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File: 74 KB, 659x250, AmazonIncome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
634171 No.634171 [Reply] [Original]

>Not using Amazon affiliate program to make dosh

>> No.634185

how do I into amazon ducats?

>> No.634835
File: 54 KB, 576x576, 6a00d8341c558f53ef01b7c7078cc0970b_800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want in.

>> No.634838



>> No.634850

Who is this chick?

>> No.634852

Mia Khalifa

>> No.634936


>2009 picture



>> No.635030
File: 105 KB, 1024x586, hE9G7E9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a modest amount of money whoring my amazon affiliate links on a self built network of Twitter handles with about a quarter million followers. Been putting more effort into it lately and expecting to double my income in the next couple months.

>tfw money for nothing
>tfw narcissist friend with advanced English degree, who is basically the middle school teacher from The Wire now, makes less than I do fucking around with social media
>tfw 2015 is the year I buy a gently used Porsche 996 from internet silliness and hoon the fuck out of it

>> No.635040

I'm trying to do the same with a Twitter about tech, right now I follow about 100/200 a day and favorite quite some tweets. Just started out so no affiliate links yet ofcourse.

Only 200 followers at the moment, what can I do to step up my game and gain more followers?

>> No.635050

I was always interested in doing this. Or at least amassing more than 10 followers. It would be important for my freelance career, actually. PLS HALP

1. Do you use a photograph of a person on Twitter? If so, is it yours or random?

2. What do you specifically post on Twitter to gain followers? Jokes? Link to articles online? What makes people want to follow you?

>> No.635062


Buy fake followers on fiverr or blackhatworld. A thousand per account makes a massive difference. And follow more people daily. I follow/unfollow 600 per account per day.


I post images with little captions that I gather from Taiwanese cartoon image boards. Each account is targeted at different interests/niches, and no, you don't even have to put a face on it. Twitter is the wild west, generate even sub par (but consistent) content and gaggles of people will follow you, if you pro actively target them. Why? Because most people aren't as internet savvy as even the average neckbeard. They do what their peers do and don't really branch out. They click on YouTube commercials and google ads. People don't give a fuck about going to the source on anything, that's why clickbait websites work. That's why Cracked and Buzzfeed are enormous, that's why targeted meaningless drivel like The Oatmeal makes money hand over fist.

>> No.635072

how do you monetize it though? amazon seems like it's not enough, specially since they give you 4% on electronics no matter what.

>> No.635075

How many accounts do you have? Do you have one account with clickbait that you reblog on all the other accounts? Do you use a follow bot? And do you use Twitter or a third party program like Hootsuite? And if you have multiple accounts, does Twitter track your IP?

>> No.635076

Twitter users are so goddamned stupid it makes me laugh my ass off. The fact that there are so many people using bots to farm Twitterers and milk shekels from them makes me lol.

>> No.635083


4% profit times 1% click through on 250,000 users. Assume you're working with a $10 item and do the math, and assume I post one ad across all accounts per day.

>> No.635086


I have a lot of accounts. I'd like to have 50 up and running before long. Probably going to hire someone to work part time for me punching in all the scheduled tweets, because it is super boring and time consuming.

I use Tweetdeck and Tweepi exclusively.

I do not hide my IP and twitter does not seem to care

>> No.635087

Haha, I see. Thank you for the response. It was revealing when you said that consistency matters more than quality. I think that is one of my biggest problems, because I would always try to create content/tweets/etc that were better than the last, but could only do it in few days spurts until I would start procrastinating due to thinking my content sucked.

I only follow a handful of people, because I don't want my dashboard polluted. So it's difficult to get in the mindset that majority of people have low standards for content and they blindly click ads and links.

>> No.635089

Oh, sorry. Of that 1% click through, between 5-15% actually hit

>> No.635092


Yeah, just make another couple twitter accounts and choose a theme. Oh wow, look at this car. Look at these shoes, or this purse. And then just post that kind of crap a half dozen times a day and you'll get your hooks in some consumers before too long.

I do churn out some high quality content for a couple blogs I write as well, and I do use twitter feeds to push those blogs, which themselves are landing pages for more amazon links. But most of my twitter content is just copy pasted junk

>> No.635093

Cool, thanks for the info. How do you handle so many accounts, by using a script? And you say you write your tweets yourself, all I do right now is write like 4/5 tweets on the account and the rest are all retweets from tech blogs.

