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6210755 No.6210755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>muslim aussie citizen here
>made insane gains in ethereum and ripple
>millionaire as of december when ripple mooned
>looking to find a tax free haven for crypto
>saw article on biz in the morning about top countries tax free of crypto
>noted down slovenia
>hours later saw thread about aussie anon going to slovenia for tax free cashing out
>OP googles 'slovenian women'
>liked what he sees
>confirmed my plan for me
>i am a muslim, why not invade yet another non muslim country

Ahh feels good being muslim, seeing my people single handedly destroying western countries whilst the brothers in the ummah have sex with western women.

Ive had so much sex with anglo aussies that im sick of it, time for me to get some slovenain pussies

Whats funny is that i have a terrorist name which you often hear in the media and yet i was still granted a 1 year stay in slovenia which i can renew at any time.

Fulls fuckin good mate! Thank you allah, this is what happens when you are muslim, the sky isnt your limit, because the sky is your battleground, allah blesses those that follow him.

Fuck slovenia, you EE cucks will bow to us, im already searching for mosques in the area of where i will be staying and there are plenty, just another cucked muslim to be country hahaha

To my muslim brothers;
Ya akhwati mein fi mnkoun hon rah 3ala hal balad?

La ilaha ila lah!!

>> No.6210891

kek, nobody responds coz u muslim.

>> No.6210941

You already made a shit thread about this before, why are you readjusting the larp? If you're truly a muslim move to fuckin albania

>> No.6210975

You just responded to me you infidel son of a bitch, lol at you.

Man i cant wait to fuck slovenian sluts, sexually liberate them.

Btw i am one of those western semetic looking muslims (blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes etc), so i run deceive games but damn when i say im muslim girls literally drop their panties.

Every girl wants a bad boy rebel

Muslim men = bad boy brutes that everyone is scared of

>> No.6211020

Im going to slovenia you son of a bitch.

I want to spread my islamic seed there in their heavenly women.

Bte that other aussie slovenia thread was another anon, this thread is inspired by his, except im a muslim and hes a whitey

>> No.6211057

record yourself doing that in france

>> No.6211088

You're gonna get the shit beaten out of you the minute you land in Slovenia (assuming they let your terrorist looking ass in). Them Central European folk are nowhere near as tolerant as the Germans.

>> No.6211122

Doing what?

Nah screw france theres enough muslim brothers there.

Im ony going to slovenia for tax free cashing out, however ill try to become a dual citizen there, slovenia and australia

>> No.6211134

not gonna lie, this really rustled my jimmies

>> No.6211185

LMAO, youre all pussies and the same.

I cant wait to land in that shit hole and start enforcing shariah on those cucks.

Everybody EVERYBODY is scared of muslims, we have an alpha bad boy terrorist reputation - WE ARE THE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION ON EVERY WESTERN MEDIA OUTLET.

We are the problem, we are the gangsters, we are the criminals.

You think a bunch of balkaniggers can hold muslims down? HAHAHA

>> No.6211244

If you're a millionaire why dont you help a fellpow muslim out and give me comission on a binance trade
referral ID 17363800

>> No.6211296

I'll take you on a nice tour to Jasenovac :)

>> No.6211342

This is some fresh autism, leave australia for good, no cunt wants you here

>> No.6211379

>You think a bunch of balkaniggers can hold muslims down?

Imagine being this ignorant of history

>> No.6211583

Kill yourself faggot,

Ill return to oz whenever the fuck i want cunt

>> No.6211587

Oh, you changed the larp from the last thread.
Last thread you were a tall, chad aryan complaining about shitskins and muzzies and how superior your anglo genes are.

>> No.6211608

U wouldnt want to do that with me boyo, theres no telling what might go down

>> No.6211634

>Imagine being this ignorant of history
The funny thing is, I bet there are non-larping muzzies that actually think that.

>> No.6211643

That was a different anon you idiot ive already said that 10 times

He confirmed my idea of going to slovenia

>> No.6211673

Lmao.... i can see Slovenian guys hunting you trough the streets ;)
Eastern europe wont fall to Islamic invaders

>> No.6211689

History between muslims and balkaniggers

>muslims flooding their countries each passing day
>more and more sand niggers breeding heavenly balkanigger sluts
>balkanigger genocide
>turkey cucking balkaniggers
>mosques and muslims all over your country
>2070 will be the year islam becomes the biggest religion on earth

>> No.6211698

truly the scum of the earth

>> No.6211793

What a joke, muslims dont go to shit hole EE countries because we invade bigger and badder countries like germany.

We cucked GERMANS, the bad boy nazis that were the alphas of europe only a few decades ago and we cucked the entireity of scandanavia aka the vikings.

