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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6186292 No.6186292 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally from the UFR whitepaper...

"Upfiring is an innovative upgrade to modern-day P2P file-sharing technologies and seeks to
revolutionize the industry. We firmly believe that file-sharing should be decentralized and
incentivized, and that the adoption of a blockchain and cryptocurrency for these purposes
provides a huge potential for future growth. Incentivizing the file-sharing process will allow
our network to grow at an exponential pace and ensure a competitive decentralized
marketplace is established. The use of smart contracts will allow transactions to be verified and
recorded on the public blockchain so that any disputes can be solved easily within the Upfiring
community. We believe Upfiring will be the pioneer of incentivized blockchain file-sharing and
are enthusiastic about establishing this platform in a trustless environment. "

>> No.6186318

Shh!!!! Delete plz! I want all the gains for myself!

>> No.6186359

im already in anon
we gonna make it

>> No.6186562

is 50 coins enough? I wanna make 6 figures from this coin

>> No.6186600

lmao, yes friend. we will all make it.

>> No.6186602

Just bought some more

>> No.6186641

UFR is an astroturf by whales meant to distract noobs from the coming VTR moon mission. Screencap this.

>> No.6186651

ok thanks goiym. Holding my 50 until $1000

>> No.6186691

still cant believe this relentless shilling has actually worked lol

>> No.6186709

Buy on ED or Crypt? Cheaper on ED but it looks retarded to navigate

>> No.6186716

UFR just got listed on IDEX. It will start asap

>> No.6186749

Trying to sell some zrx for more of this bit ed is being a bitch as usual

>> No.6186778

Imagine actually being able to find those torrent files with no seeders, or even getting paid to seed them !!

Can't wait for this to take off

>> No.6186908

That plus it's a good project

>> No.6186929

Not cheaper at all. A lot of transactions and the Gas price is too high. I just lost 50$ on Etherdelta between deposits, orders,cancelling orders, and whithdraws.

>> No.6187094

Coin with an actual use case, rare these days

>> No.6187186

can i trust this? https://www.upfiring.com/UFR.html

trying to move my ufr off cryptopia and really fucking scared of burning my tokens

>> No.6187230

I'm on board with UFR.

- Low market cap
- Solves a problem: torrents dying all the time, shitty public trackers
- Does not have 134235 competitors using blockchain

- Mostly unknown team (but understandable seeing it's torrents)

>> No.6187358

leave them on cryptopia. why would you move them?

>> No.6187455

It's not a wallet that you can send UFR to it.Make a new wallet on Myetherwallet.
0x000.... the only burning adresse

>> No.6187760
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>> No.6187902

How good is this anon? Are people sucking dick to get it yet? I saw threads about people sucking dick for trx/colx/cvc/ost/link today. I can't buy a coin until someone starts sucking dick to get it. Makes me feel like I have a better investment.

>> No.6187970

50$ is definitely possible within 2 months.
Coin has some tech behind it that could be used for various things no one can even predict yet.

>> No.6188159

Cryptopia has such a low withdrawal cap for unverified accounts. Probably doesn't want to spend 3 months transferring it out once it moons.

>> No.6188217

I would suck every dick in here if it hit $50 a coin

>> No.6188226

i would suck 10 dicks per 1 ufr in 3 months time

>> No.6188290

took me awhile but been watching the price action on this one and it's a tank, some youtuber shilled it today as well

>> No.6188345
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 1512740311908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fuck, I'm literally missing on the moon mission right now because of a fucking retarded exchange, I WANT UFR AND I WANT IT NOW REEEEEEEEE, GIVE ME MY MOON MISSION BACK FUCKING CU CK COIN, FUCKING PAJEET EXCHANGE.

>> No.6188469

I just started with Etherdelta. Its taking over an hour to transfer my ethereum from metamask. If I turn my computer off will the transfer still go through? where is my eth located when it's in the "etherdelta smartcontract"

>> No.6188478
File: 3.98 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 6x my investment with UFR in less than two weeks

>> No.6189271

get in before its too late boys

>> No.6189545

ED is systemically blasting my ass with failed transactions

ufr moon belief strong

>> No.6189683


>> No.6189742

lol, low market cap

market cap is over 1 500 000 000

total supply of tokens is announced to be 600 000 000, check out etherscan and their ann

>> No.6189926
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>> No.6189973

Not sure where you got those numbers lol

>> No.6190307

go to cmc where you're apparently getting YOUR numbers, click explorer (etherscan), or click announcement (bitcointalk - read the first post)

>> No.6190362
File: 15 KB, 400x267, ufrmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy UFR now its price has gone up more than 2 dollars in less than one week this is gonna mooon

>> No.6190433

nice FUD

>> No.6190436

market cap is less than 40 M

>> No.6190467

so many people are gonna get dumped on lol

these bags will be legendary in all of crypto

>> No.6190479

I see, but how exactly does that raise the actual market cap from 40m to 1.5b? Wouldn't that just affect the supply?

>> No.6190512

how is it FUD when I am literally giving you the exact sources on my claims?

>> No.6190569


do you know what burned tokens are?

>> No.6190631

Serious question, is UFR's marketing department dedicated solely to /biz?

You are the only Alt that I get the strong impression is marketing, and not random people shilling their bags (which is preferable).

>> No.6190638

how long have you been doing this? if you buy 1 token today for say 2 dollars, what do you think that token will be worth when all 600 000 000 tokens are in circulation? if it is to be worth 2 dollars still, the market cap needs to be 1,2bn

>> No.6190699

Honestly people, look at all of the immediate replies, and half of the rest of them.


>> No.6190738

UFR doesn't need marketing.

>> No.6190871

You realize theres only 24 million coins and none can ever be generated again right? Not 600 million. Around 600 million were burned.

>> No.6190883

you forgot to reply to my post, do you know what burned tokens are?

>> No.6190998

People are saying that cuz cryptooa isnt allowing registration. Once it does the floodgates will open

Nice FUD. If you replace bags with gains and cross out the dumping part you will be correct. Dont take my word for it,let time validate my claim

>> No.6191037

Yea I understand that but you made it seem like the coins were about to be put into circulation. That's all the confused me. But the coins were already burned so....see ya on the moon?

>> No.6191099

Yes just realized they were all burnt. Anon up there ^ almost had me convinced they were adding more. Thanks for informing me sir

>> No.6191138

Yea recycle some chuck norris joke that will convince these people your coin is the shit. They must all be retarded, after all.

To everyone rational, UFR is not under the radar, it's not super special, and it's not going to MOOON.

And that's coming from someone who has owned UFR for a while now.

>> No.6191210

where do I buy? binance doesn't have shit anymore. been looking to buy in UFR seems like everyone is making money but me.

> sadpepe

>> No.6191224

Does your dad also work at nintendo?

>> No.6191279


>> No.6191401

oh mama i'm making it big. up 600% so far

>> No.6191411

Are they really burned? They still show up in etherscan... Guys, wtf is this

>> No.6191509


>> No.6191622

Granted, I hadn't seen the thread on burning. Where are the last 185 000 000 tokens then? Their ann speaks about a reserve of 400 000 000 to be distributed at a later time, after the first 600 000 000. They have burned only 791 000 000.

>> No.6191704
