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File: 16 KB, 245x205, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6324739 No.6324739 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in on pic related. Howd I do?

>> No.6324770

Hope you're having FUN now because you won't be having much fun soon

>> No.6324804
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>clearly not having FUN

Why don't you buy some FUN m8,

>> No.6324822

i was having fun like you but then i took some FUN into my anus.

>> No.6324846

You did good OP. When you buy a coin with a good team and good fundamentals you can sleep well.

>> No.6324848

PnD pajeet scam coin

>> No.6324877

Well going ALL IN on one coin is stupid.

But FUN has a mooning potential this year. You'll make it.

>> No.6324880
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we're gonna make it

>> No.6324898

LOL, you have no idea what you are missing. FUNFAIR is one of the few coins that have working product and real plan behind it.

>> No.6325053
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>FUN thread, pink IDs, plenty of custom memes made weekly
Funfair is an actual cult with an active pump and dump discords but it's also one of a million coins with a IRL use, so its either going to be a huge thing making a lot of people money or one of them best manipulative ponzi scheme allowed on /biz/
t.350k fun reporting in

>> No.6325128
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don't even bother. the people dismissing this coin are consistently people who buy don't read or google. they just buy whatever shitcoin went up recently and hope it will go up more. Ironically, they love to gamble.

>> No.6325129
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you did good anon

>> No.6325172
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>> No.6325219


>> No.6325231

>Quick reminder
The Global Online Gambling market was USD 44.16 billion in 2016 and is estimated to reach USD 81.71 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 10.8%.

>> No.6325255

>PnD pajeet scam coin

Obviously you don't know what any of those words even mean

Stay poor like you deserve to be, idiot.

>> No.6325271
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>> No.6325365
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>devs are active and are well known people
>solid whitepaper
>you probably didn't buy at <300 SAT when we were literally trying to make you rich
Sorry, no (you) today, but stay broke faggot

It's what makes FUN and chainlink so great

>> No.6325393

So the price should be x2 in no time right?

>> No.6325402

Whatever your shitcoin is, Funfair is going to be huge long before it

>> No.6325428

I guess ill have FUN to that

>> No.6325439
File: 150 KB, 600x810, FUN_Chan6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread doesn't have enough Kakegerui_x_FUN memes.

Let's fix that.

>> No.6325563
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You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.6325630


>> No.6325656

Sooner we shake these weak handed faggots out the better. I dunno why people are panic selling this close to moon. Q1 is busy as fuck for Funfair.

>> No.6325718

I'm 75% FUN and 25% POE. I love both of these coins because they have a stated list of problems they look to solve. I wish you all the best of luck, bros.

>> No.6325747

>Pink ID
>I'm gonna make it

>> No.6325794
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convince me to buy 1 BTC = 100k FUN right now.

>> No.6325836
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>> No.6325851

If you want money, you'll do it. If you don't, enjoy missing out on what's potentially the best and most obvious investment of 2018. I'm tired of shilling hardcore to people every single time a thread pops up. With how many threads pop up daily, and how much fud gets dispelled in an instant, if you haven't bought any FUN until now, you're intentionally avoiding it for some reason

>> No.6325920
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I don’t own any, but FUN does have some pretty good memes. How high could it go? Maybe I’ll buy in

>> No.6325951

1.00 USD in the next 3 months

>> No.6325994

What the fuck does POE do.

>> No.6326068

It's a ledger centered around small time artists claiming ownership of content upon creation and easily monetizing its use by others. My job is centered around music and I work with a lot of great artists who could benefit from such a thing, so it's somewhat near to my heart. Don't wanna hijack the FUN thread, though. That's my main squeeze.

>> No.6326118


0.20$+ going into February

$1 by April

>> No.6326159

pretty good, you're guranteed at least 10x I'd say

>> No.6326211

>only 20c
Son it was already hitting 20c occasionally before the dump

This is an easy 4 -5x from where we currently are in a month, if not more. You need to keep in mind that it's not just investors who are going to be buying the news - the casinos themselves alone could pump this coin into $1 territory if enough of them get onboard at the ICE convention, and prepare to stock up coins in bulk.
$1 only requires $5B market cap. Online gambling is $60B in the US alone, so that doesn't include things like Asian's insane addiction for gabling, nor does it include things like CSGO gambling.
You also need to keep in mind that, on average, ICE has 8500+ gaming center owners (of varying types), and the people behind FUN have plenty of connections to casino industries as a whole (part of their team are people nabbed from casinos, like William Hill, because of how much they believed in it).

>> No.6326244

Have 1k FUN meme coins currently should I buy more this week since the shit with North Korea drove down prices or just wait and see what the market does?

>> No.6326264

Do you like money?
This is the lowest it's been in a while, and only because of the dump. It was at an 18c floor before the Korea shit. Getting it now is a steal.

>> No.6326266

You're fucked.

>> No.6326375

Is there a wallet for this shitcoin or only on exchanges so far?

>> No.6326382

it's ethereum token

>> No.6326391

you can store it on myetherwallet

>> No.6326397
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>> No.6326409

Just use something like Metamask or MEW. It's an ERC20 token.

>> No.6326431
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>> No.6326456

got 150 of these at 6 cents, will i make it bros?
used ford fiesta one day?