You balkaniggers are not worth a spliff of spit and shit as germans and scandanavians are, they are the bad boys, you balkaniggers are the caravan highway border hoppers.

You are cockroaches waited to be stepped on, we can fuck your countries up way easier than germany, uk, scandanavia which were way harder tasks.

But muslims dont go to shit hole ee countries cause you cucks have no welfare why would we go there, i mean you cucks are struggling with the few muslims who decided to go there, imagine if ee was our target, wed literally take your shit hole countries in under a week, but wed rather go to better countries for a real challenge, we dont pick on the weak, we want the best of the best

>> No.6211907


look at the part about ceasing to be an australian resident for tax purposes you fucking retard, either you're an idiot or this is just a shit larp

>> No.6211912


Some tough bunch of cunts you are. All your "gangs" out west pay protection to white supremacist bikies lol
And if you're in melb the feds rape you on a daily basis just because you're mussies lol

>> No.6211914
File: 126 KB, 600x845, lmfaoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Virgin

Only way you're having sex, Abdul, is martyrdom.

Enjoy your 73 virgins, and please don't be mad they forgot to tell you they're all your fellow slimey, useless manlets.

>> No.6211936

you're gonna have a bad time in eastern europe, they beat shitskins up like its nothing

>> No.6211959

Read response above you cuck.

Muslims run the world.

>> No.6211983

Just banderas at this cope. The same bikies that were holding refugees welcome signs? LOOL


>> No.6211995

Will you white niggers fuck off already? Your shit threads aren't clever or redpilling.

>> No.6211999

Mashallah bro, mashallah

>> No.6212033

not in eastern Europe though, you're gonna have a bad time, if you're a shade darker. forget about it, go to Germany

>> No.6212039

so you're just gonna ignore that what you're doing is illegal? may aswell just stay in australia and not pay tax theres no difference

you'd just be going to slovenia to get beat up

>> No.6212057

I believe OP is somekind of a nigger, so might be a muslim, but still:
>thinking this is not a larp

>> No.6212065

No one is scared of goat fucking, child raping inbreds. Let me guess, you’re 5’7” and 130 lbs. you fucking faggot. All of your countries are a fucking joke and you should pray to allah everyday us western countries don’t nuke you all back to 700 bc like we can, and there’s not a god damned thing you can do about it. How does it feel, knowing your people are so inferior that we bomb your countries whenever we want with absolute impunity and could decimate you all with the push of a button? Allah is a fucking faggot just like you.

>> No.6212092

>muslim aussie
Pick one faggot

Stay in Slovenia or better yet KYS

>> No.6212122
File: 15 KB, 251x242, fgddfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allah is a fucking faggot just like you.

>> No.6212137

rofl at least we're not mudslimes, no matter how much you made on crypto you'll always be a shitty thread maker and a fuckin Muslim


>> No.6212154

No such thing as a "Muslim Aussie"

You're a Muslim and you never belonged here

>> No.6212203

Please Muslim women are the best whores, all 3 I've fucked love it in the ass. Pakistani, Arab, Kazantzakis, all they crave is atheist fuck boys

>> No.6212233

I know this is a larp but to all real muslims listening in.

When the West wakes up, and we will soon, there will be a bloodbath of Biblical proportions. And do you know whose blood it will be that we bathe in?

Filthy Muslim blood.

We're going to lynch you in the streets. Mob justice, stringing you up in plain-view. We're going to flay you in front of your mothers, sisters and wives, castrate you living, feed you your own testicles.

We will not breed with your women. We will burn them alive. All of them. Every filthy muslim who will not renounce her false god and prophet. Those women who convert to Christianity will be allowed to be slaves.

>> No.6212236

LMAO at this cope.

We run your countries you son of a bitch. Each passing day you are being bred out, more and more muslim men are breeding european women, your birth rates are not maintaining your shitty race whilst ours has trippled.

Also all the muslims are moving into your countries, you gonna nuke yourself you cuck? LMAOO

>> No.6212245

yikes, no sane white person would have sex with any of those disgusting races.

>> No.6212274

>made insane gains in ethereum and ripple
Bro, that's haram.

>> No.6212279


Fuck off wanker he’s probably a virgin by choice because of his religion. You’re probably a virgin because no one wants to fuck you

>> No.6212288

Belarus has 13%, pay and go the fuck away

>> No.6212292

LMAO at this keyboard warrior.

When is this fantasy internet uprising going to occur you fucking loser? This fantasy internet uprising has been talked about for 6 years now - since then more muslims have come into your countries and bred your women and cucked you.

Keep dreaming lil hoe, sit your ass on the side and be bred out like a good goy.

