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6355835 No.6355835 [Reply] [Original]

‘China’s Google’ Baidu Has Premiered A Blockchain-As-A-Service Platform


>> No.6355893

>another firm makes a blockchain platform

>> No.6355950

Not just any platform. Its Baidu. Its fucking checkmate for China unless Alibaba makes a blockchain platform.

NEOs major selling point is being China's preferred blockchain platform. You're telling me they have a chance against Baidu? You're deluded.

>> No.6356042

So what if Google made a competitor to Ethereum I wouldn't give a shit about that either.

>> No.6356157

Yeah but Ethereum isnt being targeted for a specific country. The number of devs and users in a single country are limited.

In China these fucking huge corporations dominate everything unlike a global businesses.

>> No.6356264

So how can I invest in this and profit?

>> No.6356321

Neo and other blockchain platforms are global. If interest persist in the project, it'll continue despite what some faggots in government might say.

At any rate this could beat out NEO, I really don't know or care much. Its a small position in my folio. Really just a place holder until the market starts discovering my undervalued coins.

>> No.6356362

dude its fucking baidu

baidu is the google of fucking china

>> No.6356407

>So how can I invest in this and profit?
the most important post

>> No.6356413


baidu is massive as fuck.. baidu and alibaba run the internet in china

>> No.6356466

>>So how can I invest in this and profit?
How about you give up on investing in crypto that are country specific? Such a fucking stupid idea when blockchains are supposed to have nodes all over the world.

Sure you can profit a lot, but you could have also profited a lot holding smart contract platforms that are not country specific.

Baidu got this in China. Its a no brainer at this point.

>> No.6356485

This is basically RIP all China blockchain platforms.

Ven is fucked if the PBoC thing AND Alibaba partnering with them isn't true.

>> No.6356496

Are you the same fucker that was just FUDing the NEO thread? You still don't understand that NEO doesn't have to be the only blockchain platform in China. Its platform is strong enough to support it without it being the preferred chain.

>> No.6356511

so what, wanchain is kill now too?

>> No.6356553

Everything China related in doomed.

>> No.6356563

>You still don't understand that NEO doesn't have to be the only blockchain platform in China

Yeah but normally big corporations have the monopoly in China. See >>6356413

>> No.6356692

>no hint that it is a product competing with NEO
>simply yet another chinese blockchain product
>hurrr its chinese therefore it must be the same as NEO

>> No.6356746

Everyone holding any Chinese coin should feel a shiver going down their spine.

>> No.6356772

You NEOfags are banking on companies adopting NEO right? No way this will happen now. They will always prefer Baidu's solution.

This is why country specific altcoins are stupid. The huge corporations there will always have a monopoly. You faggots are also competing with OnChain's private blockchain products btw.

>> No.6356793

>how about you give up on money

How about you shut the fuck up

>> No.6356850

I'm a fucking neo fag and I'm definitely concerned.

Looks like I'm team baidu now

>> No.6356877

who the fuck cares. Nobody is actually unironically holding these chink coins. We milk them for all they're worth then GTFO. That's what I'm doing for VEN. By the time this blockchain is actually launched I will have made my 7 figures already

>> No.6356890

>How about you shut the fuck up
Whatever, hold on to your bags for all i care. You should stop being so emotionally attached to a fucking coin ffs.

You have to admit that country specific coins are way too risky compared to platforms that are not being shilled as country specific like ETH.

Goodluck with your fight with Baidu Neofags

>> No.6356939

>By the time this blockchain is actually launched
Its already launched anon...

>According to Baidu Financial, the BaaS, or at least a pilot version of it, has been operational since July 21, 2017.
>On January 12, it was announced that one of China's leading websites in terms of traffic, the search engine Baidu, launched a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform called Baidu Trust.

>> No.6356948

guys sell your VEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6357033


I just realized. You haven't even mentioned what the fuck this blockchain does. You are just running with the name. Utility could be totally different.

>> No.6357038

...to ME

>> No.6357075

Remember that most of NEO's hype and trading is from naive Westerners who, just like MNCs, get seduced by the 'market opportunities' of China. Those who know anything at all about the PRC have always been very sceptical about ANS/NEO from what I've seen.

>> No.6357123
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> You haven't even mentioned what the fuck this blockchain does. You are just running with the name.

Its a blockchain as a platform wtf. You think this doesnt include smart contracts and every other fucking feature NEO offers? Its BAIDU.

>Baidu: Hurr durr lets make a blockchain platform that does so little shit. Dont put smart contract capability in it. Its just for the lulz.

>> No.6357134

RIP Tron too I guess?

>> No.6357228

>RIP Tron too I guess?
Nahh shits backed by Alibaba. Kek, just kidding.

>> No.6357275
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>not already dead

>> No.6357282

baidu's market cap is less than ethereum's kek

>> No.6357390


>> No.6357462

op is a brainlet

>> No.6357467

>baidu's market cap is less than ethereum's kek
Its country specific, thats why.

>> No.6358263

the funny thing is even the Chinese don't give a shit about NEO it is just marketed to westerners that way

>> No.6358584

Lol good FUD attempt. Take a hike.

>> No.6358804


>> No.6358913

Hmmmm you know that NEO is global and the china thing was just a meme, right ?

>> No.6359192
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>NEO is global
I'll be huffing my gas all the way to the bank....

>> No.6359194

>NEO is global and the china thing was just a meme
No its not, its NEO's main selling point. It CAN be global but it likely wont. Anything else is just coping.

>> No.6359504

NEO's main selling point is that it's Ethereum, but with any programming language instead of just Solidity.

>> No.6359532

>NEO's main selling point is that it's Ethereum, but with any programming language instead of just Solidity.
Hard cope lmao. You really expect us to believe that people are not buying into NEO because its chinese?

>> No.6359687

The google chain would be for normie shit and integrated in their own ecosystem. Like google tokens for youtube tipping, twitch, google play etc.

Ethereum would still be used to trade ERC tokens/ICOs and other cryptos

>> No.6359933
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>Google is making a blockchain
>Facebook is making a blockchain
>Amazon is making a blockchain
>Alibaba is making a blockchain

What's the point anymore

>> No.6360213

you should have invested in coins that have strong possibilities of partnering with banks. banks dont know how to do technology.

>> No.6360318

what are you talking about, russian banks created a fork off ethereum, but doesnt mean they will use ethereum, no price increases from that.

might as well just buy shit like bitcoin and monero.

>> No.6360366

>what are you talking about, russian banks created a fork off ethereum, but doesnt mean they will use ethereum, no price increases from that.

It isnt as fucked as NEO in China lmao. Its hard to have a monopoly on the whole world anon buts its easy to have a monopoly in China.

>> No.6360452

I didn't do my research because it was chinese ... then it was too late

>> No.6360513
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NEO has ascended past its initial idea of being the ethereum of China. it now no longer depends on China for anything. it is in fact, a global platform of excellence.

>> No.6360519

I have been saying this for the past year.

Do you really think big companies are going to adopt any of these scam coins? They are working on their own blockchain tech or industry specific blockchain(ex. Corda). You will be lucky is 1 out of the top 100 get bought out/adopted by a large company.