>> No.6326491
File: 117 KB, 800x506, funfair04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326499

You can afford top-tier kneepads in a month

>> No.6326536
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>> No.6326596

literally just want to semi-decent amount to put on red or black

>> No.6326605

SO techically I can store it on any ether wallet?

>> No.6326903

>being this new

>> No.6326930

All aboard the fun train, we're setting off

>> No.6326996

nvm massive miner fees on this not gonna bother

>> No.6327065

Do you have autism

>> No.6327143
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miner fees wtf are you talking about you brainlet?
The coin is an ERC20 token and can't be mined.
If you are referring to the withdrawal fees on exchanges that's because they're jews and has nothing to do with the viability of the project.

oh btw Funfair-James just said this in their discord channel(quoting verbatim):

"the website will be having a small revamp before ICE and this will be brought up to date as part of that process."
answering to a question asking when the roadmap will be updated on the site.

>> No.6327167
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>> No.6327668

exchange fee on shapeshift is 150 FUN
a bit much

>> No.6327873

Binance is 80 to withdraw

>> No.6327919

I just transferred 15k xrp to FUN, ask me anything

>> No.6327968

What are you going to do with all the money you are going to get?

>> No.6328009

Ambitious move

>> No.6328048
File: 1.06 MB, 1047x741, 1514829999896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are you using shapeshift?same goes for exodus.
Buttrex fee for withdrawing fun is less than 50 atm i believe.

>> No.6328057

Upload photos to fb of me making it and hope my ex sees desu

>> No.6328059

Connecting your brand to cute anime girls is a sure way to make money

>> No.6328346

Interesting. Sounds better than audiocoin. Will watch it for now.

>> No.6328502

How much did you go in?
The more you go the more you get.

>> No.6328882

15000 xrp into FUN, so about 240k FUN

Bought ripple heaps heaps low, I believe in online gambling

>> No.6328888

long term trade or are u gonna sell it February when this shit pops off

>> No.6328903
File: 41 KB, 1439x418, Screenshot_20180111-194719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i just sold all my eth for FUN

>> No.6328943

lol FUN is so overpriced.

>> No.6328961
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>> No.6328963

Long term, hoping 2020 but knowing me probably soon as it moons

>> No.6328984

Any basis to that statement

>> No.6329052

GL mate make sure u check the price early feb. Its doing a presentation / public release at ICE (ICE Totally Gaming is the only Business 2 Business gaming event that truly brings together the international online and offline gaming sectors.) Feb 6-8th

>> No.6329115

I have a coworker who loves this coin but there are other gambling coins out there doing better like wagerr and edgeless... why this coin

>> No.6329138

well if it hits a market cap of 5 bil (currently 610mil) then it will be anywhere between $1.00 - $1.17650 per FUN. Lets hope this public release is a great one

>> No.6329184


>Citation needed

>> No.6329214

Look man, it's their miss. I have a lot of doubts about some coins I've bought (even though I have faith in all of them) - FUN is one I have no lost sleep over. Absolutely confident that it will reach 1$ EOF minimum.

>> No.6329283


Edgeless even has a gambling license already.

Funfair is a shitcoin of the highest degree.

Enjoy your bags you suckers

>> No.6329285

those max supply are 1.6% & 2% of FUN's max supply.

the reason why I like this coin is because casinos adapt it, they will need the coin to operate games where you're vs the house. That means big casino money buying a lot of FUN.

>> No.6329350

Edgeless aims to be a casino themselves.

FunFair wants to license their tech to casinos.

>> No.6329404

FUN is doing what Edgeless is doing in a way, but making it a template for other smaller and middle casinos to adapt and use, but only using FUN coins. Edgeless is just one casino. FUN will be used in multiple casinos. Best case scenario FUN will be adopted into larger casino after its got a resume

>> No.6329422

there is something almost mystic about this coin, I simply have an extremely strong desire to keep on buying it.

>> No.6329427

>Ford is already making cars
>all other car manufacturers are therefore useless

This is how you sound.

>> No.6329556


a cars make is to Edgeless as FUN is to its make, engine and gasoline

>> No.6329571

Someone needs to photoshop a part of this movie into a funfair add. The chinese love it. Especially those from HK


>> No.6329642

>Casino license in curacao

Sooo basically they dont have one?

>> No.6329652

I have 350 fun will I make it senpai?

>> No.6329659
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>> No.6329682

I understand that, but even if that wasn't the case (which the anon's post I replied to seemed to imply), just because something already exists doesn't mean it can't have (successful) competition.

>> No.6329856

agreed. just trying to show other anon the way

>> No.6329867
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>> No.6329939

They have a license in a place that is retarded easy to get a license and won't let them deal with any major part of the world, fucking lmao

>> No.6330070

Edgeless is a car that can't be upgraded at all by the person who bought it and can't be used in certain areas
FUN is a car that can be upgraded to the owner's liking, and the owner gets to customize how it looks by default

Edgeless is a casino that other casinos have to conform to and adopt, and the owners of the casinos using it aren't allowed to improve on it without having the team behind it do it for them. FUN is a framework that functions exactly like casinos, but gives the owners complete malleability to work with it.

>> No.6330100

$1 FUN baby

>> No.6330240

Nailed it.