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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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613701 No.613701 [Reply] [Original]

Last one successfully 404'd

Post your
>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)

I'll start
>Savings/ net worth
3k in hospital bills
25k on my car ($520 monthly payment for the next 5 years)
>Monthly income
$2400 before taxes
>Financial question(s)
Am I in a good position to purchase my first home? Let's say I want a $200k home. Is 25k in savings enough to contribute to a down payment, and is my income enough to pay for a mortgage?

>> No.613719

You need 20% down and you wont get raped on interest rates. I would wait until you have more savings before buying a house

Also pay off interest bearing debt before taking on more debt

>> No.613730

How do I invest my money? I've been trying to get a job, but it's difficult without connections or experience, so I'm simply focusing on school and applying for internships. I'm staying with my parents until I graduate with a Master's and I'm saving all my money to graduate university without debt.

In my spare time, I've been volunteering and learning new skills but it just seems like I'm not wanted.

>> No.613744

>>Savings/ net worth
>>Monthly income


>> No.613769
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Just crawled out of $20k debt from my early 20s

>> No.613788

>23g in savings. >$100,000 in a Roth IRA
>No Debt.
>I make > $80,000 a year, living in MA.
>I have no clue what I'm doing. I feel like I should work in a different part related to my field since it seems like there's faster income growth there, a LOT faster than the current set-up I'm in now but I don't know if I should take the plunge and start applying. What I'm doing now just doesn't fit. I find myself thinking this is fucking stupid every single day but my bosses love me. What do, /biz/?

>> No.613796

>Savings/ net worth
5k but they're subsidized student loans
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
how do I richer

>> No.613801


Age 18

Savings $13,000

Debt: $0

Monthly Income :$2000 Give or Take

Question: Thinking about saving to buy a studio apartment in the city for $100,000 in Cash i should be able to achieve in around about 6 years ( Still live at home and i am going to college next year) once i finished i could move out into the newly purchased apartment and live until my job pays reasonably or i could just live in it until i get married therefore allowing me to invest and save more money due to me purchasing it in cash and being debt free . is this a good idea? can anyone point out flaws in it that i should consider?

>> No.613871
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>>Savings/ net worth
30k taxable investments
170k 401k
>>Monthly income
8k gross
5k net (After 401k, HSA, etc)
>>Financial question(s)
If I don't buy this year and put it off till next year there is a chance I may not buy at all. I may just rent until I can afford a house (at/near) the gulf coast. Any thoughts? Buying could save me a ton of dough in the long term but I hate the idea of being tied to a location or property.

>> No.614350

How do you have 45k saved up at 19 with no income?

>> No.614359


>Savings/ net worth
$28 in Savings
$500 in Checking
$15K in Brokerage
$180K in CDs (inheritance)

$7K Student Loan
$300 Credit Card
About $1200 in collections

>Monthly income

>Financial question(s)
I have horrible credit (like 568 poor) due to being 21 and have a shit history of missing payments on my phone and cable bill. But I have more than enough to get a house. I'm working on my credit. Would it be wise to get a house now despite the likely rates I'd get then refinance in a few years when I have a better credit score? I'm approved for a FHA loan. The loan adviser said that's a good idea but then again it's probably just more money for them right?

>> No.614373

>Not much, I'll probably make around 3-4k this summer
>How much do I need to buy and start up assign apartment building for that passive income?

>> No.614377


>Monthly income
5080 before taxes
>Financial questions
Let's say that I increase the productivity of a not-necessarily lawful small-scale business in a 3rd world country for a cut of their future profits. I'm Canadian. What would happen to the money I make? Does it get added to my annual income for Canadian tax purposes, or what? Would I get in trouble because the company may not operate within the law?

>> No.614379

>21/22 year olds working full time jobs
What am I missing here? Shouldnt you still be in college?

>> No.614383


If you are valuable to anything, you would have gotten college credits while in High School to graduate with an Associate's Degree equivalent then would graduate with your Bachelor's by 20. Sorry you didn't make it.

>> No.614384

Well, I am not american so I obviously didnt.

>> No.614385


It's never too late. I can find you a cute broad to marry for your green card.

>> No.614386




>Monthly income

> Financial Q
I'm starting a business that has potential in being very profitable.

I will be making printed tops/tshirts/tanks etc.. for girls. I have contacts to make them super cheap at quite good quality. The shirts printed costs me around 1.00€ each plus and additional 0.16 for shipping and taxes. I have sold them for 14,95 or market places and had one arabic guy selling on markets, buy from me a 200 pieces for 5,50€. So profit margin wise the product is very good. I think if I build up a brand I could most likely sell them for 16,95€ - 19,95€. My biggest problem is where to find wholesale clients specially international ones? How do you get into contact with them? How can I get this idea forward so I can make some money?

