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6176542 No.6176542 [Reply] [Original]

>VERY worried about bitcoin
>Says it has $50-100 fees and it could take hours or days or not even go through at all
>Unreliable which is why HE USES BITCOIN CASH

Anyone else remember Roger Ver's CNBC interview? Honestly I can smell his bull shit from 10 miles away. Filthy fucking whore.

>> No.6176616

yup i dont trust this shitfuck at all lol

>> No.6177400

he is bitcoin Jesus after all, he wants to save it

>> No.6177488

This shitfuck rides his reputation on making you money, albeit slowly.

>> No.6177506


>> No.6177574

I don't own bch, but let's be honest, it's better than btc.

>> No.6177583

he isn't wrong tho

>> No.6177647
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nothing personal BCH fanboys

>> No.6177661

MT Gox is a great company.

>> No.6177733

He doesn't know. Holy fuck by the end of this year raiblocks is gonna look like current bitcoin.

>> No.6177735

fuck off cunt

i pay maximum $10 fee and transfers on the blockchain under 30 minutes. i get it's not great but the shit he is saying is simply not true.

>> No.6177864

he's telling the true, though. bcore is not the real bitcoin.

>> No.6178413

Bitcoin Core is literally UNUSABLE. You dumb cucks are so brainwashed from /r/Bitcoin it's embarrassing. It's only a matter of time before Bitcoin Cash takes over. Once smart contracts are implemented Core will be finished

>> No.6178506


>bitcoin is shit

nice, I just switched to ethereum

>> No.6178541

fucking hell you're joking right? you can't actually believe the shit you're saying right?

>> No.6178585

>mfw cashies and corecucks are still arguing meanwhile the whole market is leaving them behind

>> No.6178639

I don't get the hate for this guy. He seems reasonable in the interviews he gives. Why the nerdrage?