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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 168 KB, 690x871, blockexplorer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6188828 No.6188828 [Reply] [Original]

wtf is this

>> No.6189095

what website even is this m8
can't help you if we don't know

>> No.6189145


>> No.6189294

We tried to tell you /biz/
Dragon Slayer was never a lie.
Craig Nakamoto will not have it.

>> No.6189312
File: 1.98 MB, 164x275, 1514437827455-biz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn, that's kind of a big deal
will be an even bigger deal if other major services follow their lead

>> No.6189398

i thought it was just a stupid meme

>> No.6189488


>> No.6190043

how many do i need to make it

>> No.6190047

Whats blockexplorer?

>> No.6190093


>> No.6190133

>major services
a shitty block explorer site

>> No.6190175

I'm never gonna buy BCH. I will stick to shitcoins.

>> No.6190183


>> No.6190255

5k bch by the end of the week

>> No.6190272

0, BCH will face the same issues as BTC at scale

BTC will resume it's role as both a store of value and also as digital cash with lightning network.

>> No.6190285

Bitcoin cash is also being pushed by the chinese government cause of the WePay happenings , blockstream is dying and Roger VER will be known as the BITCOIN JESUS

>> No.6190309

Oh yeah, just the most used BTC Block Explorer there is. But you're right

God i swear you fucking stupid cunts who probably don't even know what a Block Explorer is can kys.


>Stay Fucking Poor /biz/

>> No.6190310


huh, OP not lying.

Not quite sure if this means anything though

>> No.6190391

A scumbag like Roger being referred to as Jesus is multiple levels of fucked up. This civil war is just conceding the #1 spot over to Ethereum.

>> No.6190398


>> No.6190546

Bcash is a scam. It will crash to nothing and disappear forever. Bitcoin is Bitcoin, and will be forever.

>> No.6190633


>> No.6190649

literally anyone can code up a block explorer

just so happens this one was one of the first and got a big userbase, and also happened to be run by a guy who is currently getting fooled by the BCH meme.

Was bound to happen somewhere.

There really is nothing to worry about here.

>> No.6190659

Lightning network is a Jewish scheme.

>> No.6190682
File: 245 KB, 1430x907, bitcoin cashh now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6190715

block explorers are a dime a dozen

>> No.6190771


Corecucks like this will keep you poor /biz/

>> No.6190933

Ah okay, insults and racist conspiracy theories.

Got it, I'm sure you BCH dudes are the ones that are right.

>> No.6191214

wow you're actually a jew aren't you.
I wasn't sure where I stood during this bitcoin civil war. Now it's clearer to me.

>> No.6191242

> $20 fees
>days to confirm
Can retards who have absolutely zero fucking clue please keep quiet? Why do they have to talk complete and utter shit?
Less than $10 fee and you still get confirmed in an hour... fucking two days what the shit is he smoking
Bcash shills literally that desperate

>> No.6191353

I’m sorry reddit, on 4chan we know bankers are Jews. Lightning network is a banker scheme. Better for you? Not triggered sweetie?

>> No.6191388

And I didn't even read the bottom part about renaming bitcoin to legacy and bcash to bitcoin... shit man there are some greedy fucks in this game

>> No.6191460

>sees one person who might be a jew support a coin
>instantly hates the coin
clearly an intelligent and rational investor

>> No.6191471

Hey chink cock sucking commie, go sell some explosives to domestic terrorists then go get run over in tiananem square

>> No.6191512

shhhh... dude how new are you?
BCH must be shilled to the idiots so they get dumped.
never doubt the king

>> No.6191515
File: 52 KB, 581x593, 1513204358986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha youre so mad right now! I love it!

>> No.6191702

You guys seem mentally unstable.

Honestly if you idiots are the ones I'm trading against please just...keep doing what you're doing.

There's a reason racist tendencies are correlated with lower than average intelligence.

