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File: 14 KB, 366x366, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6125277 No.6125277 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is this shitcoin partnered with? Any guesses biz? Should i even buy-in now? It seems to have hit its floor.

>> No.6125424
File: 105 KB, 400x400, CHINK GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The partnership is either with Google, or some no-name chink sweatshop massage parlor bike rental company.

Im thinking it might be google.

>> No.6125480

no way it drops any further. no way to go but up

>> No.6125505

Lol. The rumor is a couple of publicly traded companies with decent reputations. We'll see how things go after the announce and coin burn this month. I'm guessing TRX $1.24 ATH (not sustained) by end of month.

>> No.6125541

lol great post hearty chuckle made these bags slightly ligther for a couple seconds

>> No.6125574

steam and alibaba

>> No.6125577

DON'T buy this sht. it's overpriced pieace of sht of the justin chink and his fags dumped 1b + of trons fk this coin and don't buy. its gona go back to fking 10 cents.

>> No.6125604

The market cap at $1.24 would be 82 billion dollars, lol!!! we'll see if you right my G

>> No.6125648

it literally is 10 cents you fucking retard there is nowhere to go up for this baby, it's a lock for 2x by the end of the week

when will he announce the partnership, and when will we get details on the coin burn?

>> No.6125653

Nice try fucking pajeet

>> No.6125690

It will probably correct back to 0.70 if my prediction is right, and it's assuming the partnership announces are indeed "next level", as Justin Timbergook stated.

>> No.6125702

dats ripple MC, u just mad.

>> No.6125734
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>> No.6125755

Timbergook lol.

>> No.6125798

Just kys newfag

>> No.6125919

I have the schedule on my desktop at home. failing to google right now. Announcement happens first, then coin burn. I believe the burn is on Jan 18th IIRC.

>> No.6125931

>It will probably correct back to 0.30

>> No.6125981

No anon, the coin burn will secure a higher floor, even if the announcements are mediocre.

>> No.6126016
File: 98 KB, 1258x710, shitcoinscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused about the burn because I thought there was one on the 10th of Jan too?

>> No.6126018

Clash of Kings - millions of players
game.com (tron pups) - most trending game in China
Obike - huge bike sharing company with millions of users
Gifto - gift sharing app with a few million users
Matchpool.com - matches people based on similar interests

>started October 2018

>> No.6126074


TRX is so high-tech its from the future

>> No.6126169

Not the 10th, it was confirmed 100% coin burn in Q1, but I found a schedule that showed it happening mid-late january. I will say the source isn't 100% official or insider though, so could be inaccurate. But a burn is definitely happening this quarter. The "big" announce coming soon is going to decide if we get a big moon or not. The coin burn will solidify the floor and lift the price ceiling for sure.

>> No.6126267
File: 3.04 MB, 2048x1536, A0F1A156-AF8A-4034-86F4-34B73BE3EC1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold in TRX isn’t the tech. Is the connections with the Chinese political and financial elite that Justin haves. The software can be made, just hire the right guys and it’s done.

>> No.6126277


>> No.6126376

It's no surprise so much FUD surrounding Tron right now. Competing companies are shitting themselves over TRX momentum and visibility. Paid FUD everywhere.

>> No.6126393
File: 43 KB, 444x1000, 3A55D2FD-6F27-40E7-BB92-FE42D45F793D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More, you guys know that Microsoft didn’t had JACKSHIT to show to IBM when they pitched them ms-dos. They bought some CP/M clone from a guy and sold it. There you have. Connections and marketing skills.

>> No.6126406
File: 130 KB, 1253x682, trontards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with r*dditors? Why is it every time I get a fucking link sent to me from that shitbox I just want to rinse my mouth out with a fucking shotgun? Fuck I wish that site would die.

>> No.6126435
File: 165 KB, 667x782, 159xglorbth87xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justin partnered his dick with his own asshole. screencap this.

>> No.6126493
File: 543 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-08-16-30-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved for posterity.

>> No.6126510

What do you mean by burn? Will the price crash or something

>> No.6126533


my portfolio is 50% eth but justin is the ultimate chad leader for a coin especially compared to that virgin vitalik

eth is literally the future and so far ahead of every coin it's unreal, but i still wake up every morning praying vitalik doesn't do something fucking retarded that sends eth to $1

>> No.6126540


>> No.6126585

How fucking new are you? It means the company holding the non-circulating supply market sells them on every exchange. That's why we are all trying to pump as much as we can to make money and get out. Fuck I thought summer was over.