>> No.614387

I prefer to be european, but thanks. Have been to the states multiple times already and didnt really like it. There is a vast amount of countries that has a lot more to offer.

>> No.614394


You mean like how the US spends more per GDP on health care than any other country yet we don't even get basic coverage?

>> No.614407

Nah, I also meant from a cultural perspective. Potential income isnt the only reason people immigrate to certain countries. There are a lot of other things that you have to take into consideration. I dont know how bad healthcare really is in the US, so I cant comment on that. I assume that people tend to exaggerate when they say that its on level with 3rd world countries.

>> No.614426

Graduated 3 months ago, but I finished my courses early and started work a month before my graduation ceremony. It's not hard to grad before you turn 23. You don't need college credits in high school like >>614383 says.

>> No.614442

Financial aid, parents, I worked in HS and in community college--I simply don't have a job right now.

>> No.614444

Imo, if you were clever and had balls, just drop out of High School and go straight to community college.

You can be done with your bachelor's at the age of 19-20~ if you do that.

>> No.614447
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check out this guy

>> No.614449


You have to be 18 to go to community college. Unless you graduated early (such as some people graduate at 17 instead of 18), you can be exempt. Dropping out and getting a GED isn't acceptable.

>> No.614455

Nah, you don't have to be 18 to go to community college. Not in California, at least.

If you drop out Freshman year of HS, get a GED, then apply for a community college they accept you. My friend didn't even get a GED, and he's in his Junior year at UCSD as a Junior at the age of 19 after transferring from OCC.

I thought the age requirement was 16, so that was when I bailed and switched. But apparently, you can be any age as long as you have a GED.

>> No.614457

Didn't have a GED at the time he went to a community college**

I think he got it while going to OCC before transferring because it was necessary.

>> No.614464


California isn't the entire world.

>> No.614466

It damn well should be.

>> No.614469


I'd kill myself.

>> No.614474

Even better.

>> No.614477

>Savings/ net worth
>monthly income

how did you niggers save so much? man i am such a pleb

>> No.614617


Slow work day so I'll bite:
>Savings/ net worth
Cash:195k or so. NonCash: 300k
260k left on mortgage
>Monthly income
11k before taxes.
>Financial question(s)
Anyone doing buy-writes on S&P500 index funds?

And post your location plebs because if you're in a high cost city like London/NYC/SF, you're poor if you make 100k a year.

I'm in NYC

>> No.614629


>Makes $132K
>calls people poor if they make $100K and live in high cost city
>lives in high cost city

Where's that Obama come on man gif?

>> No.614630

>Savings/ net worth
10k $
>Monthly income
680$ (civil engineer)
>Financial question(s)
So... should I move to a better country or not?

>> No.614647

I hate thinking about money, budgeting, etc. Is there any way I can shake off this aversion?

>> No.614670

>Savings/ net worth
Cash: $7,500
Investments: $24,000
Student Loans: $9,000
>Monthly Income
NY metro (aka kinda expensive)
>Financial question(s)
Should I just spend most of my cash (emergency fund) to pay off most of that remaining debt?

Live with parents. What's the best way to gauge if you're ready to find your own place?

>> No.614679


Age: 25
Savings/Net Worth: 2k
Debt: None, paid of all debts december 2014
Monthly income: Varies, between 2500-3200 a month after taxes

Financial Questions: What's the best way to invest about 10k (which i will have in the next 3 months)?

>> No.614743


>>Financial question(s)
>Should I just spend most of my cash (emergency fund) to pay off most of that remaining debt?
>Live with parents.

Yes, because you're living with your parents, you don't need that big of an emergency fund... unless they don't have one and need your income. Also, no if you can generate more investment returns higher than your student loan interest

>What's the best way to gauge if you're ready to find your own place?

you can find a place that your rent is less than half your monthly AFTER tax income.

>> No.615449

>Savings/ net worth
$36,000 in Australian student loans
>Monthly income
$800 government bux for studying
>Financial question(s)
Australian student loans currently have interest indexed to inflation, but this is potentially going to rise soon. At what level of interest should I stop paying them off as slowly as possible and start trying to pay them down?

>> No.615459

Depends on your investment timeframe and risk tolerance. We really need a sticky.