>> No.6191905

>muh correlation
youre not as smart as you think you are

>> No.6192054

all i ever hear from corecucks is how bad chink miners are and how chinks are scam artists like ver and wright. fucking hypocrite. kys nigger

>> No.6192064
File: 12 KB, 222x227, 3552C114-B678-44FB-9FEE-C5DE1840FB0F-2998-0000010A4CEA9890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off you go

>> No.6192192

Jewish influence in European societies isn't racist you fucktard. Historical and social events aren't racist. Are you going to tell me next that saying whites colonized African countries is racist to white people? Fuck off back to /r/politics or whatever fantasy land you came from.

>> No.6192349

It's funny because i'm not racist. It's people like you who are just here for a fucking Cash Grab with your fiat. I want to see Bitcoin and Ethereum ACTUALLY become an accepted currency. BCH genuinely works for this. I use a BCH debit card through shift and I pay like 13 cent fees when moving my money around and it happens within 5 minutes of me broadcasting the transaction.

BTC maxamalists and people like you are ruining the ecosystem.

Go back to Plebbit and Invest in Confido or something faggot.

>> No.6192471

Reading something you don't like then trying to label the poster as a jew because in your world anything a jew says is pure malice, just so you don't have to make a proper argument...
Not all racists are dumb.. I'd say you need half a brain to realize we're not all equal. But instantly falling back onto racist or antisemetic bullshit (that isnt even releated to the post mind you) because you have no rebuttal to a point made, makes you a dumb fuck beyond all dumb fucks
Its like an sjw labelling anyone they don't agree with a rapist nazi, even though they are just are normal person with a different point of view

Dont be a rabid sjw

>> No.6192501

This guy fucks

>> No.6192561

>muh horseshoe theory

>> No.6192659

>huur you're only here for cash grab
And yet you support a fork thay only exists so a group of already mega rich scammers can co-opt the bitcoin name and become even more filthy mega rich...

Pretty much every 3rd Gen coin blows the fuck out of bcash. Even fucking 2nd Gen coins like ltc and doge..
there's no reason for bcash to exist other than fuelling money into the pockets of Roger ver and bitmain. You aren't advancing the crypto community by supporting such a thing, you're hindering it by promoting civil war

Fuck off hypocrite

>> No.6192743

Yes exactly
If you dont recognize it, it means you're one of the fucked in the head cunts

>> No.6192862

you idiot you dont even realize why the blockchain is good or the benefits of POW

>> No.6192938

Ltc and doge have pow and are better than bcash

>> No.6193041

I never called you a Jew, however a gentleman above me called Lightning a Jewish scheme and you called him a racist. How is calling Lightning a Jewish scheme racist? If I call rap music a creation of impoverished inner-city negroes a Black scheme, that's not racist, it's a fact. I guess facts are racist now?

>> No.6193068

>pursing your own racial group interest is racist and antisemetic and SJW tier

>> No.6193115

Clearly your meatloaf level IQ has prevented you from understanding "Bcash." I have no reason to fight with you or your Dunning Kruger level of intelligence. We will see who wins in the end.

It's funny because I don't want top have to support Bitcoin Cash, i'd love if Bitcoin could just work the way it was designed, but unfortunately those who are in charge of it have different plans for it. There would be no applicable "Horseshoe theory" if it hadnt been fucked with in the first place.

>> No.6193222

There is a far stronger correlation between race and average intelligence. Guess which race is far below the average?

>> No.6193280

>Roger ver

>> No.6193354

Even your ID says your a Jew. Just kys already

>> No.6193423


I see jaw anon, unless you think 4 looks like an e or a 3.

>> No.6193522

They are good at concealing themselves

>> No.6193571

>your a jew
illiterate retard detected

>> No.6193933

>falling for /pol/ tier slide tactics

PSA: if there are shills baiting you into a race discussion then they want to distract you from the fact that the dragonslaying is happening

>> No.6193996

Yes, goy, it's the jews, don't buy that coin. Here, buy doge, much nazist, hehe.

>> No.6194026

Also this.