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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1920x1439, 1-A6ylezaWk8PnecbPECHDQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6271010 No.6271010 [Reply] [Original]

Buy now, thank me in 12 hours

>> No.6271110

now thats an argument on an anonymous board

>> No.6271121

he's probably right

>> No.6271126


>> No.6271130


These are the type of posts that allowed me to retire

>> No.6271134

i bought cuz i love money

>> No.6271158

most undervalued coin

>> No.6271222
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>> No.6271259

where to buy doe?

>> No.6271274
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Freshy for yas. Primed for a good run lads. Wish we had more exchanges but not too long to go on that front either.

>> No.6271275 [DELETED] 

We don't Pump and Dump. We Pump and HODL.

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6271342


1) 2018 will be the year when Ethereum’s killer Dapp’s come into fruition. As we all know these Dapp’s require tremendous computational power to do their calculations and the question is whether the Ethereum Virtual Machine can handle?- The answer is simply NO. For Eg, Request Network needs tremendous amount of computational power to do its financial audits and Ethereum Virtual Machine can be a severe liability as the computations cannot be scaled and is as limited as Miners computational power. So here comes IEXEC RLC, which can technically provide computational power to DAPP’s like ENIGMA, SIGNALS, REQ Network etc. These Dapp’s are waiting for the industry fundamentals like decentralized storage and computing to get completed. So it’s a no brainer that as DAPP’s grow, projects like IEXEC RLC will breathe life into them.

2) one of the most talented and experienced team in the crypto space they are just no-nonsense guys, no hype guys who deliver silently (looking at you Golem). Giles Fedak is one of the most respected persons in cloud computing arena. Hawei Hu has been voted as one of the top 40 smartest persons in China.

3) Competitors:- Golem Mcap: 919million, With no working product and are already lagging behind by 6 months with their Brass Golem which was supposed to be done last June. Golem is like a fat girl at a party infused with steroids. No one likes to speak to her. So if golem is valued at 913 million with no working product and IEXEC rlc still is at 150 million at the time of writing and with DAPP store already realized IEXEC will easily surpass Golem in the coming months.

4) More exchanges on the cards, we all know what this means.

5) Rumor about potential take over by IBM. We all know what IBM did to stellar you fags.

>> No.6271352

Get out Pravik Pajeet

>> No.6271734

Okay, I'm in. Hope you're not just another pajeet.

>> No.6271846

Not a pajeet project mate, congrats on the good sense. Don't bother selling before $50 and eatch the lead up to V2 in May. Big expectations for this project.

>> No.6271958

It's all coming together. zeppelin_os, Eth, the platform. iExec, computing. Link, data. Ripio, funding. Bank the unbanked.

>> No.6272050

That reminds me that I need to get RCN. Not enough funds to shuffle around, damn it.

>> No.6272052


is there an ico for this?

>> No.6272125

yeah this is the construction of the future blockchain ecosystem, I'm an idealist and don't expect my visions to become reality, but whatever happens this shit is going to be a big player.

>> No.6272189

I need more convincing

I have 4 ETH ready to go

>> No.6272222

It'll be funfair, given the timing.

>> No.6272269


>> No.6272288

what do you wanna know? blockchain 3.0 infrastructure and way ahead of the competition. Undervalued in every single way. If you're looking for something mid-long term then its a no brainer.

>> No.6272317


I need that 4 ETH for something else though but if I can make decent profit on this by Monday I'll get in

>> No.6272356


>> No.6272410

Yeah, can't say how this partnership announcement will go down. Might get a slight bump but I'd rather not offer advice on short term projections, this is a genuine mid-long term hodl, that's what I am sure of.

>> No.6272424


>> No.6272467

>genuine mid-long term hodl

what does this even mean

>> No.6272487

This. Don't get in for short term gamble gains

>> No.6272519

I work for a large tech firm, we are looking at IEX.ec as one of the big disruptors in the cloud and Data Center space over next 3 years. Their roadmap is both impressive and achievable and their team is impressive - and they appear to be slowly adding commercial expertise to balance out a very academia focused dev team. Most interesting will be the integration of HPC and AI to offer XaaS in things like Fog/EDGE analytics or HFT in capital markets. This has real potential and I expect will receive broader coverage from tech analysts and publications alike - buy bois.