The issue with saving up the entire sum in cash is that during that time you're also paying rent, unless you live at home

There's two types of dead money here:
1. Rent
2. Interest paid on mortgage

Essentially you want to minimise how much you pay on either of those, but the way to do that depends on a lot of factors, including how long you'll stay there, market prices, rent prices, and a whole lot more. You can either figure it out by hand, or, use this calculator:

All things being equal though, if you're sure you're going to be staying at a property for twenty or thirty years then it's almost always going to be better to buy, and if you're wanting to just stay for just a couple of years then it's almost always better to rent. It's the inbetween area that really relies on the factors I mentioned before.

I'm not familiar with American credit scores, but if you're really going to get screwed on the rate then you'd probably be better off waiting until you have a better score. Not to mention the fact that if you default on mortgage repayments because of the too high interest rate then you're just fucking yourself more and there won't be any refinancing options later.

And holy shit dude, I just noticed you have 8.5k in debt, including debt in collections. Why the fuck are you even considering taking on more before you've paid that off?

>> No.615466

>Savings/ net worth
2,000 USD in energy stocks, very low dividends
0, live with Mother. I have a 756 credit score actually
>Monthly income
0. I quit my job, Mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, staying home with her to help her out.
>Financial question(s)
I will take advice seriously, I have pretty much a blank slate and am willing to work extremely hard. Although I am so clueless on the subject I wouldn't know where to start. Anyone want to be my financial adviser? I will report back with my results ASAP.

>> No.615467

Forgot to mention, I have a two year degree in General Studies, pretty sure it doesn't help much.

>> No.615470

>Savings/ net worth
3.5k roth ira
1.5k checking account
11k total net worth
>Monthly income
3k-3.5k gross
>Financial question(s)
I can only work about 40-50 hours per week but I want more money. My wage will go from 18 to 27 in less than 4 years so I want to keep the job. How do I make a secondary income? Do I watch the market and look for good investments? Should I learn swing trading?

>> No.615472

You're at a stage in your life where the most important asset to invest in is yourself. Working on your career will do a lot more for you than micromanaging how you invest your money.

>> No.615473

So continue with my education next fall? What can I do while sitting at the house and tending to my mom? I take her to doctor appointments, do chores, and make her food, the rest of my time is my own. I feel like I am wasting time.

>> No.615475

>>Savings/ net worth
>>Monthly income

Just graduated college and haven't found work yet, just bought a house with my wife, and I had more savings but I spent it all on moving, and then my fucking transmission blew up, so I had to replace that.

>> No.615476

>$20k (uni)
Monthly income
>$700 (just graduated, trying to find a real job, current costs of living are just low enough to get by before loan payments)

Financial Questions:
Can I move on my 3k of savings? I need to move before the end of the year to a bigger city/job market if I ever want to make any money. I am in a very difficult place regarding saving anything, working as much as I can but I need to dedicate hours each week to unpaid resume building work too. In my current town professional work is nonexistant if you have under 5 yrs exp. In a big city and better job market I am qualified for a wide variety of entry level 55k+ positions. Am I setting myself up for disaster? I can't waste my savings on loan payments, I feel that I need to not waste time doing work that doesnt build my resume, and that I need to get up and move - fast.
Does this sound stupid or necessary? There is no work here, but im also afraid that in a bigger job market the fact still remains thar it is impossible to get hired w/o 2-3 yrs matching experince.
If there IS entry level work, I am in a position to get it (and must continue building exp b4 moving, not wasting time working triple hours in a my grunt job). If entry level work really is a myth I could be in trouble, though.

>> No.615483

On average, a college education increases your lifetime earnings by a bit over a million bucks in todays dollars. However, this is an average figure, it's going to vary heaps depending on what degree you're doing. So some degrees might get you hardly any advantage compared to the tuition (teaching, arts, etc) and others might earn you an awful lot more (engineering, geology, etc).

>> No.615484

Thanks for the heads up, haven't really decided on a major for the Fall yet, hence the General Studies associates.I will look into it for sure.

>> No.615486

The way I figure it, most people don't end up doing something they love. Find something you think is pretty good that pays well enough for you to A) not have to stress about money, and B) have time and cash to spare to do stuff you enjoy.

If you were to have something you were honest to god passionate about my advice would change but given that you don't, just be pragmatic about it.

>> No.615490

Oh, and if the degree that you decide on requires mathematics (hint, it probably should) then you can spend your time productively by working on your maths skills. I'd strongly recommend Khan Academy.

If you wanted to get into something coding related, then go ask /g/, I've seen some good resources posted for those wanting to get into coding.

>> No.615491

How about you get the job lined up before you pull the trigger on moving?

