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File: 22 KB, 500x500, trezor_white-screen-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6304223 No.6304223 [Reply] [Original]

>be me and mined bitcoin back in elementary
>put it on my dads ledger
>completely forget about it until now
>go into the store and ask to sell for some dollars
>"were sorry sir, these bitcoins were mined back when bitcoin was worth $2"


>> No.6304256


>> No.6304282

Nice, just locked in at 19k

>> No.6304287

What the fuck is the point of blurring out the adress if the QR code is right there?

>> No.6304307

its some type of shit-meme

>> No.6304309

Wait why is that a thing? Locked in price?

>> No.6304315

edit the blockchain noob

>> No.6304331


>> No.6304339

>mined bitcoin in elementary
OP you are underage

>> No.6304346

Fake and gay + your a faggot pajeet, fuck off

>> No.6304356

you need to take two strong magnets and put the ledger between them.

>> No.6304367

Not only that, but if you press the right button, it reboots the entire blockchain. Press both to go into the blockchain bios to set the boot up device to CD-ROM if you need to load any new blockchain drivers.

>> No.6304394

Its actually true man, lots of people are just now taking their BTC off of their devices to sell. No one thought it locks in the market price when you put in on, but it does and says so in the instructions for the trezor/ledger. DYOR but I'm glad I didn't get one.

>> No.6304424

the QR code shows the private key not the address so OP is safe

>> No.6304426

did you just get into crypto last week?? you need to make some transfers every once in a while to keep the price updated. Or else the coins go stale.

>> No.6304438


They designed it that way to prevent the value of bitcoin from going down due to people cashing out

>> No.6304446

that's the whole point of them dumbass

>> No.6304450

So quick question - does the trezor lock in the prices as of the date you store it?

>> No.6304455

>he didn’t lock in when BTC was worth 50k

>> No.6304506


Usually it has a few weeks of cooldown time. The exact time isn't documented, but it seems to be around 2 weeks.

>> No.6304525

How does it 'lock in' the price??

>> No.6304526

Yes, the market price at the moment you transfer your private key to the ledger.

>> No.6304531

yes, but dont save them during a crash/dip. I lost $5k by putting my coins in my ledger at the wrong time.

>> No.6304549

It's at the point of transfer, contained in the metadata.

If you can time dips right it really pays off.

>> No.6304581

do your own research faggot. Do you even know how the blockchain works? it just checks and saves the current price.

>> No.6304585

You retards think that stock image is OP?

>> No.6304586

Some of the jailbroken ones have a secret code too that if you press it in sequence, it 100x the value of the coins. But the side effect is, the device self-destructs in 7 minutes so you have to transfer out really quickly. Also, there is a risk of disabling the blockchain for 20 minutes each time you do this, requiring IT to restore the blockchain from the World Internet Backup archive.

>> No.6304655

Yes I've heard this too. One of my buddies who has a ledger says he is going to try it later, will come back with results.

>> No.6304659


>> No.6304704
File: 72 KB, 850x400, 8houpuubk1lx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullying new fags guys

>> No.6304718

well it basically only saves the date and time as far as I know but when you want to sell it they can check where the price was when you stored it

>> No.6304726

My dad works at bitcoin and can confirm
>inb4 fake news
His name is Igor Bogdanoff he is on the company webpage

>> No.6304793

wow this thread is full of complete fucking morons. no it doesn't lock in the price you fucking retards. holy shit this place is dumber than fucking reddit. i can't believe how stupid you all are THE MARKET DICTATES THE PRICE NOT A USB THUMB DRIVE

>> No.6304805

Im confused, why not just keep your bitcoin in a paper wallet or something instead of a ledger that locks in the price?

>> No.6304819

Bullshit story, ive seen 4 of these stories in the past 20 minutes, please stop

>> No.6304827


>> No.6304854

Issue with paper wallets is that it can lock in the price a month ahead of time. It’s possible to reverse but it takes a crane to get it out

>> No.6304864

You need to upgrade the device drivers of the entire blockchain to use the device. You can download them off of Microsoft's website then push the update out to all blockchains across the world. Then the device will no longer lock the price; However, the blockchain will need to be rebooted and anyone logged in at the time will have to RDP back into it.

>> No.6304880
File: 63 KB, 1082x695, ComfyPFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, were saying the trezor locks the price, not the market. Like if you think there's a dip coming, just transfer your coins over to lock the price and ride it out.
this shit saved me from losing thousands this christmas.

>> No.6304904

Why is there so many shit threads on this

>> No.6304922

how fucking stupid are you holy shit

>> No.6304949

If you transfer it off the trezor does the price still stay locked in?

>> No.6304959

Locking in the price can be hugely beneficial if you time it right. Imagine if you were one of the lucky bastards to have locked in at 19k. You'll see in the coming bear market

>> No.6304967

fuck you gay nigger jew. All I've read about Trezor says that it stores your BTC. If you have BTC stored at an ATH then BTC crashes, how the fuck do you get ATH price after the fact when making a transaction from your TREZOR?? Why would any entity accept payment at a loss simply because you had value in the past but not now?

>> No.6305023

i still have coins locked in at $17k. feels comfy bro

>> No.6305025


The market dictates the price for unlocked coins. Good luck getting anyone to pay market price for your coins that have been locked since 2013 though.

