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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 146 KB, 1200x1280, Martin_Shkreli_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6353439 No.6353439 [Reply] [Original]

>if you work for me and i catch you listening to music while working id fire you instantly

whats his problem

>> No.6353643

but I'm a music critic.

>> No.6353661


>> No.6353682

He's a kike with a nose destroyed by coke

>> No.6353706
File: 198 KB, 1275x1650, 1512515915395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his problem? He's in jail lmao. Let's write him a letter /biz/

MARTIN SHKRELI # 87850-053

>> No.6353711

He's a fraudster and an autistic attention whore.
Why even post about this retard?

>> No.6353713

He was a gremlin who was accidentally given a chance at life and now he’s attempting to subjugate the world for his species

>> No.6353728

As long as he makes this clear beforehand then fine. If its just some kind of shit test to weed people out then he's a retard because it has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.6353750

unjustified in jail

>> No.6353793
File: 57 KB, 600x600, B8DCJ3uCcAEC9Ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I can't just find another more comfy job
Kek, Jews like this will never get top employees

>> No.6353834

well it depends on official policy, if there's essentially a no-fucking-around policy that covers shit like listening to music instead of 100% focus on work, then ya, I'd do the same.

Obviously if there's no such policy (formal or informal) then it would make him more of an asshole if it was a first-offense situation.

Bottom line is you go to work to make someone else money. When you go to work you're basically entering a contract trading your time and skill for money. Whatever terms exist in that employment contract must be adhered to or you should be replaced. It goes both ways obviously, employers also should adhere to the employment contract (and I'm using "contract" here loosely including both formal and informal workplace rules) but they generally hold more power in that relationship especially when the unemployment rate is higher. Supply and demand. I want the most skilled, most intelligent, best employee I can get, and I want to pay him as little as I can get away with. Sucks but that's reality.

>> No.6354066
File: 74 KB, 386x661, MiZrj8W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get fired for not being a slave then ill go to bed happy that night

Glad I got a masters degree thats in high demand so I have enough power to stop asshats like that guy in OP

>> No.6354073


entirely reasonable if you agreed to not listen to music while working during the hiring process

however, if he never explained to you that this was forbidden or nothing in the workplace indicated that it was banned and decided to fire you on the spot, it would be quite silly

>> No.6354124


>thinks his degree gives him power

oh my holy fuck sweetie no???

>> No.6354178

You must've majored in a trash degree because Math/Statistics masters grads dont come around often.

>> No.6354189

There's a reason certain skills are in high-demand, anon. Guys like Shkreli want higher quality wageslaves.

>> No.6354201

Really depends on the music. Some nignog bullshit, sure, totally agree.

>> No.6354267

Actually, scratch that. They want slaves that are in even more debt, so will worker harder and longer hours to keep getting a salary that will help them make ends meet.

What people forget about a job that "pays higher" is that those jobs often require degrees that require sign. debt. This is why being a plumber is fucking where it's at. I'm kicking myself for taking the administrative path and not the blue-collar path.

>> No.6354279
File: 67 KB, 600x600, kys viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having a certain piece of paper makes me more valuable to society

kys, youre delusional. hope you're an amerifat and wasted money on your degree which i wipe my ass with

>> No.6354342

Sure if you have the financial freedom to deal with getting fired (or quitting on a whim) then good for you. Unfortunately the majority of people are not in your position, so it's common for many to become subservient to their employer whether they like it or not. That's capitalism for ya.

I've run smaller businesses (10-20 employees) and while I try to be a "good boss" as much as I can, I've found most people will take liberties if you start giving them too much slack. Things like the occasional longer lunch hour will often spiral out of control where people start trying to take extra long lunches when time doesn't permit for it (heavier workload, deadlines, etc.) so sometimes it becomes necessary to manage the workforce with an iron fist and basically not allow for any wiggle room, where strictness is the only option.

>> No.6354345


was for


>> No.6354395

He likes nignog music.

>> No.6354549
File: 177 KB, 1018x1200, DHuDp7dXkAE4WbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the trash degree recipient

In degrees such as Stats or Math you are actually taught on top of the regular education how to use programs such as R or Statis in addition to Coding (python being the easiest) which non majors would meltdown trying to understand

I am not replaceable
Bosses need to have better education in how to manage workforces imho

Theres a reason why Google is one of the best places to work while having such high profit. If you job doesn't require employee satisfaction to increase productivity I can guarantee itll be automated in the coming years anyway so it doesn't even matter.