>> No.615492

I've been reading about Information Securities. It's grown 12% in the last year, and looks promising for next 30+ years. Plus the closest University to me has a stellar IS program, I am leaning towards it, but then again I'm pretty sure it would be mind numbingly boring. We'll see though, I still have some time to research.

Honestly, I believe I would enjoy being an entrepreneur, setting up succesful small businesses that serve the communities. Laundromats, tanning salons, maybe a used car dealership. Doesn't have to be big and flashy. I would enjoy creating and working on a project that would turn a decent profit, but who wouldn't right?

>> No.615499

Signed up just now. I think I will work on the Entrepreneurship classes first and then move on to coding( which I know less than nothing about) Thanks man I appreciate it, at the very least it will give me something to do all day and I bet I will learn something.

>> No.615554

Yes, you should. At least if you can learn the language.

>> No.615616

>Net Worth
Apartment 100k
Collectable Guitars 70k
Savings 50k
Mortgage on apartment 40k
>Monthly Income
10k (Guitarist for famous band in Australia)
>Financial Question
I lucked out and now I'm fucking rich cunts

>> No.615630
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>Savings/ net worth
$4k Cash, whatever home equity is, and about $5k worth of guns
$26k left on car, about $85k left on House
>Monthly income
$2,300 after taxes
>Financial question(s)
Do I suicide yet for being a life failure or wait a few years?

All I know is a shitton about insurance (Health&Welfare, P&C, not so much Life) and Workers' Comp. I've thought about selling the house and going to night school to get a law degree - in name only. I wouldn't practice, but would use it with 4-5 years in the Insurance Biz to get a better position and better money.

>> No.615631

I fucking hate this hand I was dealt. However, I have no fucking clue what I want to go to college for, and even if I did, I didn't get the grades in highschool because I was a lazy shit.

>> No.615637

How 2 best growth? I don't have much time to play stocks or work on "active" investments.

>> No.615645

We share the same question.
I'd suggest you to get the Law Degree.

>> No.615690

>Savings: 0 Net Worth: Own a 100k apartment
>around 700$ from a 8-10 hours part time job

>> No.615692
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>Savings/ net worth
$150 in bank (I'll be putting 90% of my tax returns into savings though, should get ~$400)
$2000 in hobby items
$1600 for car
~$3800 total

~$4000 in student loans, not paying on them now

>Monthly income

>Financial question(s)
How should I go about savings $6000 in the next 6-7 months? I currently live in a shitty state with no decent oppurtunities so I'm hoping to get enough saved up to move to Seattle this summer so I can finish up school and make business connections.

Problem though is, my current job is being really shitty with hours so I'm not making enough at all to hit my goal.

Of course I'm going to be applying for new jobs but I'm not totally sure what to do. I've tried applying at IT jobs before but I don't have any formal experience so I'm having a lot of trouble getting my foot in the door. I could always lie about how much experience I have since they're asking for 2+ years experience and a multiple certs just to read off a script.
Another option is to apply at banks which start at $9 an hour and just leave with less saved up than I'm hoping to have.
What other fields are there that start at $12/h+ and I can possibly get into with little/no experience?
My background for my current job is it's a local pizza place and I've been there for almost 2 years, I do sales, driving, inventory, and data entry.

>> No.615846

I speak English and German besides my mother language and I'm currently learning Russian. I think I could manage.

>> No.615873

Age - 22
Savings/net worth - 0
Debt - ~20k (Student loans)
Monthly Income - 3k (Last month of probation at work, this is gonna jump since I'll probably be getting ~60 annum + bonuses + equity)
Financial questions - How to negotiate for more equity (Usually this ranges from 1% - 0.10%)? Company most likely going to blow up big after Series A since we've been crushing revenue expectations and are dealing with growth/scaling pretty well.

>> No.615893

>Savings/ net worth
I assume my savings are zero.
2,000$ Oh, the days of being uninsured. (Paid off the other 2,000 though! Almost done!)
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
Are areas with low living costs also poverty traps? I feel like I'm stuck in a trend, I need to change something.

>> No.615901

>Savings/ net worth
0, got a company car
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
How does one invest in Europe?

>> No.615903

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
How make money from Swiss exchange rate?

>> No.615912


>Savings/ net worth

like 60 euros

>Monthly income

400 euros before taxes
>Financial question(s)

no questions m8

>> No.615915

How would I go about doing that?
I've already begun researching/prospecting companies at the cities I am looking to move to, but even if I am qualified for these entry level jobs, how would I land an interview? As a recent grad the job market is incredibly hostile and entry level work is rare at best, I really feel pretty powerless until I have actually relocated to a larger job market.