>> No.6126712

In theory, coin burn destroys tokens to reduce circulation, which in turn, increases price if demand remains the same or increases.

>> No.6126731
File: 28 KB, 539x539, 69B39DD7-E2E5-434E-AF7B-D94D4FD26DDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that’s just hilarious. We need these gems to cheer up.

>> No.6126786


He's gonna short circuit now good job

>> No.6126818

what the fuck, i was looking at coin market cap and it says it hit 30 cents three days ago? is that fucking real? it feels like it's been two weeks. lol a day in crypto literally feels like years

>> No.6126846

GUUUUUYS im talking about which publicly listed company partnered with. Why are you mentioning the once already announced.

Any guesses?

>> No.6126884

yea its insane a week in crypto is a month.

>> No.6126981

pets.com Whatever it ends up being, it will be a shitshow and you can all dump your bags during the announcement. It obviously isn't going to do shit until then. The bots are just picking up bags from weak hands right now.

>> No.6127048

Why would you want to pump and dump this coin though?

>> No.6127083


I went a 10 day vacation to Miami on the 29th, when I left it was trading sideways about 4 cents and it continued that way for a couple of days. I’m back home and it’s new bottom is 15c.

This should remind you to just turn off your phone and delete your apps, check every week or so.

>> No.6127180

Wouldn't it be better to hold?

>> No.6127241
File: 213 KB, 1049x1076, 1513834793983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRX Coinbase

>> No.6127385

Why not? It's complete chink bullshit. Let's do an analogy. Would you rather buy a watch from the dollar store that's made in china by little children (TRX)? Or would you rather buy a rolex made by white people(BTC)? Idiot. Chinks are only on this planet for one reason. To make me money.

>> No.6127459

shit rumour. you can check the wallet he's provided...nothing has left the wallet.

>> No.6127461


Coinbase will probably list a legit coin like Dash or a strong ERC20 like OMG before it would ever touch this bullshitter coin.

>> No.6127528

The partnership? My guess, just a guess nothing more is a major game developer and distributor. To get a foot in china. Maybe Blizzard.

>> No.6127574

>ITT: salty faggots who didnt buy in at under 0.01

>> No.6127607

who is this

>> No.6127646

>Companies trying to get a foothold in China
OH FUCK. Now it makes perfect sense why good companies would partner with a shitcoin. We are going to be so fucking rich.

This is huge if true right?

>> No.6127716

Have a coisin just like her. We were drunk one night and almost fuck. We laugh every day about that, but my balls are blue still from that night.

>> No.6127777

I wouldnt blame you senpai.

>> No.6127796

Look it’s just a guess. To me is logical that to get a foot in china you need a guy with the right contacts. The software, fuck it, it can be done by competent programmers.

>> No.6127801


If Blizz gets into crypto I'm getting a mortgage on my house and pumping TRX

>> No.6127843
File: 93 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad boys

>> No.6127913

>t. 13,000 TRX btw

>> No.6128033

Thats all i have an i still feel gud famalam.

>> No.6128039

Blizzard is strong in Korea with all those starcraft competitions. Imagine if they enter the china market. But I say again, it’s a feeling I have.

>> No.6128129

12,000 all in trx here

we will pump again and sell, then buy more trx after crash. Then we will pump again and buy more trx after crash

The floor is moving up bit by bit but the pumps can make us rich off the normies

God I hope you're right. Might also help them deal with the new lootbox laws in china... maybe if you dont buy lootboxes for "real" money you dont have to have a warning saying they are a scam

>> No.6128330

Hope so anon; I bought at $.19 and was a fool not to sell ~$.23 later that day

>> No.6128331

coinbase will not be listing any coins in the foreseeable future it was on their tweeter

>> No.6128382

How high is the pump you are expecting? Dont tell me its only 1300 sats lmao.

>> No.6128454

they are listed on a new exchange ....
they have partnered up with an online gaming co.

just follow J sun on tweeter

>> No.6128537

54K here

>> No.6128662

Probably more like 1034

>> No.6128670

coinbase will not be hosting at all......omg is good and in use.....in industry

>> No.6128787

> I think 1600 is the minimum. 2000-2100 seams reasonable considering the last two pumps but realistically speaking the exchanges will be crashing around then from all the trading so what you actually sell at is a mystery.

I don't see it going below 1k anymore (for more than a few minutes) so its a fairly good time to get in.