>> No.6354721

>Unfortunately the majority of people are not in your position, so it's common for many to become subservient to their employer whether they like it or not. That's capitalism for ya.

How many of those are in debt and would be practically ruined by missing a few months pay? Just because they have to have a new car, newest phone, 70€ monthly phone bills (need to check muh facebook), let alone a 30y mortgage and kids?

>> No.6354800

>I cannot respond to your request due to poo

>> No.6354814

>I am not replaceable

You're extremely replaceable, and maths jobs will be automated sooner rather than later. Also, Google has tremendous turnover and so do most of these places--they're mills for high debt slaves. Ever learn about indentured servitude? That's what getting a "high level degree" fucking is.

Did you really think you could compete with computers?

>> No.6354816

People dont understand to live below their means

The reason the west has such a huge trade deficit is because savings has never been lower

>> No.6354864

He's 100% right though.
When I used to train for rowing races I asked if I could listen to music. Coach said "there's no fucking music during your race" and he was right. Get your head out of your ass and focus while you work.

>> No.6354989

I see you've never been in an upper level math class.

We can code and its actually required on non shittier undergrad prograns, therefore until you have a computer to code for itself I will always be in a job. I realized this when I took a finance class and they all had problems with a linear regression. They will be out of a job before I am

Also I hope you know your private key and blockchain itself is made possible due to coding + math

>> No.6355022

autism isn't a problem its a gift you normie

>> No.6355031

what a creep

>> No.6355262

>he thinks abstract algebra and intro to topology are "upper level math"

>> No.6355275

Lol. you are such a massive faggot. Miss your high school golden days now that you're fat as shit buddy?

>> No.6355355

I peaked in junior year of college if I'm being honest. I was a fat shit in high school.

I do miss being in college though, enough to cry if I think about it too much.

>> No.6355441

Except these jobs involve 2 hours of actual work and 6 hours of browsing plebbit and 4chan. Nobody is putting in 8 hours of work at an office job.

>> No.6355494
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1512631925068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks those were the courses I was referencing
>he thinks those classes arnt useful
>he has never stepped foot in a graduate level course
>he has never stepped foot in a forecasting course
>he has never stepped foot in a probability course
>he has never stepped foot in an analysis course
Anyway go look up the job demand yourself for Math and Statistics Majors if you don't believe it

>> No.6355547

thats understandable. ive never been able to listen to music at all of the jobs ive had, isnt this just standard rules?

>> No.6355577

I took differential geometry and algebraic topology at the same time. Come at me.

But I actually did get my degree in math, just math, and now I can't get a job.

Can you help? I'm not kidding here. Besides teaching there's nothing I can get hired for.

>> No.6355946

For math you either need a masters and/or you need to have it paired with an applied degree. I paired my Math with Statistics and Economics. Math education is immensely helpful in getting a leg up in math oriented fields.

Best advice I can give you is find what field you want to work in and start studying and applying for grad school (or go back to undergrand and take some undergrad stats courses). Statistics is by fair the easiest and most lucrative transition at 110,000 mid-career salary with high job satisfaction and very high growth. There's a reason why I can walk out a job and not stress about employment.

Also learn to code

>> No.6355974

>We can code and its actually required on non shittier undergrad prograns, therefore until you have a computer to code for itself I will always be in a job.
Increasingly nervous code monkey does mental gymnastics to rationalize why he can't be replaced.

>> No.6356057

You guys are absolutely right. If you want the least stress in life possible, live below your means and don't worry about impressing other people.

I live way below my means, I could be living way upper middle class but choose to live lower middle class lifestyle. Live in a mediocre part of town, don't eat out much, don't splurge on shit I don't need, don't need expensive namebrand clothes, don't replace electronics very often (my phones like 4 years old, computers 3-4 years old), and for that I get to save/invest $30,000+ per year. If I lived paycheck to paycheck and saved nothing, ya my life would look a lot better, people might be a little more impressed, but being able to save that money each year gives me unimaginable longer term freedom to be able to do what I want, answer to no one, and always have that reserve where if I choose to quit a job, or hell if I just want to take a year off and enjoy being lazy, I can do it with zero external pressure or obligation.

I can't imagine living a life where missing a few days of work would induce panic attacks and cause massive stress because you're not sure if you can afford to buy groceries or pay rent. It's sad that it's the case for so many people.

>> No.6356227

You get locked out of your etherum wallet because you lost the password. You need to code a way to effciently brute force it as well as find out how much time/energy it will take

A code monkey could not figure this out

A stats major with coding background realizes this is a combinatorics problem and will code a way to get in that wont take years.