It seems like id be competing against 100s of similar candidates who, unlike me, can drop in for an interview at a moments notice. Companies don't exactly fly people out for interviews, unless you're Mgmt level and in your 40s at least.

>> No.615929

>line as many interviews as possible in a week
>sleep in a dirt cheap hotel

I don't see the issue.

>> No.615960

3.1k in IRA, 1.5k in guns, 6k liquid
How do I use my money now that I will have very little real expenses (14 year old car, military pays for rent and food) to make it work for me? I don't have the time to be a stock trader or capital to do heavy investing.

And fuck all the Daddy's Money faggots ITT.

>> No.615974

>£20000 in ISAs, about £2000000 in assets through a property development company
>£9000 or so student loan
>£0 monthly, but ongoing projects ought to net me large lump sums every few years, starting with £500000 - £1000000 in three years time

Not having a regular income is a pain. I'm figuring out something modest, but I don't want to be drawing too much on the company's future earnings or taking out loans, and the value is all tied up in the assets. Wat do for income for the next three years?

>> No.615984

So what do you exactly do? Do you renovate houses?
Also, how did you land that gig?

>> No.615999

>Savings/ net worth
£15k in fidelity retirement fund
£1k in current/checking
£3k in various savings a/cs
£2k tied up elsewhere
>Monthly income
£1900 after tax. The government rapes me of ~£700 every month to give to welfare pakis.
>Financial question(s)
How much left in the S&P before the crash? 10-15%? Less/More?


>> No.616018

>Savings/ net worth
$1000 Savings
$700 checking
$7000 car
$5000 in 30-year 7.5% T-Bonds purchased the week I was born (Jan 1992)
>Monthly income
~$2000 from internship
~$60 from T-Bond
>Financial question(s)

The investment firm I'm currently interning at has agreed to hire me for 68k a year when I graduate in May. Is there any reason I shouldn't just keep 5k or so in cash savings and put the the rest in S&P index funds? I still plan on actively investing a portion of my income in securities and real estate, but I'm not quite sure where to put my set-it-and-forget-it money. Is there any other type of fund or long-term security with a higher long-term return than say, VOO or SPY?

>> No.616021


Full disclosure, my stock trading ability will be severely limited due to regulations concerning investment firm employees, so other markets would be preferable.

>> No.616033 [DELETED] 

Age: 22
Savings / Net Worth: about 5k. Should be up to 10k by the end of June, 14k by the end of July.
Debt: 0, motherfucker! Though I'll be going back to school next year, which will cost me 7k a year.
Monthly income: Varies between 1200 and 2000, depending on how much I work (lifeguard with the City of Toronto).
Financial question(s): Here's my blog
Basically, I have about ~700 dollars I'm committing towards business endeavors/investments. I'm reading a financial help book, and reflecting on everything I read.

>> No.616035


Renovating houses would give me a more steady income stream. We're building a couple of small blocks of flats, which takes a few years from start to finish. I got the job through the joys of sheer nepotism, the company is family owned. My background is property, so I've persuaded my parents to stick a bunch of cash into some developable sites and now I have the responsibility to turn that into delicious profits. Most of them will probably get reinvested, but that's the amount of assets and profit that would be attributed to my share in the company.

>> No.616045

~5k college debt from 2008
~3,083K prior to taxes, not including incidental income from writing and building custom computers.

I own a home and two cars with my wife, who makes 40K. We just had our first kid this year. What are some sustainable ways I can generate incidental income, taxable or otherwise, from my existing capital base?

>> No.616050

Fair enough
But how do I go from "here's a company i would love to work for" to actually havingan interview lined up? I'd sooner be proactive and start a dialogue myself/offer my services than hope to get lucky with the weeks' indeed/experience/glassdoor listings.

I want a proactive job search, not a reactive one, but how can I be proactive, how can I be taken seriously as a candidate if i dont even live in the area yet?

And this is a assuming that my skills, education, and experience are enough for consideration, again, I am not a 30 something w/ years of exp, and these are real paying jobs.

>> No.616136

Any advice on flipping houses? Is it actually worth it?

Companies don't really care where you live, at least not when you make clear that moving is not an issue.

To get the interview: research the company you'd like to work for and check whether they've got an open position. Write a mail to them using the same keywords they use in the job description to describe your competences and make clear how you could add value to their business.
Call them up if they don't answer after a week.

If you get an interview then prepare for various dull questions they ask you and display confidence. No one wants to hire a NEET.