Semetics (muslims and jews) are gods people

>> No.6212297
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Pic related. No Muslim flag has ever been raised over a western capital. Can you say the same anon?

>> No.6212310

>why do people hate us oh so oppressed muslims

yeah this is why, you're absolute fucking cancer, go back to your shithole country and blow yourself up

mohammed was a psychotic rapist pedophile murderer barbaran schizophrenic analphabet goatfucking retard, and he is you choose to follow, really says a lot about your subhuman inbred tiny little intellect

>> No.6212312

Bro I’m working on an ICO for the Muslim faith called Prophet (play on the word Profit).

It will be a private utility coin that will allow us to completely follow Shariah law in the countries we enter.

Would you be interested in helping out on this venture brother?

>> No.6212313

I've fucked plenty of Muslim women, if you're white with blonde hair they're even easier than western sluts.

>> No.6212314

And you’ll always be the load your mum should have swallowed

>> No.6212340


>> No.6212343

It's like putting your dick in a pile of dogshit, no thanks.

>> No.6212371

I laugh at you imbecile. I shall bury myself is your slag mother and ride her like the camel she is. Allah will smile upon me as I plug a Muslim baby into her fat tum.

>> No.6212396

Yeah but it's worth it to see how absolutely enraged mudslime guys get when you tell them you're fucking their women. It's hilarious.

>> No.6212402 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable,,

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6212404

Keep larping cunt roflmao

>> No.6212425

you people will get removed soon enough, they only reason you've had any success what so ever is because the kikes have handed you our countries on a silver platter, but unto yourselves you're nothing but a bunch of inept stupid subhuman sandniggers

>> No.6212430

Likewise ive fucked so many white sluts.

Muslim women are plenty and bragging sbout it is pathetic.

Meanwhile white women; centuries if wars to purify their bloodline and iver night muslim alphas come pouring in and tainting your beloved sacred blood line.

All my lebanese muslim friends in australia are engaged/married to white aussies from traditional families, you are being bred out snd you arent doing shit about it, youre taking it like a good little lap dog.

Islam will always prevail, never forget that lil hoe. We will be the dominant religion and population as of 2070, the blueprint set out in our scriptures is destined for glory and victory.

Tell me how many churches exist in the middle east compared to mosques all over western countries? Tell me how many sharaiah courts are in europe compared to christian laws in the middle east.

Fucking cuck

>> No.6212429

no it's not, why would you even talk to a muslim anyway, let alone touch him, just do whatever sane white person does and ignore their existence

>> No.6212446

Mudslime? What are you fucking 14 or something. God the amount of faggots on /biz is truly remarkable

>> No.6212469

You know anon this is not a threat or anything but I would not fuck around to much with eastern countries especially if you are a foreigner. These people are not so nice as say Western citizens.

From an article: "Görlach said that the discussion regarding Islam has changed the past two years and that negative attitudes about the religion have spread to central European countries such as Poland, Hungary and Slovenia.

“The approval rate … and survey results regarding whether people want a Muslim as their neighbor has plummeted in a sense,” he said."

These people are lot less tolerant and patient, I used to have a friend as one and he was pretty aggressive himself, I would watch your toes if I where you. Less then 1% in those countries is Muslim AND WITH GOOD REASON.

>> No.6212484

>run our countries
>literally discriminated everywhere


>> No.6212505

White Christians are more empathetic than most races. We benevolently bear the burdens of other inferior peoples (like filthy, inbred mindless-drone Mulslims) because we know they are incapable of taking proper care of themselves. But when we get pushed to a certain limit--when White people chimp out--we become a principled, organized, unstoppable force.

Violence is never so spiritualized, so aestheticized, so divinely warlike as when the white man partakes in it.

You dirty, poor, shoeless beggars, surviving merely by the good graces of benevolent western countries, capable of destruction only insofar as you are capable of strapping bombs to your own bodies and running into masses of unsuspecting civilians (oh, the military might! I quake and tremble!), you really think you would not be squashed like fucking roaches under the boot of the West if we actually decided to deal with you?

The blissful delusion under which you are presently labouring will soon disappear, and with it, so too will your people, your goat-fucking culture and your false god.

>> No.6212521

Can you please fuck off back to /pol/ pls
mods ban this mongoloid retard
this is a business board

>> No.6212547

Muslim here, your behavior and the way you talk is why we are hated all over the world. I think you should go and kill yourself, you'll be doing everyone a great service.

>> No.6212560

Like a virgin being penetrated for the first time, there is bound to be some resistance at first but ultimately Allah’s will shall prevail and I will be at the cusp , staining blonde Slovenian hair with my creamy Muslim cum.

And I’ll be avoiding tax while doing it. Islam truly is the light.

>> No.6212561


Ahh dont worry.

