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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6163344 No.6163344 [Reply] [Original]


Where my /neobros/?

>> No.6163378

How many do I need to become a millionaire?

>> No.6163386

>tfw only 8 NEO

what's up?

>> No.6163428

so annoyed meant to buy some yesterday but forgot. should i buy now or wait for a mini correction

>> No.6163441
File: 90 KB, 1852x467, hmmm neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the first moon only bigger

and I've seen a threat that said neo was going to get added to coinbase rumor

>> No.6163465

50 NEO here


>> No.6163497
File: 261 KB, 1100x700, ComfyNEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still very comfy

>> No.6163517

250 NEO reporting for duty, sir. Not lambo territory but still comfy.

>> No.6163544

comfy 100 reporting in

>> No.6163629
File: 9 KB, 299x168, 1512895560858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw used to have 440, but sold some to hodl monero

>> No.6163690

Same, got in at 23.90. Very comfy. I made a decision to never sell ever.

>> No.6163717

150 here, enough for 1 gas a month. It's decent

>> No.6163760

3,300 NEO

$500 lezzgo

>> No.6163771

It’s not getting added to coinbase. Ever. Best case scenario is bittrex adds gas rewards, or it gets added to poloniex

>> No.6163823

if $500 by net year I'm getting the ant tattooed on me with galaxy eyes

>> No.6163906

Gas life MF. I livin it.

>> No.6163917

>It’s not getting added to coinbase. Ever.
says who, faggot. it has a better chance than any erc20 token

>> No.6163973

i only got 11

bought when it was $40 :(

>> No.6164082

whats NEO price in 12 months?

>> No.6164101

Explaining to normies how neo and gas works would be way too complicated. It will never happen

>> No.6164141

22 here. I figure if GAS hits 10k I've made it. That's doable, r-right?

>> No.6164193


>> No.6164229

Have a few thousand. Seriously hard to do wage work anymore. This is like winning the lottery.

>> No.6164351


>> No.6164358

Only got seven but it feels good. Bought in at 2.50 when it was an ants head. Antshares baby!

>> No.6164397

I bought NEO earlier today and I've never been comfier in cryptos. Is this the ultimate comfycoin? Literally no FUD can stop this chink marvel.

>> No.6164411

tfw when bought at 7 and sold 1k neo at 20 dollars after the china ban

>> No.6164460

gas rewards for life making me want to buy back hard

>> No.6164461

Holy shit, what is going on?

>> No.6164524

The discord pump group that is unstoppable+

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6164557


This shit is going nuts

I want to buy but I'm scared anon

what do?

>> No.6164640

don't get left behind anon, jump in

>> No.6164787

Don't FOMO. This will go back to 100 before it moons again

>> No.6164809

Back in top ten when? Probably today if TRX bleeds enough

>> No.6164954


Holding comfy

>> No.6164997

says who?

>> No.6165034

Who Else got in at antshares?

>> No.6165054

got 6
Im sure it'll 3x in price at least
don't fail me chinks

>> No.6165083


Got in around $8. Sold at 75, rebought at 60.

This is the smartest crypto move I've ever made by a longshot

>> No.6165093

rode neo from $25 to $100, this coin was good to me. needed the liquidity for ENG, but I wish NEO continued success

>> No.6165115

yet explaining hard forks (bcash) and smart contracts (ether) is sooo easy

>> No.6165132

>tfw you didn't buy ANS when it was shilled at 1 dollar

Fucking hold me, bros.

>> No.6165196

Holding 1500 since 10 dollar ANS. Was tempted to sell and buy back in after the August moon but I've just been sitting around /comfy/ instead.

>> No.6165232

Yep, bought some at 5 dollars

>> No.6165447

if you weren't in at antshares you are officially /newbiz/

>> No.6165895

normies that can't understand how a dividend work don't have any money anyway, who fucking cares.

>> No.6166024

yo yo yo waddup

>> No.6166079

25 neo bro checking in

>> No.6166297

230 NEO , 70 GAS will i make it?

>> No.6166388

You can retire soon.

>> No.6166404

>Poorfag with only 15/32 neo/gas atm.

How free should gas be to vary from neo? They go up/down together but in the end this is 'just' sentiment no?

>> No.6166463


>> No.6166539

one of the best decisions i ever made

>> No.6166598

Had 165 ants. sold them at $35. no point in living.

>> No.6166626

Congrats on your profit but it's time everybody sells that communist shitcoin.

>> No.6166662

Woah there

>> No.6166691


Fuck off Vitalik

>> No.6166702

poorfag here. i have 3.5 NEO. this represents half of my net worth

am i gonna make it?

>> No.6166708

Nope. That would be people that weren't for ETH ride. Fuck everyone who came here after ETH moon.

>> No.6166867
File: 64 KB, 1016x686, neofib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

142 next stop.

>> No.6166903

Bought 8 NEO when it was $96

My main holds are XMR and 11 LTC.

Should I exchange my LTC for NEO or ETH? Which one will rise more % by the end of year realistically. Thinking of waiting to sell my LTC at 280 then buying into neo/eth

>> No.6166943

same, reinvested it in FUN, ARK and REQ though so thats good

>> No.6166996

hedge your bets, go 50-50

>> No.6167019


>> No.6167038

Bought NEO last week and feeling very /comfy/ now. Someone shill me another coin on bitfinex

>> No.6167098

It's very likely. NEO can be paired with USD. Just like the other coins on cionbase

>> No.6167147

OmiseGo is pretty comfy and its bound to go higher got in at 19usd on bitfinex a few days ago and 96usd on NEO. Don't regret any of these decisions and they are solid alts near or in the top 10

>> No.6167334

A dividend is easier for them to understand surely? It's more like a boomer stock tier investment

>> No.6167355

thanks anon, Ill do that

>> No.6167381

142 NEO in my pocket. Comfy :)

>> No.6167749

Why is binance so fucking retarded I can't withdraw any NEO after the decimal point it has to be a multiple of 1???

>> No.6167788

Inb4 dipping back to sub $40 like it always does

>> No.6167913
File: 4 KB, 183x275, 1589669811074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know anything about NEO?

>> No.6167945

Nigga, be glad you can't

>> No.6168079

Why should I be glad?
Why did they let me buy a decimal if I can't send it to bitfinex

>> No.6168291

Dude that's the way NEO works. It's not divisible. If you send e.g. 1.5 NEO, 0.5 get lost on the network. HAs nothing to do with binance. NEO Gas is divisible though.

>> No.6168639

$150 soon