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File: 186 KB, 500x500, bogtilian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358191 No.6358191 [Reply] [Original]

ALL-IN on UFR. Now.

>> No.6358508
File: 109 KB, 640x480, UFR SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6358743

Once all this scam coin shit stops people will notice that it's a really good idea that serves an actual problem. Look at all the coins in the top 100 half of em are pointless. Upfiring could easily make it there. It's a huge market and could change how downloading on the internet works.

>> No.6358799

I've got my bags big boy.

>> No.6358823


> change how downloading from the internet works

...oh I see, so you want to say that UFR is creating a new protocol? ...LOL FAGGOT!

...what UFR does: it want's to make you pay for things that are already free to download on the internet.

UFR is totally useless.


>> No.6358975
File: 442 KB, 800x696, 1515707261306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Big name torrent sites are constantly subject to various DMCA takedowns and other lawsuits. Nearly every single brand in the torrenting scene has "government seized asset" plastered all over it. ThePirateBay, Kickass.Torrents, Torrentz.EU. This is not going to stop, ever, as centralized servers are peanuts in terms of work in locating them and shutting them down. This in effect makes it so that there is no stable place to get torrents from.
B) In void of these free torrent sites, all sorts of sketchy and dubious scamware sites have popped up. I can list you a list after list. This makes attaining torrents risky and not convenient.
C) The vast majority of torrents are not seeded at all. Only few, mainly new torrents, are even seeded. Want to find an album of a lesser known artist? Sorry, no seeds. Want to download legacy software? Sorry. Want to download an obscure game? Movie? Document? Nope. With UFR, seeding is incentivized.
D) Torrents are rampant with viruses. UFR will incorperate a seed-rating system which will provide incentive for people to host clean files. If the seeder hosts malicious software, then her/his rating well obviously plummet down to oblivion.
E) Finally, torrents will be very cheaply priced, for obvious reasons. I expect them to only cost 0.01$, the majority of them anyway. Who is too poor to pay such a meager fee? Only pajeets, niggers. And Jews are too greedy.

Back to your shitting street rajeesh.

>> No.6359249


> blabla ... blabla ... blabla

all bullshit. this scamtoken will de-anonymize all the uploaders over time because transactions can be tracked by everyone.

the top releasegroups that are responsible for most of the warez on the internet follow an ethical consensus: information/data should always be free. That's why they would never ever support some scam project like UFR.

Sorry but you simply don't understand that the uploaders and also the downloaders don't want that shit because nobody wan't to get traced, nobody want's to pay for free available stuff, and nobody want's to use a token that is run over the ethereum network that is already at 100% with stuck transactions RIGHT NOW.

good luck with your bags of scamtokens.

>> No.6359259

yeeeeet time to get rich

>> No.6359529
File: 42 KB, 393x595, 62435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scam project like UFR.
Not a scam, sorry.
>you simply don't understand that the uploaders
It looks like you're the one who doesn't understand anything about this.
>ethereum network that is already at 100%
that could be argue about all the fucking tokens in the ethereum network.
You need to keep in mind that it will be fixed, there's hundreds of devs looking at the eth code to make it better and to make it scale.
>bags of scamtokens.
0 proof that it's a scam.

To be honest, nobody cares about your pocket change. Go throw your $100 into another shitcoin. UFR is only for those who understand what they are doing. I already gave arguments, and you didn't give a single one apart from "muh scam, muh free shit". My points are 1000% more reasonable than the diarrhea you're spewing through the hole you call mouth

>> No.6360107

you're not taking into the account the cost of getting a virus
also, UFR also gives people an incentive to seed less available material, people will easily be willing to pay a couple cents to avoid the hassle of searching for rare shit

>> No.6360139


>> No.6360200


> you got 5 shillpoints @ discord "/shill/" ...congratulations!

you still have no idea about the filesharing-, warez-scene and releasegroups.

kid, just hold your shittokens but I don't want to see a single fucker of you shills crying later when the price drops because nobody is willing to implement their shittoken.

If you would talk to the big players in the scene you would sell your shit immediately because they will all tell you that you are an idiot buying that shit. ...but you are delusional and a true believer.

It's the same problem with religious extremists, they believe but know nothing, and everything is a lie that is not fitting 100% to their view.

good luck boy...

>> No.6360227


thanks anon!

>> No.6360699

Yeah cuz you know what you are talking about? Who are the big players on the scene? Cuz i think the point is that there arnt many in the torrent scene anymore cuz seeding is toor isky for no money...this will decetalize rhe network and stop the feds being able to disrupt the entire network by shitting down a single serve as well as create an incentive for seeding(or distributing original content too this has many potential applications read the white paper)

>> No.6360722
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>> No.6360865

Superior Lumens bro? Xxxxxlm, for dem fatties?

>> No.6361393

>you got 5 shillpoints
yeah, this meme has been repeated in every fucking thread about diferent coins, kys pajeet.

>> No.6361718


no YOU copied my fucking post. I was the original poster of it and you faggots posted it on all the other coins to let everybody think that "it's posted everywhere anyways".

I know your tactics, I am still member of your discord shill group you faggots.

>> No.6361794

what the fuck are you talking about? it's literally spammed everywhere and now you're accusing me of it? are you out of your mind? prove it, or you're literally becoming schizophrenic, and no, I'm not kidding, I literally think you have some kind of delusional paranoia or something.

>> No.6361910
File: 8 KB, 225x224, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All the posts I was writing about UFR were copied and pasted to all the other coins to make it look like that this is just random spam.

The coordinated discord shill group is doing that to make people believe that UFR isn't a scam.

U F R = S C A M


>> No.6362041
File: 77 KB, 843x596, 7623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, 0 proof again. Every time some retard claims "hur dur muh discord grup muh shills muh scam" I want only 1 fucking proof and you don't give it. IF you are inside that "supposed" group why can't you give proof that all of this spam is coordinated? you know why? because you're bullshitting. I've seen the same shit in every other thread, link, bat, req, the same bs.

And then you claim "hur they stole my pasta".Go FUD others coin pajeet with your shitty pasta and "le discord boogeyman"