Us muslims are feared, you think muslims care about balkaniggers?

Balkaniggers are not half the men germans, anglos, and vikings are which we have already cucked and threw away.

Taking over balkan countries is like a cake walk to the ummah LMAO.

Literally muslims will eventually take over balkanigger countries just for numerical supremacy. The hard work has already been done with the real bad boys if europe; germany, scandanavians, etc

Balkaniggers are just weak pussies that drink all day. I remember in my 90% muslim school in australia some serbian kids were always bullied etc.

Balkans are soft dude, we are muslims, the entire world fears us, we are fearless

>> No.6212567

>muslim aussie citizen here
good, gtfo lmao

muslim men actually = strange smelling people that everyone avoids because they start arguments over the most inane shit
the 'bad boy brutes' you speak of = strange smelling roid raging people that everyone avoids because they start fights over the most inane shit

>> No.6212574

You run the USA? You’re like 2% of our population you fucking retard. Must be that inbreeding going on, can’t comprehend that 2% of anything means nothing. Trump has his travel ban in place and don’t think for a moment we aren’t hoping you dumb shits don’t give him a reason to annihilate every last one of you filthy, smelly scum. Every Muslim I’ve seen in this country is below 5’9” and always under 150 lbs. emaciated from fasting and praying 50 times a day. We have technology in our CIA and NSA you mudhut living retards can’t even dream of. Please thank allah today that we allow you to exist.

>> No.6212578


Mate you cunts get chased out of the Sydney North shore as soon as you show up lol
Any white whales "from traditional families" that you're harpooning are the centrelink poorfags who buy shit houses out west and who the fuck wants those bitches.

>> No.6212586

My brother well said.

Glad to see some muslims in this thread cucking these subhumans with me,

Its literally 2 muslims vs 40 coping subhumans on here.

Fucking lol at whiteys, getting cucked on the internet and irl

>> No.6212614

muslims tongue my anus

>> No.6212616

IMO it's way too obvious, but it looks like you're still getting plenty of bites and you seem to be having fun with it, so meh, 4/10 I guess.

>> No.6212619

Soon the world will be bipolar muslims and Asians. Where are you in the equation Hitler grandchild?

>> No.6212620

>Us muslims are feared, you think muslims care about balkaniggers?
Yeah. Kebabs still having nightmares about their villages being raided, their women raped and their ears cut off to be thrown in a trophy bag

>> No.6212633
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>> No.6212642

lmao at this coping subhuman.

Sydney belongs to asians and lebos.

How does it feel to be a minority in your own country you aussie cuck

>> No.6212667

You have to go back to whatever illiterate shithole you came from. If you stay in an anglo or euro country you're going to be one of the first casualties when the race war finally pops off.

>> No.6212669

stopped reading at travel ban

lmao at this idiot, trump has taken 25,000 muslim refugees which australia REJECTED.

Trump is a cuck to muslims, has he built thst wall yet that he promised you? Fucking deluded idiot LOL

>> No.6212694


>> No.6212716

you are not welcome here

>> No.6212726


>> No.6212733

>White Christians are more empathetic than most races.
they are better in every aspect tho

>> No.6212742

What’s wrong Mudslime, how much of a manlet are you? Let me guess, you’re like 5’7” 120lbs soaking wet, right? OHHHHHH SO SCARY SANDNIGGER TRASH.

>> No.6212743

I'll have to agree on this part, our politicians are to weak to dare and stand up against Muslim immigration. And yes Muslims are breeding out other countries, they will probably replace Europe population. We will have a fallback from Technology and other things to Pagan beliefs and have Another fallback in progress like what happened with the Middleages when the Romans got wiped out.

I am sure The Muslim community will grow out to be more open towards alternatives in the future. Development takes time after all.

>you are being bred out snd you arent doing shit about it
Because people don't really care anon, lots of people are Atheists here so it's irrelevant if team Brown or team White wins. There is nothing after death anyway. Likewise I also give no shits since I'll be dead either way.

>Islam will always prevail, never forget that lil hoe. We will be the dominant religion and population as of 2070
Probably, I hope you have wizened up a bit by then and have abondened you tribe thing mentality.

>> No.6212760

Im coming whether you like it or not u son if a bitch, your country has already accepted me and granted a year visa.

Theyre begging me to come impregante your heavenly slovenian sluts

>> No.6212778


> Balkans are soft dude, we are muslims, the entire world fears us, we are fearless

Yfw every single one of you're countries are used as pawns in a proxy war between 2 white countries who secretly respect each other but are so good at killing they'll wipe each other out so instead they play games with the primitives.

>> No.6212808

Im 6'4, half greek, green eyes, and 9% bodyfat whilst weighting 225lbs (100kg).