>> No.616147

>Savings/ net worth
$7.23 million
>Monthly income
Depends due to nature of work but typically around $17,000 - $20,000 (of course this is liquid, I'm amassing more in the various shares I'm holding, in addition to other investments)
>Financial question(s)

>> No.616170

Only student loan
>Monthly income
£1335 after tax
>Financial question
Best way to go about buying into the small business for which I work? Got an excellent relationship with the boss.

>> No.616219

Post Guitars.

>> No.616222

>About £400

Not bad for someone from a poor family and can't seem to find a job anywhere.

>> No.616226



>> No.616230

>i know everything

>> No.616237

Age: 20
Savings/Net Worth: 3,000 euros
Debt: 0
Monthly income: 950 euros
After rent and food and everything I can save 100-300 euros a month easily.

Should I do anything with the money I've saved up to make more money?

>> No.616239

Thanks again for the advice.
I'm no Neet, I have basic work experince + a degree and a relevant internship. I have excellent soft skills generally, but the job search I went thru in my hometown left me very pessimistic about my outlook and I am sometimes uncertain of where I really stand in the eyes of employers (so I assume the worst).

>> No.616251

$30,000 (University fees)
>Monthly income
>Financial questions
Not necessarily financial advice but I want to become a stockbroker, what's the best way to go about it when you don't have any experience or a related degree (I have a marketing degree)

>> No.616272


Depends... I'm in IB and I can buy most individual stocks with preclearance and most mutual funds/etfs without preclearance if they don't fall in industries under my departments coverage area

>> No.616363

It appears, the kek is on you my friend

>Dad started a company as a consultant in the oil industry about 20 years back (he's a mechanical engineer)
>has been project manager on 2 large rig projects, each of multibillion dollar size
>Was practically begged to take on the role of CEO at a company with $1.1 bn in debt, managed to turn it around after 4 years
>has also had several other roles for shorter amounts of time, one of which was vice president of a certain company headquartered in Zurich that may or may not have an annual revenue of $40 bn
>anways, this consultant company of his went very well obviously
>I own 15% of the stocks, and have had since age 13
>dat dere sweet, sweet landed wealth and opportunities you could only dream off

not everyone grew up as middle class scum, anon.

>> No.616424
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>timing the market

>> No.616433

Work out the rough market value, save up say, 10% and then talk to him about becoming a partner?

>> No.616453

Any thoughts on how to work out the market value? Turnover will be about £1 million by the end of 2015, with something around a 15% profit margin.

>> No.616466

I'd just be concerned about law being oversaturated, assuming you're in the states.

No harm in asking if you can get your bonuses in equity.

>> No.616479


>> No.616568

> 22
> 22k in Savings
> No debt (paid off car)
> Monthly Income is about 1800 -2000.
I am wondering if this is a good idea. I am thinking about purchasing a cheap foreclosure house and have two room mates that I charge around 500 dollars a month each. This is cheap considering a 1 room apartment is about 500 dollars alone (not including utilities and such). Is this is a good idea?

>> No.616576

>52k savings / 80k net
>0 debt
>4k income student next to it

>> No.616583

dirty 30
>>Savings/ net worth
150k stashed in Jordan Sneaker Boxes
2 bricks on cuff from my Colombian Plug
>>Monthly income
stacks nigga
>>Financial question(s)
How do I hide all this money from my baby momma and my parole officer?

>> No.616589

Should I max out my roth ira before opening a new portfolio for trading?

>> No.616611

Terrible advice. Where rates are at he'd be best just putting 5% down and if he has good credit going with lpmi and refinancing in the future if rates drop.

>> No.616617

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
$30,000 (very very recently)
>Financial question(s)
Don't really have any, but if you guys want to ask go ahead.

>> No.616620

What do I do to make 30k a month

>> No.616626

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
none, im the king

>> No.616627

I sell things online. High-profit margin things. I've gotten to the point now where I can just hire people to do all the work that comes with that (not that much to be honest, hardest part is getting started).

You still have to figure shit out for yourself, I did. Took 4 year and a lot of wasted money.

I'm in Canada btw.

>> No.617045

What are considered high profit margin things ?
Any tips to ppl who consider selling things online for a living ?

>> No.617079

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
How do I take care of my savings?

>> No.617272
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I'm 30 and want to kill myself now thanks to this thread.

Thanks /biz/

>> No.617278

>Monthly income

oh well, my fault. should change soon

>> No.617318


>>Savings/ net worth
USD $2.873m (lawyer, also some from investments)
>>Monthly income
20k (tax exempt, don't live in the states)
>>Financial question(s)
will lurk in thread for a bit though so can answer some questions mainly on my investment strats and more.