>> No.6272548

I do think we are primed for another strong breakout upwards, and we are still in an upward trend/BTC which is the main trading pair atm, so I dont think this is a bad price to get in and potentially grab 20 or 30%, but the market is too volatile to recommend anything in that regard.

>> No.6272556

Yeh and my dad works at Nintendo

>> No.6272563 [DELETED] 

We don't Pump and Dump. We Pump and HODL..,@

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6272631

I believe this more

>> No.6272699
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Anyone shilling this coin is a greedy faggot who is fucking shitting themselves about the inevitable correction. DO NOT BUY!!!!

>> No.6272850
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It's pasta, but these fuckers are in deep, look at all these partners now.

>> No.6272973
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>correction for a coin that never pumped


>> No.6272984

i have a serious question anon... are u retarded?

>> No.6273050

It has been on a downtrend for a week, don't fall for the satoshi meme, everything has been gaining in satoshis.

>> No.6273128
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Hahahaha you fucking retard plot it against a dollar price not a BTC price and see what it looks like BWAHAHAHHAA THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF DELUSION ON THIS BOARD RLC GOING DOWN 50% BY FEB FUCKING CAP THIS RETARD

>> No.6273309

>he measures coin performances in dollars

And that's how I know you are a retarded newfag fresh from /pol/

>> No.6273880

hasn't broken up trend against the dollar either you pleb

>> No.6273943

Is the pump over? I need quick gainz to accumulate more zlc

>> No.6274189

I'm talking 6 month investment for a minimum 20x. If you have a decent amount of capital then dunk it in an make millions. If you're a pleb that is impatient then dont bother.

>> No.6274194

>Anyone shilling this coin is a greedy faggot who is fucking shitting themselves about the inevitable correction. DO NOT BUY!!!!


>> No.6274269

lol don't buy nigga
stay poor

>> No.6274310

My view is that any coin that is backed by some amount processing power is inherently worth more than a coin backed by literally nothing.
That's why I've bought DBC and RLC.

>> No.6274350


>> No.6274431

Good thinking, RLC is literally backed by productivity.... genuine wealth.
up 20% last 2 hours, stay poor faggot

>> No.6274492

people not buying today are losing a great opportunity

>> No.6274519
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are you a jew?

>> No.6274530

last opportunity at this price, btc dump has barely affected sentiment

>> No.6274536

it just shot up, I wish I could've seen this post when it was made and bought then, but I'm too late. I just can't risk buying in right now, fuck

>> No.6274580

i thought the same thing when i bought another 100 at 15611 sats one hour ago. but i would hesitate as well, if i were you.

>> No.6274596

if you are day trading, i understand you, but if you are a holdeur, just buy now and wait something like 6 month max to enjoy a minimum *20

>> No.6274677

na I have studied the kike systems for a long time before it all started to make sense though... this is a principled investment for me

>> No.6274680

this is the TRUFF NIGGAA

>> No.6274720

it is only getting started. Announcement hasnt been made yet

>> No.6274739

It hasn't even broke out of its trading range for the last few days. Not saying there won't be a pullback, but still in range for a decent up move in the short term.

>> No.6274804

won't they just sell the news?

>> No.6274963

No because this coin is god tier, no one seemed to care about it though.

>> No.6274972

No, because they scheduled big news everynother week

>> No.6275000

expect a run of news and partnerships all the way up to V2 release.

>> No.6275085

100k sell wall, time to see if the whales are ready to play

>> No.6275111

jfc those green dildos

>> No.6275125

get ready for the wall to drop on announcement. We could well be on for a huge run here.

>> No.6275195

>muh sats
Nobody wants BTC, anon. Nobody expects it to become a viable real-life currency anytime soon.