And are all your accounts in a different niche?

>> No.635101


I automate a lot of things using autohotkey but still invest a couple hours a day into the whole thing. 99% of my content is copied, I do very very little original content on these tweets. I do retweet some things, but more or less just to make my accounts look more "human". I don't rely on retweeting for content, I schedule 4-6 tweets daily per account.

I'm starting to double up on certain niches, and also several of my niches are sort of related so they can all target the same ads. But I do hit quite a few interests over all.

>> No.635105

what do you use besides amazon affiliate?

>> No.635107


Amazon and AdSense, that's all. Probably going to self publish a couple ebooks on amazon as well and push them myself

>> No.635114

Hmm okay, so far it seems (for me atleast) that most of my followers come from me following or favoriting them.

I'll try this account for a week and see how it goes, maybe I'll make another account as well since it seems thats what is helping you the most. Thanks!

>> No.635115

for how long have you been doing this?, do you have screenshots?

>> No.635118


Good luck. Quantity over quality, always, when it comes to twitter.


I've dabbled in this kind of thing for a long time, but really started hitting twitter hard maybe six months ago. I've learned a ton to get to where I am, started at a crawl, growth has been exponential. If I knew everything I knew today, I could replicate my past six months of growth in just a few weeks.

I'll never share my accounts or any evidence of my income or even anything really specific on here though, ever.

>> No.635128

Last question if you don't mind: what's the most important thing a starter should do to just gain followers?

>> No.635134

Follow people, as many as you can

>> No.635136


Buy followers on fiverr. People are more likely to joint if you have a good following/follower ratio, and if you're following 500+ daily in hopes some will foow you back, your ratio will look like shit. You can buy a thousand shitty bot followers for five bucks, and that'll make your numbers look very appealing from day one.

>> No.635139

>I'll never share my accounts or any evidence of my income or even anything really specific on here though, ever.
why, because you are full of shit?

showing your income, especially if it's a few days or a week out of date provides absolutely no means of identifying you while making your claims look legitimate.

>> No.635142


Because jeopardizimg my business to prove something to anonymous strangers does absolutely nothing to help my cause. I don't care if you believe me or not

>> No.635143

Different anon here. Can you give an example of a tweet you'd make with an affiliate link?

>> No.635145

Just cut out any personal information m8

>> No.635150


These are just as low effort as anything else. Just talk like your audience. "OMG MUST COP 🔥🔥🔥 (link)"

>> No.635152

You said you make 4-6 tweets per day, how many of those are links?

>> No.635155


4-6 non advertisement links. I schedule them out a month in advance, then go back and punch in the ads later. Once a day or slightly less depending on the account size.

>> No.635161

Intredasting, thanks anon. Do you get better return on niches or general, popular stuff like sports?

>> No.635179

What is the best (peak) time to tweet an ad?

>> No.635210

how do you receive payment? setting up direct deposit is a hassle for something that I'm not sure will pan out, cheque is just bad news, and Amazon gift cards are useless to me

>> No.635342


Health and diet stuff is killer, and where I'm focusing my energy mainly nowadays.


Depends on your followers, depends on time zones. There are analysis sites that can tell you peak hours for your followers


Direct deposit is two numbers off a check, it takes ten seconds to set up.

>> No.635367

Hey , thanks for posting here, this is very informative.

Is there any special way to get followers besides the 1000 you get off of fiverr initially?

When you say that you post non-ad links then change them out later, how many clicks do you get on the ads once you switch them out, was the 250,000 you posted earlier a realistic number?

>> No.635372

Knobs - Fucking gear knobs.


>> No.635375

getting 5 dollar for 500 followers okay but how do i make new people click my ads?