Id snap an infidel with one hand at ease.

I converted to islam in my late teens, best desicion ever

>> No.6212827
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good luck

>> No.6212830

Hahaha kek lol

>> No.6212853


> lol this much larp

Manlet confirmed

>> No.6212862


A white guy who gets it, good to see some whiteys that arent coping and have accepted muslims and jews (gods children) as their overlords

Muslims and jews have always been in the same team, remember, they are the ones allowing us to enact this genocide, because our religions are 90% similar and theyd rather live with us than you

>> No.6212864

all the mussie can do is fantasize about impregnating white women who will never look twice at him. his thoughts are as complex as a nigger's. What he doesn't understand is that WE WILL FUCKING KILL HIM WITH A SMILE, SLOWLY, BECAUSE HE IS VERMIN, AND BECAUSE THE TRUE GOD WILLS IT.

>> No.6212877

so you arent muslim, youre just some mutt wog who converted to islam because the bullies in your western suburbs shit hole school made you

>> No.6212897

T. Convicted parents
When even UK don't want you, you know you're a subhuman not accepted anywhere

>> No.6212924


> these are semetic muslims, these are your people which we converted to islam,

LMAO at this idiot thinking albanians are real muslims, they are our pawns,

Arabs, turks, chechens, and north africans are the real muslim savages blood thirsty sex driven alphas your mother warns you about

>> No.6212939

kill yourself cunt

>> No.6212949

>religions in 2018

>> No.6212950

Ah, the famous 4chan white incel's coping

>> No.6212967


No idiot, im half greek half north african.

Im a christian orthodox on paper, but i converted to islam in my late teens when i analyzed both religions and discovered the truth

>> No.6212968

Christians, Muslims and Jews go buy some UFR so you can build some peace.

>> No.6212971

Hmm yes Germans are pretty cucked atm, I find it very peculiar they don't mind given their strong history towards world domination and violent behavior. I am curious if they will ever lash out really hard, but so far they keep picking Merkle which is very pro immigration so I am not sure what the deal is there. Perhaps the future will tell.

>> No.6212975

Central and eastern europe are nowhere near as tolerant as the west and north western regions. Does not mean you can not live there happily, just sayin'.

>> No.6212987

i know ragheads are taking over the world and shit but it'll be nice knowing that once we're gone you'll revert back to your old (or current) ways of fucking goats and children, technology will regress immensely and will take decades to recover back to where we are now.

either that or china will enslave you once we're all gone which is also a lovely thought, China are already taking over africa and they won't stop there

>> No.6213008


Remove kebab.

>> No.6213013

>Probably, I hope you have wizened up a bit by then and have abondened you tribe thing mentality.

They haven't for 14 centuries, why would they start now? They are muslims first.

Remember that imam who died in 1111 who banned math because it was the work of devil?
That is when Islam went to total shit. And has remained taht ever since.

Fuck muslims, spit on the quran, burn it, then put it where it belongs, in the trash, fuck muhammad, fuck allah.

>> No.6213038

dirty sand duner pretending he gets girls who still think all western citizens are pure blood

Surely one of the 70%+ inbreds

>> No.6213044


The future is clear;

More muslims
More mosques
More shariah
More islamic worldwide dominance

>> No.6213045

Well I don't really pick teams or get upset about the thing that are happening at the world. I just take them up at face value and given the current trends and seeing no change I'd assume they will continue. I personally don't mind since I'm pretty selfish so I only care about myself.

>> No.6213050
File: 46 KB, 600x485, coming_soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I buy NEO

>> No.6213051

not you nigger

>> No.6213064
File: 49 KB, 620x330, Genghis-Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that the based asians will fucking destroy Islam if it comes down to it.

>Genghis Khan and the following Yuan emperors forbade Islamic practices like Halal butchering, forcing Mongol methods of butchering animals on Muslims, and other restrictive degrees continued. Muslims had to slaughter sheep in secret.[3] Genghis Khan directly called Muslims and Jews "slaves" and demanded that they follow the Mongol method of eating rather than the halal method. Circumcision was also forbidden. Jews were also affected, and forbidden by the Mongols to eat Kosher.

>> No.6213066
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>> No.6213096

God you filthy mongrel: half sub-white and half nigger, half-Christian and half-muslim. What a fucking botched existence you live. And to think that you abandoned the only good things going for you (acting like a decent white man, and Christ) for limited, niggerish thoughts about "muh white pussy" and for a false, goat-fucking prophet and fairy-tale god.

The better half of you is writhing in shame at the mutt you've allowed yourself to become.

>> No.6213105

filthy Muslim ass. Slavic and Eastern European women have standards and wont date sub human dirt like you.