>> No.6275199

here comes the dump

>> No.6275227

dumps dont matter after moons like this
please sell though so i can buy cheaper

>> No.6275257

but you can almost only cash out from sats, dont you get it? nobody will pay with $ for your shitty trx

>> No.6275262

TOP coin imo
I can't believe it's such a steal

>> No.6275278

I haven't bought in yet just observing. Buying into this means selling off some FUN for me, which I also don't want to do

>> No.6275369
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>me irl

>> No.6275381

Market reversing the trend. The timing for the news is perfect. I think it could be a slight disappointment. If it's a startup like they said I can't think of one that would top yesterday's news and yesterday's huge news did nothing to the price

>> No.6275476

haha yeah i considered selling some fun. I'm 50/50 in both right now lmao

>> No.6275539

It doesn't matter if the partnership is slightly disappointing, what matter is awareness and the fact there is tons of stuff coming during the next two weeks.

>> No.6275796

was it just a pajeet pnd fellas?

>> No.6275876

hardly mate $4 next baseline this week

>> No.6275975

a nigga ready

>> No.6276021
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Pajeet never pick good coins.

>> No.6276264
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h-how do i spend my neetbux on this? somebody please coach me i have a low iq

>> No.6276329

bittrex, liqui, shapeshift, otherwise brainlets have to suffer under the harsh jackboot of RLC holders very soon, sorry anon

>> No.6276331

Buy ETH/BCH on Coinbase/GDAX, move them to Bittrex/Liqui.io, convert them to BTC and buy RLC with them.

>> No.6276564
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>> No.6276571

Buy ethereum at localethereum, then send eth to bittrex and buy rlc.

>> No.6276778

Bought this coin in august. Finally it’s getting some well deserved attention!
And the best is still to come, V2 with POC.

>> No.6276813

Woaw, thats huge, were is the info about v2

>> No.6276913


>> No.6276933

how much will it increase in 12 hours and long term potential?

>> No.6276949

Im about to sell all my rlc and make this fucking market dip so hard everytime i see this absolute nonsense god damned faggot „meme“ picture

>> No.6276974

Long term potential : more than 100$
Low max supply, low mkcap

>> No.6277029

sell everything so i can buy more. just kidding i already went all in last night plz dont.

>> No.6277215

should i buy right now or wait for a dip?

>> No.6277262

buy now if it is for long term

>> No.6277731

Bittrex verification time is fucking me over, reeeee.

>> No.6277762

If you're buying less than 1 eth worth of rlc just go to liqui

>> No.6278002

That pump got sold off pretty quick...

>> No.6278250

half of the pump got sold, and this is pumping again

>> No.6278286

Kek, leave Agatha-poster alone

>> No.6278310

>half of thread hasn't even heard of iExec

The absolute state of /biz/. Even REQ will be utilizing iExec. It's number 3 after LINK/REQ in the 2019 retirement package.

>> No.6278428

whale collecting the last weak hands before $4
bigger than any of those, RLC will be running every single dApp on the network. Potential is too large to even consider, add staking and growth expectation and half the circulation will be out of supply for 5 years. $500 isn't a crazy expectation within 2 years.

>> No.6278482

Are you really going to pump this coin now?

>> No.6278607

If you get in pre exchanges youre all good bro

>> No.6278779

Aye, but if todays partnership is significant you can expect a nice pump. After new exchanges its mooning at light speeds until v2

>> No.6278872

2.6$ is that it
can even reach fuckin 5$

>> No.6278933

It could be very good news and the team seems to believe so

>> No.6278966

Mate this fucker is gonna run very hard and very soon no stress

>> No.6279056

Chill out bro. In 4 months you will be laughing

>> No.6279137

Annnnnnd pump and dump
Why is biz always so wrong yet so confident
are these people literally shills? What's the point? It's not like a few more people buying in will make a difference

>> No.6279218

>mini pump
irrelevant when this coin reaches 100$

>> No.6279226

do you newfags even know what a PnD is?

>> No.6279257

>bigger than any of those

If all three reached their true potential, the worth of REQ and LINK would out-do RLC by far. Those two are low/medium risk - extreme rewards. Meanwhile I consider RLC extremely low risk - high rewards.

It's a decent plan C, and I'll probably be buying some before it hits $2.50.

>> No.6279328
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>Didn't 10x the second I bought some
>Total shitcoin

>> No.6279334

>pump and dump

Tip top kek. It's overly nervous people like you who cause every correction because they're scared it's a PnD.