>> No.635385

>>tfw money for nothing
People say this, but in reality your function is to give people a vehicle to purchase something they already would have, and in turn grease the economic wheels, you're actually an important part of the economy

>> No.635517


>> No.635526 [DELETED] 

thanks for this information

how do you work the amazon links? just tweet them straight up or retweet from a small alternate account? or would it be better if that alternate account also had lots of followers?

also do you use a bot or is this all by hand

>> No.635528

how do you make money with adsense? linking to a website you made filled with ads?

also for when you tweet out a amazon link, what is the method exactly? your main account? or do you retweet from your alternate accounts so you look like less of a shill? would having low followers on the alternate account matter that much?

thanks for all this ive read everything in here

>> No.635530


true.but hes also spending alot of time doing alot of boring shit he probly hates just for a few e-shekels. even if hes making a decent salary doing it, it's still probly soul crushing as fuck.
this is how you want to spend your precious time on earth? please

>> No.635534

yeah i'm sure botting some tweets every day would be absolutely insufferable

>> No.635554

>then go back and punch in the ads later
sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but what do yo mean by this? do you post tweets without the ad, then go and edit them to include the ad?
or do you mean that you write the tweets in advance and drop in a ad link nearer the posting time?
this is very interesting, thanks for your advice so far.

>> No.635560



The guy himself said he spends a few hours every day on top of the botting and is bored to tears. Keep that dream alive though

>> No.635565

i would love to get where he is

being bored for a few hours is not a bad thing to me. currently my job makes me feel so rage filled (voice recognition software shit)

im working on this but i know even if i do good, its not something that will last forever. got to think of more things

>> No.635609

Are you the OP of the "I made 3000$ last month using twitter, ama" thread? Pretty sure you are.
I've been doing this for 2 weeks now and got around 1500 followers and yesterday I punched out an ad on an account with 550 followers. Got 8 clicks, no purchases tho.

>being this jelly

>> No.635646
File: 30 KB, 642x553, jej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.635670

Wouldn't clickbank be better? The closest I got to success was selling some clickbank garbage - targetting old/fat/unhealthy/stupid people. Made me feel really bad about myself, but it had a lot higher return than amazon.

Notice in the picture op sold $400,000 worth of goods and saw 1/10th of that for himself.

I got burned out maybe I'll take another crack at it.

>> No.635673

He didn't really sell them though, just tweeted about them. A 10% commission for just a tweet is pretty damn good

>> No.635680

You don't have to sell cb stuff either, just find something with a good pitch already. An affiliate link is an affiliate link and people will either pick up on it or they won't.

>> No.635691


I gotta thank you. You turned me on to autohotkey in a previous thread. This shit is fucking amazing.

>> No.635693

Hey while we're here. Is it better to be a guy or girl when doing a marketing presence. I once played the guy (instinctively because I am) for a mostly womens market. In that case I think it gained me rep. It almost makes sense to go opposite. Eg. In tech people fawn over girls.

>> No.635695

How do you use it to enhance your Twitter and make the tweeting/following less time consuming?

>> No.635721


Autohotkey can script any user interaction with windows. OP is using it to hit buttons on the twitter website basically. I used it to automate all the repetitive tasks in my job.

>> No.635724

imacro's can do this and it's just a browser addon.

>> No.635729

I wrote a script that can automatically post pictures+text (though the text is just randomly chosen from generic phrases). Still, I think I am going to start using that instead of the scheduling

>> No.635735

the problem is that your computer has to be turned on to do that

>> No.635773

>Is there any special way to get followers besides the 1000 you get off of fiverr initially?

Follow/unfollow a lot (hundreds) of people daily and use popular hashtags. www.tweepi.com


Honestly I just wanted to quote the Dire Straits song :) it's definitely a good deal of work.


AdSense is used on my websites, yes.


I've started my own business in my spare time that now pays about $17/hour. This number is not static. It started at zero, and will continue to go up. Like I said, I'm to the point where I could hire an employee to help grow it further and reduce my workload.


I write all the normal posts up to a month in advance. I post ads in between those posts, but the ad campaigns I choose to run cannot be scheduled that far in advance. I post the ads daily


This is exactly where I was at. Sick of my job, looking for a way out. I have a more permanent business idea, but need more money to do it.


Right? I can automate a whole process or just remove a half dozen clicks from a repetitive task, I love ahk


Know your audience. I have a couple accounts with female profile pics because I think it helps attract followers in that demographic


Just get another computer, a guy in one of the other threads said he bought one for $20

>> No.635780

true, but still. It takes me around one hour to schedule weeks around two weeks in advance for one account and I imagine that must take way too much time if I have to do that for 10+ accounts

>> No.635881

I have a blog that is getting some success and is currently purely Amazon Aff.