>> No.6213109
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>> No.6213115

ah, yes
Chinese people are interesting

I believe Islam will take over Europe with the current trends and "multicultarism". No clue what happens after, either way I'm out too much politics for one day.

>> No.6213140


Im not even an arab you fucking idiot, im half greek half libyan, i converted to islam and i support islam taking over europe via migration

Also fucking lol at your cope


Most of my arab muslim friends are engaged to white women and a lot have kids on the way.

How does tht make u feel cuck?

>> No.6213141

Let's go back to crypto ENG just showed a butterfly pattern, go buy before it's fly. Instead of arguing.

>> No.6213151

>be me, Slovenian
>mfw I wake up to this thread

You'll never fuck me, kebab. You can always fix me up with a doner though

>> No.6213162


Don't you aussies use metric system? Fuck off burger.

>> No.6213164

Yes I’m sure this is how Jesus would have commented on an internet macrame forum. You must be a trump voter

>> No.6213166

Thanks for leaving Australia you Muslim cunt

>> No.6213168

Pls don't come back

>> No.6213187


Pole here. Have extensive business contacts in the Balkans.
If you think you can cuck ex-Yugos, already start lubing up your ass.

>> No.6213192


>> No.6213199

Come to Serbia habibi, we'll treat you well

>> No.6213201

Don't thank him. Ask Aborigines for forgiveness

>> No.6213211

These mongols are today known as turks which are the most formidable muslim force,

Also; indonesia, malay, bengal, burma

Fucking lol, you are running out if cope, relying in asians who are already mostly pracicing muslims isnt gonna save you cuck boy

>> No.6213214
File: 92 KB, 436x600, 90747690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody EVERYBODY is scared of muslims
correction: everybody is scared of groups of muslims. alone you are nothing but overcompensation pussies. never seen a muslim mouth off like they do in groups.
pathetic culture. pathetic religion.

>implying i give a fuck about roasties that willingly get fucked by the likes of you
have them. you deal with their bullshit. just wait until that western liberation beats the "alpha" right out of you... that iphone and those brand name clothes come at a price:

your cultural identity. just ask the white man how it worked out for him. the management is jewish (which isn't that bad, if you know how to play the system), not muslim. and you'll go through the same cultural shift that we went through, just to lose all that made you, you.

see you on the other side, when you mongrels are ready to play nice ;)

>> No.6213259

You bro you know how many dirty married Muslims sluts I have fucked, I am Aussie by the way, fucked so many of your smelly slut wives it's not even funny dude, they completely want to be slaves to western cock but to scared they will have their clits cut out if they got caught by u dirty fuckers, they have told me before. Once fucked a Muslim bitch and cam in her and she went home and fucked her dirty husband not long after I busted my load in her, what I dumb cunt for not even realising

>> No.6213275

LOL more coping.

EE's are the biggest sluts and give it up for muslim men on demand, for crying outloud i am a product of the muslim effect, my mother is greekcand father is muslim.

This is happening all over the world

Muslim cock reins supreme, women want bad boys not pasty cucks

>> No.6213284

The spirit that impels you to love your neighbour is one with the spirit that impelled Christendom to the Crusades. I am peaceable by nature, but it is time we make ourselves hard. The invader is bragging about destroying our people and ways of life. The West stands idly by, watches silently as he does so, in the name of "tolerance" and "acceptance".

I will no longer be a part of the paralyzed masses. I will not stand idly by. Deus Vult, for God and the West. These mongrels must learn where they belong in the pecking order once again. It is our responsibility to remind them.

>> No.6213304

Consent sex isn't a crime

>> No.6213312

Asians are already letting muslims overrun their countries

>> No.6213339

Im coming back in a year u fuucking idiot do u think im leaving forever LOL?

P.s 30 of my family members are coming over from the middle east in march. All of which were granted citizenship

>> No.6213346

nah but being raped is if youre a muslim woman

>> No.6213361

When all it really all Australians autistic as fuck, even their sandniggers?

This kid probably never even left his shitty little bumfuck nowhere town and now he plans world domination.

No one gives a fuck if you are Muslim.

>> No.6213371
File: 186 KB, 500x332, lgbt_islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just wait until that western liberation beats the "alpha" right out of you
kek, this too. Muslims brag about invading Europe, but they're gonna regret it.
The True Islam is Fabulous

>> No.6213375

I'm not a women and I'm not a muslim

>> No.6213391


Have you heard of pity sex?

How can you be so convinced they are pureblood anon? You guys all keep DNA and check the family history afterwards?