Math majors use coding to analyze
Code monkeys do what ever their told.

There's a reason why Math and Stats is growing nearly 5x the average job growth in the U.S. while theres not nearly enough universities churning out enough grads.

>> No.6356237

I got fired from an actuarial job and I've been offered a job as a teacher actually, after months of unemployment
I will seriously consider going back for stats though.

I made about $300,000 off of crypto alone in the past 8 months (and have cashed it all out), so I figured it wouldn't be so bad if I just lived and worked as a relatively happy and relaxed teacher for a while, despite not making much in the way of salary.

I don't know. Am I making a huge mistake here?

>> No.6356276

>don't come around often

>> No.6356576

Just go to grad school anon andor take some undergrad classes, you have enough money to where you can easily fund it.

Understand that the masters degree opens up so many job opprotunities, literally just sit in a finance class and see how big those brainlets are and they still get paid 60k+. With a masters in stats/math you can unironically work in whatever white collar field you want with a bit of specialization since nobody likes math. I've literally been offered a job in psychology conducting studies because I am able to effectively data crunch in addition to doing whatever they need

Tl;dr you are buying high and selling low for your degree.

>> No.6356640

>he thinks everybody gets a masters degree

>> No.6356802

I took almost all masters courses as an undergrad and almost sub-matriculated but didn't take the exam for it though.

Also I'm basically a foreigner living in Korea now since I teach mathematics in some Korean academy, and I don't really want to leave Korea so I have that to consider. I am well aware that a math/stats masters' degree is valuable though.

>> No.6357117

It depends on what you want to do then anon, im just letting you know what its like to be on this side of the fence, you are 2-4 years of education away from 100k salary with high job satisfaction and high employment rate.

I can do whatever I want at my job (within reason) and not be fired because im so valuable. I work 3 days a week 9-5 at 70k right now and I've never been comfier

>> No.6357673

I am jealous. I guess I just feel like I need to do this now though. I've wanted to simply go teach in Korea for a long time, despite my ivy league math degree, and crypto finally gave me enough funds to do it.

>> No.6358047

Dude, why are you wasting you're time trying to convince brainlets that the degree you have is useful? There's a huge disdain for academia on here, because most posters are too stupid to get useful degrees and apparently are incapable of comprehending that people with science/engineering/math degrees are the ones making all the technological breakthroughs that make up western civilization.

>> No.6358220

I sure hope you kept some in crypto... In all likelihood we still have 2-3 more good years ahead. Any investments now will increase 3-10x+ just by virtue of the market cap growing exponentially in coming years as new people/money enter the market.

But ya I share your view - get a nice big fat surplus of cash in the bank and then coast through life doing low stress, happy work (or no work if you can afford that lifestyle) while maintaining a degree of personal pride and independence at the same time.

I think your approach is solid and you'll be a happy person.

>> No.6358224

But what's wrong with this?

>> No.6358293


The only time I listen to music at work is when my coworkers won't shut the fuck up and I actually have things to get done.

>> No.6358299

Shit nigger I listen to racist podcasts all day at work. If someone told me I couldn't I'd go work somewhere else. Feels good having marketable skills that are in demand.

>> No.6358318

Fantano pls go

>> No.6358374

I get to teach Korean middle schoolers math and after school programs for only like 15 hours a week with 8 weeks of paid vacation and still about 3k of take home pay per month after taxes. I have a house in Korea already too so there's no rent or mortgage.

I feel bad that I'm kind of wasting my education but it also feels like I'll be able to travel during breaks, spend lots of time with my wife and her family, and have fun doing this. So I'm a bit conflicted.

Without crypto it probably would have taken me 5-9 years realistically to save this much, what with a rent and expenses to be paid in the US.

>> No.6358430

What are your skills? What's your job title?

>> No.6358564

pretentious faggot coaches, literally just going from point a to b is not a skill

>> No.6358665

ie programming

any IT related skill is in demand

>> No.6359064

They can just hire more cheaper employees

>> No.6359315

Listening to music where i work is a fireable offense. I listen to my headphones the entire time though. Fuck tha police

>> No.6359398

My response:

>Go eat a dick faggot, I'll be sure to go home and cry while I look at my 7 figure Blockfolio

One of the cool things about being a millionaire is that you can wage cuck too if you want to but your bosses hold absolutely zero control over you so if they ever step out of line you can tell them to kiss your ass and fuck off on outta there with zero repercussions.