>> No.617334

also, as i can see people calling bullshit, will try and dig out my last bank receipt.
also a bit about myself
> got offered a sponsorship by a law firm i had done some work experience with, offered to cover half of my university fees + law school fees ( did law at uni, studied in the uk, so only had to spend 1 year at law school)
> parents were well off so paid for the rest of my school fees, didn't need to take out any loans
> saved up some money from doing odd jobs while at school, mainly IT related.
> used savings i had (around 15k) to invest, made a bit of money, nothing spectacular
> started working, still lived with my mum, payed for water, electricity, my petrol, etc.
> when silkroad got shut down like last year, BTC value plummeted to ~$15 at one point, put 30k into BTC, was a gamble but hoped it'd pay off
> sold when BTC was up at around $900 for that one week before it fell to around $700.
> the rest has been made from investing in other things, mostly NYSE companies. trick with that i've found is to put a lot on one or two promising looking stocks, as soon as you make a small amount of profit, sell off.
> avoid investing in big names unless something drastic happens to their stock price
> ALWAYS do research before investing
> try to find small companies that mimic s&p 500 companies (although this can be risky, you'll want to know a lot before you consider investing a large amount)

>> No.617354

How do yo have so much debt, friend?

>> No.617363

1)What firm do you work at?
2) Will you hire me in 4 years?

>> No.617381

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
I'm pretty much fucked.

>> No.617408


Growing up as middle class and making your way to the top feels much more rewarding. Being born into money is nice, I won't lie. But if I could pick between the two, I'd work my way up all over again

>> No.617628

>40k cash, 36k home equity, 8k car paid off, 27k 401
>29k mortgage & 3k student loans
>4k gross monthly income
>need to buy bigger house for growing family, i am torn between selling & renting my current home, id like the idea of the monthly income but can cash out about 35k by selling it. wat do?

>> No.617643

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
$2.5k realized
>Financial question(s)
Thinking about getting a new place soon. Would buying a duplex and renting out half/living in the other (instead of renting an apartment) be a good idea?

>> No.617665

>Savings/ net worth
30k savings
170k (mortgage)
>Yearly income
I make 85k / year + ~15k in RSUs / year
>Financial question
Getting into stock stuff. I can buy a stock, it goes up 1%, I can sell the stock. I just made 1% on that money? Why the fuck do savings accounts exist? Why are the interest rates so shitty? Do I misunderstand percentage change of these stocks? What if I bought a stock and sold it whenever it made a few percent, or if it went down just hold it till it didn't (given it didn't drop too low)?

>> No.617667

>Thinking about getting a new place soon. Would buying a duplex and renting out half/living in the other (instead of renting an apartment) be a good idea?
Absolutely. I hate neighbors so I bought a house, but having a tenant who pays more than half the mortgage would be sweet tits.

>> No.617677

You have a lot to learn, anon

>> No.617715


i never understand how people can make a pretty good wage like that yet be so ignorant about money, makes me worried about your mortgage. But I guess the surveys they do about the lack of financial literacy in america is true even among people that aren't poor

>> No.617728

How about you answer the questions and explain where that thinking is wrong? I'm putting that shit out there to get educated.

>> No.617730
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$2,500 + $1,500 if I can sell my broken car
None besides credit card which I pay off every month
>Monthly income
$1,120 before taxes
>Financial Questions
The car I've been driving has been a money pit, it cost $5,000 and we put another $5,000 into it in repairs and maintenance. Even if I can get $1,500 out of it in it's current state, it will have cost close to $300 a month. Should I risk buying another cheap used car and possibly having to sink hundreds or thousands of dollars into repairs, or lease a little hot hatch and not have to worry about that?

When I was in high school I kept hearing about how college is no longer a good investment, and that there are more opportunities for high school grads than ever. I just dropped out of college and can't find any of these opportunities everyone was talking about. Is there anyone that was in the same position that I am and found a way out of it, who can give me some advice? I'm currently considering training to become an hvac technician, but the schedule of the training would require me to give up my very good job.

>> No.617753

For everyone considering renting a house out... The VA is a great place to hang a flyer. Govt will pay their rent and they usually live in the same spot for years and years.

>> No.617761


hvac is a lucrative and stable career field that would be a great investment of your time and money. It all depends on what your "very good job" now is though.