Here's a tip. If you don't intend to hold on to a coin for more than 6 months, don't buy it.

>> No.6279422

Or killing himself because he didnt buy

>> No.6279492

You hold if you want.

I'm going to take profits at the peak and buy back after it has bled out for days if not weeks.

I can't tell you how many time I've felt like a schmuck for holding just to watch a coin bleed back to where I had bough it.

>> No.6279494

>Or killing himself because he didnt buy

>> No.6279539

>crypto market
>holding for longer than 6 months at a time
uhhhh.... yeah that's one way to do it.

>> No.6279596

At some point you newfags will realize the importance of patience. Even in crypto.

>> No.6279598

Did the news already break?

It looks like it's going to dump any second.

>> No.6279703

It did not, will prob break in 3-4hours

>> No.6279758

i mean there's a risk to holding indefinitely just as there is to selling at a certain price.

"patience" can mean not investing at all, because prices could always drop to all time lows. patience can mean "don't try to get rich, you can always do that later :)" and then dying poor.

if you're making good returns i can't blame you for thinking your way is the only way, but 6 months doesn't make any sense to me unless it's bitcoin or maybe litecoin. to me, holding for a long time means you bought high and are waiting for a recovery. there's always something different gaining 5-10% every day though.

>> No.6279897

>but 6 months doesn't make any sense to me >unless it's bitcoin or maybe litecoin
You're a pleb and dont understand the nature of the blockchain revolution. I'm not even shitposting here, RLC is blockchain 3.0 and it is the best and most powerful manifestation of the ideals that will bring it to fruiition. You are still debating archaic technology and will get wrecked unless you can figure out what is really happening in this market.

>> No.6279909

I accumulated 10K RLC, will I make it boys?
Been in this since the start after the ICO srs

>> No.6279965

stop with your echochambering u fags
I have been in RLC since 60cnts

it pisses me off seeing all these shitcoins mooning and me missing them

>> No.6279976

Think about people who bought eth at 8$ and waited till today.

>> No.6280054

this was just added to bancor

>> No.6280075

>the day trader thought process
>"need to chase everything everyday"

>> No.6280079
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>> No.6280107

U sound like a bitter faggot

>> No.6280147

But how much competition did ETH have back then as far as “smart contracts”?

Everyone and their uncle is competing in the cloud computing space now. RLC has to fight tooth and nail for relevance and might lose out to its competition.

>> No.6280156
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They're done boys, time to rise to our rightful place at the right hand of the father.

>> No.6280157

If u gonna fud
atleast try


>> No.6280160

The point of the crypto game is to find and identify the gems that will survive and thrive, even if there is a crash.

I also spend a small portion of my stack daytrading and chasing these normie moon missions, but the only reason I do that is so that I can accumulate more of the gems.

A year or two from now you'll likely sit on a decent stack yourself. But you'll understand that the people who made $1M selling Ethereum at $10 aren't quite as happy as the people who held on till $700.

>> No.6280208

kek, who is even close to competing? This is eth a year ago

>> No.6280231

Maybe, but they are the only ones with PhD team specialise in cloud computing, with support from INRIA (french MIT), cnrs, chinese academy of science, academy of electronics of china, openfog consortium (microsoft, dell, intel) and with a WORKING V1.

Competitor are crap versus iexec

>> No.6280269

looks like a regular pnd.

anyway if you're assuming i'm cashing out to USD, that's only when i go on vacation senpai. i just trade more often than you because there are always opportunities. most coins have very little progress long term against bitcoin, and nobody knows how to predict long term in this market anyway. gains happen in short cycles.

i bought eth at 10, and at many prices since then. the thing is this: i bought at 10, sold at 15. then eth sat for almost a year at 8-9. i had many opportunities and trades in that time with that money. i bought again at 50 and sold around 250, then eth rose and fell a few times but yes, it was starting to become more reliable. in my mind it's still risky to hold, just like you think it's risky to make a short term profit...i guess?

not necessarily every day. but 6 months in crypto is a long time my dude. that should be a side bet if you find a good team. it's not like we have actual products or services to evaluate, we're speculating on future application.

