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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6199817 No.6199817 [Reply] [Original]

Are alts done for?

>> No.6199909

Chances are that this is it, yes.

>> No.6200038

Surly this has nothing to do with ETH mooning...

>> No.6200054

I don't know what to do, sad thing is if I just sold all my alts, which were all at like 100% for the week and put it all into ETH I would be a rich man right now

>> No.6200095

Show's over, pack your bags OP

>> No.6200213

I feel like im going to cry soon. 30% gone across my portfolio. $4000 gone in just a couple hours. Im not sure whats going to happen next.

>> No.6200214

I cashed out xlm so I can fall asleep. I'm comfortable holding Link and ICon. Tomorrow I'll pick up some shit at a discount , not too concerned

>> No.6200282

I sold all my alts, took the loss, and moved into ETH for the night

>> No.6200289

Probably a lot of people haven't experienced an altcoin crash yet, so enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.6200313

This has happened every couple months for the last year, every time there's a massive alt bull run it corrects and money moves into BTC or ETH, if you haven't sold yet probably best to just hodl for a couple days

>> No.6200337
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>holding any of these shitcoins

>> No.6200373
File: 35 KB, 362x547, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH being over $1k defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1k?

>> No.6200396

lmao I'm up 20% on the day, why do you guys own shit coins, and not own any neo? Neo is literally free money it will guarantee go up 400% in the year

>> No.6200425

This. There is nothing abnormal about what is happening right now. If you didn't sell at the top just hold and maybe you can sell at a new top in a few weeks or a month if you're lucky.

>> No.6200432

Found the new guy

>> No.6200465

Have to trade dispassionately in a market like this.

>> No.6200486

>all my picks are up


>> No.6200520


>> No.6200535

Fucking cryptonewfags are just here for the money. They don't understand the concept is supposed to be accumulate as many coins as possible

>> No.6200588
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>> No.6200642

What do you usually do in this situation? Sell at a loss and ride ETH pump? Or should I just hodl and hope my alts recover in a couple weeks or so.

>> No.6200687


definitely haven't seen comments like yours in the past days.... eth has been pumping for like 10 days and your magic ball is always calibrated right?

>> No.6200724

What you did was a mistake. You will see your ETH squeak out maybe 100-200$ and think you've made the right choice, but within 24 hours your alts will have recovered around 20% and that ETH position is going back under where you bought it.

>> No.6200738

are you a fucking noob or something?

>> No.6200741
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1515426195390s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious? in this volatile market this happens all the time. babbbys first percentage dip?

>> No.6200826
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1514578924654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seeing this and saying, where are the fucking gains-- go to kucoin, here's my referral:


Now you're going to say, well yeah fuck you pajeet im not falling for this scam "kuck" site. Well if you check out the market stats there top coins are only down max 10 percent (new coins like CANYA are up, imagine that). Because of all the new money pouring in from asia, it's literally bizarro ALT world. So if you're convinced check it out, and use my ref as thanks.

You're welcome

>> No.6200989

Its never a good idea to panic sell an alt dip on a BTC/ETH run. Within 24 hours these alts will have recovered 20% of their losses. Been in the markets a long time, 2 years crypto, 3 years stocks and options this happens like clockwork.

>> No.6201028

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.6201127

I always double down from my reserves. Scary as hell, but always works. Like catching a predictable mini-moon.

>> No.6201136

This bunch of retarded newfags FOMOing in whatever is green. I am expecting some more JUST when it crashes kek. Also this will lrob crash the whole market back to 600 - 500 BIL or something. We are going to be bearish for a while.

>> No.6201155
File: 88 KB, 540x540, 1515384086008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the great ethereum boom

ETH is beating ass, and the alts can't keep up. Thats why there is negative change WHEN PAIRED WITH FUCKING ETH YOU RETARDED MOUTHBREATHING NORMIE SCUMBAG PIECE OF IGNORANT FUD SHIT FUCK

>> No.6201163

New copypasta?

>> No.6201201

>The great shitcoin crash
Literally every single one in your post is a shitcoin. Have fun holding all of those bags.

>> No.6201212

Thats why the smart investors say you always keep cash on the sidelines for dips ;)

>> No.6201262

I took the losses on XLM, TRX and REQ and went all in on LINK. I lost about 50% of my TRX profit and I was always in the red with XLM. REQ was in the middle there but sold for a loss.

LINK was my comfy hold but I was just less than 50% in so now I'm over 70%

>> No.6201276

They are shrinking market cap too. That means Eth has become the new btc. Whenever it moves people sell off everything for them 20% gains.

>> No.6201397

Please let all these shitcoins crash.

>> No.6201413



>> No.6201427

Well yeah, I actually keep Eth on the sidelines as my reserve. Works even better now that eth is causing the crash.

>> No.6201633
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>not hedging with eth


>> No.6201671

Buy high, sell low. You're going to make it.

>> No.6201698

what should we be buying during this dip?

>> No.6201779
File: 51 KB, 728x665, 1499161799385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d2g on /biz/

>> No.6201870

Elf is about to go ham I think. It was on an upward trend cut short.

>> No.6202534

im a quality ref fisher alright, dont just fucking throw it around like a goddam retard and i dont really need them anyway. meta side racket while i shitpost