I have two questions

1) How much does Google penalaize you for "overusing" Aff. links? I think I'm getting penalized, my Facebook and Twitter are higher in Google than my website... and I have a very polished Wordpress theme with the best SEO plugin and all meta tags and keywords in order

2) would you recommend putting adsense alongside the amazon aff. links? what's your exp.? my website is kind of a review/niche website with a bit of a blog in it too

>> No.635913

I don't think you have a chance at this, honestly. From how you asked that question. You're maybe a great human being and you'll succeed at something else, but this is not for you.

>> No.635939

Since my Twitter is all about tech news, I can't schedule retweet techblogs a month or even a day before it gets posted. Are niches such as sport and health as you mentioned before easier? "omg check out this home workout for abs in just 2 weeks", that short of stuff?

>> No.635946

But most people are interested by what these bots have to say, or even interested by bots on a more conceptual level

The humanity of content producers is irrelevant on Twitter, this is not Facebook, you are not friends with your following

>> No.636072


I just posted this in the other thread, but you might find it useful. Wrote this a while ago to improve my follow script, just incorporated it into all my existing scripts today after testing it on a couple accounts for a week.

; MODIFY FOLLOWING LINE: text file location
Sleep, 5000
Send, {CTRLDOWN}g{CTRLUP} ; "go to line" in notepad
Sleep, 1000
Send, 1{ENTER}
Sleep, 1000
Send, {shiftdown}{end}{shiftup} ; highlights line
Sleep, 500
send, {ctrldown}c{ctrlup}{del 2} ; copies and deletes line
Sleep, 500
Send, {ctrldown}{end}{ctrlup}{enter} ; goes to end of doc and inserts line
Sleep, 500
Send, {ctrldown}v{ctrlup} ; pastes to end of doc
Sleep, 500
Send, {ctrldown}s{ctrlup} ; saves
Sleep, 500
Send, {altdown}{f4}{altup} ; exits document
; this is a simple cycling script.
; EG, one could follow users from a different twitter
; handle every time a script was run, by inserting
; this script into a "follow followers" script.
; it copies the first line of a txt file,
; moves that line to the end of the list, saves, and
; closes. the copied line can then be pasted elsewhere,
; and the next time the text doc is opened, the next line
; will be the first line. the list can be any length.
; have questions? use google. you're lucky i'm sharing
; anything at all.

>> No.636546

Super Duper kek

>> No.636562

what a cheap disgusting way to make money

how much money is made these days just being an ad whore? youtube, amazon affiliate. so many people exist only to get eyeballs to look at them long enough to see or click on a commercial.

its fucking gross

>> No.636568

>there were more people viewing the Skull Knobs page than there was on the index page.
toppest kek

>> No.636573

If the world worked your way, what would you do. Come up to me asking form some of my super awesome stuff in trade of your hand made candles, or some type of shoddy service perhaps?

>> No.636589

no i'm just saying that shills shilling for other shills just feels icky. advertising hasnt always ruled the world

>> No.636590

Ok, I have this grand plan of using stuff like Amazon affiliates and google adsence, buying some buff clickbait domains and then just having virtually nothing on those sites bar advertising,

Is this a viable idea, or would be creating a net of twitter accounts and bot updating them occasionally be a better plan?

>> No.636600

>Are you an idealist or a capitalist?

>> No.636620


If you don't update your sites other than advertising, and you don't have any unique content, your page won't rank for shit on Google and you won't get any organic traffic.

>> No.636622


>wah wah capitalism man

This is a business forum, not an idealist love-in. What were you expecting

>> No.636666

dude i'm all for capitalism. i just hate seeing everyone whore themselves out for clickbait revenue

>> No.636671


I don't understand what's whorish about this? You're just using negative words for a completely legitimate revenue stream. One that will teach you social media marketing, scripting, and even web design.

>> No.637265

You need to cloak and nofollow your affiliate links, whether they are amazon or clinkbank etc. Google doesn't really like affiliate links so you need to hide them through a subdomain or category

>> No.637267

I don't think it matters whether you are in a tech blog or not, you should be able to retweet your articles for at least another week. Not everyone will be viewing your blog at the exact moment you tweet it, so its worth tweeting it multiple times.