Doesn't matter anyway, I'm sure they take every protective measure before and after to flush any evidence of your filthy genes out

Stay inbred like the overwhelming majority of your third world brothers

>> No.6213401
File: 53 KB, 750x500, Yao-Ming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tall, rich Asian dude and there's a 5'6 Muslim guy who goes to my gym. I'll say "hello" to him, just for you, faggot.

Also, if you ever said to my face that asians are "mostly pracicing muslims", you'd better be a good runner.

Yeah, China, Japan, Korea, definitely Muslim. Nah.

The Philippines army is kicking Muslim ass too.

>> No.6213406

>no friends or anyone care shit about you because you are a weirdo
>join a group, having friends
>feel confident now because of having "friends"
>girls like confident men, fucking 2-3 white fat roasties
>getting more confident because of fucking 2-3 white fat roasties
>Allahu Akbar

>> No.6213432 [DELETED] 

Weak wait

>> No.6213453

Weak bait

>> No.6213458

>muh cockroachs
>look at the numbers
>i`m so proud

>> No.6213464

LMAO a micro penis gook acting tough online.

Back to world of warcraft you rice nigger shit skin gook. This is a discussion between men, not subhuman gooks that are despised by their own women

>> No.6213510

love u allahBro
thanks for the laugh
now go kys

>> No.6213520

what to expect there upon arrival:


>> No.6213525

Crypto is Haram. Ask your imam it is gambling

>> No.6213550


Atheist crusade with Russia, China and Europe when? Forget about the burgers. They're just on the other side of the religious delusion scale.

>> No.6213555

>subhuman gooks that are despised by their own women
Not really. Sure, there's a sizable portion with white fever, but China is doing fine with it's population. You think I give a shit that one asian women gets with another race, when there are 10 more who will only date asian men?

Kill yourself subhuman muslim.

>> No.6213575

Do you have a father? I think you are a son a gang rape

>> No.6213594

Can you really cash out tax free in Slovenia? Slovenia is 15min drive for me, can anyone post sauce for this instead of feeding the muslim troll?

>> No.6213599

LMAO at this low T, submissive slit ehed shove head gook acting tough online.

Gooks are literally the lowest life form, you are beta by nature and blood you micro penis shit skin.

Your own women despise you and would rather date niggers than asian 'males' i use the term males loosely, you are subservient cuckolds

>> No.6213616

Fuck true, been to Into crypto and totally forgot about what these pack rapping goat fuckers are doing in Europe, Op has to rape to get our good western pussy where I only have to wait for Any stupid Muslim cunt to go to church on a Friday for hours to get that smelly mussie pussy

>> No.6213624
File: 24 KB, 1357x628, National_IQ_Lynn_Vanhanen_2006_IQ_and_Global_Inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense but I seriously doubt you made money if you are a Muslim.

Muslim countries have one of the hightest concentration of inbred people in earth, so they have a lower IQ. And they are also very emotional. Not good at all for crypto trading.

>> No.6213673

Such a spik dog thing to say. Tfeh you are all dirty fukin smelly BO ridden non ass wiping pig. Of course you don’t eat your own kind.

>> No.6213680

>Gooks are literally the lowest life form
coming from a half-nigger

>> No.6213717

The IQ is jut for losers cause a kid can score more than you.

>> No.6213736

>coin goes bearish
"La,yalla, yalla, allahu akbar, YALLA, LA, LA, LA!!!!!"

>> No.6213737
File: 36 KB, 600x440, astaghs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whilst the brothers in the ummah have sex with western women
>Ive had so much sex with anglo aussies that im sick of it, time for me to get some slovenain pussies

adultery is a great sin in Islam, fear Allah and Jahanam

>> No.6213752

You don't need to be that smart to make money here tho
You just buy and hodl
This from a Latin kek

>> No.6213786

Not Asian, white Aussie but you are so fucking wrong on that dip shit, fucking seen Asian women fucking do anthing for their Asian husbands, fuck they will ask for permission and shit before they even shit bro, and they love it. Also as the anon said their birth rate is doing a-ok. Stop fucking dreaming how you think the world is for you stupid sand niggers

>> No.6213788
File: 179 KB, 1308x1332, 1430716252240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Muslim flag has ever been raised over a western capital. Can you say the same anon?

Constantinop-, I mean Istanbul would like a word with you. Also we had spain and like 1/4th of europe at one point

>> No.6213809

pls respond

>> No.6213820

The fuck are you talking about, OP? Slovenia is not a tax haven.

t. someone from a neighboring country

>> No.6213838

Yup. No problem...

>> No.6213850

>western capital
>byzantium: the EASTERN roman empire
please roach, you're embarassing yourself...

>> No.6213857

Can you not do your own research, god damn, never take the word of someone on the internet, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, fucking retard.

