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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 215 KB, 1536x2048, 4chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6309222 No.6309222 [Reply] [Original]

Look guys: UFR IS going to be shilled to 2-3x in the coming weeks. I know the shilling may be disconcerting, it kept me away from the project for over two weeks. Despite this, the shilling if anything proves that it will at least triple, not to mention the long term benefits of this being the future of online file sharing. Food for thought bitches.

>> No.6309404

post more pics of her and ill buy some of your stupid shitcoin

>> No.6309436


>> No.6309552
File: 109 KB, 640x480, UFR SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you want to know about their "coin" ?


1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.

2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old, also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.

4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

5. Github empty - NOTHING

6. If you aren't an idiot you will find every movie and software you wish FOR FREE on the internet / usenet / ftp / torrent.

7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.


* Whitepaper not legit (copy&paste, poorly written, no technical knowledge)
* Torrentscene and filesharing companies absolutely not interested in a token
* only shilled token with no usecase
* S H I T C O I N

Sorry for being a little grumpy, but I am tired of the massive amount of UFR shills that are constantly shilling a TOTAL SHITCOIN.

/biz/ please stay away and don't get scammed.

>> No.6309613

thanks anon bought 100k

>> No.6309644
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>> No.6309657
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>> No.6309720

You got no clue about how P2P works do you?

>> No.6309730

Hey guys, I actually have a business proposition. How much do your service cost? I'm quite impressed with UFR campaign. Can you leave a way to contact you?

>> No.6309801
File: 85 KB, 634x476, 4chaaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the same girl but kim miso might make you jizz your pants (not to mention she quit modeling to become a cop)

>> No.6309850

You, sir, are a faggot. that was some copyposta FUD bullshit

>> No.6309931

hmu on discord, username northern.m

>> No.6310090

Are you retarded or is the UFR shill army really stooping this low in recruitment?

>> No.6310121
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No...he probably dodnt even write that himself. Probably copy pastad it. The FUD is ridiculous....its a sure sign we got another moon coming

Nice FUD....these people shouting discord are either tin foil hat wearers or they know that they are spouting bullshit bullshit and they are just confidant that itll worl and they will get to accumulate until the shit blows up upon alpha launch(not to nention the next couple exchange listings lol)

>> No.6310218
File: 59 KB, 572x582, dHRcINA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give a direct link? I'm stupid, idk how to find you, the fuck is hmu?

>> No.6310434


all you idiots can say is "to the moon" but don't understand that UFR is nothing than a token that can be created in 2minutes by everyone.

Are you really that stupid that you fall for that shillcoin? dude, do your research and thank me later that I saved your money.

>> No.6310634

Anyway if you're interested I'll check this thread back in 30 minutes (gotta go for now).
I'll show you a real coin with real product so you won't have to even shill out of your ass. It's not small MC but deserves to be worth 3B so x15 from where it's at now. I can probably personally pay you as well, I have big enough stake in it. You'd have to do the same shit all day shilling reddit and /biz/ but with actual truthful info, lol.

>> No.6310805

You cant stop the UFR train guys

>> No.6310894
File: 110 KB, 648x508, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people trying to bring down the UFR train but charts don't lie.

>> No.6311035

>1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.
Not an argument.

>2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old

It's well written, like any good whitepaper.

>also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

Completely false, stop bullshiting retarded pajeet, it was NOT copied, that claim was always false and proven false. The supposed copy was from a project that got here AFTER UFR, yeah, that's right, UFR was FIRST, so it's impossible to copy retard.

>3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.
Completely false again. You are just inventing bs. I've talked with people about this and they think it's a good idea for torrenting.

>4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

False again. The lead DEV is known, and I've linked to his LINKEDIN already like 100 fucking times, STOP LYING YOU PIECE OF SHIT. The rest of the team is anonymous (JUST LIKE THE XBY team, and that coin has 200M+ in mcap). And the reasons why it's anonymous are stated and explained already fucking 5 times in the reddit, but you probably didn't read shit because you're a lying piece of shit.

>5. Github empty - NOTHING

There are reasons for this, already explained, it will come before february. The lead dev actually stated that if you feel uncomfortable buying before it's released this it's okay. It's done for security and privacy issues. Yes, the main code on XBY is still private and not released for a similar reason.

>> No.6311193

>6. If you aren't an idiot you will find every movie and software you wish FOR FREE on the internet / usenet / ftp / torrent.

Now you will find better of everything with better quality and more speed for a minimum minimum payment, it will incentivize a bigger market of seeding. Check the subreddit where this is best explained.

>7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

Already explained.

>8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

Those "tweets" were invented by you fucking imbecile, you invented them to delegitimize the project because you're a faggot. NO ONE in their right mind would have used that as a shilling stupid pajeet, it's obvious FUD passed as false shilling.

>9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.

"They can make the same token" fucking idiotic response, the SAME you can argue about EVERY token, holy shit, did you just got into crypto yesterday? This argument has been said about XRP, about LINK, about fucking everything, really KYS.

You're the most stupid person in /biz/, with absolutely NO arguments.
You probably sold at 3 cents like the retard you are and now you're mad you missed thhe moon mission, kys and never come back, fucking piece of crap.

>> No.6311322

Its a token so what? And?

>> No.6311454

I bought in because I'm an idiot. Do I sell now at a loss or pray that this shitcoin gets pumped again?

>> No.6311551

You should sell you fucking scum. You just callrd this a shit coin and you are invested in it? Sell. Ill be holding.

>> No.6311613

>>1. it is a token
A token + app + platform.

>> No.6311674

Praying it is

>> No.6311794

Rule number 1 never sell at a loss

>> No.6312241
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Who gives a fuck about the "torrentscene"? Obviously they're going to shittalk. People dislike change. But gradually they'll warm up to it and start going to where the files are. When UFR offers legitimate advantages, then filesharers are of course going to gravitate towards it. Look, let me present a real life scenario.

Joe Schmoe has a hardon and he's looking for a big fat porn collection of his favourite star. Is he going to want to download 20gigs at 200kb/s or 20mb/s? Hardly anyone is seeding the file on piratebay. Everyone's seeding on UFR because there's an actual monetary incentive. And don't overestimate how much each download is going to cost. When you think about it, the average download is going to cost a couple cents at best. Who can't afford that? And if you're triggered by paying a couple cents, then you simply recuperate your costs and even earn more by simply seeding for ten minutes.

Lack of seeding is the biggest cancer killing torrents. The biggest reason people actually torrent is speed and convenience. Only after that comes price. Price problem is solved in UFR by seeding if you can't afford spending a shekel. Piratebay and such sites getting constantly shut down is solved by UFR being P2P hosted entirely on the Ethereum network. Virus problem is solved by UFR rating system for uploaders.

>> No.6312321
File: 60 KB, 640x712, dsamyfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You become more disinformative each day. I suppose this positively correlates with the price of UFR.

>/biz/ please stay away and don't get scammed.
I only have to stay the fuck away from you.

>> No.6312363

i have a strange feeling it's going to moon, too many people want to see it fail.