>> No.6305050

So would you have to wait until it gets back up to 19k or more before you can sell them? Also does it work the other way? Like if the price rises will yours stay at 19k when others are worth 30k?

>> No.6305069

How many fucking 2009 bitcoins for that piece of shit ?

>> No.6305098
File: 20 KB, 89x79, faceofmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon cried laughing,

>> No.6305126

its the immutable uncensorable Blockchain

>> No.6305150
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1515565434500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got locked in bro that's the whole point of the ledger you can't be this dumb

>> No.6305151


Youl'll probably have to go to localbitcoins and advertise your vintage coins. The exchanges won't accept coins that were locked at a significantly different prince than their current price.

>> No.6305162

There is a workaround for the locked in price, though. Just press control-alt-delete and then restart the blockchain. When it comes back up, the prices should, in theory, sync back up. If you have any issues, however, you can contact the blockchain tech support team and they can walk you through the process.

>> No.6305174

He can sell them at 19k whenever he wants. Its in his best interest to wait until BTC goes above 19k, then he can take them off the device and ride the price up to something higher (maybe 25k), then re-lock them in at 25k. It's risky but works.

>> No.6305219

Vintage coins will be collectible though - hipsters will want to buy them from you for easily $20-30 more than the locked in price

Screenshot this

>> No.6305258

Someone give this man a quick rundown

>> No.6305290

no the price is stored on the blockchain too if you try edit the version of your ledger you invalidate your hash so thats how its "locked in"

>> No.6305351

This meme was sorta funny when it was just a line dropped in the middle of a hardware wallet thread.
Now it's just sad. Kill yourself OP.

>> No.6305360

But what about the 'dead man switch' on the jailbroken devices which basically resets your coin values to the highest currently on the market and sets everyone else's to 1/2 the value?

>> No.6305370

This is the dumbest, lamest, low energy troll ever. Kys. Sage

>> No.6305390

I agree, each coin comes with a timestamp so the vintage 09s could easily sell for 5x, 6x their usual price.

>> No.6305410

Guys, guys

What if we made a really huge version of the Ledger and put the whole market on it? Could prevent crashes by freezing trading with one click

>> No.6305411

Fuck that thing, I got boned when BCash tried to dethrone BTC, it locked me in at $5200, what do you think happened after that? Historic run to 19K still waiting for this massive dip so at least I can collect the interest from it.

>> No.6305412

>t. locked in at 150$

>> No.6305548


>> No.6305784

good luck getting one of those (if they even exist). pretty much unheard of

only one confirmed kill switch ever activated to unlock the price and that was on satoshi naruto's personal device

>> No.6305800

Thank you for the actual explanations. Looking high and low through Trezor's features I don't see this outlined anywhere. So my real question is, what would incentivize someone to purchase 'locked' BTC from a Trezor? Or beyond that, if you were to transfer to an exchange, how do you extract the value you locked in at?

>> No.6305854

>Not future trading with locked coins
You missing the real money

>> No.6305907


I know right what a salty slow coiner. He didn't bother to update the price.

>> No.6305950

this. smart 2bh.

>> No.6305983

I can't believe I still have to say this:
>There are STILL people who don't use one of the countless FREE Automatic Bitcoin Updater apps.
It's like you people want to lose money. You people spend years mining and trading and don't even take the simplest step to make sure your BTC are properly rotated so you don't end up with ATL-valued BTC.

Illegal. Enjoy jail.

Newfag please get out. If you haven't figured out how to fucking lock and unlock BTC prices on a hardware wallet in 2018 you are never going to make it.

>> No.6306018
File: 117 KB, 680x788, 1508473606161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.6306152
File: 91 KB, 500x400, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, dipshit, I'm wondering why the person who took the photo would bother to do that.

>> No.6306179

Holy shit that idea is actually genius

>> No.6306464

Nothing some newass retarded FUD / meme

>> No.6306519

It's bait to trick newfags and cause a bigger crash so they can buy in low again

>> No.6306552

He prob switched the two around like a retard

>> No.6307086

Why oh why then can I not find any information anywhere about this when this technique can insulate you from virtually any risk?

>> No.6307405

Google it my mang. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Or learn Java.

>> No.6307553
File: 77 KB, 400x400, 1514817170781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey dude, I'll b-buy your $2 bitcoins

>> No.6307617

None of the terms I've tried since I've been berated have yielded anything. Care to send me in the right direction? Nothing in the wikis pertaining to hardware wallets and storage come to close to what is being discussed here.

>> No.6307907

what the fuck is this locking bullshit you are all talking about

>> No.6307938

Ok I'm going to be the softy here and break it to you that this is all just a meme to fuck with you. The value of your BTC has nothing to do with your wallet. It's not even possible.

>> No.6308006


>> No.6308160

That's what I thought, though the autistic resourcefulness of some people here made me doubt myself. Thanks for the ride.

>> No.6308351

Thank you biz. Scrolling along craigslist and Kijiji and came across some stupid pajeet n00b that is selling some ‘vintage’ btc when he bought at 2 bucks.

Do we pitty the foo or nah?

>> No.6308715

Why the fuck is this bullshit lies allowed to be posted here? Sage fuck off and die

>> No.6309111


If somebody had trolled me with this shit when I was new, I might not have ever made the money I've made so far.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.6309218


Cmon don't fuck with newfags like that