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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6288829 No.6288829 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought it and this shit is tanking like a bitch. When can we expect some developments?

>> No.6288953

Just relax. It will be fine in a week max.

>> No.6289144

why do you think that?

>> No.6289612

Get out unless you want to hold bags for the next year or so. They are currently developing the product (good stuff) but they wont be doing any marketing, listings on exchanges or anything like that. This is not a moon mission, buy ADC instead.

>> No.6289710

Yeah nigger why the fuck do you say that, that's what everyone's been saying in the Opus threads, acting real confident, price has been bleeding for three days now and volume has topped out

>> No.6289711


So, I talked to the developers about and they are saying they will work on exchanges early q2

>> No.6289712

>polish engineering

>> No.6289725

not gonna sell on a loss tho, so thats why i wanna know when i could expect the price to rise at least somewhat reasonably?

>> No.6289755

>sell now, dump the price more

Never trust anyone on here. This man could be completely honest, but he could also want your cheap bags OP. FUD means buy, shilling means buy, no one talking about it yet means buy. Always accumulate

>> No.6289766

that's a long damn time in this market

I'm holding heavy bags and the worst part is they have a good team and a good product, except these stupid jews won't pay for an exchange listing

>> No.6290276

Majority of alts are down right now. Wait a week or two.

Also OPT is really a long term hodl. Q2 is going to be pretty big for them. No they aren't marketing the shit out of it at the moment but as soon as their software drops the price is going to sky rocket.

>> No.6290483

what would be a realistic estimate on the price when it "skyrockets"?

>> No.6290605

Yeah how much will it be?

>> No.6290734

one thing the team is shit at is marketing and hype. they are taking a product first approach.

here are your two main options:
- continue to accumulate and cost average down, you will be a king when they release
- sell your bags, its not that much lower than it was so you can make up the loss in other shitcoins.

>> No.6290770


These kids have absolutely no experience in public relations and no experience in the industry they're attempting to disrupt. I bought in a few days ago but just sold at a major loss. Even if this skyrockets in Q2 when they plan to focus on exchange listing, I will have by then made much more anyway.

The fact that they have absolutely zero interest in even bothering to send an application for ANY exchange is telling.

Every single question they're asked is met with an "I don't know, but I'll let you know when I know - promise!" response.

Garbage team and garbage product. Who is even going to pay a monthly subscription to listen to unknown indie musicians? Literally nobody.