>> No.6280299

what if the announced partnership is Dogecoin?

>> No.6280352

> i just trade more often than you because there are always opportunities
Jfc just kys mate This is the least risky hold outside eth and even eth could fall while this tech is blockchain agnostic.

>> No.6280401


>> No.6280588

you now suck my dick you faggot!

>> No.6280628

i don't feel the need to compare to be honest. i said holding is one way to do it, but ultimately anybody in this market is making money at massive rates on their investments.

he just claimed that you "shouldn't" buy any coin if you're going to sell within 6 months. that's a little juvenile imo. why is he emotional about corrections if not for buying high or getting excited about a short rally?

you should buy DGB.

>> No.6280642
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>> No.6280661

Their crypto competitors are a joke (DADI comes to mind). Their non crypto competitors might even partner with them, because they solve a lot of problems you usually find with traditional centralised cloud services.

>> No.6280690

> Their crypto competitors are a joke (DADI comes to mind). Their non crypto competitors might even partner with them, because they solve a lot of problems you usually find with traditional centralised cloud services.


>> No.6280732
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i will make you eat my shit after i fuck ass with you!!!

>> No.6280794

stfu u little twink
ill make a bitch out of you yet

>> No.6281372

>you should buy DGB
come one mate that is hardly comparable. If you don't want to invest, nobody is forcing you, but if you cant see the value position that RLC holds above the rest of the market then you're not even worth trying to convince.

>> No.6281632

All in baby

>> No.6281648

I see its value enough to hold 5500+ rlc tokens but the fact that shitcoins with hardly anything backing them up except hype moon due to all the dumb money is rather disheartening

>> No.6281761

Only during bull markets mate, come bear market, vaporware owners are going to go pink wojak in full force

>> No.6282424

Yep was pretty evident during last nights crash. Rlc was down inky 6% when true vaporware shit coins went down 25%

>> No.6283172

RLC is a 2$ Tether

>> No.6283375

And the announcement came...

And the price is just sitting there...

No one cares about this coin. Fuck.

>> No.6284061

but it hasn't been 12 hours. i didn't just all in for nothing r-right?

>> No.6284158

so... what now biz

>> No.6284270

Wait till we hit binance soon. We have strong support at 15k satoshi, with a binance addition should hit a lot higher. Volume would easily reach 20mill+

>> No.6284291

All I can say is that iexec better get its marketing together or this project is going to fucking die. It doesn't matter how good it is. If people don't know about it then it will just wither away into obscurity.

>> No.6284308

hold it for a few weeks. it should go up


>> No.6284914

Will it hit binance or are you just wishing it will?

>> No.6285185
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will i ever be able to get a bittrex account or will i just be poor forever

>> No.6285427

u can buy mine for 15 eth

>> No.6285479
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its being pumped, dont let op dump his bags on you


lol iexec???

>> No.6285569

As they said on slack : "Startups are not allowed to make comments while in negotiations with exchanges."

but we know they are working on it (and probably kucoin too)

>> No.6285846

"Big exchanges" are slated for q1 and with v2 shortly after idk why you'd want to sell the comfiest hold of all. I'm looking at it in terms of where rlc is positioned in the coinmarket rankings. Should be top 100 at MINIMUM

>> No.6285953

So with a big exchange happening within 2 months u can roll the dice and look for a pump elsewhere but u can’t deny rlc is finally gaining some traction, just look at the replies in the thread!

>> No.6286054

just bought 100k

>> No.6286175

I'm taking that risk. As much as I like RLC as a project, but without much hype I'd be better off making 200% - 300% somewhere else and buying back at at 50% premium

>> No.6286271

What u buying

>> No.6286593

Where to buy guys? Not kucoin and binance...

>> No.6286798


>> No.6286950

fuck, no registrations at this time

>> No.6287480

dis gonna be good.
get in or regret it later.

>> No.6287611


>> No.6287894

There will be a great shitcoin cleaning in late january/february, thing like Reddcoin and Digibyte will plunge into the abyss.

>> No.6288585
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Explain how is this better than using Amazon AWS connected to the smart contract through an oracle.