>> No.6213863



>> No.6213931

not you little neger

>> No.6213939

No, these retards are confusing crypto not being considered a monetary asset with HURR NO TAXES.

I'm from Hungary, here I would actually have to pay twice the tax if I were to cash out, since it's considered part of the catch-all 'other income' category. So 15% income tax and 22% public health insurance contribution vs. just 15% income tax for monetary assets.

I'm guessing the same is true for the Slovenes.

If you want to cash out tax free and you have the money, citizenship in St. Kitts and Nevis costs $150k until March with their hurricane fund. Normally it's 250k.

>> No.6213949
File: 357 KB, 2928x2928, 1426401423249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And London, soon enough.

>> No.6213963


> talking about war in an era where only numbers mattered and not in the modern era where we became the perfect killing machines by slaughtering our honoured brothers in the blood soaked fields of France

Mussies can't get out of the past can they

>> No.6214006

tfw when ministry of finance of my country announced that they cant tax the coins. any coin. tfw no taxxx yasssssssssssssss

>> No.6214053

Which country would this be, and sauce?

>> No.6214073

I'm sorry to say this but you'll get killed over there, monkey mudslims are raping and pillaging here.
You'll get deported or beaten to shit

>> No.6214094


And it completely went to shit since then

>> No.6214354


>> No.6214360

/biz/ hurry up
ADC just passed over $22M market cap

Don't miss this x50 moon: >>6202164

>> No.6214386
File: 6 KB, 200x200, zcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hashflare is the easiest site to cloud mine ETH out there, i've started last week and it's working just fine.
Buy Scrypt, SHA-256, ETHASH, EQUIHASH hashrates with any Debit Card, and you are good to go !

Here is a step by step guide "How to Mine BTC via Cloud Mining" : http://www.howtobuyiota.blogspot.com/2017/12/how-to-mine-btc-via-cloud-mining.html

So you can start mining with my discount code here is: https://hashflare.io/r/3D06004C

>> No.6214562

Not if you are a trader

>> No.6214578
File: 92 KB, 691x767, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy bait friend.
You're more than welcome to come to Bulgaria
this is how "Alpha muslim bad boys" get welcomed here.
Dont forget to call a few human rights agencies so they can record a video of you saying about how bigotted and racist we are and how badly you were mistreated once you get beaten the shit out of and thrown somewhere in a ditch.





Thanks for the laughs though. Now back to being the laughing stock of the world.

>> No.6214596

turkey. go find it out yourself.

>> No.6214608

i swear muslims are like a cancer on this planet. 5 billion people living without raping or dressed as ninjas, having fun, drinking, listening to music, eating, having pets and caring for animals, no beheadings. then there is the 1 billion viruses who for some reason cant to the things above...its a shame there women aren't born covered in black cloth like their drunk god intended.

>> No.6214642

Slovenian here...

There's a lot of mis-info regarding crypto gains in Slovenia.
If you invested without daily trading, your gains are tax free. This means HODL only
But if you were trading intensifly, on weekly or daily level, you will need to pay tax ;)

So don't get surprised when you will need to pay us tax in the future. Maybe then we will finish our first mosque, which still needs 30M in funding because of incompetence of long term planning with Kuwait moniez

>> No.6214672


Haha says the circumcised goat fucker nanopenis

>> No.6214930

Fuck mozzies

>> No.6214955

Christian here from Arab background. You're going to hell but I still laughed.

>> No.6215002
File: 104 KB, 604x453, digibyte bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muslim aussie
Good riddance. Go on, get outta here.

>> No.6215056

If Slovenia is even 1/3 as harsh as V4 countries your muslim ass is dead

>> No.6215239
File: 8 KB, 480x269, 1512400834090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

montenegro fag here, slovenia actually hates our kind and was one of the few european countries who didn't take syrian refugees

but knowing slovenian women you might actually score some kek

I thought you were cool until that post, go fuck yourself, like a third of us are muslims too

>> No.6215287

Slavic women are whores anon, they have stinky pussies too. Don't fuck one unless you want to get AIDs

>> No.6215313


>> No.6215856
File: 1.62 MB, 750x1334, DDDAB5F2-E93F-4411-BC28-1C59776E10DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I look kind like a light skinned muzzie

I hate muzzies they all try to be my friend, little do they know I hate them and helped “turn back the boats” in the military and loved it.

I want them gone and have done everything in my power to make it so, I’m strong right leaning, but I get demoralised everytime a normal people look at me like I’m a shitskin and assume my mental state

>> No.6215929

Fuck the a*

Straya cunt

>> No.6216119
File: 22 KB, 470x316, more girls signing bombs.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah you gigantic faaggot jew here look at how much we love you we keep sending you nice gifts everyday