>> No.637949

>Sales is bad

What are you, some kind of faggot or something?

What is bad about this? We're identifying a target audience, and capitalizing on it. What's more disgusting is that these people are so weak that they can't see through it all and make their own decision.

>> No.638335

Can someone post a step by step for me?

>> No.638358

create twitter account
create amazon affiliate account
use python script to push your twitter account (follow/unfollow daily)
use tweetdeck to schedule tweets in advance
one you have around 5000 followers start posting amazon links and earn 4% commission

>> No.638427

>one you have around 5000 followers start posting amazon links and earn 4% commission

OP in the last thread said that you could start posting at around 2000. Why 5000?

>> No.638433

>earn 4% commission
Forgetting to mention that once you start hitting a couple of hundred sales per month, the commission goes up to around 7%

>> No.638439

you can also start at 500, it doesn't really matter, wont be profitable though, since you make very little money and lose a lot of followers
doesn't it also depend what kind of stuff you're advertising?

>> No.638442

>also depend what kind of stuff you're advertising?

That is true. Electronics is capped at 4%. My bad

>> No.638623

So I made a few accounts with good concepts that people would want to follow, but how do I get followers? Outside of bot accounts that won't click on the ads I post.

Should I establish a decent following of fake accounts first?

>> No.638945

What are the legalities of this? Specifically the buying of follower bots. Could twitter fuck you up if they find out?

Also how do I keep the IRS from plundering my asshole? (I'm a tax newb, Just a janitor here)

>> No.639014

hire me ples

>> No.639015

>Could twitter fuck you up if they find out?
Yeah. They do not like the "pump and dump" method. They shut off accounts all the time so one needs to be careful, and not put all eggs in the same basket.

>> No.639034


You worry too much. If twitter actually gave a shit about the follower bots and closed your account, you could just open a new one an be more careful about it this time.

Not sure about US, but generally you have to tell the government that you are self employed, and them your revenue and losses every tax year

>> No.639076

How do you apply for an amazon affiliate account if you don't have a website?

>> No.639077

>showing black swan outliers and not regular people who make cents.

>> No.639080

your website is twitter

>> No.639235

Wouldn't you be able to get tax write offs for a bunch of shimt too?

>> No.639240

That actually work? I guess give them the bot twitter account and they'll approve it?

>> No.639251

It wouldn't be a bot twitter, It would ideally be an organic twitter with some bot followers to act as followbait for people who are more inclined to follow large amount of followers.

>> No.639966

Online freelance bro who has been wanting to get into the affiliate scene for a while.

Is there any way to do this without buying traffic?

>> No.640108


better be the turbo unless you want ims problem that causes engine failure.

the 996 turbo probably the most reliable 911 in the last 20 years

>> No.640202

does favoriting get you followers? People do it to me and I'm not following them.

>> No.640204

You can just use lists for people you want to follow so it wont clutter your timeline.

>> No.640466


Check out this site for twitter unfollows

Also don't buy their premium shit, you can get like 1k unfollows for answering a question or tweeting their site.

>> No.640735

is it possible to gain followers just by following/unfollowing other users by hand?

>> No.640754

why shouldn't it?

>> No.640762

well, i guess that was a quite stupid question, i never used twitter before and just figured everything out today...
>also, iam drunk

>> No.640767

I mean yeah sure, it's just going to be a lot slower than if you'd mass follow people

>> No.640779

thanks for the answer, i just have to learn the basics of wtf is going on on this community
seems like you can post the biggest shit and everyone is like OMG... quantity>quality...

>> No.640814


pretty much, as long as your content has a smidgen of substance, it is good enough for twitter

you can still put some effort in, just don't over-think it because it isn't necessary

>> No.640995

O.T. Post

I want to sell worthless crap on amazon for .01+3.99 shipping, like old paperbacks and PS1 games and shit. Thrift store shit.

How can I know what items will sell quickly, or at all, from looking at the listing on amazon?
How are the worthless crap vendors making money?

>> No.640999

I guess from looking at the amount of reviews it has, then again if it's some worthless crap people probably won't bother reviewing it

>> No.641409

>How can I know what items will sell quickly, or at all, from looking at the listing on amazon?
I think software like Terapeak can help you with that.