This coin has fucked over so many people and if it wasnt for biz it would still be a >100 marketcap irrelevant shitcoin, it literally has no volume and no interest from anyone outside of biz.

>> No.6408972

Unironically Same. I'd wake with a bog over my bed if I divulged what I know.

>> No.6409021


>> No.6409078

MARKET SELL ASAP, wanchain tech will make this memecoin extinct. dont say I DIDNT WARN YOU NIGGERS