>> No.617768

I work at a plant that manufactures the chemicals and materials that are used to make computer chips. I only make $10 an hour, but I get experience and training in many different aspects of industrial work. I think it's a great job for an 18 year old with no experience, and I don't want to risk losing it and ending up working in fast food if hvac training didn't lead anywhere for some reason. I'm afraid of giving up the stability I have now, but I know I'll have to take a risk eventually if I want to make more money and start saving for a house.

>> No.617775
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$10/hour is not a good job and in today's world it's doubtful that job would lead anywhere. If you stick with it and don't quit there is no reason hvac wouldn't pan out. You only have stability because you probably live with your parents and have no bills, but if you want to actually be a real person who can support himself and save and invest money to live comfortably you need more skills and there is no way to get around that.

Do a bunch of research, talk to people in these careers and the training places, and decide what you think would be a career you would be content with and provide the quality of life you want to live. Right now you probably don't have a good sense of money and how much it takes to live the life you would like to live. Learn about that too. It's good that you are 18, so even if it takes you a year to decide and be confident, you are in a much better place than someone that discovered their degree is worthless at 23 or who just fucked around doing what you are doing and not thinking about the future.

>> No.617790

>Savings/ net worth
Net worth around $55-60k
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)
How much should I have saved or willing to borrow to purchase/start a car wash in a relatively busy area? Can't find any solid info, is it a hundred grand type of thing, or a 7 figure budget type of thing?

>> No.617819

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
$4775, soon to be increasing dramatically if things go right.

>> No.617828

>You only have stability because you probably live with your parents and have no bills
This is correct, I suppose most of my current "stability" is the fact that I can put away money in savings every month, while still being able to buy all the shit I waste my money on.

>talk to people in these careers and the training places
How do I talk to people in the field? I don't know anyone who works as an hvac technician. The only thing I can think of would be to ask the school I would attend, and do research online.

>Right now you probably don't have a good sense of money
I think I understand finance reasonably well, but the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know. Is there a specific way that I can teach myself, or is it something that just comes with aging and maturing more?

>> No.617853

How do I into money /biz/?

>> No.617861


Yes talk to the schools or programs you would be attending, they would be more than happy to talk to you about that and connect you with people in the field.

And I'm not necessarily talking about finance and investing I'm talking about understanding how much it costs to live and thrive, because it is obvious right now you don't have that good of an idea of it if you think 10 dollars an hour is a good job. But yes that does come with aging, but also with being independent, having to pay bills, and realizing that just existing is expensive.

>> No.617867

how are you interning somewhere and still studying? ive never known how it works

>> No.617885

I don't consider it a good job because I think it pays well, but because of the job itself. /biz/ isn't my blog so I didn't want to get too far into it, but to keep it short it's a good job because I love it, and look forward to going into work every morning.

The reason I'm looking for something better is because I know very well that I'll never be able to sustain the lifestyle I want to live on $10 an hour.

Thanks for all of your advice, I'll probably go down to the school in person and talk to someone about the hvac program as soon as I can get a drivable car. Tonight instead of the usual vidya I think I'll do some reading on it, too.

>> No.617887
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Same. Why bother with life if it's just going to be as some 5-digit income drone until I die while I try to count my meager savings?

>> No.617928





>monthly income

been working since i got out of high school and save almost all of it and live at home while paying a small amount of room and board (300)

my question is whats a safe way to invest this money while actually making a good gain

sometimes i read on here and everyone has conflicting opinions whats good and whats not

>> No.619101

Implying anyone on here owns anything

>> No.620145


>> No.620163

>parents, parents and parents.

>> No.620446

>Savings/ net worth
>Monthly income
>Financial question(s)

>> No.620451

>101k (not counting retirement accounts in this)

>> No.620484

>currently in process of getting 15yr mortgage on a 3 story condo costing $60k. Wanted to hold most of my money and invest around 8-10k somewhere safe where It could generate interest at a modest rate, what would be my best course of action overall?

>> No.620491

If your savings are 25k and your debt is 25k, your net worth is $0.

Why did you buy such an expensive care? Are you completely retarded? Fuck you americans.

>> No.620499

Well actually, the 3k in hospital bills means that the penniless hobo he passes on the street should be giving -him- change, since he's a full three thousand dollars better off.

>> No.620505

I hope he can't pay his next medical bills so he dies because of poverty

>> No.620511


I also have an online business making about 60K a year profit, but I do everything myself.

How did you successfully transition from doing everything yourself to employing other people?

>> No.620558


>> No.620581

Age: 26
Saving/Worth: 3500/12k
Debt: 7500 student debt
Monthly Income: 4500
Financial Question: How do I start saving for medical school? I want to cover as much as possible. I will be applying in 2017.